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Everything posted by BCH

  1. Interesting.. I did a quick run through with the 1.25.2 test with Phillipi, basically at full speed before heading off to the office this morning (I do not recommend high speed for serious game play..). The initial encounter between Union Inf. brigade;two Union skirmishers and a single CSA brigade was promising; the Union Inf. seemed to be more effective; Union skirmishers about the same. The CSA brigade in open ground took significant casualties before retreating. The first in Union reinforcements (3 inf brigades and 2 batteries) were able to force the CSA AI brigades back across the river and into Phillipi with relative ease. Initially the attack on Phillipi itself went well; what I believed to be single CSA battery located in Phillipi was eliminated with few Union casualties. The north bridge CSA defender was driven out of the fortification; however a Union brigade in that vicinity began to take heavy casualties (quickly down to half strength). I pushed to position, but could not hold that area. It turned out that two additional CSA batteries were just along the railroad edge of Phillipi; they apparently focused on the Union brigades that had crossed the bridge. I was not able to take the VP in the time allotted. Hopefully the two additional CSA batteries beyond the normal single battery in town is just a bad roll of the dice.. Other than the two unexpected CSA AI batteries; this 1.25.2 test mod seemed to improve the player's units. Tough from the player perspective to actually know if it RNG luck that you are seeing or the actual changes from the mod.. But from my perspective this morning: Inf. brigades seem to have had a slight increase in damage dealt, particularly when they were able to catch an AI brigade in the open, or enfilade fire on it. I only had Napoleon batteries, but the damage at shot range seemed to be the same; shell range damage seemed improved (at least against the one CSA battery that was quickly destroyed); canister range damage seemed improved ( I did not have any CSA brigades waltz into canister and get off with only a handful of casualties. I will give it another try or two this evening (at a much slower game speed).
  2. Not just legendary.. Major General as well.. just tried to play the 1st Bull Run as CSA.. not even close, a complete disaster. The parity that artillery provided against the AI scaling is now completely gone. at best you were facing 2.5 to 1 odds before Johnson arrives for the 'counter-attack' . I estimate that it was closer to 4:1 odds because most CSA units were at half strength at that time, with few Union AI brigades with equivalent casualties. Not sure why AI scaled Union forces with 2,000+ man brigades.. CSA AI provided brigades were 500 to 800 men. with 1 brigade at 1,300. I can pull a draw by exploiting the map, not by Civil War era maneuvers.
  3. Sure thing.. Might be another visit to Gettysburg this year during a run on antique shops in that area.. I will take some additional photos. If the Park Service has the yellow jackets under control, I will definitely take photos of Devils Den from a soldiers perspective.
  4. My grandmother's great-great uncle served in the 143rd PA Inf. Regiment, one of the volunteer enlisted men from 1862; their first battle under fire was at Gettysburg along with most of Stone's Brigade (149th, 150th PA Inf. Regiment.. also volunteers at that point). A.P. Hill, CSA was impressed by their tenacity on the first day.. probably would have been more impressed had he known how inexperienced those brigades really were My distant relative 'survived' the war, although I suspect he suffered from what we now call PTSD (he was known to drink a bit). He was promoted to Corporal near the end of the war for 'gallantry at Gettysburg'; I have yet to track down the specifics; but a local poem put together for the reunions held in his honor starting in the early 1900's suggests he saved one of the regimental colors at Gettysburg 'and carried it at the head of his regiment for the rest of the day. The promotion is in official regimental documents; the actual specifics beyond the words 'for gallantry' of the promotion is not (at least I have yet to find that information). No evidence that any letters, etc. that he sent home still survive. I did come across the following journal from another soldier in his regiment: Avery Harris Civil War Journal – February 1, 2000 by Peter Tomasak (Author/Editor) Harris' account of the battle at McPherson's Farm on the first day at Gettysburg is graphic in its details; he speaks of an entire CSA brigade being swept away by double canister at under 300 yards by a Union battery. He also mentions seeing a battery loading triple canister. The 143rd at Gettysburg had Enfields; which they thought to be a bit heavy but very accurate. I am going to try to visit every battlefield in which the 143rd fought (going to be spending a lot of time in Virginia doing that). Left Pennsylvania for Washington, D.C., November 7, and served duty in the defenses of that city until January 17, 1863. Ordered to join the Army of the Potomac in the field January 1863. Duty at Belle Plains, Va., until April 27. Chancellorsville Campaign April 27-May 6. Operations at Pollock's Mill Creek April 29-May 2. Battle of Chancellorsville May 2-5. Gettysburg Campaign June 11-July 24. Battle of Gettysburg July 1-3. Pursuit of Lee July 5-24. Duty at Bealeton Station until October. Bristoe Campaign October 9-22. Haymarket October 19. Advance to line of the Rappahannock November 7-8. Warrenton November 7. Guard at Manassas Junction November 22-December 5. Demonstration on the Rapidan February 6-7, 1864. Duty near Culpeper until May. Rapidan Campaign May 4-June 12. Battle of the Wilderness May 5-7. Laurel Hill May 8. Spotsylvania May 8-12. Spotsylvania Court House May 12-21. Assault on the Salient May 12. North Anna River May 23-26. Jericho Ford May 25. On line of the Pamunkey May 26-28. Totopotomoy May 28-31. Cold Harbor June 1-12. Bethesda Church June 1-3. Before Petersburg June 16-18. Siege of Petersburg June 16, 1864 to February 10, 1865. Mine Explosion July 30, 1864 (reserve). Weldon Railroad August 18-21. Boydton Plank Road, Hatcher's Run, October 27-28. Warren's Raid to Weldon Railroad December 7-12. Dabney's Mills, Hatcher's Run, February 5-7, 1865. Ordered to New York February 10. Assigned to duty at Hart's Island, New York Harbor, guarding prison camp, and escorting recruits and convalescents to the front until June.
