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MDHansen last won the day on August 20

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  1. I have indeed been playing around a little with those some time ago, but left it alone at some point. (mostly because I forgot all about my "project" after the summer vacation). Thanks for the info👍 Also, nice TaF update ref alliances and war
  2. I was just about to post that I seem to remember some issues there earlier
  3. This is the issue I had 1.5 years back when I started looking in to adding nations, but couldn't because "home population"*, and consequently no crew or proper army, is 0 because the province file was not loaded/used by the game, hence province editing wouldnt work. Until Nathan and TaF arrived. The insane gdp is (most liekly) because you set crew funding to 0, wich would give you a trillion isk becaause it was counting the beans in positives, instead of spending on crew. (some code thing, dont ask me lol) If you say you didn't edit the provinces.csv, then I'm not sure what could be wrong. *ref your Greek and Portoguese home population
  4. Pretty much this. I know we are the admiral, and not the gunnery officer, but still. Asimple autotargeting on/off.
  5. Would it be a lot of work to make it so; 1. Ongoing research is always on top? 2. Your nation is always on top in Politics list. More of a if/when you get the time to have a rummage through the ones and zeroes, so to speak
  6. because all nations share the same tech tree. there is no individual techs for individual countries. in my private extensive mod, I have moved all hulls in to their own "tree" (dd/tb , cl, ca, bc, bb) and the "hull strength" is only just that, different hull bonuses. I have then made so that any country always unlocks a hull in the different hull techs every time. Not historically correct, but that is to no concern for me
  7. But i did, sooo many times😮‍💨😅 and it has to be the players.csv, once removed all was fine. Ill rexheck it with a fresh pair of eyes, with glasses and a pint of Monster 😬 I did ofc remove sweden in the "minor" section below
  8. Getting this message on the new update, and TaF 3.8.3 -the duplicate key "sweden" appears on this update, and not the previous No changes has been done inbetween updates. [13:55:44.601] [TweaksAndFixes] During invoking native->managed trampoline Il2CppInterop.Runtime.Il2CppException: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: sweden --- BEGIN IL2CPP STACK TRACE --- System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: sweden at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 at GameData.PostProcessAll () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0 --- END IL2CPP STACK TRACE --- at Il2CppInterop.Runtime.Il2CppException.RaiseExceptionIfNecessary(IntPtr returnedException) in /home/runner/work/Il2CppInterop/Il2CppInterop/Il2CppInterop.Runtime/Il2CppException.cs:line 36 at DMD<Il2Cpp.GameData::PostProcessAll>(GameData this) at (il2cpp -> managed) PostProcessAll(IntPtr , Il2CppMethodInfo* ) For reasons unknown when I booted the game back up again this message didn't appear🤔 What the..! its back again. I am so confused
  9. Go offline with steam thrn launch it from steam. Saying that, using the .exe won't corrupt your game, so something else is to blame
  10. No there was just a "parts" in there and I initially thought it relevant. Found out it (most likely) wasn't. Thanks for the update👍
  11. yup, back then I could force a TF battle (Meeting) 100/100 times. Still though, even now, I can (slightly) more often than not, force a TF battle.
  12. It's easy to stop steam from updating your game. Properties->updates->"only update game when I launch it" and copy the game .exe from the folder to your desktop and run the game from there. If you need to revert, see below https://forum.game-labs.net/topic/44057-if-you-need-to-downgrade-uad-version-after-an-update/#comment-787219
  13. I'll take Steam (and reddit) reviews for what they are, mostly useless and overrepresented by basement trolls. Saying that, there is plenty to improve in the game, most certainly. I'll make my personal review once they declare the game finished.
  14. logs and background information related, and general optimisation, was improved in a few updates after 3.1.3. Should say in the update info in the first post.
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