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Posts posted by Panzergraf

  1. 54 minutes ago, Lima said:

    I would also like to be able to overthrow the government that is destroying my country. Let it cost 10,000 prestige, but this option is needed.

    Alternatively, as a more peaceful option, maybe ahead of every election the player can get an event where "Journalists ask you which party you will vote for in the upcoming election"
    Nationalist, Right, Center, Left, Communist
    And you will shift public opinion towards that option, by an ammount relative to your Naval Prestige, at the cost of some unrest.

    If the player 10k naval prestige, I would imagine he's a national hero, and respected and admired by the masses.
    If the player has very little naval prestige (new campaign or just poor performance), people wouldn't care that much.

    • Like 7
  2. Semi-oil, Full Oil 1, Oil 2, and Oil 3 are all researched in the Boilers tech tree branch. Exactly when you get them in the campaign will vary a bit depending on tech budget and priorities, but if you start in 1910 you will at least have Semi-oil.

  3. Speaking of logs; the log in the campaign screen could use some improvements.
    You currently can't scroll far enough down to read everything that happened each month.

    Maybe the log could be separated with different tabs? So one tab for research (Spain researched Radar 1, China researched 16" MkII), one for new ships (Britain laid down 1 BB of Warspite class), and one for politics (China provoked Japan, Germany and France declared war, etc.)

    There's a lot of info that scrolls past as a new turn is generated, but it goes by so quickly it's almost impossible to read it all, and it's then never available again.

    • Like 3
  4. On 11/2/2023 at 1:22 AM, o Barão said:

    For the country as a whole.

    I noticed something when editing a save file (I like giving the AI a tech boost at the start of a campaign), that I think is a new addition to the game (or maybe from NAR?)
    The different nations have different AI personalities, like default_ai, balanced_ai, ecole_ai, austria_ai, treasury_ai and many other types.

    (I assume the different personalities have different focuses on what to build. It would be interesting to know which AI personality causes the "I must have 300 submarines"-behaviour.)

    I assume when playing with Historical Opponents enabled while generating the campaign, Austria will have the austria_ai, Japan will have japan_ai, etc.

    But with the enemy set to random, all the AI personalities were indeed random. So for example some nations had balanced or default ai (what is the difference?), but for example Italy had austria_ai.

    So if you edited the japan_ai to solve the issue Munro had with Japan spamming subs, that might not have an effect if AI behaviour was set to random and Japan had a different AI personality than japan_ai.

    I set all my AI enemies to default_ai, it will be interesting to see when the campaign progresses if any of them start building hundreds of subs and nothing else.

    • Like 1
  5. How expensive are your ships though?
    Also note that your GDP is growing by +17% annually, which is great. Your budget will encrease noticably each month because of it (and as such your deficit should decrease).

    Have a good portion of your fleet in port and set to "Limited" until you're well in the green.

  6. 12 hours ago, o Barão said:

    Ijapan_ai,,"Tōgō Heihachirō, Tōgō Heihachirō, Tōgō Heihachirō, Shimamura Hayao, Yamamoto Isoroku, Yamamoto Isoroku",0.66,1,0.99,0.198,0.572,4,2.2,1.1,,,2.933333333,1.65,,2,"buildRatio(bc;1.2), buildRatio(bb;1.2), buildRatio(ca;1.2), buildRatio(dd;2), buildRatio(cl;2), buildRatio(tb;2), buildRatio(ss;1.5), TechMod(torpedo_size;3000), TechMod(torpedo_tubes;3000), TechMod(torpedo_prop;3000), TechMod(hull_construction;4000)",5.866666667,0.825,2.42,,,


    This above, is the ship building policy that I made for Japan.

    Not 100% sure how it works in game, but is that AI policy for Japan as a whole, or only for one of their Admirals (and it changes whenever he's fired)?

    Also, I have no idea if it's possible, but if you could somehow prevent the AI from always using all 3 of its research priorities, that would probably help it out a lot.

  7. I know NAR doesn't disable submarines, and instead aims to rebalance them, but does it somehow limit how many subs the AI will build?
    Because in vanilla, some times you see the AI build hundreds and hundreds of submarines and zero surface ships, which doesn't do them any good (nor is it fun to fight against) and it just ends up becoming yet another way for the AI to shoot itself in the foot.

  8. I did some highly scientific testing regarding fuel and range in Custom Battles:

    Common knowledge has been that Operational Range doesn't matter in Custom Battles, that it's purely a campaign thing. And for what it's worth, Operational Range and Fuel does seem to be working as intended in the Campaign, at least for the most part.

    However; the tooltips in the Ship Builder doesn't tell you ANYTHING about how Operational Range works in Custom Battles!

    How much fuel do you burn just "getting to the battle"?

