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Posts posted by marecek05

  1. I never tried poffertjes as I am not that much for sweet food. That is also why I haven't discussed the desserts, as I haven't really tried that many of them. Might try them next time I get to Netherlands.


    In regards to the Netherlands as a whole, I think that it is sad that tourists, especially younger, tend to view it thorugh the lens of weed and whores. All the while it is really beautiful and quite calm (due to all the Dutch hurrying to meet their agenda book appointments and preplanned leisure).


    Btw, I might be going for a week to Utrecht in November. As I have seen most of Holland proper, do you have tips for east and north netherlands? I have heard that Groningen is quite nice.

  2. Entanglement existed in the early version of the game - ships were stuck until the end of the battle.

    It was fun for the winner + creates unrealistic disentanglement. It is impossible to unstuck ships without some clowney ship jumping ruining the visuals (thats how physx works).


    In addition to that having so many extra physical colliders (50 bowsprits, and 150 shrouds) will force us to reduce the number of ships per battle. It will only be possible in 3-5 years once Moore's law does its thing a couple of times more. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore%27s_law)


    + We see a double standard here.

    First you guys request that repeat boarding should not happen, then you support proper realistic entanglement for boarding that creates guaranteed repeat boarding. 


    The technical impossibility is definitely an argument here. In regards to the double standard, in my "I hate boarding post", I proposed both as applicable, in order to chose the better. Not both at once...

  3. Gentlemen!


    As the discussion in regards to French underwater cavalry was driven off topic, I have decided to create a topic regarding dutch food and my view of it as an outsider, who lived in Netherlands for a year during a school. It will be presented chronologically, however for dramatic tension, spring will contain stuff that actually happened in the autumn:


    1. Arrival. I was being told about and presented wonderful Dutch traditional foods such as hutspot and stamppot. This made me think, why the Dutch, having monopoly on spices, never thought of using any of them. Also the circumstances of invention of these two became something of a joke.

    Late 16th century

    Jan: Anke, lets go build a dam!

    Anke: But, we need to cook something or we will have nothing to eat when we come back!

    Jan: Lets put these potatoes, potatoes, carrots, onions and let it boil for 8 hours. It will be delicisious!


    2. Welcome drink. Getting drunk with Dutch people, it is unavoidable that someone orders bitterballen. You dip them into mustard try them and they are delicious. More drunk you are, more delicisous are they. On your way home you are presented with a Kroket, which is Bitterballen's larger brother. But it being larger, it starts to make you think about what is inside. That is a mistake.


    3. Sightseeing. You go sightseeing around Netherlands. It is very nice. You get to try a lot of cheese. It mostly the same cheese, but it is good though. Then you go to seaside (Den Haag in my case). You try Nieuwe harring. Raw fish, manly you think. But Dutch are civilized, they dip it in raw onions to make it better. It is okay for humans, great for seagulls, therefore they steal your fish.


    4. School lunch. You grab cafeteria lunch and then watch your teachers, professors, adult people of standing and gravity put chocolate sprinkles on their bread for lunch.


    5. Drinking after sightseeing. On your way home you grab kopsalon - the greatest form of kebab.


    6. November - After an hour long ride on your bike in a snowstorm and/or freezing rain (in november in Netherlands it didn't really rain. Due to strong wind, it was more like a super cold mist), you decide to grab a Snert (hearty peasoup with bacon). It is exactly what you need for that kind of weather.


    7. After being drunk from Jenever, you decide to grab some food. You get french fries with peanut sauce. Surprisingly good, like really good. You dare to try more peanut stuff.


    8. Netherlands had colonies. Indonesian - yum! Surinamese - yum!


    Honorable mentions:


    Pannekoek - pancake with bacon baked into it - yum!

    Stroopwaffeln - hands down best tea desert!

    Kibbeling - incredibly meh...


