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Posts posted by pandakraut

  1. 3 hours ago, Zenneh said:

    Regarding Salem:- I think the only way is to do it like supply run - take the point then lure them all away from it or do it last second a cheesy tactic though 

    Are you referring to supply raid on this current run of BG or in the base game? In the mod with your size of army I would expect that to also be drastically over scaled. It's definitely possible to wipe out the enemy on that mission even on Legendary in the base game.

    An eye towards scaling is probably a good idea on MG and above. In the base game the AI will cap out but that won't be the case in the mod. That doesn't mean it's necessary to play a minimal campaign, but at least until you have a good corps of veterans that can handle many times there number going overboard with giant rookie units is probably a mistake. The upside is you get a decent spotting bonus for going 2 recon in the mod.

    On the harder difficulties I think the intro missions are actually some of the harder battles in the game. Partially because of the secondary objective of preserving your starting units. I've lost or abandoned both plenty of times. Why the in game timers are intentionally misleading I'll never understand.

  2. I entirely forgot that Salem Church used allied units for the Union, and I indeed do not have a save for it so it never got tested. That scaling is likely going to be quite a surprise on Legendary... 

    It's been a while since I played it but it may still be winnable for you, though you'll probably have to draw them into attacking you. Might have to sneak in behind for the flag towards the end as well. 0 star troops are terrible in the mod though, so might not be possible.

    Otherwise how has the campaign been going with such an over sized first corps? Are you regularly facing over sized units? Does the scaling keep it a challenge even with the huge numbers you can deploy? We've done most of our testing on Legendary where setting something like that up isn't really feasible so any feedback on how things play out on BG would be appreciated.

  3. Checked my install to try the 2nd corps supply and it doesn't work for me. Max of 35k. 

    I wrote up a long response about artillery, but I think it really just boils down to snipers again :) They take up slots that you use to field extra artillery, and they mostly perform the flanking shots role for me in the initial stages of a battle.

    The current state of the mod I'm working on makes snipers much harder to get going and provides a better speed perk for artillery. I'm going to give your approach a try there.

  4. Very nice write up. One question on the supply units. Isn't the maximum supply 35k? I've also never seen two supply wagons show up for one corps even when using modded supply values of over 50k? What am I missing here?

    When adding units to an encirclement, one case where I would think it would be preferable to send the fresh unit around to the flanks is when the units in the encirclement are already tired. Shifting while firing is an additional drain on stamina so getting fresh units out on the end of the line where they will have to move the most might be a better option sometimes. Otherwise, a solid efficiency improvement that I will have to start using.

    With long range artillery, I usually prefer to have them in a central position and nearly exclusively on counter battery fire unless they need to shift fire to break a charge. The way I look at it is the less time they spend moving the more effective they will be. The reason I focus on counter battery fire is that the longer enemy artillery is on the field the more guaranteed casualties you will take. Infantry units can made to waver and allow you to take free shots, artillery will always be picking away at you until you remove it. Once it's removed you have full control over the pacing of the battle, you can afford to rest while the artillery keeps the enemy morale from recovering and then encircle as desired. Microing skirmishers and cavalry is also much easier when you don't have to worry about getting blasted by artillery if you aren't hidden for a few seconds. This is all probably in the same category as skirmishers/cavalry, as pausing gives me time to switch targets when needed and focus all my long range artillery on a specific brigade to kill it off quickly.

    I like the idea of getting artillery onto the flanks overall though, I'll have to try keeping the 24pdrs as charge breakers, 20pdrs for counterbattery, and pushing 3in to the flanks.

  5. @i64man Starting units at Phillipi were modified including replacing the cavalry unit with infantry. The bonuses given by perks are all the same bonuses as in the base game, we can't add new types of bonuses. But the values of the bonuses have all been changed and which perks have which bonuses has been modified. None of the perk icons have been changed yet though.

