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Posts posted by Panzergraf

  1. 5 hours ago, Gregg said:

    How do you rebuild (upgrade) existing ships?

    Finally, it would be nice to be able to sell old ships to your minor nation allies. This was historically done, so why not here?

    Refit: Click "View" on one of your ship designs in the Ship Design tab, along the top of the screen is a Wrench-like icon. Click it, you are now designing a refit-design. Once done, save it. Back into your Ship Design-tab, you now have a refit available, click it and select which ships of that class you want to have refit. Only ships that are in port and not being repaired can be refit. I hope that made sense.

    Selling old ships: You can do that. Mothball the old ships you want to sell (mothball = move the Crew slider to 0 in the fleet tab), and next turn one of your allies might offer to buy it. The price they offer to pay is usually around half of the original value. Some times more, some times less.

    • Like 1
  2. Crew pool is how many crew they have to spare, not in ships. So with that many ships in service it makes sense for them to not have that many left over.

    It does mean they will have problems crewing any new ships they build though, and if they have that many in service it typically also means they're not scrapping much and a large part of their navy is horribly outdated. Which is a problem.

    Doing them a "favor" by sinking a lot of ships in battle (not hard, especially if their ships are old and outdated) does help though.

  3. 45 minutes ago, Oxygenes said:

    You can consider to allow friendly fire, it is normal thing. Then player will be able switch target, when has 2 or more ships and enemy just one, if targeting problem will occur.

    Or just make it possible to attack ground (or in this case water)?
    That could also be used to "blind fire" at smoke screens though.

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    Aim progress will surely reset at some point, depending on circumstances and surely it can get aimed status back, again depending on circumstances.

    Here's an example of a battle recorded just now, in the most recent version of the game (no mods). I clipped it out of a video I was recording for my youtube channel.
    The bug we are talking about appears a few times.
    Early on in the battle, CA Lutzow has the target lock bug (or ladder aiming bug, if you prefer that term), but it is quickly resolved by it selecting another target.
    Later on, with only one enemy ship remaining (and thus no other targets to select), both CA Lutzow and Mecklenburg suffer target locking. For Lutzow it goes away, for Mecklenburg it remains to the end even if it was sailing slower than Lutzow and closer to the target.

    Secondary weapons seem unaffected.

    To me this does seem like a bug, and not the way aiming is intended to work. I get why some maneuvers and speeds will make aiming slower and accuracy worse, but what we're talking about is aiming not progressing at all.
    The fact that briefly selecting a different target makes the aiming progress as it should also points to this. If it was working as intended, staying aimed at one single target constantly would result in faster aiming, but that's not the case.

    And I also want to add that as long as this bug does not appear, the aiming system does work fine.
    And I also appreciate your hard work and how quickly you released the repair hotfixes for campaing map movement. :)

    • Like 3
  5. 5 minutes ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    I can only talk about the latest version of the game, unmodded.

    If you can somehow play an older version now, on Steam, then you need to upgrade your game to the latest supported version.

    That is an older video posted as an example, but the bug is the same in the latest version of the game (1.3.7r, unmodded).

  6. 7 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    Players must try to get parallel to the other ship to improve their aiming. Fast forwarding and going head on to the enemy does not help the aiming process. If a ship loses aim it is not a bug, it is expected and players must do something to correct it. Decrease speed, try to fire all main guns in parallel to the enemy, correct the design which seems to not aim well? Etc.

    Previously the aim did not reset at all, so this was a bug, that players exploited with manual aiming, without knowing.


    The target lock bug we're talking about is when the aim progress suddenly goes down to -100% (or some other negative number) and stays there, regardless of speed, course and heading. This will often happen after initially having completed the Aiming progress.

    I'm aware that (normal) accuracy and aim progress goes down with maneuvering and at higher speeds, and that is as it should be. But that's not what we're talking about here.

    Here's an example of me encountering the bug, battle starts at timestamp 50:45
    Granted, this was in patch 1.3.4, but the targetting bug is the same, and it's the best example I have on video.

