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The PC Collector

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Posts posted by The PC Collector

  1. I'm afraid that the AI crew pool black hole bug might be back... since I started my current war with Italy and France, neither of them are gaining any crew pool... and neither of them are building ships... Even more, France has only 5 ships and is building none... 800+ sailors per month and no crew pool being built.

  2. 2 hours ago, ZorinW said:

    But that is what damage instability does and is actually working pretty good from what I can tell. 

    The one big issue that is still present though is the AIs ability, even with all engines dead and a destroyed rudder, to make 360° turns on the spot to avoid showing their broadside

    A ship at 6% bouyancy shouln't be able to tank several hundred shells before finally sinking anyways, so my point still stands. And the issue about the dead turning, I think it is a bug related with the "retreat" order.

  3. Okay. More feedback: Definitely finishing ships is too hard. A CA with 34% structure and 6% bouyancy shouldn't be able to take like 400 shells before sinking. And furtermore, a with the same crew remaining, a ship with 34% structure shouldn't be able to fight the same way as an undamaged ship does. Penalties to combat effectiveness should work in an exponetial way. And definitely ships with less than 40% structure should be worthless in combat.

  4. 2 hours ago, UncleAi said:

    The limitation of enough big shipyard is real in history. Like I have two 35,000 ton shipyard in Kiel, I can build two BB at the same time. By this we can also control where the ship spawn. And I think ship under 10,000 do not have this limit.

    While this could be nice, I think it would cause a whole new set of problems. Namely that, for example, most of the big ships of A-H where built on places which aren't represented in the game (Trieste and Budapest). So might be hard to balance this.

  5. 2 hours ago, AdmiralKirk said:

    One other suggestion for (possibly) fixing this problem and imposing an interesting constraint on the strategy layer is to limit the number of ships you can actually build of a particular size range. Currently you have a maximum size allowed and unlimited slipways and drydocks within that size; if I can build up to 100,000 tons, then *everything* I build can be that size, with budget being the only constraint. But in real life there are physical limits on what individual yards can build, which require new construction or structural changes to increase. So it would be both realistic and interesting to break down your construction capacity in terms of individual yards—maybe even localized to particular ports!—so that you could have, say, five really big yards capable of producing or repairing a BB, ten big enough to build cruisers, and twenty only big enough to build DDs (all these limited by length or tonnage or both). This might be implemented by overhauling the Ship Design screen with an overview of what’s being constructed, which slipways are in use/available, and which designs you’ve made.


    53 minutes ago, Grandpa Canuck said:

    I have suggested before that ports have more than one rating. Each port should have a supply size, a repair size and a repair amount volume limit. Also hopefully the player will be able to control the growth of these individually for each port rather than just one shipyard increase choice. For instance Taranto in southern Italy starts in 1890 as a relatively average/small port and IRL by 1940 this was a major port compared to others. It grew a lot more, not uniformly with others over the years. Hopefully something like this is planed as we are still in the early stages of development of this type of feature in the game. Time will tell in 3-4 more updates.

    While those would be ideal, they could be slow and hard to implement. And we need a solution for this now. Just to keep the game more or less playable. Not only because doomstacks are not fun and can even kill computers, but they also mean that AI runs out of ships in a couple of battles.

    So, as a short term fix, the easiest and most effective way is hardcapping the maximum number of ships which a taskforce can have, setting a maximum between 10 and 20.

  6. 29 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    I run a quick test with a similar build without those 2"/51mm guns and I had the same issue.

    Oh, well. Then I suppose I'm just lucky. My dreadnoughts equipped with 10 twin 128 mm and 12 casemate 152 mm guns, or similar builds, have no problem firing all their guns. My only issues have been with my heavy cruisers equipped with a mix of 240 mm and 210 mm main guns and 60 mm secondaries

  7. 5 minutes ago, TAKTCOM said:

    Does anyone use 6 inch guns as secondary? I successfully used 3-5-inch, as well as 7-8-inch, but the attempt to use it completely failed. For a fight with dozens of targets, 6-inch weapons from 3 BB could not cause damage even in the amount of 10k, while the 13-inch  dealt more than 50k damage, which is ridiculous in comparison. 

    I've been using them on my dreadnoughts since I got them and they've been effective, in my experience. Try making the barrel a bit longer than the default.


    5 minutes ago, TAKTCOM said:

    This is archetypal for 1.08.

    Well, then I suppose that I'll have to bleed the italians with the good ol' randomly generated missions. Or do what I did to save my super dreadnought, which was using the same tactic as the AI does when they consider they can't win: 180 degrees on the opposite direction and wait until the game lets me end the battle.

  8. I have, for the first time, experienced the infamous "main guns not firing when secondarieas are firing". I have noticed that guns need a bit of time to fire after other guns have fire (as if to simulate having to wait for the shock of the fumes to dissipate or wathever). And the bugh seems to be caused by extremely small secondaries with extreme rate of fire. As if it made that "wait" system collapse and didn't let other guns with longer wait times to fire.