  5. Thanks.. They were taken with a Canon EOS 80D; mostly were shot at ISO 100.. I let the camera do most of the 'work' rather than manually adjust the settings, as my wife and I only had a limted amount of time for each battlefield as we headed south. I had a tripod.. but elected to leave it in the Jeep. Next time around I have some settings I want to try out with the camera. The Napoleon and crow at Monocacy was out of eight separate photos with different settings.. the crow obliged, so I kept shooting photos. Forgot to include the Burnside Bridge at Antietam, from the Confederate position.. The Confederates held the high ground.. Once you actually stand on the spot, you understand why the Union took such high casualties here.
  6. Gettysburg, Monocacy, Antietam, New Market - selected views: Gettysburg, First day position of Stone's Brigade at McPherson's Farm This would have been the view the advancing Confederates had of the barn (the barn stone work is mostly original, remainder has been repaired or reconstructed over the years; the rest of the McPherson builds only exist as remnants of their foundations). Right flank of the battery, immediately across from the stone side of the barn. Left flank of Hall's 2nd Maine battery; one of the last to leave its position on July 1st with what was left of the 143rd, 149th, and 150th PA Inf. Regiments. Note that the Confederate brigades had to advance up hill toward McPherson's Farm. Position of the 143rd PA Inf. Regiment, facing toward the railroad cut (line of trees and bushes in the middle of the photograph; the bushes and trees were not present in 1863). John Burns, citizen of Gettysburg. Soldiers of the 150th PA Reg. that fought along side him; noted that he had the shooting skills of their own sharpshooters. Color Sergeant Ben Crippen.. killed July 1st, 1863 while defiantly withdrawing with the 143rd ( 143rd was the last to leave their position on the McPherson Farm. after Union brigades on their left and right flanks has withdrawn leaving the 143d almost surrounded). Crippen's gesture is the Civil War equivalent of giving someone the finger. Monocacy Battlefied (least know battle of the war.. precedes Fort Stevens in the game). Greatly out numbered Union troops held positions just beyond the tree line, and the ridge on the other side of Monocacy Creek.. this battle delayed the Confederate advance on Washington and allowed Grant to shift troops from Cold Harbor north to Fort Stevens. Antietam - Dunker Church (reconstructed) with 6pdr, 10pdr Howitzer, 3 Inch Ord. and 10pdr Parrott in the foreground. Sunken Road/Bloody Lane - Antietam the Union advanced from the high ground toward the Sunken Road. This monument is in direct line with the Sunken Road (left of the monument in the photograph); the Irish Brigade advanced to within 30 paces of the Sunken Road (about the edge of the cornfield)stood and fired round after round of 'buck and ball' into the Confederates. When the Irish Brigade ran out of ammunition; they marched back to the Union rear lines. New Market Battlefield Approximate left flank starting position of the VMI Cadets.. they will pass on both sides of the Bushong house as they advance toward the Union lines. Just past the Bushong House.. VMI Cadets along with the other Confederate brigades are under constant Union artillery fire till well past the fence line in this photograph. They essentially never fire a shot until midway across the far field show here. Union Major General Franz Sigel despite having superior numbers, and a superior position.. lost this battle; Grant relieved him of command and he was put in charge of the reserve corps for the remainder of the war.. choose files... Click to choose files
  7. Not that it impacted Shiloh at all... Part of the issue is that in every battle for Shiloh, since 1.25.1a was introduced, most CSA AI units are twice as fast as any of my Union units (which have speed perks). Cannon fodder brigades, which in the past could be used to slow the CSA advance are now being captured at over half strength.. unable to withdraw fast enough to avoid it. Playing Shiloh 20 times to win once is not my idea of fun.. plus it borders on insanity. I do appreciate the hard work behind the mod.. but I believe this last version needs some tweaking. I will post the battle field photographs I took at Gettysburg, Monocacy, Antietam, and New Market as promised.. but then I am done for a while.
