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Posts posted by Panzergraf

  1. Yes, you can wipe out nations through naval invasions and/or land based major offensives. Often the targeted nation will dissolve with one or two core provinces left, these will then become ungoverned territories. The dissolved nation can then come back later (in my campaign France came back after 1 year or so, China after 15+ years), but will then be really really weak.

    Once a nation dissolves, all over seas territories like islands and African colonies will become ungoverned territory, which you can't personally initiate naval invasions against. So it's a good idea to scoop up what you can before that happens.

    In the case of France, after they re-emerged, they only had Western France (which had been ungoverned, the rest was in German hands for years), and Germany promptly started land based major offensives against them. I myself (Japan) initiated a naval invasion hoping to get some territory out of this, but Germany was too fast and steam rolled them in only 4 months - never seen it done that quickly before.

    Why does it some times fail and some times go that fast? I don't know. I'm pretty sure army logistics has something to do with it, but then again I've failed with 100% logistics and overwhelming numbers VS Soviet Union and their tiny army and 7% logistics, so there's probably more to it.

    Short answer; yes you can completely remove a nation through invasions/major offensives, but I don't really know why it some times just doesn't work.

  2. 6 hours ago, SodaBit said:

    In my current campaign, Austria Hungary collapsed before 1900, it's currently 1932, and Slovenia IS STILL UNGOVERNED TERRITORY. From a realism perspective someone should have been able to establish a government in the region, with a large enough powerbase to fashion a Slovene nation out of it, rather than over 3 decades of absolute anarchy.

    Also, and actually especially so, when you are attacking another nation, by naval and/or land invasions, and they dissolve.
    Suddenly your attacks stop, and you can't start new attacks either.
    Wouldn't it make sense for your attacking armies to just roll in and assume control once the government and central command structure of the defenders dissolve? I would assume it would just make it easier.
    Or at least give you a chance to get the territories you were attacking - so for example if your land major offensive was 90% done when the enemy dissolved, you have a 90% chance of getting that territory. If the major offensive was stalled at 0%, you have a 0% chance.

    • Like 1
  3. 52 minutes ago, SodaBit said:

    Adding an "Other" or "Minor Powers" option to the politics screen, with a Naval Invasion button next to it would do just fine. Select it, and you get the usual drop down menu, where you can select a province to invade,

    I agree, but rather than having naval invasions be part of the politics tab through a drop down meny, I would like to see us be able to click on a province directly on the campaign map, and then select naval invasion.

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  4. 5 hours ago, __Arminius_ said:

    There is a very big need to reduce the bonus that the player gets when the war starts, in my campaign for France, being at war with Austria-Hungary for only 17 months, I collected 4 billion and money stopped being a problem, it also had a bad effect on research, because thanks to significant income, I already have access to modern cruisers in 1917, while my opponents still use ships of the dreadnought era.

    I think the biggest problem with the in-game economy is currently how cheap it is to build new ships, compared to paying upkeep for old ships. Which leaves the player few reasons other than sentimentality to keep older ships in service rather than always building the newest and greatest. Repairing and refitting also does not cost that much more than simple maintenance.
    Refitting in particular is so cheap, and often only takes 1 month (even replacing ALL the armor on a battleship, upgrading the guns, engine, etc... 1 month) so a player can always keep his ships up to date.
    In my opinion, building and repairing ships should cost more, refitting ships should also cost quite a bit more and take longer.

    Technologically, the research priorities also give the player huge advantages over the AI. I think the bonus to research speed should be reduced, while the penalties to research speed for other techs not prioritized should remain the same.

    • Like 3
  5. 13 minutes ago, kineuhansen said:

    i just wish we could click on those regions and we could get and option to say this region need a shipyard and then we could upgrade that ship yard to level 5 depend on how big the region is and that would help build ship faster

    Or click on an enemy region to select it for a naval invasion, rather than doing it through the politics tab. Should also show the estimated tonnage needed before actually committing to starting one.