  9. Okay, the mistery of the Destroyer II with Austria has been resolved. The reason why the hull didn't appeared, was because the minumum tonnage of that hull was 1300t, which I couldn't build before. And instead of beeing displayed in gray, like before, it was simply hidden. Could you please revert that to the previous system? Knowing the hull is there would be useful, even if I can't build it yet.

    Also, an option to escalate the UI would be desirable, to make it more functional on old/small screens which have native resolutions lower than 1920x1080. Like, for example, in most laptops.

  10. Doom stacks needs to be worked upon. Not that I do not enjoy fighting them (I really do, even if I'm the only person here who does) but they make the AI nations run out of ships in a few battles. So, maybe as a temporary fix, we could address it by hard capping the task forces? As in limiting the max number of ships a task force can have to maybe 10-15?

    I personlly would set it that way: If the destination is another port (because you're moving ships or whatever) then the number can remain unlimited. But if the destination is the sea (to make the task force active) then the limit applies.

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  11. 5 minutes ago, Norbert Sattler said:

    There are still massive performance issues in the ship designer once all-or-nothing scheme is used.

    Clicking on another ship and back temporarily gets rid of this, but since that is no longer an option when refitting ships...

    While I agree that the performance problems should be solved, I fail to see why anyone would like to use that scheme or to build Nelson-like battleships. The only reason those existed at all was the Washinton naval treaty, which doesn't existe here.

  12. 4 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    It seems to be intentional. We are moving large critical rooms inside the hull (magazines, boilers), it should have a limit IMO.

    Oh, it is okay if it is intentional. Just wanted a confirmation. Although I think you should be able to rebuild ships however you want if you're willing to pay the cost. However, probably this is easier to make cost calculations for unreasonable refits.

  13. Okay, after finally having been able to play a campaing long enough to start considering the game enjoyable, I'm going to give some feedback. For context, the set up of the campaign is as it follows:

    Hard difficulty
    Historic AI
    Design own fleet
    1890 start
    Current date: 1912 (campaign still ongoing). Started with 1.08 and played through 1.08.1 and 1.08.2 (no save rest warning was given, so I assumed I could continue it. If any of the issues I describe might be caused by it being a 1.08 save, I'm sorry in advance)

    Let's start with the situation of the countries:

    - UK: Turbo collapsed by late 1893. I have yet so see a game in which UK lasts most than three years.

    - Germany: Entered on a rampant crysis by the same era on which UK collapsed, and never recovered from it. As a result, it has been lagging behind with very small and extremely obsolete ships, thus being not relevant and de facto leaving the campaign on only 3 countries. Currently still around, but on its last legs.

    - France: It has been my main rival, as I allied Italy early on the game. Despite having had their asses kicked by me regularly, their economy is bomb proof and they always come back. Up to a certain degree, tho. While they have decent modern designs, specially a dreadnought with a top speed of 20.6 kn, as many as 18x315 mm guns on twin turrets very rationally placed and a capable secondary battery, their reliance on pre-dreadnought era designs makes their fleets little more than practice shooting for my ships. Not as much for the tech, but because of the fact that their ships have so little displacement (an average of 3000-4000 t by 1912) and consequently so little structure points that ships slower than DDs (which, by the way, are the other good design they have) don't live long enough to be a real threat or cause any significant damage to my ships, thus leaving their excellent dreadnoughts defenceless.

    - Italy: Untested, due to having been my allies almost from the start. They have the best economy and over 400 ships. Fortunately, due to fortunate events managed to make them like me less than france, and after the last war the relations changed enough to the point where I might be able to declare war on them. Good since that is the only challenge I have left on this campaign.

    Conclusions about economy and relations with AI nations: While Hard mode alleviates the turbo collapsing nations up to a certain degree, it is still a problem which hinders the campaign. An easy fix for that could be making collapsed nations to become neutral during a set amount of time (for example 5 years, to simulate a revolution or civul war or wathever) and then come back, instead of becoming permanently defeated. About the relations, until the relations system is fully fledged, there should be a way to manually break an alliance, instead of having to rely on lucky events. An "I hate you because reasons" button which instantly lowered relations enough to the point where tension starts working again.

    Now, let's go with shipbuilding.

    - AI shipbuilding: Seems to have improved a lot since the Steam release. Other than questionable choices in gun callibers, I haven't seen odd/disfunctional designs. In fact I have successfuly used some french captured ships with success, and some of the designs I have seen on their side look really good. However their reliance on obsolete designs makes them non competitive on the long run. (Tip: the ood callibers can be made more bearable visually speaking by seeting the measurement to "cm" if you want metric callibers)

    - Refits: Here i have found two issues:

    Captured ships can't be retrofitted (or if they can, I haven't found the way). This is a bug, is intentional, or it is simply a feature not yed added? I ask because not being able to refit captured ships significantly devaluates them as war reparations.