    Closing comments:

    I really like Dutch people, I find them overall very nice (some of the nicest I met in Europe) people, with their little quirks (being congratulated that you know someone who has a birthday, copious amounts of hair gel used) and food that they market really badly, with promoting the traditional tasteless mashed dishes.

    • Like 6
  4. I mean: classes like in potbs i was pretty sure  we not get any classes in NA and you will be able do whatever you want as a captain of your ship


    The way to implement this without hurting the sandbox and actually providing more freedom (especially for players that want to lone wolf):


    You have an option for your character to enlist. If you do, limitations apply to you. If you don't you don't enjoy free ships.

    If you don't enlist you can do trading, crafting and fighting pirates. If you want to fight other ships than pirates, you pay for letter of marque. If you don't want to pay anything and pay everything you are a pirate.


    There wouldn't be classes as such apart from naval officer and even that should be quittable.


    In regards to the ship classes. Although not realistic, all players should be able to craft any ship, although it should be extremely difficult for first rates...

  5. As exciting as I am about this proposal, I have one little reservation.


    Although I really cannot see the harm by implementing this, it should be done only, when the structure of national government within the game is designed.


    Implementing missions, it must be first determined, how will the orders for naval be assigned. Will it be AI, devs, council of players governing the nation? Will it be combination of all with council selecting general area and type, with AI selecting specific missions from pool created by devs?


    But overall, I am very happy with the proposal.

  6. I just came.


    I have been clamouring for this since I learned about OW.


    Any class outside the naval carrier should not have much restrictions, only consquences I think.


    As privateer you can do crafting, you just have to earn enough to pay for your monthly letter of marque. If you don't want to pay for it just craft, you can, but you can only fight pirates. If you want to do all the hell you want and don't want to pay for anything go for a pirate. If you like a more structured gameplay and don't want to worry about eco aspects of the game, like crafting and trading go naval. I totally LOVE it.


    It's actually more freedom.



  7. Why are all you gents flying the Dutch Flag sideways?


    In order for our hussar regiments to capture Dutch ships more easily.



    Or maybe it's just a form of protest so we don't have to eat raw herrings and stamppot and hutspot and stuff. This always worried me. Netherlands basically had monopoly on spices, but never thought of actually using any of them for your food...


    But bitterballen and snert are good. :wub:

    • Like 3
  8. Not only the ships.


    France was the only power that was able to consistently rise to the challenge Royal Navy presented at the time period. Although more battles were lost then won, I consider it extremely commendable that France never gave up and always kept RN on their toes.


    Also some very nice sea shanties are French/Breton like the most famous ones:





  9. Although I am a PVPer through and through, I can see this solution as much less harmful then split servers for PVPers and PVEers. I don't like the idea of invisible pulling. It would be too distracting.


    Also flagging from PVE to PVP enabled should be instant, while flagging from PVP to PVE should function as teleport. You have to be stationary for some time, to avoid using it to escape combat situations.


    But MUCH better solution than split servers...

  10. Biggest galeons were able to challenge frigates of the 18th century. Some of the biggest spain and portugese galeons had around 20 cannons per side, and even sometimes more (spanish armada was coming back to Europe with gold, and with very impressive vessels...)  I don't see why it couldn't match witht the current gameplay. 



    Not really. Maximum Galleon speed would be 8 knots. Maximum late 18 century frigate speed would be around 14 knots, which is almost twice as fast. Armament on the galleon would be less effective than on the frigate (lower range, lower penetration and lower accuracy due to smaller guns, smaller charge with the same ball weight). Manoeuvrability would be terrible for galleon and it would carry only about 200 men. 


    At the game period, Galleons belonged to the museums, just as much as HMS Trincomalee belongs to the museum today (same time difference). However, if you want to support devs, pay for a bad ship and sail around Caribbean in a museum, because you like it, I am all for that.


    However, if you start wanting the thing to be able to beat other ships in 1v1, then that will be a problem for me....

