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Posts posted by Panzergraf

  1. Flooding: currently, once a compartment is fully flooded, it can't be further flooded. That's fine, and it makes sense.
    The problem is that once a ship has most of its compartments flooded, and reduced to less than 10% floatation, getting inflicting further flooding on the intact compartments becomes difficult, as the chance to hit an already flooded (saturated) compartment is much greater than the chance of hitting an intact one.
    Again, that makes some sense, but realistically the ship would then be so low in the water that hits on compartments normally above the waterline should cause flooding too.

    Might that be an idea to reduce survavability on smaller ships?

    Once a ship has been reduced to a certain % of floatation, hits to the next dech up should also potentially cause flooding.


    Example: the light cruiser is flooding heavily at the stern.
    Top: current game mechanics. She will go down eventually, being under heavy fire, but it's gonna take some time.
    Bottom: my suggestion, with the stern so low in the water, the already shredded compartments on the next deck up should be flooding too, and the ship would be sinking.

    To balance it out, make it slightly harder to inflict flooding in the first place.

    • Like 7
  2. 4 hours ago, Littorio said:

    No guys...he just literally kept the same campaign running for weeks on his computer lol

    I failed to consider that😅

    Still, it would be nice if the game supported multiple saves, so you could have several campaigns going, or load back to a previous month.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Andvarus said:

    try using Hard AI + Random AI, this really turned it up to 11 in 1920 for me. I never had any difficulties but with random AI the designs turned out to be totally random which cause me to get hello kittyed by unusual designs 

    That's how I've been playing. I guess the difficulty will somewhat depend on what the AI ends up designing for itself. Typically they will have one or two decent designs, and a few classes of barely floating trash barges.

  4. Maybe add a harder difficulty to the campaign? The AI is a bit of a pushover now, and even if I want to fight to the end they find some way to give up like having a revolution or something.

    Just letting them "cheat" a bit more by getting new ships for free now and then would be a quick fix, I think.

  5. The enemy (Brit) AI was rocking maxi bulkhead torpedoboats that could somehow fit 8 (EIGHT!) 4" guns as well as torpedoes in the last German 1900 campaign I played. Incredibly survivable and would mop the floor with any of my own TB, DD or even CL designs. My improved DD design to counter them never had time to enter service before the war ended. I could deal with them by kiting away with CA's, but it took a lot of time and a serious ammount of firepower to bring them down.
    And yes, these too would not sink from single torpedohits.

  6. Hello, I bought this game on Steam the other day, but I have some issues actually playing the battles.
    I can design ships in port just fine, but when I hit launch (so far only tried the Academy missions), the battle either fails to load or it loads but there is no ocean and no UI.
    With the UI gone, the only way to exit is to alt-tab and close the game.

    My PC is fairly new and quite powerful, so I don't think my specs are insufficient. I did try reducing graphics from Ultra to High, but it had no effect.

  7. I think implementing musket and swivel-gun fire could work if it was similar to how secondary and AA fire works in World of Warships. You don't aim or fire them yourself, you can only add primary targets or disable them completely. Then the AI does the shooting, effectively giving you an area of effect around you.
    Upgrades could be implemented to increase the range, accuracy and intensity of this "musket ball aura".

    • Like 2
  8. you won't be able to see enemy figurehead from distance - and when enemy is close you will be on deck firing or preparing for boarding. 

    so its going to be mostly for yourself.

    I think people making youtube videos and such would probably enjoy having an extra personal touch to their ships.

  9. The British 4th rate HMS Centurioun captured a Spanish Galleon as late as 1741, so they were still in use at that time.


    From the drawings and painting I've seen of the galleon from that incident, it looked toned down and more modern than the one Ghostrider posted.


    It was still a galleon though, and I think they would fit well in the open world game. Buying an old out dated galleon could be a good choice if a player wants to start a trading fleet and can't afford a more modern Indiaman.

  10. I voted for the USS Independence, because it would be nice to have something between the USS Constitution and the HMS Bellona.

    My second vote, if I had one, would go the Christian VII, to bridge the gap between the Bellona and Victory. Also, as a Norwegian I would personally be happy if the Danish-Norwegian navy was represented.
    Btw, a beautiful wooden model of Den Norske Løve (a Danish 74) at the local library was something that got me interested in ships of the era as a kid :)

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