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  6. If a wrap-around map is not possible, would it be possible to have different maps based on player nation?
    So if you play a European nation, the map looks like what it does now, with a split down the pacific ocean.
    If you play as Japan or China, east Asia is in the center and the split is somewhere in the Atlantic.
    If you play as USA, the Americas are in the center and the split is in the Indian Ocean or something.

    Basically, if the map has to be split somewhere, make it as unintrusive for the player as possible.
    The map split along the Pacific really is a hassle if you're playing as Japan currently, even if "functionally" you can travel accross it.

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  7. I had the same thing happen to me when France reemerged, which threw me into an alliance with everyone else.
    Including USA, which I had just launched multiple naval invasions against (as Japan).

    Now Germany (now also my ally) has taken all of France by way of land battles so they should hopefully never reemerge again, so my next enemy should be someone with an actual navy.

    You should keep that older save file and hope the next patch fixes the absolute mess that is forced alliances (with enemies!)

  8. That light cruiser hull is limited to only 9900 tons. Even if you have researched a larger CL size, you don't have access to a larger hull.
    Different nations get different hulls, but the tech research is the same.

    I think Britain might get access to more light cruiser hulls in future updates. The US Atlanta (and Cleveland?) hull has been announced to come soon, and this would fit well as a modern light cruiser II hull for the British, I think.

  9. It would also be nice if we could select task force limit sizes when starting a new campaign.

    So for example:
    Low: 50% of the current task force crew capacity (so each task force size tech would give half the crew capacity it currently does), for people with low end PC's
    Standard: Current capacity
    High: Each task force tech gives +50% crew capacity compared to standard
    Very High: Each task force tech gives +100% crew capacity (for people with monster PC's who like huge battles)

    • Like 2
  10. Unwanted alliances through the "common enemy" thing at the start of a turn is still ruining things. Especially when an enemy suddenly becomes an ally while you have several naval invasions going on against them.

    These things really need to be subject to player control. Even if it might be ahistorical or "game-y" to let an admiral make geopolitical decisions like that, it is still a game and this is a major cause of frustration.

    (And there's certainly nothing realistic about how things work right now)

    • Like 2
  11. Mothballed ships are often un-mothballing themselves (did send a bug report about this)

    It's a bit annoying, as I'm kind of sentimental and attached to some of my ships - I like preserving obsolete ships, at least one of each class, mothballed in a designated museum port. Enemy ships gotten from War Reparations too.
    It's happened a few times now that my museum ships have commissioned themselves and entered battle.

  12. Diplomacy updates at the start of the turn are going haywire and make no sense.

    I'm playing as Japan. A few years ago I was allied with both Italy and France, whom went to war with one another. I declined joining the war, which caused some kind of cascading effect where now everyone is at war with everyone. France and Britain are still allied (but also at war with everyone else), but that's the only alliance left standing.

    So the political updates at the start of the turn will look something like: Japan and Soviet Union are now at war. Then the next popup (same turn) will read: Japan and Soviet Union are now allies because of common enemies.
    Once I've clicked through all the popups (and played the unskippable battles) I check the Politics tab and confirm that I am in fact not allies with the Soviet Union - I'm still at war with them just like I am with every other nation.

    And I get multiple such popups that contradict each other every turn. It's a bit weird.

    What's the best course of action when you get a battle royale total war situation like that, where everyone is at war with everyone? Just utterly crush one or two nations so they dissolve, hopefully untangling the war and causing at least some nations to sue for peace?

    At least they're not all ganging up on just me, so I'm not really under a lot of pressure.

    • Like 3
  13. 1910, because in my experience the AI really can't handle the pre-dread to dreadnaught transition. With the 1910 starting date you start on a more equal footing in terms of BB/BC's, though the AI typically still lags behind a bit when it comes to cruisers.

    I also like the idea of my early 1910's BB/BC's serving on into the 20's and 30's with refits. It adds a bit of narrative to the campaign, IMHO.