  8. Well, I now have 854 free ones to distribute before Shiloh...
  9. It is not the carbine that I am capturing... It is the rifle version. I am now up to 683 total after River Crossing, with Logan's Crossroads yet to go. This is not a complaint, glad to acquire them as captured weapons; I just thought it was unusual.
  10. Sharps 1859 Rifle question -- MG level Mod 1.25.1a I am experiencing CSA AI skirmisher units showing up almost exclusively armed with Sharps Rifles from Bull Run onward; and while I greatly appreciate capturing those rifles several hundred at a time (70 from Distress Call; 530 from Bull Run, over 700 from the last play through of River Crossing, etc.) I have to ask is this an expected circumstance?
  11. same here.. Experimenting with officer advancement leading up to Shiloh.. had a great victory at Bull Run, very low casualties there.
  12. When does Medicine begin to reduce Wounds and Deaths for officers?
  13. If people are regularly winning at Shiloh on the MG level with the 1.25.1a mod.. I would like to know how you do it. Because I am no longer even coming close to pulling it off.
  14. Bad luck indeed.. I had 9 wounded officers before Shiloh; and then had 4 or 5 killed, and 7 wounded at Shiloh before losing the VP at the Landing. In my battle, a gunboat was lucky to get 4 or 5 kills out of a flanking shot, and most of the time it was 1-2 kills. I am going to restart Shiloh of course.. but it is incredibly frustrating.
  15. Managed to have 34 assorted brigades on MG level for Shiloh.. It wasn't even close.. CSA massive brigades rolled up both flanks. Union gunboats are back to being ineffective, which means the Union left is as vulnerable as the right. CSA AI solution for Union skirmishers fighting a delaying action was simply to charge en-masse 6,000 against 300.. I used what I call the Pandakraut strategy.. it worked only to a point. and then the numbers just overwhelmed the Union. Loss of Union officers destroyed the morale of at least a third of the Union rifle brigades and then they were slaughtered or captured.. I am at a complete loss on how to win at Shiloh with the current mod.
  16. Check the mod.. skirmishers should be able to use infantry weapons.
  17. Well the 8/2 group did fine at Bull Run; I went in to that battle infantry heavy.. but prevailed with good advancement. Took the brigadier in charge of a battery to major general..
  18. 8/2 worked well.. The infantry brigades were set up in one line of 4, backed by the other 4 brigades spaced a brigade width back: = = = = with about half a brigade length between each in the line. The two Union batteries were positioned more toward the Union right flank. I had a bit of luck right off.. a CSA battery came across the river right at the east bridge, and then blundered into the Union AI cavalry and two Union AI skirmisher units.. it was almost destroyed before it could get into battery, not sure it ever got off a shot. Note: one Union rifle brigade was only at 500 (available funds limited the amount of weapons) I should have just made this unit a skirmisher brigade in retrospect. Another rifle brigade took too many casualties to be able to economically replace them. Both units were disbanded and weapons distributed to new units. Winning this battle gives me for Bull Run, an army of 6,860 men with 34 guns, and 15,000 in supply. The 4,5,1 arrangement gave me for Bull Run, an army of 5,932 men with 41 guns, and 10,000 in supply. The armies are almost exactly equal in regard to rifle brigade experience; one 2*, three 1*, and two 0* brigade (only going with 5 rifle brigades from the 4,51 group, so only one 0* there)/ The big difference.. 5 batteries each, but the 4,5,1 group has one battery at 2* and four at 1*; the 8/2 group only has a 2* and a 1*, the rest are 0*. I am not sure at this point which army has more of an advantage.. one will have 6 rifle brigades at Bull Run to gain experience; and the other will have only 5. The latter has the edge in experienced artillery. Guess I play both through up to Shiloh and see where I am at...
  19. This 8/2 arrangement is turning out to be rather interesting.. I will not finish until tomorrow evening. Suffice it to say, the CSA brigades are not making much progress.