    With the changes to economy you can buy weapons for less(66% max discount) but that also means weapons have to sell for less(33% of total value) as otherwise you could generate infinite money. With very few or no points in economy some rifles will sell for $1. I didn't notice any of them selling for 0 but it isn't terribly surprising. Once you have more points in econ you should be able to get some money back, but it's currently more worthwhile to actually field the weapons than to sell them. Nearly every weapon should have a use currently.

    @Louis Davout Unit attributes are capped at 100, but accuracy is handled differently and there is no maximum value. The basic damage calculation not including firearms, efficiency, altitude, damage falloff, etc:

     Weapon Damage * Random Value between((weaponAccuracyLow/100 * perkAccuracy bonus) and (weaponAccuracyHigh/100 * perkAccuracy bonus)

    The weapons at Phillipi and Potomac Fort were changed slightly but otherwise no other campaign values have been changed. The weapon pricing changes will alter what you see the AI using a little though. The weapon restrictions for each side were not changed.  Some cannon types will be very rare or nonexistent unless the player is on the side that can buy them. The way the AI weapon scaling works they tend to skip over a lot of types. That may be something that gets changed in the future. As the CSA I think there are two reputation rewards for whitworths and James guns.

    @Zenneh We didn't change any units on Salem Church so any scaling would only be influenced by the AI unit size having a higher max. 16k to 36k sounds beatable without context. What difficulty, side, and average infantry unit size are you using? What is the average AI brigade size and unit level that you are seeing in the battle? Brandy Station and Supply Raid were the only battles that looked potentially impossible on Legendary due to the way scaling works, but I can't remember if I had a save to check Salem Church.

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks for the info on the whitworth. We'll take a look at it. 

    My main reason to avoid politics until after other options is that I always have way more recruits than I need even at 0 politics. Even later on I only take it for the money bonus. But I also usually play with smaller brigades so that's probably the difference. Multiple builds working is definitely a good thing though.

    How are the timer changes holding up on BG? Those were partially implemented to make Legendary playable and could probably be removed on lower difficulties if necessary. 

  7. I'm surprised politics is still getting rated as highly. I prefer Econ, Medicine, and training even in the base game and the mod improved all of them.

    With the whitworth guns, were you using the lvl 1 shot/shell perk? Did you have a general with accuracy bonuses? I only just got access to whitworths in my current campaign and they did seem rather strong at 2nd Bull Run though I think the lvl 1 perk might be the balance issue.

    Skirmishers are definitely much weaker than the base game in terms of damage. I'm not sure how to make skirmishers really work currently before either 2 stars or scoped rifles at the moment. 3 star max cover max reload speed skirmishers are certainly good but I'm not sure how you would really get them experience. You can always disband an experienced unit to make some but that is a pretty clunky solution. We're considering a variety of options to make them a bit more effective and give the player more reasons to use them. In the previous version of the weapons mod carbines out ranged rifles and skirmishers could be extremely dangerous in the right scenario. 

    Happy to hear you are enjoying the mod :)

  8. In terms of melee I agree. I keep brigades balanced so that I can manage it if forced, but given the AIs overwhelming numbers in the early Legendary battles I can't see willingly committing to melee offensively most of the time. Jonny somehow manages it so apparently it's possible.

    I've found melee cavalry are incredibly effective early on because of how powerful it is at cleaning up routing brigades and picking off artillery. As the battlefields fill up with high experience well equipped troops its getting very hard to use them without heavy losses however so it appears to balance out.

    Hopefully the bug doesn't become a reoccurring issue. We didn't change anything around saving units to camp, but it's possible one of the perk or weapon changes can rarely bug out I suppose.

  9. @aileycc Any chance you have a save partway through the battle? I've never seen a unit get removed other than when it gets shattered or captured. You didn't happen to have a high AO value that allowed more than 6 brigades in a division?

    Smaller veteran melee brigades can be used but you will either need support or to have stacked the various combat factors in your favor first. I would generally rather have two 1.5k brigades than one 3k brigade but I usually only try to engage in melee when I'm sure the enemy unit will break almost immediately. Either allowing the enemy to charge and exhaust themselves first, dropping their morale with sustained artillery/rifle fire, or hitting them with multiple units at once, preferably in the flanks. Because of the routing and fatigue melee penalties whichever unit breaks first is going to take severe losses unless they receive immediate support. The other thing to consider, is that if the AI happened to have a general with the right perks that 1 star unit can effectively be a 2 star in terms of melee. If you want to charge a fresh, high morale unit that is larger then the infantry charge damage perk, and both general charge perks are probably necessary. 

