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Everything posted by BCH

  1. I must have been observing an extreme case of collateral damage; I had a Union brigade taking damage from a single CSA Brigade and was watching the counter spin like a gas pump display. Then an adjacent Union Skirmisher unit began taking damage and was destroyed, and another Union brigade immediately behind the first began to have its counter spin down as well. No other CSA brigades or artillery were within range of the Union units. A screen shot is not going to show any of that. What is everyone using to record a battle?
  2. Question.. Do the mechanics allow a single AI brigade to damage multiple brigades to its front?
  3. I understand that. The second corp due during the Landing phase has not shown up in about 14 battles now in a row. I do not expect them when I only hold the Landing to the 4 minute mark, but sort of expected them when I was down to about 2 minutes.
  4. Those are the ones of which I am speaking; I have yet to see them at the Landing phase. I was down to 2:33 and did not see them, you were down to 2:00 and did not see them. I am wondering if anyone playing 1.22d is seeing them in the Landing phase...
  5. More on contours: In the first screen shot, all the data behind the contours sits in the background. 3D analysis can be performed without showing the contours themselves. In the following screenshot, the contour lines have been rendered from the data in the background: Once rendered, the 10ft contours (derived from a LIDAR point cloud, feel free to Google that for more info) can simply be a graphic which provides a visual representation of the data. This is all that a player really needs in the game, simply a graphic of the data. The player does not need to click on a contour line to get the elevation; a bit of familiarity with topographical maps and the existing graphics would be enough to determine if a location is on the top of a hill or not. Unfortunately, i.t does not appear that this simple solution could be easily adopted for the game
  6. The variance mode makes it interesting and adds unpredictability to the battles; I would not get in a hurry to turn it off. Bull Run is an example of a major battle that is much more interesting with it turned on.
  7. Right now, I am looking at what forces the CSA AI brings into Shiloh as I continue to load my camp before Shiloh and then play it. With the goal of making it a challenge but with more balance I believe you can have one of the following conditions but not both: 1. High total of large brigades for CSA 2. High CSA veterancy (mostly 3* and 2*) If CSA veterancy is going to be high; the brigade sizes should be smaller, e.g. You should rarely see a split brigade of 3,010 ea, nor a single brigade of 3,695. If CSA brigade size is going to be high, veterancy should be less.
  8. Thanks for the info.. I have the entire suite of ESRI tools at my disposal, so working in 3D and rendering elevation data into a map is not much of an issue. But if the maps themselves are compiled into the product that would be an issue. Since contour lines are not needed for the program to 'figure out' elevation differences; I was hoping all that would be necessary would be to simply create the lines that simply overlay the actual maps. Watch here tomorrow and I will post a real world example.
  9. I regularly save as I go in battles; if for no other reason than to go back and experiment with a change in tactics even if I am winning. I utilize pause a lot on the major battles; the units that are 'in your control' sometimes make poor decisions (some additional adjectives can be put before poor). The AI spotting is annoying, but I noted in my last play of Logan's Crossing, my artillery batteries were engaging hidden CSA units and causing casualties. It may simply be a rendering issue and nothing to do with the actual spotting mechanics.
  10. It should have been, but I did not optimize my divisions before starting; doubt that I get that low number when I do optimize the divisions in regard to order of battle. And it would be rare that I do not bring enough artillery.. "A battery of field artillery is worth a thousand muskets" William Tecumseh Sherman Ultima ratio regum
  11. I do not usually pay much attention to that; I will make a note as I keep trying Shiloh. This last play through, I brought in 22,000+ infantry vs 51,000+ CSA Inf. (first time in a long while it was below 60,000) Intel report showed 41-45k
  12. largest so far = 3,450 3,695 a 2 * Inf. brigade Additionally two sets of split brigades 2,940 x 2 for 5,880 total and 3,010 x2 for 6,020 total
  13. I regularly see 60,000 plus CSA infantry some examples: Union Inf. vs CSA Inf. 19,651 vs. 60,565 23,607 vs. 60,714 22,807 vs. 60,286 What is not happening in the above battles is Buell's last reinforcements. Never quite able to hold the VP long enough for them to come in. CSA losses are usually 2 to 3 times greater than Union losses I do note that in your video of Shiloh, you have manged to acquire three 2*, and four 1* rifle brigades; the best that I have been able to get ready for Shiloh is two 3*, and three 1* brigades. Obviously, I am missing something in barracks development.