  20. Well.. I believe CSA BG Johnson has been cashiered. Pandakraut was very accurate in describing what AI would eventually do; the AI started stacking brigades, six or so (mostly fresh) and pushed toward the Union center (Union brigades were positioned in the woods west of the South VP, with the exception of the AI brigades and my skirmisher unit which were set up on the Union right flank to provide enfilade fire against attacking CSA brigades). I believe the only thing that kept them from rolling over the Union line (and it was close at least twice) was the fact that the Union batteries were positioned in a slight crescent behind the rifle brigades. This meant that once a CSA brigade (sometimes two at once) closed on the Union line; they were flanked by at least two batteries each time. The CSA AI was persistent, extremely so, they would back off and advance in a group time after time. Most of the attacks were against a 2* Union rifle brigade (which started with 950 men, lost 249, and killed 1,219). After the attacks slowed down, it was a matter of picking off the CSA batteries with the Ordinance battery and the Parrott battery (assisted by my 500 man skirmisher unit which managed somehow to remain hidden while it flanked CSA batteries) I would not recommend this strategy unless one is prepared to extensively micro-manage the Union batteries ( and remember that you have a pause key). Most of my losses were the Union AI.. Total Infantry and skirmisher losses total 762 for the units which are in my camp, with 98 manpower lost from the batteries. The really good news is that two of the first division brigades are over 1,000 and will not need any replacements for Bull Run. A brigade raised in the 2nd division is almost 900 strong after the battle. Now to try the 8 rifle brigades and 2 battery strategy..
  21. Thanks for that thought.. (seriously, I always appreciate a critique) In the first redux of Distress Call I only had 3 batteries and 6 rifle brigades with 1 skirmisher brigades.. It might have just been very bad luck, but the CSA brigades just rolled through the Union brigades in the woods, despite taking battery fire from Napoleans, 10pdr Ord, and 10prd Parrotts across all that open ground from the North VP point southward. After I get done playing around with the 4,5,1 arrangement I currently have at Distress Call, I will go back to a 6,3,1 arrangement and give it another try. Even an 7, 3 arrangement and just use the Union AI skirmishers to cover flanks might be worth a try. Not sure I can do with less than 3 batteries, as some counter battery fire is needed against the CSA AI batteries I did find on this last play through that I am in, enticing the CSA AI to actually try to get into the fortification resulted in more casualties for them.. and all routed, and then took even more casualties trying to get back out. An idea just came to mind.. I am going to try an 8,2 arrangement next for Distress Call; I just remembered a battle formation used at Gettysburg for a portion of the battle (nice to visit those battlefields and study the formation displays).
  22. as an example: My goal to come up with an effective strategy at Shiloh on MG level with the 1.25.1a Mod, I have gone back to Distress Call to try and maximize my army for Shiloh. In the past, I have done well with Distress Call with a make up of 4 rifle brigades, 2 skirmisher brigades, and 4 batteries; the strategy is to let the CSA AI take the Northern VP and then decimate them in open ground as they attempt to take the other VP; and then retaking the Northern VP (capturing the AI supply, and keeping the AI commander from the field is usually achievable). With the reduction in artillery damage; the above strategy is still doable, but I am taking more casualties than I want. Experiment 1: same Union force make up; but the units were arranged more to the Northwest (in the wooded area not quite due west of the North VP). This worked fairly well, it put batteries within shell range of the North VP much earlier in the battle, and provided enfilade fire on CSA AI units moving toward the South VP. I had to send a rifle brigade to assist the Union AI in defending the South VP, basically again ending up with more casualties than desired.. still a win though. Experiment 2: I replaced one of the skirmisher brigades with another battery, bringing the total to 5. I position the units a bit closer to the South VP this time. This starts out with a lot more routs and withdrawals by the CSA AI brigades (although I will say, no brigade should continue advancing after taking canister rounds from 5 batteries at almost simultaneously). The above mentioned brigade continued its advance and charges at the last minute into a 2* Union rifle brigade which pulled back slightly allowing two Union rifle brigade to enfilade both flanks of the CSA brigade. The 2* Union brigade was backed by a 12 gun Napoleon battery. The CSA brigade routs.. mills around, routs again, and then retreats through the 2* brigade and the Union battery ending up in the Union rear. Still a Union win.. just not quite what I want Experiment 2, second replay. Slight variation in the positioning of the Union batteries, to provide better overlapping fire; this battle is progressing much better at the moment. One slight change in tactics, since the CSA units can only reach a position inside of the South VP by going through the 'gate's on the West and East sides of the fortification.. I have set up to have more direct fire on those area when the AI tries to get in. I was not able to keep the CSA commander pinned down in a corner this time, but I was able to seize the CSA supply wagon and force two CSA batteries in the proximity to go into battery far out of range. It will be a much longer time for them to get in position for the main battle area. At this point, going from 4 to 5 batteries is making up for the 40% reduction in damage; at least for Distress Call. I will suggest that, if it is going to remain at the 40% reduction, default canister damage be increased a bit.
  23. 1.25.1 Changes: Timer Changes - Adjusted reinforcement timers at Union Gaines Mill and Malvern Hill. - Union Shiloh timers reduced slightly. If you mean the above changes.. they are desirable from my point of view. And the only part of 1.25 itself that is currently giving me heartburn is the 40% reduction in artillery damage; and I am experimenting with tactics to overcome the issue.
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