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Posts posted by Destraex

  1. It's always been a problem getting the balance between PVP play and peaceful resource gathering and AI farming right. I tend to want to do what I have time for.

    If everybody was allowed to do that I guess their would be no easy targets for the commerce raiders and no 2hr chase by any defenders. Not that their are usually any..

    This is why in PVE I would like to do peaceful resource gathering and AI battles while having the option to fight any who wanted to do PVP in the patrol zone.

    • Like 2
  2. 2 hours ago, Cetric de Cornusiac said:

    Don't think this hasn't been proposed before, in some form.


    Yep. You are right. Seems it has been discussed before. Should have checked. 
    Additionally Admin seems to have rejected a very similar idea before in the other thread.

    I am left between two worlds, too casual (nothing really challenging) or too professional (massive time commitment) for game modes. I will continue to follow and play with interest because I love the game though. I own every DLC available :)

  3. 47 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    Um. Hate to ask but why not just do the PvP zone on the PvP server?

    Because on the PVP server you are not going to ever stop the trader ganking, time chasing, time being ganked along the way etc.

    On the PVE all I want is a gentlemans agreement to have the "option" to fight other players for fun when and where I want. That is never going to happen on pure PVP. 

    • Like 6
  4. I am having a rest perhaps never to go back to PVP for now. Because I simply do not have the time to waste chasing and getting held in battle repeatedly and losing time as traders are attacked etc. It's fun but gruelling, you cannot be AFK for the hours of trading, you must be watching constantly. When in battle you must be alert for unwelcome visitors that you cannot see coming in the open world (although if you attack larger ships this is fine). I notice that most of the good players make their money by ganking traders constantly. Rather than fighting warships, which they run from. But if everybody was able to do this their would be no economy. My responsibilities outside of the game prevent me from being at the PC constantly while trading. It's simply not possible for me to spend that much time in game.

    For me the PVP mechanics do not support a reasonable nights play time. 

    So I am on PVE for now but do crave some player vs player combat without the time wasting element. I had killed three attackers in a row before leaving. But the time involved was keeping me up until 3am on a work night. Because it was happening just as I needed to finish and go to bed. 

    A solution for me was to have the PVP zone in PVE work. Perhaps it could be tailored for both people to accept the fight if people were still worried about getting ganked. Hell you could even make the whole PVE server attackable if the enemy accepted the fight. This way semi- organised fights could happen between players on PVE only if they wanted it. The server could almost become a DUEL server for those who wanted while all the people who want no part in any player vs player activity can just continue on and ignore the offer of a fight from another player.

    I know that a lot of players on PVE would not mind the odd duel and I know a lot aspire eventually to go to PVP. A lot have retired from PVP. While others are just enjoying the atmosphere and the company of an age of sail game. They are really looking forward to port battles and AI attacks. THeir are 200 or so people on the server currently. Perhaps more would come back if the system above was basically one where they could enjoy doing whatever they felt like on a given night. Got time for PVP? Risk what you want to risk when you want. Organise a fight. If not just carry on fighting AI or trading. Organise a clan fight or a big fight. Just sail by somebody and press attack and see if they accept. Do what you want when you want.


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  5. Sorry if this has been suggested before. But to stop the trader frustration which most of us just do to be able to fight. I suggest that if a trader is caught and killed 80% of the way to a mission destination, that the game give back 80% of the mission on boards value. This way if you sail for an hour to a destination but do not make it before being bounced you do not have to get so frustrated and upset with the game. 

    This combined with the speed increases from the new open world wind speed mechanics should make the game playable without wasting your whole life trying to make money.

    If you have a mission on board that is worth 100k and are intercepted at 80% of the way to mission destination, you get 80k as compensation + the normal trader ship compensation.

    Perhaps some sort of nominal trader insurance should be introduced as a mechanic to implement this idea?

    personally I am not a trader and only when I get very poor do I get out and afk sail for hours to try to get back enough money to fight. Its very frustrating to have to run the gauntlet for any distance and not come back in the positive after an hours mucking around. 

    By doing this you are also going to get a lot more traders willing to fight and lose their ship. Though most will still want to get away with their ship and acquire 100% reward by continuing to survive. 

  6. We need all the variety we can get. We already have rare guns that were probably not in the games theatre of operations. We already have many ships which also were not. Personally. I just don't think we are going to get another shot at a naval game like this in our lifetime, assuming most of us are 30-40s. Therefore I think we need as much variety as possible within the realms of the period. Regardless of theatre. It's all generally square rigged western european combat. It's all within the realms of what was possible.

    I would not be surprised if poods were in the English channel or the med when the Russians helped the British by sending fleets and iirc patrolled combined.

    As long as poods are exceedingly rare I do not see a problem. Rather like nobody uses Obusiers or Naval \ Congreve \ gover etc and if they do it's for a bit of fun until the ship is lot as they are too rare to fit most times.

    Besides as you can see above in the exerts. They seem to buck like mules and be dangerous to crews like Obusiers.

    P.S. I'd also like to see very expensive BRASS cannon. Making ships lighter would be the only advantage.

  7. I was talking to some of the clan today that mentioned they had not seen any "poods" to get in game since release.

    I assume they were talking about Russian guns called Edinorogs. They seemed upon further chatting to be a little OP for those that had them.

