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justMike247 last won the day on August 23

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  1. Prior to crew training being "improved", I used to set a reasonable amount on the slider and just left it there, changing only when I needed a serious amount of new bodies to fill a batch of new builds. That option's no longer available; I don't know what the cut-off number might be, but going from single digit crew available the previous month, I might get 2.5k new bodies this month, but next month, despite identical expenditure, maybe 10% of that number if the crew haven't been allocated to ships yet. Until/unless I have a "ghost fleet" of obsolete hulls available, there's no point maintaining that level of expenditure if there's negligable return. If that ghost fleet IS available however, I use them as a reservoir; place to deposit the new grunts until new build ships are available, then go through a cycle of decomission/recomission until I've hit the training cut-off, plus full crews in the ghost fleet. Yea, I know it's an ugly work around, but there's some historical basis behind it, at least as far as the ghost fleet is concerned. As for the rookie to green transition... that's a damned good question; the answer should be interesting.
  2. Over a dozen crashes while loading a battle, including one as simple as my fleet v's a single solitary torpedo boat... Thought we were promised an end to BS missions? Ticket submitted. Reload forces replay of all battles during that month because there's no functioning auto-save after an engagement. Once in battle, my fleet's scattered over literally 100Km... Slight cool down in Tension = rolled straight into war before the previous one has wound up, simply to avoid being extorted by a country boasting a fleet of a single DD and two TB's... Auto resolve still as crazy as ever; exactly how does a solitary TB put an entire fleet into dry dock? If I play the same mission hands on, TB is deep six'd without delivering so much as a single point of damage.
  3. Panzergraf's video serves to illustrate just how ignorant the dev's are about ship construction, metalurgy, ballistics, the workings of kinetic penetrators, and the effect of high explosives.
  4. That invulnerability isn't restricted to just that particular hull. In my current campaign, I'm facing American BB hulls of around 70k tons displacement, built with just 300mm main belt armour, and literally nothing, zero, everywhere else except the main turrets. Despite that, AP rounds either bounce or over-pen, doing fractional damage. Likewise HE rounds, either bounce, partial-pen or over-pen, similarly doing fractional damage. Net result, it takes near 1000 hits to send one of these tin cans down. Note, the guns suffering this latest nerfage are 15", 16" and 18" Mk5's. While this farce is going on, AI's 7" armed CL's are literally tearing my CA's appart at extreme range. The level of absurdity in this is spectacularly insulting.
  5. Ohhhhhhhh I got that beat... check this out... Near identical situation, having to be very hands on re targetting. It's taken an age to move a squadron of CL's into prime position for a torp attack at a very tempting opposing cluster of CA's, CL's and DD's... I must have had a bit of tunnel vision, missing that a DD screen had started moving up, on the inside of my CL's, and right at the optimum moment to fire, auto-targetting over-rides, switching to a cluster of opposing DD's broad on the beam. Cue a spread of over 80 torps, launched right into the Khyber Pass of my DD screen, at near point blank range... No time to react, and of course, the active torp avoidance did what it does, i.e. move DD's that would have missed this clusterfuq straight into the torps path, because... why not, right? Yet another demo of A.I. priorities... Artificial it might be, Intelligent however, not so much...
  6. The Frenchies were in that party too... makes sense when ya think about it... America wouldn't have been too far behind. According to Wiki, Austro-Hungarians barely made it, their first pre-dreadnoughts being comissioned around turn of the century, armed with Krupp supplied guns. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_de_274_modèle_1893/1896 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/24_cm_SK_L/40 Interesting side-note... Technically, the Krupp guns were QF rather than BL...
  7. hmmmmmm... somethin wrong with that picture... mine have always been start year to save year...
  8. honestly? no idea for certain... I'm guessing maybe some corrupted files with the copy/paste after the latest update... The corruption caused instant crash when trying to launch the game... Some head-scratching and rebooting later, I thought, try to copy/paste again... Cha CHING....
  9. continuous crash on re-launch... Patch has been flawless on every rev save this one... Worrying thing is I can't seem to roll it back Edit... Fixed it... no worries
  10. Did you try a re-start? I've encountered the same, but never frequently enough to say it's a bug... seems more like a temp glitch to me
  11. There's this real hi-tech piece of kit that gave sailors the ability to identify an opposing vessel and figure its capabilities, in real time... Only needed a few crude sightings and a couple of minutes of head-scratching... So... unless the weather really was... foggy... chances were you'd have positive I.D. on a target long before entering engagement range... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janes_Fighting_Ships
  12. in a game positively exploding with fundamentally offensive clusterfuq's, THIS is the straw you shed tears over???????????? *thunks... repeatedly*
  13. Not a bug, just a coin toss... Sometimes they're available, sometimes not... I've noticed similar non availables (though not as frequently) with Modern Armour II too.
  14. A.I. nations can't declare war at all. All they can do is squeeze you, financially until YOU declare war on them. The way things are now, that happens with eye-watering frequency, compounded when multiple countries are doing exactly the same, at the exact same time. Any political tools we have to smooth ruffled feathers are useless when fleets that don't exist are increasing tension in 5-6 bodies of water at the same time, this despite your fleet being in port in home waters, with status set to minimum threat profile. Result... you never get the chance to recover, your merchant fleet gets tanked, with better than 50% merchant losses in areas where there's no hostile ships present. Best you can do is try to tough things out, tackling opponents one at a time until you can beat enough countries into submission for the 20-30 years you need for merchant fleet/GDP to recover. It's not impossible to recover from this, but you'll feel like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs for 30-40 years once the chit really hits the fan.
  15. "When" is nigh on impossible to answer... the game bears no relationship with historical development, merely serving up stretched versions of obsolete hulls that get progressively heavier with no discernable increase in capabilities. When, is gonna depend on your GDP's ability to plough cash into your research. It's gonna depend on how stable things are for you, politically. It's gonna depend on how much priority you give to Cruiser development, rather than other equally critical systems...
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