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Everything posted by Nickthenuker

  1. Nevermind, despite turning the laptop on and off again for the past few days, what ended up working was manually restarting it. Thanks for trying to help at least.
  2. For some reason despite turning the laptop on and off again for the past few days, what ended up working was manually restarting it.
  3. No Citrix, no multiple monitors, no Amazon Chimes, already tried deleting the settings and the entire Game Labs folder in AppData.
  4. i7-11800H, Laptop 3070, 32 GB 3200 RAM, should be plenty for a game like this.
  5. Running a laptop so no OC, just updated to new GPU drivers, still doesn't work.
  6. My game keeps crashing on launch, nothing I have done has solved the issue. I tried verifying files on Steam, deleting all files including in AppData and verifying, uninstalling and reinstalling on a different drive, nothing worked.
  7. Game keeps crashing on launch, nothing I have done has solved the issue. I tried verifying files on Steam, deleting all files including in AppData and verifying, uninstalling and reinstalling on a different drive, nothing worked. Edit: Despite turning the laptop on and off again for the past few days, what ended up working was manually restarting it.
  8. You can get it to work by turning off fullscreen in settings and then pressing Alt+Enter to enter borderless fullscreen. Works with a couple other games that don't have borderless windowed like Kerbal Space Program too.
  9. I tried 2 different campaigns, 1 saved before hotfix5 but not attempted to load in hotfix5 and 1 saved before hotfix5 and attempted to load in hotfix5, both didn't work
  10. I'm still stuck on "Loading World" for my campaigns, even though this was supposed to have been patched 3 hotfixes ago?
  11. Yuo see Ivan, when you make guns of glorious Stalinium, it weighs many times more than filthy Capitalist gun.
  12. Finally now they can stop badgering me for a fleet that's bigger than what I'm currently building for myself.
  13. Yeah... Like I mentioned earlier my Belgian allies have a fleet larger than the British Grand Fleet and German High Seas Fleet combined and they're still asking for more. Belgium, the Congo does not need a fleet guarding it that is bigger than most major powers combined.
  14. I suppose that's what the shared designs feature is for. Share your design with someone else and use your own design to fight against it. Use the AI on your ship too if you want to make it fair.
  15. I feel they don't need any more ability to acquire ships, in my campaign as the US my Belgian allies managed to buy a fleet larger than the British Grand Fleet and the German High Seas Fleet combined
  16. I have the same bug. Just directly close the game, it autosaves.
  17. I'm trying to finish off my current campaign since the update will probably break the saves again
  18. Laughs in Asia where I've just had dinner so it's already 7 pm
  19. I'll do you one better: It's already 20 December 4 PM where I'm from, but technically when I post this it's still 19 December 9 PM somewhere in the world so within the next 3 hours at most probably.
  20. Do you think you could make quadruple turrets for 9-12 inch guns? The base game for some reason doesn't have them.
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