    So here is my suggestion. As per the documentation below from"Russian Warships in the Age of Sail. 1696 to 1860. Design Construction, Careers and Fates. By John Tredrea and Eduard Sozaen. I think that it might be permissible to have them in game is they were rare to begin with and that when a person got them that a 3rd category of gundeck allocation was added. That of Edinrogs being allowed on each deck in pairs at the centre of the gundeck only. Perhaps also a higher chance of fire onboard your own ship when using them.








  8. Atreides. Just re read your post. I like the idea. But like pumpkins think the pvp cheap ships should only be allowed to be used in the pvp circle. Go outside the circle and a timer before the ship dies occurs. Have your fights but retain the illusion of ship value outside the circle.

    Otherwise we may find exploit fleets of pvp circle ships ganking outside the circle simply because they are so throw away cheap in time as well as resources.

  9. You would be surprised how many people would be confused by this. 

    Where did my fleet go?

    How come my crew got too low?

    Believe me I know people that would contact the devs and demand their missing crew back

    I find it annoying as well but at least I know what is going on. Best I would see as a solution is making it an in game options tick box: “auto fill crews” tick

    ”auto unfleet ships when towing” tick

    • Like 2
  10. I personally think that removing combat medals and XP or any other incentive for players above post captain attacking players below master and commander would be good. 

    Also instituting a global gentleman's agreement across the server to let players trading and fighting against AI of rank below master and commander be on their way, unless they wish to fight by agreement. 

    I certainly agree that in some form seal clubbing does affect the number of people that keep playing and stay on.

    I tend to think that the solution is un-capturable capitals should have AI that protect players under the rank of master and commander as long as they stay in the capital and it's immediate satellite city area. 

    I am also hoping that the new raid mechanics put pressure on nations that have expanded beyond their active population size. Unfortunately I think that a lot of "can't beat em join em" types have already swelled the size of some nations to the  point that this mechanic may not reflect the number of ports a nation should have, if their population was not swelled by mercenary types that join the winning side.

    I guess another solution might be just to make nations core ports all 20 or so and un capturable but raidable. Then have the rest up for grabs. Meaning that no nation can actually die beyond being economically viable all together.

    P.S. Sorry if I am a bit off topic. But I think all of the above is directly related to the game being viable in the long term. Especially for those that take a break every now and then to come back. I really would love to see this game keep growing and expanding with more DLC and more maps. It's unique and amazing.

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  11. I think the largest factions with the most powerful fleets and ships get hit by the AI RAIDS hardest to prevent them taking the whole map. This would provide an incentive for factions not to go too bananas with expanding. Not sure if my interpretation of the mechanic is correct though. I am sure the AI will lay off after a faction has too few ports left.

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  12. It would certainly make it easier in port for when you have more than one of the same ship and want to rush out of port.


    A few people have changed their in game names to ships names with prefixes like hms. But yes I would love this feature. Perhaps it does not need to be on the ship model. Just under your name in the open world. The reporting function for offensive ship names would be the same as for offensive names. However imagine if somebody sold you a prenamed ship. You did not remember to check and it got you reported because it was an offensive name. I guess in this case names should just not be transferable.



  13. Texas. You don’t need huge fleets of ai. Just some ai that even up the BR rating in capital and ship building capitals. If you are in anything but a trader you prolly should not get ai help. 

    Heck i tried to do a trade run this morning and went to get in the shower ready for work. We t to do a course correction just before jumping in a and was in battle. A guy with two cerbs and a trafing snow jumped in and saved me where i was a trading brig va a trinco I was right outside a ship building capital. This is the kind of thing the ai should do. Just give you an even chance of getting away.

  14. 7 hours ago, Ferdinand de LaSalle said:


    you know that aggressive AI will kill the rest of the trading System (Trade and Transport missions). You normally need small traders to sneak into foreign ports.

    If that will come you maybe outmanouvering enemy players but then you will surely fail to evade aggressive AI-ships!

    All single players, members of weak Clans/weak nations need this source of income….

    I again wondering, why their are so few critical posts to that plan. The most are shout hurrah. Are only members of big clans and of strong nations present, who are not interested in a healthy player Population ????

    I am thinking the devs only intend ai npcs to attack raiders that are trying to seal club around nations capitals and trade centers.

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    Any news on a new boarding system or wind strengths? I wonder if this is included in battle sail mechanics?

    I like all the changes otherwise. As long as the AI is more of a defensive ai around capitals. Perhaps ports could be upgraded by nations eith ai fleets where port bonuses are. But certainly most of the map cannot be ai controlled. But very good to see that the ai fleet should give pause to seal clubbers around capitals.

    Also with regard to port bonuses. Small clans should also be able to get bonuses I think. My only worry about individuals getting bonuses would be spies farming them and trading them to other nations? Or am I being paranoid. I guess thats why currently only the port capturer and his 15 clan friends list can benefit. On second thought are the bonuses that game changing or is it that large clans need them to fight other large clans?


    I am looking forward to paint and crew experience systems. This is going to be grand especially if you can choose what number of what trades are on each ship.

    promoting and switching officers between ships will also be really cool if that is to happen.

    I also wonder if we will be able to see equipped figureheads in 3d tactical battles soon?

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