  14. Sort of like a brigade showing up in the open within firing range of my cavalry..
  15. Don't make easier on my account at this point; there may well be a problem with the strategy I am using.
  16. If that Shiloh Battle was played at the MG level, I am impressed.. nice job. Are you playing under the 1.22d mod?
  17. Interesting.. might need to see how large I can get them to scale.
  18. Is the maximum CSA brigade size for Shiloh fixed at a specific number under ver. 1.22d?
  19. Your overall strategy for Shiloh is not too much different from what I just tried. I am starting again from just after Bull Run; took relatively few casualties there and that will allow me to experiment with some of your suggestions. Thanks
  20. All in all, despite the total loss; the experiment itself was successful. Strategy and tactics tried: At Shiloh Church, I pushed south of the VP with all II Corp units. This included one battery of Horse Artillery. Skirmishers were armed with '41s; as well as one brigade. AI did not seem to know how to effectively deal with what amounted to an attack; rather than a static defense. Skirmishers were maneuvered to the flanks of attacking Confederate brigades. Eventually, it becomes a fighting withdrawal north to the Church. Union reinforcements came in, but never engaged prior to the Phase II map. Union casualties are low at this point for II Corp. At the two fields phase, I strongly defended the western most VP with three batteries. I pushed skirmishers and a 500 man brigade far south in the middle of the map. This did slow the CSA advance considerably. When the Hornet's nest phase started, I pulled back any brigade not engaged in the south and/or any brigade that had withdrawn from Shiloh Church and the Fields. CSA brigades spent a lot of time trying to chase down the the remaining Union brigades. As I said in the previous post, a battery of Horse Artillery, one brigade, and one skirmisher unit held the Hornet's nest for a long time. Union brigades which had been pulled back from the Church and Fields arrived NE of the Hornet's Nest in relatively good shape in both manpower and condition. CSA brigades take a beating trying to take the Hornet's Nest and never really threaten the Union brigades to the NE. As for the Landing, not having any reinforcement in the beginning of that phase foretold the ending of the battle; even so, I was able to hold on to the Landing for a lot longer than I expected.
  21. {Shiloh has an enormous impact on the campaign if lost or drawn.} From my perspective, it is a must win battle. This play through was another complete disaster.. down to well under 3 minutes and no Buell.. bum rushed at the end and lost (7 Union brigades captured in the last rush). II Corp destroyed completely, I Corp only came out of the battle with 3 brigades. Shiloh Church Phase: 16,988 CSA inf. vs 3,325 Union I did mange to hold Shiloh Church until after the Hornet's Nest phase. Fields phase: 18,173 CSA inf. vs. 4,300 Union - could not hold the VPs but held the woods in the middle. Hornet's Nest: Stopped counting the CSA brigades.. Actually held the Hornet's Nest with Horse Artillery, a Skirmisher unit, and a Brigade. I pulled the rest of the army back to the NE of the Hornet's Nest. Hornet's Nest held until right before the Landing Phase. Landing Phase: Inflicted many CSA casualties, and routed many CSA Brigades. But Union attrition played a big role; eventually all the CSA brigades that had been occupied by the Union at the Church, and by the Union brigades in the center woods between the two field, make their way up to the Landing. Once there, they rushed pretty much en-mass . Starting Manpower: Union - 26,404 vs CSA - 62,079 Losses: Union - 20,096 vs CSA - 29,009 (lost roughly 8,000 + at the very end during the CSA rush) I tried 6 in Training to get some 1* skirmishers; but having only 4 in AO reduced the total number of brigades for the Union, resulting in no Union reinforcements in the Landing Phase. I am going back to 5 and 5 for the next attempt.
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