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The PC Collector

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Posts posted by The PC Collector

  1. For once, I've managed to get dreadnoughts while playing from 1890... but by now, I essentially have nobody to test them agaisnt, as the only country with a powerful navy loves me...

    Would it be that hard to add, as a temporary feature until the campaign is full fledged, an "I hate you because reasons" button which allows you to change your relations with a country to -100 instantly? It would greatly improve the campaign experience in the late game.

    • Like 3
  2. I've come across and odd bug with A-H armoured cruisers: I can't retrofit any of my old CAs with 8" mk II. I've had no problem with any other class swapping guns with more modern ones. I can without any problem build a new ship from scratch with the new guns however.

    Also, with Armoured Cruiser 2, the front gun placement doesn't allow anything bigger than 8", suddenly. Which is odd because I have a design with 9" guns with the same hull.

  3. Something odd just happened in my campaing: I'm allied with Italy and Germany as A-H and in a war against France (GB collapsed a few turns ago) and a convoy battle with two of my CAs and an italian CL against three french Cas spawned. To this point, all normal. But once in battle I realised I could control the italian CL as if it was my own. Is that intentional or it is a bug?

  4. 58 minutes ago, Pizzafighter said:

    I experienced a bug, where the AI refused to build new ships. In the beginning, they popped out new ships quiet regulary but at some point the AI seems to resignate and doesn't build any further ships anymore wich results in both enemys (france and GB) don't have ships anymore. So instead of playing a nice gameplay from 1890 to 1950 it just ended inofficially in the 1910s because both enemys don't have ships anymore.

    Did you check if they ran out of crew? that has been documented to happen

  5. 48 minutes ago, itolan1752 said:

    I thought the research speed is still have problem.

    I'm hardly surprised. With the nations turbo collapsing on themselves, the average campaign is still too short to properly test the development speed. But in my campaign I was getting 1892 techs (acording to the game) in late 1897, with 100% research for the whole game except for a few months in late 1893 (when, according to the game, these techs were already late)

    • Like 2
  6. After finishing my 1.07 campaign (which I could end because I had Steam in offline when the update was deployed) I have to say that I have more feedback that I'll give as I haven't seen anything attempted to be done about it in 1.08.

    - Light ships, specially CLs, are still way too tanky.

    - Tech speed looks still too slow. By the end of my campaign (1898) I was getting techs that I should have been getting in 1892 according to the game.

    - Penalty for priority research are still too big to be worth even considering using it. Given the amount of tech fields (around 40 if I'm not mistaken) taking the resources to speed up one by a 50% would reallistically have a negligible impact on the rest. I'd say that something ranging from 5 to a 10% penalty would be more adequate. And 10% feels already too big.

    - Countries collapsing by themselves at turbo speed is a very serious issue. One that should be tackled immediately as it makes the campaing effectively barely playable at all. In fact the issue is so serious of an issue that I'm not going to bother wasting more time on testing until I see in the patchnotes that this critical issue is being taken care off.

    • Like 4
  7. Some more feedback.

    - Nations collapse and dissolve too easy and fast. 6 years into campaign and two already dissolved. It would be better if collapsed nations would simply stay dormant for a while and then come back, rather than completely disappear.

    - This has been reported many times, but since it seems that it hasn't pressed enough, I'll add myself to the plea: if the AI won't bother to engage, DO NOT EVEN GENERATE THE ENCOUNTER.

    - Please give us an option to have the "avoid ships" and "avoid torpedoes" enabled or disabled globally by default. With the new common maxi battles having to do it division by division every single battle is tedious.

    This is not feedback, but a question. Is there any plans to make the minor countries fightable/allied? Otherwise those events that give you relations with them make no sense.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Norbert Sattler said:

    Though there is one thing that buggs me: Austria Hungary can only get a single pre-dreadnought hull with up to 11.500 tons maximum displacement. But the historical Radetzky class had 14500 empty and 15800 tonns displacement when fully loaded.

    That might have something to do with the fact that the Radetzky wasn't exactly a Pre-Dreadnough, but a "semi-dreadnought": It had a dreadnought hull, and the speed of a dreadnought, as it was supposed to be similar to the Nassau/Helgoland classes. But at the moment, A-H couldn build ships as big as the Helgoland, and to save weight the all big, multi caliber main battery was used instead of a single caliber one.

    • Like 2
  9. 34 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    You can still design better ships or use superior tactics to overcome the enemy.

    While I don't doubt it, that's not the impression I've gotten. Even using all of my skill, and having 3 times as many ships in certain engagements, I have still lost, mainly because of them having veteran crews which completely obiterated my ships at an impossible to survive pace.

  10. Seeing the promising changelog and the long campaing, I've played a game for the first time in months, and I have to say that I'm sorely disappointed. The only thing which right now matters something is the "crew" slider. No matter how good your ships are nor how many you have. If your crew aren't veterans you're going to lose. And the AI ALWAYS has veterans no matter what.

