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Everything posted by Aubrey

  1. It's coming today. I guess this thread can be sunk now?
  2. This, people, is a living example of common sense, logic and good taste! I unsubscribe from this thread, it has become futile and OP won't ever deliver anything to backup what he claimed on page one. Others blindly saying "he makes good points!" when he even contradicts himself or is illogical, doesn't add to its value either. Have fun then.
  3. Where did you get that nonsense from in the first place? You can't make things better for "everyone" in an "either this - or that" matter. Example: OP wants invincible casual-ships, I want hardcore perma-loss - 5/5 durability (or anything in between) isn't going to make either side happy.
  4. No, this isn't how it works. YOU made some claims. I demanded you to back them up. It is called burden of proof, a simple foundation for every discussion. If you are not even able to keep up with that, I'd strongly suggest you send yourself PM's in the future - that would be just as useful.
  5. I made no good arguments? I called you out for your BS and demanded examples and proof for your claims or assumptions - you weren't able or willing to deliver, so don't blame me for your failure. When you do not deliver anything, all I can do in the end is to speculate about your reasons and after reading your post carefully, that was the only conclusion I could come to. By the way, I did explain why your "casual attitude" is wrong or unhealthy for the game, the answer was all over my post. I am responsible for putting my thoughts on paper - I'm not responsible for you understanding them. Also, I didn't attack your character, I simply pointed out how inconsistent and nonsensical your wall of text was, since literally every point was moot. I didn't mention you as a person, ever... more claims, as I see.
  6. Maybe you should start to accept the game how it is instead of making a huge list of unfounded claims that could even be considered lies, just to have your way. Why don't you have the balls to say that you simply want it as casual as possible because you don't want to worry about a thing? All your weird assumptions and claims regarding the game, its economy - or economy in general are completely off. Also, it is quite rude to evade arguments of others, just saying.
  7. Yeah and besides that, we also ignore posts from people who took the time to answer thoroughly, because we aren't interested in any sort of debate, we just want to rant by spilling lies and claims about a title we apparently don't like. Why waste time with being constructive?
  8. Me too. Considering how easy ships are to come by (just capture them from NPCs if you must), I don't see any need for 5/5 (or any) durability. We just saw that ship sink - how can it just magically return?
  9. It doesn't necessarily have to do with being able to pay or not, it is a matter of opinion and principles, your point is moot. I agreed on paying sum X to get my hands on this title. If they would (I know they won't) later, out of the blue, demand monthly payment, that would be ridiculous - like the original post. If you want to throw your money at them, I think they mentioned that donations will be a possibility sooner or later. So there you go. /thread
  10. He didn't even read the thread, he read the title any maybe 1-2 posts and quickly hit the reply button. Post counts shouldn't exist, so people stop to boost them for whatever reason.
  11. Self-responsibility is rare these days, especially in video games. Many players got used to be spoon-fed and hand-held, while schools indoctrinate them with PC-BS and implant a "everybody is a winner!" attitude into them. Results are threads that asks for not losing ships anymore in a game about sinking ships.
  12. Hey if you don't like it, it's totally cool - just say it and be done with it. The thread is not about me or my personal motives - I shared them after questions arised - it is about the idea of optional/manual rank-up. Yay or nay - nothing more to it.
  13. *sigh* It's... I even wrote it down. It is all there. Just...why!? -.-
  14. Is that not the case yet? That is an absolute must, otherwise a very important aspect of war would be ignored. I love the thought of stressing a nations economy by disrupting trade - forcing nations to actively protect their trade routes.
  15. Are we playing the same game? The whole economy in this game works because of ship building. Ship building works because their is a demand. The demand is there because ships can be lost. I would even prefer that ships that sink, are gone. Forever. No magic "5/5 durability" and such things. You lose it, it is gone - deal with it. Get better at fighting, or evaluating risks.
  16. Definitely, I completely agree. While I haven't thought it through - it was more of a shower thought - I don't see potential problems, but that is why I put it down here, so people share their thoughts.
  17. You're quite suspicious, aren't you? At first it was the thought about AI fleets, now seal clubbing... do you come from EVE where everyone just tries to backstab the next player in the worst possible way? My personal goal, mind my nickname, is to reach the rank of Master and Commander, sail my Surprise and simply enjoy that - I do not strive for anything else (yet). I realized that I would still progress in rank and there is nothing I could do about it - hence this suggestion was born. No vicious thoughts as to how I can screw someone over, as you can see. However, I do see your point, though I don't think it would be a real problem. There are good beginners and bad experienced players, you can see that already in the game.
  18. You missed the point, please read my suggestion again. Additionally, I provided two reasons. Had no idea about the AI thing, hired a cutter once and was only annoyed by it, but if that may be a problem, it could still be bound to "total XP" and not "displayed rank" or something. However, I have the feeling you didn't read my post at all... Same to you - did you actually read the few lines of text or did you just wanted to raise your post count?
  19. Short and simple, I'd like ranking up to be optional, so when you reach the needed XP for the next rank, you have to hit a button to actually rank up. I'd like to see this implemented for multiple reasons, among them is the fact that it would support roleplay of groups, and another one is a personal rebellion against the "bigger is better" attitude most people seem to have with things. Not everyone wants to ride that Santisima as Admiral of the Fleet. Options for the way I'd say!
  20. Maybe, and while I agree with this in favor of authenticity, the point is if something sinks - it should be sexy, shouldn't it?
  21. Yes it is. The point is not "how to minimize the risk it happens", it is not to let it happen in the first place. Not to just take what you desire is an unwritten rule of courtesy and common sense, at least it has been so far. Of course, there is always "that guy", however, "that guy" brought his friends since steam release. First ship I tried to cap? Some cutter came along, ignored what I said in chat and went for it - joining minutes after me and my friends initiated the battle. This sucks. It isn't fun, it kills immersion, it is WAY less authentic than any other scenario and I do not see for a second why this must be defended in any way - except we speak pirates, which we don't. Theoretically, they can do that without punishment, there is no official rule and no game mechanic to prevent it - but I hope you see the point I made earlier about courtesy and common sense. When I chase a trader in open world and someone else initiated combat before me, I break off and look for something else, I won't even join the game because the only reason to do so is to be a dick.
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