    -Accuracy starts off as normal
    -Aiming progress then suddenly goes from Aimed to Aiming Progress -73% (while sailing in a straght line at cruising speed) at 52:07
    -I do some wild maneuvering trying to make it reset, but it doesn't work.
    -Switch to HE to not waste AP while not having any accuracy
    -Accuracy back to normal at 54:15
    -Aiming progress down to -71% again at 56:24 (happened while I was inspecting enemy ship)

    -Then back to normal again at 1:00:12


    As Munro said, if you're in a battle with multiple enemy ships, you can reset this by selecting another target, and then going back to targeting the first ship.

    Seeing as switching from one target to another, and then back again, is a quicker way of regaining the Aimed bonus than just staying on one target, this very much seems to be a bug.

    • Like 3
  7. 59 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    Yeah, but why is intentional is the point. If I was under blockade, ok makes sense but in that case the ship should be added to my navy, right? Unless I am wrong, the moment the player get that message, the ship will vanish. Your allied will not get the ship. You will not get the ship and also will not get the money. So, is a lose-lose situation?

    Not to mention it would take months or years to actually finish the ship, and there might not be any enemies preventing delivery by that time.

    Also I get this error some times when trying to sell old mothballed ships, during peace time.

  8. 3: Someone gave me a great tip here - just write down the names of the regions you want on a wishlist, I just wrote it on an old electrical bill (I did pay it first).
    Although I did end up getting 15 territories out of one single peace treaty once, which was far more than I had written down...

    6: Yeah, some times they just start attacking against bad odds, which sapps army logistics (at least it seems that way) and ruin the progress you're making where you want to make progress... Other times they sit idly by next to an enemy territory, despite outnumbering the enemy forces 10-1

    6a: There are some techs that improve the effectiveness of shore bombardments though, which help with naval invasions at least.

    7: Yes, at least minor nations that are allied with enemy major nations - technically they're also enemies.

  9. 2 hours ago, Grandpa Canuck said:

    The game needs an option to move damaged ships to major ports and not just keep piling ships into tiny ports.

    The game also needs an option to have ships never   return to port unless specifically ordered to by the player.

    I (Germany) just had a rather large task force return home from the Med automatically after dealing with a single Spanish light cruiser. My ships took no damage. Zero. Not even a hit that scratched the paint. As a result I had zero ships in the Med, and lost a bunch of transports there the next turn.

    It's kind of annoying when it happens.

    Also, imagine how much cooler it would be to have a force of damaged ships returning manually, maybe escorted by undamaged ships, trying to get home for repairs without being engaged and sunk by enemy ships? Narratively it would add a lot, I think.

    • Like 2
  10. 5 hours ago, JaM said:

    Some more feedback - Visibility conditions, weather, etc - right now, battles are quite often quite frustrating experience when player is unable to locate the enemy. 

    From game perspective - battles should always initiate with enemy in sighting distance of one of the player's ships

    No, that sounds disastrous. Especially as spotting distances up until the midt 1910's are very short when paired with poor weather/night. You would have enemy DD/CL's basically spawning right next to your task force with no time or room to maneuver.

    I would like the Overcast weather graphics to be reduced a bit though. It's still hard to see your own ships and where they are heading when not zoomed all the way in. The green line indicating course is also obscured, which is quite annoying.

    • Like 1
  11. 8 hours ago, Latur Husky said:

    1. Ability to construct refit designs.

    3. Ability to sell some of our active ships to other nations rather than only srapping them.

    1. I agree, I know you can copy refit designs and build those, but it's an unnessescary extra step for something you'd think would be easy to implement.

    3. Currently that works by mothballing a ship, but as long as you have the Add Crew option enabled, you can't really mothball anything as crew gets automatically added back. So this needs to be looked into, I think.

  12. 14 minutes ago, applegrcoug said:

    To tack on, what is the point of anything but DDs other than for tonnage for invasions.  I have been in a perpetual war...like a 10 year one.  I almost never get a mission where I get to use my BBs.  I mean it is like one BB mission per year.  CAs do seem to pop one every turn or two.  Then there are the DDs with like five each turn.

