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Posts posted by SiWi

  1. personal Im' pro planes since I think designing carriers or conversion carriers or even battle carriers, could be a lot of fun.


    Also in the timeframe of the game, 1890-1930's carriers are a thing.


    And designing a ship with AA in min as well could give the game another layer.

    Thou  I really hope for refits in that case...


    As for the worries it would make Dreadnoughts/BB's obsolet, I don't think that earlier carries would do that and given a good AA you should be able to handle it. Also the damage that early planes did is... well... not dangerous to a BB that shots back and moves.

    It could be similar to the submarines, high cost but at the end of the tree you get fairly powerful CV's/planes.

     I wouldn't mind the game going to 1950's anyway...

    but first things first: make this game and make it good then we can see if they maybe expand it in some way.

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  2. Hallo Travelers!


    I was wondering whenever the AI as enemy in the campaign, would use the historical designs of the navies, go completely random, a mixed of the first 2, or perhaps also try to counter build players?

    Now there are alot of pro's and cons for each approach.

    Facing the historical designs would mean each nation would have somewhat of they character keept and "beating" the historical design could be fun.

    On the other hand, it makes the campaign, if the only option, pretty predictable since even if you don't know the different classes you probably learn them fast and counter building relative easy-


    Competently random is exactly that. Random. You will see odd and crazy designs, which arguably is the point of the game.

    It also means thou that the "historical" aspect of the game is weakened.


    I think I would like have either the option or a mixed of both of them. Like for example that UK has a certain "bias" aka % chance to build ships like the Queen Elisabeth class. I mean "like", aka the maingun layout would be copied, not necessary every detail. 


    The last mention, the AI counterbuilding is probably not feasible. Thou ti would make the game the most challenging in a good way beyond "Ai has more money then you". 


    What would you want? Do you want to see ships/classes of history pop up in your campaign as foe or would you prefer random?


  3. I don't think the game will emulate design flaws, because you are designing the ships and I don't think that the AI is force to use historical set ups, so if you are the british you are not forced to take Cordite at all.


    It could potentially have things like passive bonus for certain things or tech.

    Germany could get an Armor research bonus

    Japan torpedo research bonus 



    Thou we will see what the Devs will do.

  4. Well in reality yes but most games are a bit more bureaucratic in that regard...

    Teleport your troops out of enemy land if you declare war and such...


    Still I would think that your government would be kinda iffy about you simply shooting at other nations ships because you need practice...

    Ask the 2nd pacific Squadron. They almost manage to cause a war between Russian and anyone else who had fisher or merchant ships..

  5. fair enough.

    Perhaps then as French you should have a somewhat  strong fleet in Indochina and perhaps one fleet in Madagaskar that somewhat flexible can reeinforce other fleets. 

    My worry would remain that potentially a Fleet in Indochina could doom a fleet in france.

    Hence the attempt to have some reveres that are flexiable in where they can be deployed.

    My worries with long range ships is that they would lose out agianst any brawler/short range ship which invest more in amour or firepower.

    In fact as China I also would firstly try to build brawlers, because firstly I would need to have a chance to defend my own waters, before dreaming of the pacific.


    As for Destoryers:

    you are probably right, thou I wouldn't give too much about current balance, it was a error historical but for the meme one could try it in game ;)


  6. 56 minutes ago, Niomedes said:

    How do you plan to defend French Indochina and the west African coast with TP boats and destroyers ? I think you'd need a few more full fledged fleets to have any succes here than just an Atlantic and a Mediteranean fleet.

    In theory that is not more then a problem, because I sure you can make long range destroyers and spamm them.


    And the question is, is it feasible to be strong enough in the Indochina to not get wiped before reinforcements arrive.

    Thou a strong fleet there would be useful, it does depends how likely wars with nation in europe are compared to the asian nations.

  7. 55 minutes ago, Niomedes said:

    You could just go to war with the Ottomans or any South American nation to test your designs. Aside of that, a custom battle Editor will become part of the game during the next couple of weeks.

    really? because the blog made it sound like that you are only in control of the navy not army or politics and hence can't declear whenever you like.