    However other than problem that should be adressed ASAP, the direction the development is going looks promining.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 minutes ago, SpecTRe_X said:

    Sure, but the individual branches are in series. I typically start as Germany in 1890. You can already get mostly modern CAs (~18,500t) floating around by 1900 as well as BCs around 1905 if you stop researching guns and such once you unlock the 13" M2 and 2 geared turb. The more modern light cruisers take longer than that though. I've made it to ~1912 built a fairly modern fleet but still had those ridiculous CLs with casemate ports on the sides.

    It almost seems like the light cruiser tech was accidentally pushed to the end of the line somewhere.

    Omaha and Svetlana classes say "Hi!"

    You realise that casemate main guns for CLs were top tech in WWI era and were still a thing for brand new cruisers well into the 20s, right?

  12. Some issues I have noticed regarding the designer:

    - Some historical calibers can't still be represented due to how the system works, like 150 mm german guns. Neither the 127mm can be made fit (it stop at 149,9 mm, nor the 152 mm ones can be reduced.

    - Light cruiser I doesn't allow to mount any casemate gun on the front casemate mounts. Not even with the hull empty, so no part conflict.

    - Still no main calliber casemate guns for cruisers.

    - When you reduce the 51mm guns, the reduction is only nominal. Neither the performance nor th weight is affected. Is that intentional or it is a bug?

  13. 2 hours ago, SonicB said:

    If anything, that proves the point I made about German ship names in the Nazi period

    With all due respect, proves nothing because this is pure AU. Nazi Germany doesn't exist, and other than in mods if the game ever receives mod support, it won't ever officially exist. So speculating if Nazi Germany would have or not retained a ship called Wilhelm II or not is a waste of time.

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  14. 13 hours ago, SonicB said:

    As for the alt-history perspective, well, even if we ignore that it just feels anachronistic

    I disagree. If the German Reich keeps being the German Reich, then the old aristocratic names still fit. Only is there is a change of government, it could make sense, and as far as it goes for historical figures, not even then.

    As an example, a real situation: When the II republic happened in Spain, the Alfonso XIII España-Class battelship, which was named after the king which has been deposed, was renamed as España (the original España had been lost a few years earlier) but her sister ship the Jaime I, named after a historical XII Century king, retained her original name. And that happened in 1931.

    • Like 4
  15. 20 hours ago, Candle_86 said:

    Startup for me is about 4 minutes


    Ryzen 5 3600X

    32GB DDR4 3600

    2TB Western Digital Black NVME SSD

    RTX 3060 Ti

    Windows 11 Pro


    it loads the same speed as my work computer

    Xeon X5660

    24GB DDR3 1066 ECC

    512GB Samsung 850 Evo

    RX 560

    Windows 10 Pro


    So I'm not sure what the issue is

    Problem doesn't seem to be spec related. Is not consistent even within the same computers. I just did a trial, starting several campaings with all countries. all with a startup time of between one and tow minutes, until I got one in which I had to kill the process after like 6 minutes stuck on ......December 1885......

  16. 17 hours ago, Manifestorum said:

    Well I'm 99% sure that shouldn't be the problem, but sure.

    CPU: Intel I7 4930K

    GPU: Nvidia 2070 (yes the drivers are updated, I even did a clean install for the last update)

    RAM: 16 gb DDR3

    Storage: a Samsung 1tb SSD, I think it's a 860 EVO, can't remember specifically

    So, unless there is some Murphy's Law case of the combination of parts screwing with the game then I don't see the Hardware being the problem.

    Just to reiterate, because I'm not sure if this was clear in my past post, I had no problems with previous versions of the Beta, I think the last time I played with stable loading of a new campaign was 2 weeks ago.

    That's odd, I play with a i7-2600, and I don't have any issue. The longest campaign start up I've had is like 2 minutes. However, they still should revise the issue. Before 1.05, campaign start up was almost instantly. And there are a lot of people complaining about this issue.

  17. 3 hours ago, ColonelHenry said:

    Please. For the love of god, the 1890-1910 campaign are just unfun playing as the Central Powers. The new french light cruisers torpedo spam with this kind of 8km visibility at midday is just not even logical, let alone realistic. And on top of that, just with a tiny difference in weather like overcast, and somehow I can't see a cruiser until 6km in. By that time, yea 4 fast torpedoes in 1910 with 100% accuracy might as well be a magic beam from Warhammer universe for all I care.

    Please, make spotting how it is IRL. There have been a million posts about this mechanic...

    I'd get a comfortable chair to wait. I could be mistaken, but I remember them stating somewhere that that won't happen until they rework how the whole map visibility system work, because required modifying the graphic engine. And that's not happening anytime soon, according to the info available. At least not until the campaign has a minimum of functionality.

    • Like 1
  18. 7 minutes ago, Urst said:

    You gave only examples that are far past the time-range that he was talking about. A DD from 1945 is about as sturdy as a heavy cruiser from 1900


    I never made references to such modern ships. I was referring to the small ships found in the early game and similar. Of course a modern 7000 T cruiser like the Atlanta will be able to take some main gun hits and survive. And of course a small ship can take border, barely hit. But I'm talking about small ships and full, direct hits.

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