    In terms of perks early on, I'm currently using a split of speed and accuracy. At lvl 2 I will then select either accuracy or melee to balance out whatever I chose at lvl 1. About of a third of my rifle units get double accuracy. Double accuracy units are normally under the command of a speed perk general. Some advantages of taking the melee perk early is that it can help deter the AI from charging(charge bonus is considered in the melee strength calculation) and it gives a lvl 1 accuracy unit a speed boost. Additionally, because you are outnumbered so heavily(assuming you're talking about legendary) the charge bonus will help even out the numbers a bit. If you can exhaust a larger unit as its charge runs out and then counter charge you can take on much larger units.

    Jonny is more the melee player so he will probably have some better advice on a melee focused run.

  10. The objective bugs are unfortunately somewhat common if you replay missions enough. They are also obfuscated enough in the code that I haven't figured out how to fix any of them yet.

    Unless infantry has multiple speed bonuses I find them terrible at chasing down anything in melee. Even if they do catch something I would rather have them save their stamina. Cavalry are very effective in cleaning up artillery if you want to try adding a unit.

    The downside of decreasing the buy price is the sell price has to go down so you can't generate infinite money. This has the side effect of making selling weapons not particularly useful. 

    I basically don't use any oversized units currently, so far it has either impacted scaling too much or been more efficient to have multiple smaller units. For the player I think it will be more of a late campaign feature. When the AI uses them the main thing I've noticed is that while they don't necessarily do all that much more damage per shot, the units are very hard to damage sufficiently to avoid getting hit several times. 

  11. To add to Jonny's comment, from what I have seen the effect of more men starts to out scale the limits of the efficiency limits somewhere around 3.5k to 4k men. The larger units are also able to absorb considerably more punishment and can beat smaller units through attrition. Overall the size increases are actually a somewhat minor part of the mod currently. If you don't play on MG or Legendary or build large units yourself you probably wouldn't even notice them. In my opinion the rework of the battle mechanics is the more significant change as it mostly requires a different set of tactics than the base game.

  12. On the topic of Chickamauga. Does anyone know how to reliably trigger day 3 for either side? Every time I've tried I've either gotten a draw as the Union or a defeat as the CSA if don't control all victory points.

    Regarding Brock Road, I usually hold slightly further forward defensive lines on both flanks so that I'm engaging against enemy units in the open rather than in cover. It does look like your approach draws the enemy artillery out further making them easier to cleanup though. Do you have any comments one way or the other on where you like to setup?

  13. Only the Assembly-CSharp.dll should be changing in the managed folder. In the Ultimate General Civil War_data folder you only want to overwrite the resources.assets file and add the Mod folder. My best guess is that it can't find the unitModifers.csv and that is what is breaking the battle loads. Can you double check on that folder's location? You should probably see it right next to the Managed folder. 

  14. @i64man As long as the files end up in the right spot in the game install directory it should work. Extracting the zip in the data folder should put everything in the right place but if you prefer to move things manually it should work. Just make sure the Mod folder goes into the data directory. If you start the battle of phillipi check the tooltips, unit composition, and if units move noticeably faster in column to verify if everything is working.

    @quicksabre You could try searching for resources.assets or Assembly-CSharp.dll and see if that leads you to the installation folder. Can you PM me a screenshot of the UGCW folder that you described?

  15. @quicksabre Do these steps work for you?