    Are your battleships in range of where there would be fighting? I get multiple BB/BC fights per turn, playing as Germany and being at war with Britain.

  13. 35 minutes ago, __Arminius_ said:

    It might also be a good idea to reduce the bonuses to the navy budget that the AI gets during war, in order to limit shipbuilding capability.

    You basically choose that yourself when selecting difficulty.
    Higher difficulty setting = more money for the AI.

    But I'd also like to see more options there when generating a campaign.
    So while difficulty regulates how much money the AI gets relative to the player, a separate funds setting could regulate how much money everyone gets.
    So selecting Low Funds would multiply everyone's GDP by 0.5 (half), Normal Funds is the regular we have now, High Funds multiplied GDP by 1.5, and Legendary Funds multiplies everyone's GDP by 2.
    So Legendary Funds + Legendary Difficulty would result in absolutely huge AI navies, while Low Funds and Easy would make things more manageable for newer players.

    So there's something for those who would want smaller navies and fewer ships overall, and something for those who would want giant navies and more big battles with potentially a hundred ships per side (task force sizes could also be adjusted), and something in between.

    I do kind of miss the huge 100+ ship battles we had prior to task force limits being introduced some times, but I realize not everyone wants that or even has a PC that can run that.

    • Like 1
  14. Some of my shared designs have seemingly edited themselves (?) by changing displacement, which shrinks the hull down so guns no longer fit.


    Both of these ships as originally designed and saved were one hull size larger.

    However, when the AI builds them in the campaign, they look right, so I'm wondering if this is just an issue with how the ships are displayed in the shipyard.


    At least the Aurora class CA looks and works correctly, I have not yet encountered any of the other faulty shared design ships in the campaign. This issue does not affect all ships I designed, just some of them.

  15. Currently, playing a campaign where the AI uses shared design ships, the AI will often do such a poor job refitting those ships that they might as well have been AI designs in the first place.
    The AI will replace Krupp III armor with Harvey armor, and replace a well layed out uniform main battery on a dreadnought with a mixed battery with terrible angles.

    Suggestion to limit what the AI is allowed to do when refitting shared design ships:
    When refitting a shared design ship, the AI should only be allowed to replace technology with newer technology, so they can upgrade from Krupp II to Krupp III, but not downgrade to Krupp I or Harvey.
    Similarly with other modules, so they can go from Coincidence III to Coinc. IV, but not down to Coinc. I or II.
    The AI should not be allowed to remove, replace, or move any turrets.
    If the refit includes going from Mk. IV to Mk. V turrets, and the new turrets no longer fit, the AI should not refit the ship.

    The AI could still be free to refit its own designs however they see fit (though restricting it from downgrading tech might be a good idea), but there should be some hard limits in place regarding what the AI can do to shared design ships.

    • Like 2
  16. 4 hours ago, ozzy.88 said:

    Similar issue here: the game automatically converts .json save file to .bin, but when i click on 'continue campaing' it just DELETES the save file (!) and shows me empty slots...

    And just like Panzergraf said, new saves are unaffected.

    Apparently the save file converter is only there to convert new .bin saves to the old .json format for players who like to edit their saves, and then convert them back to .bin

    Old campaign saves are forever dead it seems.

  17. I converted my old campaign save (not even 8 hours old...), and I can see it saved as save_0.bin in the save folder, but when I try to load campaign it can't find the file.
    After trying to load, the save file is gone (I still have a backup though).
    I tried starting a new campaign, saved in slot 3 as save_2.bin, and it shows up in the save folder and can be loaded just fine.

    • Like 1
  18. So I've noticed recently that when I take land through major offensives (an army matter out of my control), my unrest goes up.
    Is that intentional? I haven't noticed it before. I know we get +15 unrest whenever a naval invasion fails, but why unrest when a major offensive succeeds?
    It's very consistent, so I don't think there's anything else that is causing it. +15 whenever my army grabs some land - meanwhile the nation I take the land from gets no added unrest level.

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