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Posts posted by marecek05

  1. I completely agree with Mitchverr especially on his points regarding the patches and the community representative.


    I know it you might consider it a distraction, but it will become necessity very soon. The game is enjoying an influx of active players (around 100 players on christmas, while yesterday there were over 350 players), which is good for the game development, but will necessarily lead to issues like yesterday's exploits and with time maybe even worse meltdowns.

    After the introduction of the open world, I am sure the game will explode (at least for some time) due to the quality of the product itself, although being in alpha. If you want to keep community active (as is now), it will be very hard to do.


    Please don't take this the wrong way, I think you are doing a good job and I admire your determination to reply to almost every suggestion, although in the long run, it will not be feasible to sustain. 


    Your game is going to be big, better to prepare sooner then later. In Slovak there is a saying that could be helpful, which when translated says: "Don't let it grow over your head".

  2. Thank you Mr. Doran. Great work. The breaking down the meta into four basic position was very scientific I feel.


    With regards to open world especially, I disagree with the last paragraph. In battle arena it could be a good start for battle but should not go indefinitly. In open world I view it as a completely valid tactic. If you are forced to duel in a leeward position, you should try to damage your pursuer at a distance and run to try to gain better position at some other time.

  3. Now this is a bit puzzling to me. When I found about a game in mid december, it took me probably 2 hours to find out what the game is about, then about a day of trying to hold on and not purchasing the game, then purchasing the game on wednesday, then watching videos on thursday and cancelling my program for friday. By monday it was the best spent 40 usd on a video game in 2014 tied with wargame red dragon for me.

  4. Ok. I understand you presonal position, I also cannot play the most popular nation.


    In regards to history, sure the french supported Jacobite uprisings, but that was more from a destabilizing the enemy point of view then helping scots getting a catholic king.


    Anyways, I wish you luck with your group. I will be watching it from time to time and maybe ask to join :-).

  5. So, I have to chose between merchant and a ship that was so badly designed that it had to be half-destroyed to make it useful made famous by a TV (and book) series, where it was represented by a 20 gun thing built in 1996 in Turkey.


    And then there is a ship that was actually good and interesting.


    Rattlesnake all the way (since Tem is out of the fight)...

  6. Just a question though (do not take this wrongly please).

    Why Scotland? For the majority of preferred game period (1690 - 1815) it was integral part of Great Britain through the acts of union of 1707, while being a personal union with England much earlier. Wouldn't it make more sense to just go straight France? Also the Bourbon flag would be probably more suitable for the game period.


    Once again, please do not take this wrongly. I mean no disrespect. I am myself looking for a possible French fleet (just love the french ships) to join and I am Interested in your group, however I am a bit confused.

  7. Allies names should be visible. Often you need to give orders to a specific ship, therefore having no names whatsoever would make it very confusing. In case of enemy ships, having a red bar or no name is great, however the most I would like to have a small flag on top of one of the masts with your name.


    Therefore if you are careful, you should be able to identify specific targets, however it would require you looking through spyglass on a small writing, which in the heat of the battle would be difficult.....

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