    1) In your Steam games list, right click Ultimate General: Civil War and select properties
    2) Click on the Local Files tab in the window that opened updated
    3) Then select the Browse Local Files option, this will open a window to the location the game is installed at
    4) Extract the mod zip in the Ultimate General Civil War_Data directory

    Otherwise I think this is the path? I don't have a mac to test on. /Users/(YOUR USERNAME HERE)/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/(NAME OF YOUR GAME FOLDER)/Ultimate General Civil War_data

    • Like 1
  16. @limith While technically possible, I'm currently overriding the unit size overrides in a method that get called very frequently. Putting a file read in there would likely cause performance issues. The good news is with a few exceptions you should be able to play without even noticing the increased sizes. If you keep your unit sizes small or even average you shouldn't even see over capped units before MG. On MG you will see a few slightly larger units on Shiloh and Bull Run because of the size of your allied units. Legendary will definitely have over capped units on those battles, but otherwise as long as you sustain a high enough kill ratio and keep your units small the scaling should still keep the AI units in your size range. 

    Regarding Bull Run and Shiloh you can definitely get through though with 1k -1.5k units even on Legendary(maybe not union Shiloh Legendary still working on that myself). While your units will be much smaller than the over capped brigades (3.5k - 5k) with good positioning you can deal with them. The Legendary starts can be very punishing currently so if you are playing on that difficulty expect restarts. 

  17. @aileycc The number of AI brigades has not been changed, though we will be doing that in a future campaign rework. In the base game the AI units can only scale to a max size of 2950 for infantry. In the mod that max size has been increased so scaling is effectively not capped. This change mostly just impacts MG and Legendary currently, though if the player makes their army large enough it should also be possible to see units larger than 2950 on Brigadier General.

    Our current expectation is that this will increase the difficulty but that a reasonable size(not minimum scaling) army can still get through the campaign on Legendary. There are 1-2 battles that are extreme edge cases which may have to be changed going forward.

  18. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/NmHUGvq

    This mod is not compatible with any other mod that changes the Assembly-CSharp.dll. Permission was granted by the developer to modify game files. Thanks to Jonny for saving me from hex editing.

    Updates for V1.9.2:
    Fixed a bug that was causing rewards to be given multiple times after CSA Shiloh and Union Antietam.

    Updates for V1.9.1:
    Fixed a bug that was causing the AI units to be larger in the starting battles.

    Updates for V1.9:
    Major changes include making the two starting battles easier, replacing the +ammo perk bonuses that don't work, and adding the ability to turn off or adjust scaling. 

    No scaling mode is not balanced by default, some battles may be far too easy or far too difficult. This is intended to be used in combination with AISizeMultiplier to adjust difficulty as desired. My recommendation would really be to leave scaling on and just adjust AI sizing from there, but the option has been provided as is if you want to use it.

    UI Changes
    - Units can be merged by dragging and dropping. Unit type and weapons have to match and the sum of both units hp must be less than the unit types max hp. Merged units stats will be averaged as normal. The dragged unit will be destroyed and its officer returned to the pool. Credit to Adishee.
    - Cavalry can now hold position.
    - Highlighted penalties to reload speed in perk descriptions.

    Perk Changes
    - Artillery tier 1 Logistics perk now gives +speed in place of +ammo. This is due to the +ammo stat being bugged.
    - General tier 1 Strategy perk now gives +spotting. This is due to the +ammo stat being bugged.

    Fixes to Union Deployments
    - Crossroads, Rendezvous, Crampton's Gap, and Harrison's Creek deployment slots now match total units that can be deployed.
    - Stones River, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, and Cold Harbor deploys fixed so that all deployed units now show up on the field.
    - Stones River supply wagons now appear on day 2.

    Configuration Changes
    - modifyTutorialBattle added into ConfigFile, enabled by default. Reduce the difficulty of the the first battle in each campaign by removing the random sizing adjustments to AI units and increasing the size of player units slightly. 
    - disableScaling added into ConfigFile, disabled by default. Enabling this turns off all scaling based on the players army. AI sizing is determined by difficulty and a random factor. 
    - improveArtilleryTargetting, now disabled by default. Requires far to much focus on enemy artillery given the options the player has available to keep smoothbore artillery close enough to be effective.

