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The PC Collector

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Everything posted by The PC Collector

  1. Wait, the ability to refit captured ships has finally been added?
  2. We have been asking for improvements and additional orders for auto targetting since 1.0.3. It has been systematically ignored. So at this point, is just better to assume that it won't ever happen, unless mod support is finally added and someone else adds it.
  3. The difference is that IRL they added something, here they don't add anything but broken mechanics. They trigger countless battles, ignore all the mechanics which are supposed to counter them. And on top have an uninteresting, unengaging gameplay consisting on clicking an auto resolve button. I've been saying from the start that one of the possible configuration options for campaign start should be disabling torpedoes. If I come to a game with "Dreadnoughts" on its name, I want big gun battles, not pesky glorified fishing boats being the deciding factor. If I wanted the gameplay revolving around subs and destroyers I'd go play Silent Hunter or WoWs. So yeah, that what you said as joke, probably won't be a bad idea, so people can choose their fun.
  4. Submarines are the most annoying features I've ever seen on a grand strategy game. They add nothing to the game, only annoyance. For the gamemode to be enjoyable, it is imperative that they're made optional or entirely removed.
  5. @Nick Thomadis Something I was wondering. Just like there is an "unlock" button which allows you to use any hull from any country in custom battles, would be too much to ask for an "unlock obsolete" which would likewise allow you to use any hull regardless of end date? Like, if I pick 1920 for example, we could use any hull which has an start date of 1920 or earlier, regardless of end date?
  6. Well, I have to say that I saw the hull which is supposed to be "similar to the Pelayo" and any resemblance to the actual, real Pelayo is mere coincidence. But it gets the job of allowing a starting Spanish BB within the starting shipyard limit done, so thank you very much. However, on more practical concerns about the hull, I've noticed that pretty much any gun bigger than 3" doesn't fit or at least give a lot of trouble to fit on the side gun points, is that intentional or is a bug of the new hull?
  7. I have a question. The ability to refit captured ships is finally going to be added to the game?
  8. Spain still needs a hull they can build from the start of the campaign! The current one absolutely minimum tonnage is (minimum beam and draught) is over the starting shipyard size! Maybe you could add a modified version of one of the french Ironclad hulls which allows large size side guns so we can build something like the Pelayo? (was french built so a french hull fits)
  9. Gave a light test to the update. I love the new options for hulls, like being able to mount small barbettes on the sides, and like the variety of towers in early and mid game hulls. However, I still think that the "modern" hulls are severely lacking on tower variety. With most of them still only having two ir three sizes of the same towers. Wanted to give a go to campaign, but campaign takes unbearably long to start. So long that first two times I thought it had hung, stuck in January 1887 (where it starts), third attempt killed after a 15 minutes wait, still on april 1887.
  10. I've been saying this since the start of the game. Features which are nothing but annoyances, should be removed or at the very least made optional. Same about torpedo spam. This is a game which includes "dreadnoughts" in the title, I want to play with big guns. I don't want the tiny pesky glorified fishing boats deciding the battles. I understand some people wants that, but other people hate it. Give an optional configuration to campaign regarding torpedoes and let us enjoy our big gun battles.
  11. We have been complaining that there is way too much RNG and way too many things outside of the player control to make an enjoyable Grand Strategy game mode for over a year. To no avail.
  12. I see after testing the update that (as suspected by the patch notes) Army being useless due to 75% of it remaining on homeland doing nothing has not been fixed. And neither has conquered provinces not contributing to shipbuilding capacity anymore. While they're not bugs, those are game crippling issues which must be fixed.
  13. The changes to army logic should be reverted ASAP. It is impossible to wind a land war outside your homeland borders, because like 75% of your army stays there doing nothing, and thus making the land army as useful as a set of blinkers in a submarine. The changes to the contribution of captured ports to shipbuilding capacity should also be reverted.
  14. So no point on A-H right now? I mean, if they have made that you can't expand your shipbuilding, it means that de facto there are only 4 playable countries now...
  15. Really? Sad. The game is still missing a lot of base content...
  16. I think that what counts as "homeland" is somehow loose. On my playthrough, it is counting the parts of the US, Russia, Japan and A-H I've conquered as homeland. Dunno if that's intentional, tho.
  17. Oh, also. I've noticed in the newer update notes that the chance of weather changing to storm on the campaign has been reduced. On my 38 years of campaign, it has happened twice, so my doubt is, it was really necessary to decrease the chance of something which seemed already infrequent?
  18. Well, I've played this for the first time since the release, and I have to say that I'm pleasantly surprised to see that the game works fairly well, and it is fun again. Excellent work in that. And I also see that some of the bugs I'm finding on are already solved. Yes, I know that is out. I'll update when I finish my current campaign. The only thing which saddens me is that AH hasn't yet received any love in the form of the much needed (and historical) pre dreadnought hulls they desperately need. Are there still plans on addressing that?
  19. Any plans to give Austria-Hungary some love (hull wise) on the 1890 start? They should be one of the most interesting nations to play designs wise due to how many unconventional ships they had... And instead is barely playable due to barely even having any hulls.
  20. So then this means I will never see the Pelayo... At the very least give Spain a hull they can build from the start of the Campaign...
  21. I disagree. Solving that would be as easy as making upgrading guns a manual button, instead of forcing the upgrade if newer guns are available. Which has also have been requested since refits were introduced.
  22. The problem with this, is that even if they were refitted, AI still pretty much fails at doing refits. In my experience, AI refitted ships still more often than not are somehow worse than the original ones. Something that has not been adressed at all despite being a reported issue since refit was introduced.
  23. Clearly you haven't played Spain then. Certain governments never grow moenywise, no matter how much you conquer. I abandoned my campaign because I was struggling to keep a 50 ship fleet (one third of them destroyers) even on wartime income. And that despite having conquered northern and south france, southern italy, southern russia, ukraine and crimea, among other good provinces. You should think I should have a good GDP, right? Nope, barely 11B in 1924 from the 6.5 billion in 1890. Meanwhile AH was sitting at 35 billion without doing anything, and having the strongest fleet in the world in terms of tonnage.
  24. Then prove it being wrong. That feeling is settled among a not small part of the community. The game is not even remotely close to be ready for release and you better than anyone should know it, calling it "complete"... I won't say how it feels and sound to me because it would do nothing but getting me banned.
  25. After seeing the notes... Full release? Are you kidding? The game is not even remotely close to be in a state which can be considered a full release. And won't be anytime soon.
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