    • Like 2
  11. Although I am not as knowledgable as others on these forums, I dare to present some of my observations:


    1. Everyone is insistent on firing full broadside, while in case you need to fight both sides, you could just man every other gun, or even only some of the gundecks. Lets say a 74 has a 750 men, and 12 men per gun on average, with 100 men to operate sails and 75 marines not operating the guns. That leaves 575 men to fight the guns, which is 48 guns. However if I chose to man only 2 out of 3 guns per side, I can fight on both sides. Which still leaves me with plenty of firepower at close range on both sides. This also seems evidenced by the painting as ships seem to be firing randomly as the guns are loaded (which also makes sense in melee).


    2. In case there is an urgent need, I would think that guns could have been operated by fewer men (due to causalities being unavoidable), therefore If you chose to man every gun, you could fight them all, however with only 8 men per gun. I believe that would be extremely tiresome, their reload time would fall to crap after first couple of shots, the guns would be sooner made unoperable, but you would be able to fire both sides.


    If this to be incorporated ingame, it would have to be through management presets: you would chose in ports, which guns you want to man with how many men and save it as a preset. Then switch presets during the battle as you switch crew focus. For example:


    1. Long range engagement in battle: you use preset 1, which is fully manning 1 broadside, with extra men replacing losses on the side, thus never getting an undercrew penalty (which should be more severe)

    2. You close in to melee with another ships of similar size, but only plan to pass them briefly: you use preset 2 which is manning all the guns, but suffering undercrew penalty

    3. You decide to continue to melee with other ships: you use preset 3, which is manning fully 2/3 of your guns, without any undercrew penalties (also gun loss penalties would be mitigated until the loss reaches the number of manned guns).

    4. You decide that you don't have enough punch: preset 4, you man only lower and upper gundecks.


    We already have something similiar, the thing is that the game crew penalites don't count per gun, but per all guns on the ship (as far as I know)....

    Crew of guns should be also handled in a way that incorporates exponential penalties, e.g.:


    36-pounder needs 14 men to fire every 60 seconds

    with 12 men, it will fire every 60 seconds for 2 shots, then every 90 seconds for 2 shots, then every 120 seconds

    with 10 men, it will fire every 60 seconds for 2 shots, then every 120 seconds for 2 shots, then every 180 seconds

    with 8 men, it will fire every 60 seconds for 2 shots, then every 180 seconds for 2 shots, then every 300 seconds

    with 6 men, it is inoperable. The gun counts as disabled, men are transfered to another guns....

  12. Bucentaure is longer and afaik a bit beefier in general - and has 12pdrs instead of the 9s. I think all 80ish gun ship should get chasers. I'm a noob and in my lubberly brain I think it would have been possible to rearrange the guns on the forecastle on these vessels .


    It should also have 42-lbs guns (36-livre guns ~ 40lbs round) instead of 32 pounders. However due to having similiar crew size, Buc's crew would tire faster. I wish the higher alpha damage, but dpm fall overtime (first couple of reloads of 42 and 32 would be similar speedwise) would be modeled....

  13. Hang on, Wikipedia says Formidable was a Tonnant-class, so why does that painting apparently portray her as a 3- or maybe even 4-decker?



    Also, HMS Caesar is interesting: I guess I wasn't aware until the other day that the British had built a couple of their own 80-gun two-deckers. It'd be interesting to see how she'd compare to St. Paul and Bucentaure in-game. 


    The guy that painted the picture specialized in horse portraits... so maybe an honest mistake, or an attempt to inflate the British victory...

  14. I have to echo what has been said before: being a great military leader requires just as much charisma as actual military genius/talent. I think that's captured in the Aubrey-Maturin series particularly - the quote about his zeal for king and country keeping him warm may not be historically accurate (or is it? I don't know enough about it) but it does highlight just what it was that made him such a true British hero. He inspired the men around him in a way that I don't think many (if any) of Nelson's contemporary naval commanders could, all the while displaying an aptitude for military tactics.



    Certainly. Nelson is as much best admiral as Napoleon is the best general.

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