    Previous changes:


    Optional Balance Changes

    - Reattaching skirmishers is now on a cooldown. When skirmishers are detached, the reattach button will be disabled for approximately 10 in game minutes. Unfortunately I am unable to add a visual cooldown indicator beyond graying out the icon.
    - Shattered units return to camp. Configurable using returnShatteredUnits.
    - Infantry units no longer have a damage penalty in fortifications(now matches all other unit types). Configurable using removeInfantryFortificationPenalty.
    - Artillery counter battery logic now configurable using improveArtilleryTargetting.
    - Artillery counter battery will now only activate if nearest target is not within 700 range.
    - Allied units will now return a percentage(varies by difficulty) of weapons for men alive at the end of the battle. 
    - Allied units will now return a lower percentage(varies by difficulty) of weapons for men killed.
    - Allied unit weapon recovery changes are configurable using enableSurvivingAlliesWeaponReturn.
    - Weapon return rate from captured units reduced slightly for all difficulties.
    - Skirmisher melee strength reduced slightly.
    - AI Charge logic updated to better account for efficiency, firearms, and accuracy perks when determining melee and fire power.
    - Surrender chance now increases when an officer is wounded or the unit has low condition. 
    - Units can now make surrender checks when allied units are nearby.
    - Surrender logic changes are configurable using enableSurrenderLogicUpdates.
    - Fire at will volley time when a unit is wavering has been significantly shortened. This will result in units spending less time standing in place firing sporadically. This is configurable using fireAtWillMin and fireAtWillMax.
    - Melee damage penalty when engaging multiple units has been changed from 25% to 45%. Setting up 2v1 melee engagements is still beneficial but it should be less possible for two smaller units to beat a larger unit under normal circumstances. This is configurable using meleeMultiplePenalty.
    - Melee penalty when routing or wavering increased. Routing units will now inflict less damage in melee. This is configurable using moraleMeleeRouting and moraleMeleeWavering.

    - The tooltip in the top left of camp will now display Difficulty: Legendary when appropriate.
    - Perk tooltips now properly display all bonuses the perk provides.
    - Several perks had missing perk bonuses. Since additional bonuses cannot be added, minor stat increases have been replaced with the missing unique bonus.
    - Endurance Course(all), Tactical Training, Short Range Training, Long Range Training, Sharpshooter(skirmishers), Horseback Riding, Cavalry Training, Reconnaissance Course(cavalry), Shock Cavalry are affected.
    - Horseback Riding had it's unique bonus changed to Accuracy since the Endurance Training speed bonus applies to both mounted and unmounted units.
    - Weapon tooltips have been updated to show a damage range instead of accuracy low, hi, and base damage.
    - Weapon tooltips updated to display collateral radius and ammunition cost.
    - All weapon tooltips now have a Range Damage Multiplier section which shows the modifier applied at short, medium, long, and max range. Cannon will also display the modifier at 100 range. These provide snapshots of how effective a given weapon is at various ranges. Short, medium, long, and max correspond to 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and maximum effective range for each given weapon. So short range for rifles is 75, while for the 20pdrs its 500.
    - Weapon range arc color changed to white to increase visibility.
    - Artillery range arcs will now display canister and shell shot ranges.
    - Artillery descriptions updated with some context on how effective cannons are at various ranges to provide insight into how the damageDegradation curve affects the base stats.
    - Weapon tooltips updated to show actual weapon range for rifles. The better the rifle the more effective it is at longer ranges with the exception of repeating rifles which are more effective at medium ranges. For more details see http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26142-hidden-mechanics-and-weapon-damage-degradation/
    - When a division commander is wounded or killed the popup message will notify you of the affected division.
    - Updated terrain tooltips to show modded damage modifiers. These do not apply if in a fortification.
    - Display a warning message when issuing an attack order that forces your artillery to move to be able to hit the target.