  8. 58 minutes ago, Niomedes said:

    The Campaign is already in the game files in a somewhat primitive but already playable state and was accessible until a few days ago by pressing left Alt while clikcing on the campaign button. As such, it is reasonable to assume that the campaign is less than two months away and will be playable in some form during Alpha.

    well as said I don't have it because you credit card so I don't own the game and waiting for the release on steam.

    And the point kinda was that I suspect that the steam version would already had the campaign. 

  9. Hallo Travelers,

    While the release on steam and hence the campaign is still quite away from us, I was wondering what you guys think will be your building strategy for the different navies?


    For example: for Germany I think I would try to build 2 different set of ships.

    1 That is for the Nord and Baltic sea and one for the Atlantic.

    The Baltic and Nord Sea fleet would have very little range, and I would try to put many main caliber guns on the ships, but probably will go 1-2 inches small then the maximum I have.

    Though armor and strong secondaries would also be a goal. In short I would design them as brawlers.

    The Alantic fleet would be obviously need more range and sacrifice armor. I also think I would go for the biggest gun and set them up as long range ships. Speed would also be important, secondaries would not be view as important here.


    For both fleets I think a "scout cruiser" would be good. 1 light cruiser for every fleet which main job is to spot the enemies and avoid being spotted.  



    While they should have both a big standing an a big fleet infrastructure, they also have kinda the problem that they are needed every where.

    Thou building a Nord sea fleet/Mediterranean similar to my german plans are probably still possible. 

    Overall I think a strong cruiser fleet mind be in order to be able to protect the empire.

    Also of course long range BB and BC will be necessary if any trouble with the US or in the Pacific comes up. 

    I probably will try to make Serval fleet strong point:

    UK, obviously the home needs protection worthy of it.

    India: a important colony and a jumping point to reinforce either Africa, Pacific or the Mediterranean.

    Mediterranean, probably divided between Gibraltar and Eygpt, will have probably some more "brawler" ships then other fleets.

    Africa (south) probably only a couple of cruisers and DD's, long range to order to intercept surface raiders.

    Caribbean: potential only a very weak station, but if the US shows itself hostile then a major fleet there is needed.


    French: kinda in a weird place. They need to have both the Atlantic/Nord sea as well as the Mediterranean sea in they sight. 

    Perhaps having a "coastal" fleet which mainly protect the cost or near areas and then a having a offensive fleet with big ranges would make sense.

    It would be temping to go heavily into TP boats and destroyers to emulate the french doctrines at some points.

    Thinge complicated that you might have to face the british in the 1889's... in that case the canal would become a slaughter house...

    Perhaps cruisers are the biggest things you can hope to replenish loses during the war hence a any BB's should be ready before that...


    I could dive into the other nations but I think I want to read what you guys think first.

  10. Hallo Travelers!


    I just recently stumble upon this game through Youtube and while my lack of a credit card stopped me from buying it, it looks amazingly like something I always wanted, beign a fan of naval comabt and strategy.

    There is however 1 think I'm curious how it will work in the campaign:

    you see if you play for example As Imperial Germany, you come across the problem that if the game starts lets say in the 1890's, you build ships for decades without ever going to use them.

    If the event happen historically at least. Leading to the gamepaly problem that you are potentially frustrated because after decades of building ships you find out that your designs don't work as intended. While one can argue that it is the historical experience of every navy I don't think it is the fun part. Hence smaller conflicts could be useful to test ships. But given that there will be no "pirates" that everyone punches, I wonder how the game will go about it.

    Now the blog does mention alternative history and special events where ones decisions can trigger wars. Thou if we take Germany again, I wonder if it can have smaller conflicts without having the WW1 pre started.

    Can the "Panthersprung" (Agadir crisis 1911) lead to a germany French war that is limited or will pretty much everything trigger a major war between the major powers? 

    Maybe a war with Sweden if you support Norwegian independence? Thou of all this is just before WW1...

    Send ships to China during the Boxer rebellion? (doubtful they come there before British or French)

    Maybe there will be a "test" mode to test at least the hitting chance against something like a drawn target or the ability to sink ones older ships to test weapon effects.

    And that note: I hope the feature of "refit" will be considered. Instead of simple scrapping ships, one should have the chance to modernize them (to some extend).


    So... what do you guys think? 


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