    Can you run out of fuel during the battle?

    Personally, I believed that if you had the range slider set to minimum, there was an RNG mechanic or perhaps a bug that some times caused your ships to spawn in with Low Fuel. Let's put that to the test!

    In my first round of test I had 4 ships:

    1 BB, range slider maxed out, but still with a max range of only 5000km

    1 BC, range slider set to minimum, but with an operational range of a whopping 44,000km

    1 CA, control, maxed range slider, 90,000km range (expected: OK, not Low Fuel)

    1 CL, control, minimum range slider, 3000km range (expected: Low Fuel)

    In all 5 attempts:

    BB, Low Fuel

    BC, OK

    CA, OK

    CL, Low Fuel

    Conclusion: it is the actual Range in km that matters, not the position of the Range Slider. Results were very consistent, suggesting no bugs or RNG in play.


    Second round of tests:

    How many kilometers worth of range is needed to not start the battle with Low Fuel?

    Can you run out of fuel during the battle?

    Adjusting the range of the BB, it soon became clear that 6000km was the breaking point. Or 5800km to be more exact. Going into battle with an Operational Range of 5840km resulted in the BB running low on fuel during the battle after 5 minutes. With the range increased to 7000km, the fuel reserves lasted 1 hour in game before the ship ran low on fuel.

    Working hypothesis:

    A ship "burns" through 5800km worth of range just getting to the battle, and during the battle it "burns" 1000km every in game hour.


    Other potential factors:

    For my tests, year was set to 1942, and starting range was set to maximum. I'm not sure if the year matters. Do you "need" more range in later years than, for example, in 1890 where ships typically have very low operational range? Does speed increase fuel consumed before and during the battle? That will have to be tested further.

    Final Conclusion:

    I feel it's safe to conclude that Operational Range does matter in custom battles, and its effects are consistent enough that I don't think it's a bug, but an actual feature.

    What we really do need is a tooltip in the Ship Designer that tells us exactly what Range means in the context of Custom Battles!

    • Like 3
  9. No players absolutely get the +2900% bonus too, and this is not a new 1.4 patch thing, it was the case in 1.3.9 as well. Range found bonus will creap up to that number (which seems to be the hard capped maximum) after enough salvos. You get it much faster with lower caliber very fast firing guns, which is why mid/late game light cruisers with 5-6" guns and autoreloads are very very dangerous at the moment, as they get that bonus almost instantly.

    +300% (give or take) seems to be the indended range found bonus cap, as the bonus will some times get stuck at that number for a while, and the accuracy you get at that point seems a lot more realistic than the insane accuracy you get with +2900%



  10. On 10/6/2023 at 12:02 PM, killjoy1941 said:


    A question to both of you (and everyone else using shared designs, really) since I haven't had the time to extensively use shared designs... Did you build them with the maximum available tech at the time?

    No, not with max tech. But also with me editing the save file to give them more tech, they should have at least enough tech to build some of my designs. But they don't, other than at the very start of the campaing.

    The AI always using all three of its research priorities, and rarely on anything worthwhile, is an issue in and of itself, though. The AI would be much better off not using any priorities, not just for the purposes of shared designs, but also for building its own AI designs - after a few decades they usually lag way behind in the most important techs, like big guns, hulls, and radar.

    • Like 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Lima said:

    In general, shared designs have a problem in that the AI does't use them to create ships during the campaign. What I mean. I have experience (on the previous version) using a pack of more than 400 ships and only ships that were built at the start of the campaign, 1900 (that is, before the start of the campaign, with dates of construction 1896-1899) appeared in the campaign. During the campaign (1900-1950), the AI used only ships created by itself.

    I have the same experience with a 1910-1951 campaign. Despite having a lot of shared designs to choose from, for all years and for all nations, the only shared designs I actually saw them build were the 1908 dated ship designs they started with.  I even edited the save file at regular intervals to make sure the AI had enough tech to actually build the designs they had available to them, but they still didn't.

    It would be nice if the AI was more biased towards building Shared Designs rather than designing its own ships.

    • Like 1
  12. On 7/27/2023 at 11:00 PM, o Barão said:

    The answer and the solution.

    That's really clever! Will definitely do that for my next campaign.

    So, any advice on how to make the AI build shared designs later on in a campaign? For example, with a 1910 starting year, is there anything I could do to make the AI build my 1930, 35 and 40 designs when that time comes?

  13. It helps if you make ships that are from a couple of years before the campaign start. For my current German campaign, starting year 1910, I made a lot of shared designs too.
    The 1908 designs I made were built from the start, the 1910 designs were not.

    Since then, up until the current year (1946) the AI has not built any additional Shared Design ships, even though I have been periodically "feeding" them tech by editing the save file to make sure they weren't just lagging too far behind.

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