  14. Giving the game multi-core support should be near the top of the list of things, in my opinion. It's a pretty big thing, but important. I think most of us have PC's with multi-core CPU and GPU, and the game frankly just runs worse than it should currently. Battles are mostly fine, but for some reason I get a lot of lag in the campaign map?

    Minor issues:
    1: Map doesn't scroll all the way around. I get that functionally you can send ships from the eastern pacific (west on the map) to the western pacific (east on the map), but it's still a big annoyance to scroll aaaall the way to the other side of the map every time you move ships around in the pacific. Especially when playing as Japan or USA.

    2: Let us refit ships while they are being repaired. Historically this was when a lot of ships went through refits. Just add the months to the repair time. It's a big annoyance when you have a ship you want to refit, but the moment it's repaired it is dragged into some random battle, takes a scratch to its paintjob, and has to be repaired for another month before it can be refit.

    3: Make repairs optional. Battleship Nagato takes two hits from 5 inch guns, scorching the paint. 99.99% health remaining. I don't need it to sit in port for a month to fix it - it can wait. Especially annoying if your shipbuilding capacity is already stretched to the max.
    Autorepair could be an option for those who want it, like a box you can tick in the Fleet roster - similar to Add Crew.

    4: Let us minimize or close all windows in the campaign. In my current Japanese campaign, I went to see if I could start a naval invasion of German New Guinea. I could not, but I could start an invasion of Kiautschou Bay - which I was already invading (3/6 months). I could not click the window away any other way than selecting to invade Kiautschou Bay. I did, and it started another invasion on top of the one already underway (1/6 months) - while hiding the original invasion!
    (this also had the effect of doubling the number of German troops in the region...)

    Minimizing a peace treaty window to look around at the map and see where available war reparations regions are would also be nice. I'm pretty good at geography, but I don't know where every single pacific or caribean island is, lol

    Just adding close (X) and minimize (-) buttons should not be too hard, I think.

    5: Weather effects. I see this is planned already, and I like the sound of that. Very rough seas should also limit the speeds at which smaller ships can travel, I think.

    6: Make it possible to directly attack enemy fleets on the campaign map, kind of like in the Total War games. I'm not saying UAD should become a TW clone, but the TW games just do a lot of stuff right when it comes to mixing turn based campaign map gameplay with real time battle gameplay, so it's a convenient referance point.
    Such attempts at direct engagement could come with a miss-chance, like the enemy fleet might be able to slink away unseen (i.e. like the Germans after Jutland). Technology like Radar and spotting planes might lessen this chance. Essentially it would be the enemy clicking "withdraw" instead of "fight". The player would have the option to try and withdraw too, of course, should the enemy directly attack.

    Some random battles would be fine too, but I think relying less on random encounters would make things like operational range and formation speed (i.e. speed of the slowest ship) matter more than it currently does.

    7: "Enemy smoke spotted" should include more information. Like approximate range. If there are mutliple groups of enemy ships, I would like to know. Like transports and escorts. Some times I get past the escorting ships, but get no information regarding the smoke from the transports. "Enemy smoke spotted south" would be for example the CL I just passed and evaded, and the enemy transport ships could be somewhere to my north - or maybe east or west. But no information is given.
    This makes hunting transports before you have RDF or Radar researched a real pain in the neck.
    In this case I would like to be told "Enemy smoke spotted south. Enemy smoke spotted north" - I would then know which smoke trail to chase to find the transports.

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  15. Towards the end of my last campaign, every enemy ship I faced was named things like BB BB127 and CA CA186, and they were all of the <class> class. It becomes hard to differentiate different classes of ships if they're all, from DD to BB, of the <class> class!

    Yes, I know there are only a limited number of names in the game, but they could surely be re-used?
    So let's say the German AI builds a new battleship. They had a ship named Tirpitz ten years ago, but it sank. So the game runs a quick survey of currently afloat German battlehips. Is Tirpitz one of them? If =no then the name is available for a new ship.

    In addition to making it easier to tell different ships apart in game, it adds quite a bit of immersion as well. It's cooler to fight ships with actual names than ships identified by random numbers.

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