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Posts posted by marecek05

  1. Cher Capitaines!


    On 11th July 1787, French frigate L'Imperieuse was launched in Toulon. She belonged to the Minerve (Junon) class of frigates designed by Joseph-Marie-Blaise Coulomb. She featured rounder hull than was the French standard (especially compared to straight lines produced by Sané), and as such was not as much favoured by the contemporary French captains.


    As a fifth rate, she mounted 26 French 18-pounders and 10 French 8-pounders and had a complement of 325 men.


    She ended up captured by HMS Captain in October 1783 and entered Royal Navy as HMS Imperieuse. In British service she carried one more pair of 18 pounder guns and carronades and 6 pounders instead 8 pounders. She was later renamed HMS Unite and continued in British service until being broken up in 1852.




    HMS Imperieuse (in the foreground) in the Battle of the Basque Road by Thomas Whitcombe.

  2. Cher Capitaines,


    209 years ago was a sad day for France.


    After a successful campaign against British shipping, especially The honourable east india company, the French privateer 32 gun frigate La Bellone under the command of capitaine Jacques Francois Perroud, which included among others the very profitable capture of  east indiaman Lord Nelson was captured.


    On 9 July 1806, the Bellone was prowling waters near Ceylon, looking for shipping to capture, when she was sighted by a 16 gun brig HMS Rattlesnake under captain John Bastard, which started a relentless pursuit. Capitaine Perroud unwilling to risk damage to his ship far from friendly port (Mauritius and Reunion being the closest) decided to avoid the unprofitable engagement with navy brig. The pursuit by the brig brought La Bellone on an intercepting course of HMS Powerful, thrid rate of 74 under the command of captain Rober Plampin. La Bellone facing unfavorable wind conditions and being heavily outgunned decided on a daring escape route between the HMS Powerful and shore. Due to the winds favouring the HMS Powerful, La Bellone was after a short chase brought into a gun range of 6 foward chasers of HMS Powerful, while her having only 4 rear chasers.


    Exchange of fire continued while the HMS Powerful steadily gained on the La Bellone. La Bellone did not manage to damage the rigging of HMS Powerful to a degree that would allow her escape, although managed to kill 2 and wound 11. HMS Powerful also did not manage to do substantial damage to La Bellone, killing 1 and wounding 7.


    Capitaine Perroud struck his flag after HMS Powerful was close enough and started wearing for a broadside, which would have been utterly devastating for a frigate.


    After the engagement Capitaine Perroud was comended for bravery in facing much superior oponent, but not wasting the lives of his men when defeat became unevitable.

    La Bellone was captured and put into service as HMS Blanche.


    British public and scholars were hower unsatisified with the outcome for some reason, with historians calling it a "lamentable decline in British gunnery".



    I attach a link to Captain Plampin's description of the action in the gazzette




    and the song to motivate french privateers in their continued efforts against British shipping in the Indian ocean.


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  3. Also it would limit your tactical options, like being in a smaller ship on fire, chasing large frigates.


    Once in a damaged Cerb i was set afire. Instead of dousing it, i put crew in sails and started chasing enemy Consti. Although I didn't catch her before explosion, I chased her quite away downwind from main fight.

  4. Now I am very confused.



    US - white stripes and stars, red stripes, blue canton

    GB - Blue field, white saltire, and symmetric red cross

    France- Blue white and red pales

    Dutch - Blue white and red fesses

    Spain - Red yellow and red fesses with coat of arms

    Denmark - white scandinavian cross on red field

    Sweden - yellow scandinavian cross on blue field


    Are you referencing future potential of russia being added?

    Because that would be double headed eagle on a yellow field as a state flag and blue saltire on white as naval jack.....

  5. Autres capitaines,


    why to join MFr? Bravery against all odds is the answer.


    Today, 255 years ago the Battle of Restigouche happened, which was one of the final chapters of the Seven years war. Most notable about this battle is the fact, that brave French Acadians managed to defend their positions with local militias, one frigate of 32 guns (Le Machault) and couple of schooners against a british force consisting of a 74-gun (HMS Fame) and 70-gun 3rd rates (HMS Dorsetshire), 60-gun 4th rate (HMS Achilles), 32-gun frigate HMS Repulse and 29-gun frigate HMS Scarborough (if anybody pls knows, why 29 guns, please let me know) for 17 days. The French only surrenderred after they ran out of all available gunpowder.


    The battle meant that the French possibilities of retaining New France were all diminished.


    I attach a song referencing the war.



    For further information about the battle, please see the following old canadian site>



  6. I think the current in game rules (bigger ship has the right of way) are more proper and fitting for naval action. Especially with wind changing directions quickly and suddenly, quick manouvering during the line of battle and the huge differences in the turning ability of different ship classes...

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