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Charles Caldwell

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Posts posted by Charles Caldwell

  1. Battle of Trafalgar

    21st October 1805





    In one of the most decisive naval battles in history, a British fleet under Admiral Lord Nelson defeats a combined French and Spanish fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar, fought off the coast of Spain.

    At sea, Lord Nelson and the Royal Navy consistently thwarted Napoleon Bonaparte, who led France to preeminence on the European mainland. Nelson’s last and greatest victory against the French was the Battle of Trafalgar, which began after Nelson caught sight of a Franco-Spanish force of 33 ships. Preparing to engage the enemy force on October 21, Nelson divided his 27 ships into two divisions and signaled a famous message from the flagship Victory: “England expects that every man will do his duty.”





    In five hours of fighting, the British devastated the enemy fleet, destroying 19 enemy ships. No British ships were lost, but 1,500 British seamen were killed or wounded in the heavy fighting. The battle raged at its fiercest around the Victory,and a French sniper shot Nelson in the shoulder and chest. The admiral was taken below and died about 30 minutes before the end of the battle. Nelson’s last words, after being informed that victory was imminent, were “Now I am satisfied. Thank God I have done my duty.”


    Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar ensured that Napoleon would never invade Britain. Nelson, hailed as the savior of his nation, was given a magnificent funeral in St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. A column was erected to his memory in the newly named Trafalgar Square, and numerous streets were renamed in his honor.





    33 ships

    (27 ships of the line and six others)




    41 ships

    (France: 18 ships of the line and eight others

    Spain: 15 ships of the line)


    Casualties and losses




    458 dead
    1,208 wounded

    Total: 1,666


    10 ships captured,
    one ship destroyed,
    2,218 dead,
    1,155 wounded,
    4,000 captured


    11 ships captured,
    1,025 dead,
    1,383 wounded,
    4,000 captured



    Apx. 3,000 prisoners drowned in a storm after the battle

    Total: 13,781

    • Like 14
  2. Well, recruit some new people, we'll do the same, and we might even end-up in different load-outs and you will meat some new people of other nations.


    We recruit about 5 new members a week, but I think you are missing my point... it's not about us or the DAS it's about attracting a newer broader appeal.

  3. Daniel Alexander, it seems we're too late to the party. TAA looks to have disbanded or dissolved. We'll have to seek out an alternate fleet. Unfortunately, it's damn near impossible to communicate or get a response from most of those flying under the colors of France. So for the moment, I sail by my lonesome. I base myself in Plymouth, so if youre looking for a comrade, send me a message.




    I can heartily recommend this non french speaking 'French nation' guild: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/6136-sea-lords-marine-francaise/

  4. Never my intention to imply otherwise Charles! ;)


    Surely it would be great to see many other nations as well as their respective navies ingame at some point. :)


    Hmmm not sure I'd like to see Chinese Junks sailing around the 18th Century Caribbean or Arabian Dhows come to that. Would just seem very wrong!

  5. Most ships back in history were not solely crewed by people from that country alone, something many people either do not know or seem to forget!


    I think you would be surprised at the depth of knowledge this community has regarding the Age of Sail. Yes a percentage may not know of the international make up of most navies of this period... but I'd wager most or a good percentage would.


    However we are talking Sovereign or Republic Nations involved in this period, not nationals who fought in it!

    • Like 1
  6. Well we hope for it to be honest. Right now its like "just another" pirate game and we wait for possibility to choose own country to play.


    I sure that many others may feel the same, the Chinese, Russians and the myriad other nations not represented in this game or genre. You have to remember though this game is based on an historical time period, with historical nations represented. Dont feel singled out because the Polish are not here. ;)

  7.  If a streamer doesn't want to be sniped, it's on them to protect themselves.  


    Ultimately this is the point.... protect yourself. 


    You could claim that all is fair in love and war! You could also claim that for centuries enemies have used all methods to gain intelligence.... some are just adapting to the environment. In this game we know of alt nation scouts, guild forum spies and turncoats. We now hear of Streamsniping and i'm sure they'll be something new down the road!


    Sadly streaming though it can promote the game, it can also give away your position, ship loadouts and playing style. Its upto the streamer whether they are happy to take that risk!

    • Like 2
  8. there is proof everything was recorded he was even trolling on the stream by saying hahaha u should of used streamdelay and now their posting tda propaganda on the chat and i dont think locking players in ports and forcing to move port everytime is what this game is about


    As already said, Streamsniping and using the free cam as a scout are all currently not controlled (or will ever be) however trolling can be enforced, only if proved!

    • Like 1
  9. gamover is using exploits and hacks to win battle against players he actually streamed hacks not long ago

    tommy shelby is camping jereme as soon as he gets on using a exploit with free cam to see where everyone on the open world is and is streamsniping people to find and attack them with multiple ppl like ragnar gamover coolbord 9  he and the us are griefing british player for over 2 weeks now


    Lesson learnt then DONT STREAM because unscrupulous players will use every means to get one over on you....

    • Like 3
  10. Captains.


    More and more rumors surface that the main Spanish treasure fleet carrying gold and silver was lost in storms after leaving Havana. Casa de Contratacion has even issued a Statement that - if this true - it will not have any effects on the precious metals supplies whatsoever. 


    End of message.


    Nice touch, like it!

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  11. When you reply or start threads do you see the post editing tools in the top bar? The photo icon of the tree is the method use to embed images into the post and signature. Please ensure also that your url ends with a usable image file format, PNG, GIF & JPG

  12. I am not sure whether Captain Ellis is a member of your fleet but I wish to commend him on his conduct at sea......


    After returning from a lengthy training exercise at 2am (EST) I encountered young Captain Ellis. His promptly requested a duel but due to the late hour I declined as I was returning to Port. He conducted himself with honour and was the perfect gentlemen .... lets hope more within the community follow his example.


    I salute you Sir!

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