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Posts posted by SiWi

  1. The campaign seems broken to me.

    I'm germany Nov 1893 and in war with both France and UK.

    But despite losing transport from time to time, despite my fleets at sea and before the enemy, there are simply no battles to fight.



    I had one big battle with the French and some skirmishes with single TB, but the UK never seems to fight me.

    Also the status of war seem broken.

    In top left there is a France VS German war but no UK vs Germany.



    After I mange to beat France, the Icon with the Uk vs Germany War appeared and I have 3 battles at once with the RN.

    So it seems my campaign at least has fixed itself.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, kjg000 said:

    The AI sometimes needs to cheat, as long as it is not so bad that it affects gameplay. In this case AI shipbuilding and economy need to be addressed certainly but at least allow all AI ships to be manned with a minimum green crew, for that matter NO ship should sail from port without at least adequate, though not necessarily full, crew numbers. Ships engaged after combat are a different matter.

    honestly I think the problem is that the base mechanic of crew recruitment is mostly base on time passing. While you would have circumstances where as a country you would absolutely recruit more then usually. Be that you are in War or make a major Navy expansion, in both cases the game just ask you to wait to get more crew.


    Hence my suggestion to give some tools to recruit bigger chunks of crew at once for a price (prestige, money, quality of training ect.).

    • Like 4
  3. 14 minutes ago, Jyson said:

    TB are worth their cost as two or three can cripple a BB, making it an easier target if not outright sink it. You just need to be willing to lose one or all of them, and must micro-manage so that they actually launch torps at a proper angle


    or I skip all that and build only cruiser and BB's and suffer almost never ships sunk and hence keep the money i spend building them including the crew...


    And my experience with TB, as Germany fighting the UK, was that against Veteran enemy crews you never actually have a chance to use TB's, because even with max bulkheads something hits them and if not sinking them then it cripples them so they can't get in range anymore.

    Again, this was a couple of patches ago (I simply couldn't be bother to design them anymore), so maybe it changed again. 

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, Plazma said:

    1890-1900 the TB and DD are too powerfull! 

    TB 1890 coins:

    -short distance around 6000km


    But they can rip apart any ship including BB, maybe no 1 vs 1 (always), but 3-4 TB what cost summary 1 mln is able to sunk a BB what cost 4 mln, rarely taking loses (in ships). Low crew and cost alowe you to spam TB and build example 160 while the enemy for this same cost have problem with building 10 BB. CL, CA have similar problems... 

    DD 1900 coins:

    -Cost (if you lose ship, that happens you lose a lot of money)

    -Short gun range (I believe in late 1900 campaign the range will be not sufficient) 

    But right now I have battle while I have 7 DD vs 2 BB 1 CA, my ships don't have big problem with taking it down. Only 3 DD was hit and because they are; heavy, medium and light damaged. What is more funny that eneamy BB and CA was sunk because of fire. 




    Right now I think...

    3-4 DD can sunk BB

    2-3 DD can sunk CA

    1-2 DD can sunk CL

    The cost of building my DD is 1,8mln and 130 crew, the cost of BB of Britain is 8,2 mln and 1000 crew. The most problematic part right now is no the money, but the crew and here is 7:1 for DD, cost 5:1. With DD I can always run away and the operating range is 15,000km. 


    Conclusion DD and TB are OP.

    Really? I stop building TB because they didn't seem worth it... Always got killed, usually before the chance to fire torps. Maybe things are different with the patches again, but I only bothered with DD to hunt down any my TB's, since that was all the enemy had left.

    • Like 1
  5. Personally I think both the player as well the AI, should have options to increase recruitment or make "recruitment drives".


    It could work this way:

    for either Money, Prestige or both, you could make a one time recruitment that gives you lets say, 2000 crewmen, lowest rank. This would have a cool down of lets say 12 months.

    Similar things could be done to boot other things: Research, money, Prestige... Overall I think the campaign could use some more things to do outside of battles.


    Another option would be that the recruitment budget could have one more sliders beneath it.

    Those would control how many of your training budget goes to training new crew and the other to improve current crew (which still gets you up to "veteran" btw). This way one could either focus on getting more crew (because you just finished a bunch of new cruisers) or train the crews you have because you have enough crew for your liking in reserve.


    Both this way could give both player but also AI more way to get more crew.

    Thou in the AI case it also has to be another problem, aka bug.

    • Like 3
  6. my 1890 german campaign ended after  I won a war against the Uk.

    I thought ti was suppose to go on?

    Other then that, I can mirror alot of the problems raised (mostly skipping this thread):

    Balance ships in 1890 are impossible and I have TB in 1980 with 4 torpedo tubs and still tonnage left over.

    Formations are bad, "screen" as starting Position is a nightmare, you sometimes get the odd battle where everyone is on top of each other.

  7. I'm a bit skeptical about "Dud torpedos" because that has the potential to feel really frustrating. But we will see.

    The main course is of course that the campaign could "finally" reaches its form where long term planing will make a difference. I wonder if they also rework peace offers since it doesn't seem to be actually implemented for a country to lose a province.


  8. 10 minutes ago, Bigjku said:

    Unlock the campaign start dates without making me play with Pre-Dreadnoughts that I hate.  Some people do not care for certain eras.  We paid for the game.  Stop restricting it.

    we paid for the game, but the dev also kinda need us as game testers.

    If no one plays 1890, they get no feedback on it. If they don't get feedback on it, they can't improve it.

    This is maybe the reason why they have it behind unlocks.

    • Like 1
  9. The problem is with keeping it to Uk vs Germany is that A) expanding the map punished germany more then vice versa and B ) many important campaign features, diplomacy, peace treaties ect, can't be tested with only 2 nations and lastly there is the problem that playing wise having more nation adds more fun gameplay then playing the same 2 to the 50th times after an new update.


    As nations expansions goes, I would pick Russia and France at the same time, because if we pick only russia, then Germany, the harder campaign right now can become impossible. Having 2 enemy's (one which most likely only can reach germany) while the UK would have only one could tipp the balance too much.

    France would balance this somewhat out.



  10. Hallo,


    The devs seem to try to keep a good pace with new contend. Which leads to the question what do you think they should do first?

    As I see it, they could either add new nation to be playable (I think they should chose to add France and Russia at the same go to keep the balance better as if they only add one), or they would make the map bigger, adding the colonies of Uk and Germany first before making any other nation playable.


    Both approaches have advantages.

    One helps to focus better on the existing features and the general battle/fleet features, while the other gives chance to test and try diplomacy and adds mor eplay vuable to the game.


    Which one do you prefer?


    And if you chose nations, which one(s) should they add first?


  11. I create always my own fleet. Year depends on mood. Early years have but so have the big BB#s you can build in 1920+.

    Thoi I think 1930+ campaign suffer in terms of balance alot.

    Well I usually design one of each typ thou most of the time 2 types of either TP or DD as "gunboat" and torp spammer respectively.


    Then I try to match enemy BB numbers with maybe a bit of an advantage from 2+ ships.

    Then I use a couple of BC, CA and CL.

    If enough money is left I would go to DD's in 6 packs and see then how much I can still afford. 

  12. Another thing that needs addressing (but is bigger in nature) is AI convey defense/attack behavior. Aka the fact that the AI has none. The Ai never even tires to actually protect their TR or really attacks yours. Even if you chase after the enemies leaving your TR valuable, they won't come after them and their never come to aid their own TR unless they right you anyway.


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