    After obtaining the option of mount 4 centerline guns with 2 barbettes I decided to rebuild my early dreadnoughts, which due to tech restrictions had a lot of questionable design decissions, like real ones (I like that on the early dreadnoughts you have to play around those limitations, by the way) into more a efficient design, the classic AB-XY superfiring design, but I had only moderate success. When trying to do so, I have been getting a message which said "Too far from original place" and I struggled, or in some of the designs, I weren't even able to place the turret. So my question: What the hell is that? It is a bug? Is intentional?

    Conclusions about shipbuilding: Other than some issues, I think that shipbuilding is going in the right direction. And althought the game seems to favour certain calibers, I have been using "non meta" calibers with great sucess. Still, I think that accuracies depending on the calliber needs to be tweaked: Passing from 203 to 210 mm (my standard CA caliber for germanic ships since the feature was introduced, as for metric seems more fitting than 203 mm) nearly doubles the base accuracy of the gun.

    As for the AI building obsolete ships, I think that it could be, at least temporarily, by coding rules to how frequently and how the AI build ships. As, in they have to renew their designs each 4 years (for example). While doing so they can only use the newest hull available for each class, with maxed displacement. And they can only build the newest desing they have of each class.

    Tech progression: I'm getting some techs a bit ahead of time, and other behind of time, but nothing as exxagerate as on my previous campaign. However, something fun: I got my dreadnoughts by 1903 (I pretty much suspect that is due to A-H not having any other hull between the base hull and the dreadnought hulls, as I have noticed that the research speed is not the same for a given tech in different countries) and by 1912 I have auxiiary diesel engines, yet I'm still stuck with coal-only boilers.

    Miscellaneous feedback

    - Avoid torpedoes still needs works. In my experience more often than not glitches the formations, making ships becoming stuck and things like that.

    - Please add an option so the "avoid collision" is disabled by default. With the current "doom stack" meta (which I fortunately haven't suffered as my standard task force fortunatley counters them very well) having to disable it manually from every single division every single battle is afwul.

    - Crew training and the AI pool blackhole seems to be finally solved. Good job on solving this critical bug.

    - Please add permanent taskforces or some sort of advanced fleet organisation ASAP, or at the very least the option to assing ships to a permanent port to come back. Currently I spend most of my time on the game organising my task forces and the ships I have assigned for coastal defence, and it makes the game very tedious as soon as you have a moderately big fleet.

    - A way to sell ships to/buy ships from other countries would be very interesting. I recently scrapped a lot of pre dreadnought ships that I'm sure that Germany would have gladly took...

    - In this campaing, Germany has fallen so back, that everyone else is very advanced. Thus making the indication useless. As each tech has an associated year, it would become much more useful if, instead of the current system you showed the average year of the techs each country has.

    - I still don't understand why I can't build directly the retrofitted version of a ship. Having to either build the ship and then retrofit it, or to create a new class which is essentially the old one but retrofitted is simply stupid and inefficient.

    - We need more roles for ships/task forces as soon as possible. At the very least, we need "convoy raiding", "convoy escort" and "port defence". That would allow for either creating especific ships for those tasks, or to reuse old ships for it (converting old battleships and frigates into coastal defence ships was common in the 1890s and 1900s)

    - Armoured cruiser hulls still don't allow for main calliber casemate guns, despite those being common until the 1920s. Thst could be solved by organising the guns in "turreted guns" and "casemate guns" and then under each having main guns and secondaries, instead of the current system.

    - Most pre-dreadnough battleships relied on heavy secondaries (160 to 200 mm), yet most pre dreadnought hulls don't allow secondaries over 149mm (127/5" with maxed calliber)

    Minor bugs found

    - Captured ships display their original ship faction instead of the flag of the faction they serve now.

    Major bugs found

    - Signing peace still fails like half of times. Often you simply get the "war continues" message despite agreeing to sign peace.

    - War reparations still work erratically. As in the sense as you usually don't get all you asked for. While I agree that can be reallistic, there should be some negotiation, instead of the AI outright giving you whatever they want.

    - Sunk ships count as still active, thus preventing designs to be deleted. This make the design tab cluttered and barely usable on long campaigns, and better not talk about the "designs" section on the ship builder. I suspect this bug might be related to the one which made AI crew to be permanently empty as they lost ships.

    This is all the feedback I can think of based on my current campaign. Sorry for the text wall, and I hope it can be useful for the devs and anyone which reads it. As a final thought, I'll lke to point out that shis the first time I'm genuinely enjoying this game, and that I like where it is going. Keep the good work.

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  14. Is a bad thing I don't want to sink a french dreadnought just to see if I can keep it during the peace negotiations? XD

    Also, I've found a bug (which likely is why battles are forced before you can do anything): If a ship which is scheduled for battle is marked to refit, the refit is finished instantly, instead of being started next time the ship goes to port.

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