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Everything posted by Aubrey

  1. +1 It is a must. I'd prefer to see the gamey "click & know-it-all" info window disappear all together. Let us identify ships ourselves, flag, type and when you are close enough, only then the player name. It feels silly to click on a dot on the horizon and get all the information instantly, right up to the captains shoe size.
  2. Wait, do they actually deliver the resource by ships, or do the resources magically spawn in these harbors?
  3. 1. Read the thread. Many people made good arguments. You choosing to ignore them isn't the same as people not making any. 2. Did you just imply that I am in the minority when being against indestructible ships? Most people here said they want destructible ships. If 1 or 200 durability, is different topic and was only used as an example by some to point out what direction they would prefer. You missed the point of my example. I didn't call anyone here mentally challenged. Of course, this is yet again simply another try to undermine posters who have solid arguments - don't worry, we can all see that.
  4. When YOU have a problem, I can hardly be responsible. You know exactly what I meant with "the problem is in front of the screen", but sure, play your BS game. Oh and I'm not "smart enough" to see beyond what I want? You know, from what I read here, you are the last person that should accuse others of being not smart enough for anything, really. Me having an opinion YOU can't accept has nothing to do with me not being smart enough, but hey... it's alright... Regarding what "others" want. What do "others" want? Who are these "others"? The ~3 people in this thread who claim that not losing ships at all would be oh so great? Sorry, no, I do not take what they want in consideration. It is called having opinions - just like yours differs from mine. It works both ways, you know. ... right. You know what? Welcome to my ignore list - you are the first, congratulations! Final words for you: I don't have time for bullshit, nor do I have sympathies or tolerance for people who make shit up to support their own little agenda. This is the lowest way to participate in any discussion. First this "people who have a life..." bullshit and now this. There are many people here on this board who are willing and able to participate in an actual discussion where facts and arguments matter, not devious back-stabs and desperate tries to appeal to some peoples emotions by making shit up about your opponent. I won't waste my time and energy for people who struggle with the basic principles of debating. This is, again, simply not true. The "people have responsibilities" catch-phrase is so incredibly wrong and stupid and such a bad straw-man, I have no words. You do realize that we all have responsibilities, don't you? Some more, some less - sure, but if you can't afford playing, the loss is on you. (Hint: Self-Responsibility!) This isn't elementary school for mentally challenged kids where everybody is a winner and a special snowflake. This is a game with rules and conditions. If you can't meet them, adjust your schedule or move along - stop demanding the world to bend over for you. Unlike OP and his minions, I didn't demand anything here - just before some snowflake accuses me of that. I shared my point of view, my opinion on what I believe is best for the game considering what way the developers went so far and what the goals of the game are. You don't agree? Fine with me. @Bach You are absolutely right and I will follow your advice. I tried to do so before, but got dragged in again into a pointless nonsense argument where one side makes wild claims and assumptions and the other is accused of whatever just to evade the actual debate. /Unsubbed²
  5. Aha... interesting accusation. Please cut that kind of shit out in the future, will you? I don't enjoy pissing in anyone's Cornflakes, I'm not that type of player at all, I am the very opposite, so really... don't even go there. Oh and I really fail to see the whole EVE or not EVE debate. Why not focus on this game, instead of pulling other titles into this? Personally, I want 1 durability (or rather no durability) because a sunken ship is sunk. It is gone, it is destroyed. When I make a mistake that costs me the ship, so be it, hopefully I will learn from it in the future. Do you want to know how many ships I lost so far as Lieutenant Commander? None. I was close a few times, extremely close yesterday when I got greedy and cocky - but there we go again: Self-responsibility! Don't pick fights you can't fight. Don't go places where you shouldn't be. Accept the consequences of your mistakes. It still isn't rocket science! You guys act as if it is the most impossible thing to acquire a decent ship and keep it. What the Hell is wrong with you, I wonder? If I wanted, I could have captured a dozen valuable combat ships by now, it is SO easy in Naval Action already. And if not capturing, you can always buy them, gold is thrown after you like dirt - again: What is your problem? From what I read so far I can only come to one conclusion: The problem is in front of the screen.
  6. That is where I stopped reading. Come back to this discussion when you got your foot out of your mouth.
  7. No please, explain in detail why that would be a bad thing. Honestly, I am not surprised you struggle to answer this simple question, and instead use empty words to evade the topic. I know why I asked in the first place.
  8. Seriously, I dare to say that - by now - every single person on this board knows your point of view after 22 pages of the same claims and assumptions. We get it. We really, really get it. Now it is your turn...
  9. So? It has downsides. You lose all your gold, all your ships and all your items in storage - you only keep your XP, that's it.
  10. There! Perfect example! You did this from post 1, you make up some arbitrary claims where I can only shake my head and insert the jackiechanmeme.jpg, really. The very opposite is the case, but you simply twist it so it suits your case.
  11. I never claimed I wasn't rude, but that is just again a nice straw-man - you sure are the master of straw-men, congratulations! Rude or not, I simply have no time or understanding for bullshit. It is a waste of everyone's time. He made his post, some people debunked it - that should have been it. But no, let's make it worse, make up more crazy fantasy 'facts' to desperately try to force some crazy idea upon others and if they don't agree, just call them "narrow minded". le sigh.
  12. No, they don't. That's the point. I delivered facts, he countered with "well you had no good arguments" - but he didn't say why - so it was just a cheap (and rude) way to evade the debate.
  13. This. I can only speak for myself. I tried, I was constructive. However, I ceased all this when it was clear that it was futile from the very start. What followed, was frustration.
  14. More claims and assumptions, even twisting my words to create a nice straw-man. Nice, nice! OP has not delivered a single argument that was able to withstand the counter-arguments, not a single one. All he wrote, all his points, were based upon claims about the game. Claims he failed - or ignored to - prove when asked to do so. Claims, multiple people took the time to debunk, yet he chosen to ignore them, like a challenged child that refuses to face reality. And that is what I meant with "this is not how discussions work". You can't just create your own cute reality and throw out wild claims and assumptions to twist things how you need them so your silly suggestions have something like a foundation. Well of course you can, but as we can see, most people don't fall for that kind of BS.
  15. Same GPU and my performance is underwhelming as well. Ink is right though, AA in this game is incredibly consuming, more then elsewhere it seems. Since I turned it off, I can lock the FPS to 30 and have no problems anymore and the difference is marginal, really. Also, double check that VSYNC is off, best way to do that is to force it via the Nvidia itself.
  16. Oh Lord... *bitestable* Dude the point is that you simply claim it is not because you claim that 2/3 of it is based on economy. First of all, this is - again - nothing but a lie, since it is 100% up to you what the game will be fore you. Trader, Fighter, Crafter - 100% up to you and depending on your choices, you can flat out ignore the games economical aspects, so cut out the BS! Second, you totally ignore the fact that "exciting" is a completely relative and subjective term. What is exciting to me might not be exciting for you. No rocket-science whatsoever! Some people here should really cut the BS and start to deliver real arguments, otherwise this thread is yelling for moderators, since this is not how discussions work. You have a suggestion? Bring it across and when 99% of the participants tell you it's moot, move on, accept it. This constant back and forth with nothing but claims and even lies is getting ridiculous and sad.
  17. I wasn't referring to you directly btw, it was more a general note.
  18. No, not really. By the time you reach a rank to command a bigger ship, you easily made the necessary gold to buy one. If not, one may try to stick to learning the ropes until he is fit for command, before he criticizes the game itself...
  19. *readsAetrionspost* Hey look, more unsupported claims and assumptions to support his personal agenda. Finally something new...
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