    - Player Skirmisher and Infantry AI has been updated. If their target is blocked by a friendly unit they will not move and wait for their target to clear and then resume firing. If their target is blocked by an enemy unit they will not move and attempt to lock onto a new target. This is intended to prevent snipers or infantry units from charging enemy units when their sight line is blocked after a direct attack order. Units will still sometimes acquire a target and not fire as before. If units with a direct attack order are charged they will not attempt to retreat so attention is still needed.
    - The player's idle skirmishers will now fire at units in range when hidden without a direct fire order.
    - The player's skirmishers on hold position will now fire at units in range when hidden without a direct fire order.
    - Idle artillery will now prioritize targeting artillery if enemy units are not to close. This affects both the player and AI units.

    Bug Fixes
    - Ammo count can no longer go negative.
    - Update logic that prevented idle units from firing when out of ammunition and unable to charge.    
    - Reinforcing supply units no longer take up a deploy slot.
    - Fixed terrain damage modifiers to apply to ranged damage.
    - Updated all CSA battles so that deployment screen brigade numbers match the actual number of units that will show up on the field.
    - Updated all CSA battles so that percentage deploys always deploy a full corps when possible. It is no longer necessary to overfill corps to get the maximum amount of units.
    - The previous two changes primarily affect Gaines Mill, Stones River day 1, Gettysburg, Chickamauga day 1 and 2, and Cold Harbor.

    - Enabled recovery of weapons from captured units. Rates vary by difficulty. Colonel: .5 BG: .375 MG/Leg: .25
    - The player's starting general will now have all perks selectable after the initial battle.
    - Implemented new damage degradation curves so that adding more men or cannon to a unit will always result in higher damage. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ch6DvD0zcV3tvMMKedHO0h39YSaclS-y
    - Added a configuration file at Ultimate General Civil War_Data/Mod/UIAICustomizations/ConfigFile.csv.
    - Added config setting timerMultiplier. Decimal value can be updated to increase all in game timers. Defaults to no change.
    - Added config setting endOfDayMultiplier. Decimal value can be updated to push back each battles hard end time. Defaults to no change.
    - Added config setting replaceSizeDegradationCurves. Boolean value to enable the new damage curves. Defaults to enabled. 

    The changes to damage degradation will result in larger artillery and skirmisher units doing significantly more damage. 
    Since the intent of this mod is to provide quality of life improvements and fix minor bugs without changing game balance this change is able to be disabled.

    The timer and end of day settings are intended for players who dislike how the game timers work. 
    If you would like less pressure from the timers I would recommend a setting of timerMultipler, 1.3 and an endOfDayMultiplier of 1.1.
    This will make defensive battles harder as it will take longer for reinforcements to arrive. 

    Install Instructions: 

    Download CustomizationsModV1.8.zip and extract the zip folder into your Ultimate General Civil War_Data directory.  You will be prompted to overwrite Assembly-CSharp.dll and resources.assets

    Uninstall Instructions:

    Verify game files to restore the Assembly-CSharp.dll and resources.assets

    Mac Install Instructions:

    1) In Steam, right click UGCW and select Properties. 

    2) Click local files, then select browse local files

    3) right click 'Ultimate General Civil War' and select 'show package contents'

    4) navigate (relative path) to /Contents/

        a) Place the 'Mod' folder in Contents/

    5) navigate (relative path) to /Contents/Resources/Data/

        a) Copy the resources.assets file into /Data/

        b) Copy the /Managed/Assembly-CSharp.dll file from the mod release into the /Managed/ folder, overwriting the existing file


    Get the Mod Here(depending on browser you may get a warning that the file can be harmful to your computer, you will have to override this): 


    GoG version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/krp8m620z9e9j90/CustomizationsModGoGV1.9.2.zip?dl=0

    • Like 10
  19. I can also confirm at this point that scaling does work mostly the way I have described in the past. The algorithm behind it is significantly more complex, but the basics are essentially accurate. If anyone wants to actually discuss the algorithm feel free to message me but I won't be posting the code here directly for a variety of reasons.

  20. So this isn't the greatest test, but I do have the results so it's better than nothing. Taking the battle of Phillipi and comparing the post battle AI numbers at Bull Run. The biggest impact on AI Size is the randomized reinforcement amounts.

    1) I face the normal 9560 men at Phillipi on Legendary. I kill 5716 and capture 158. Reinforcements are 11500 recruits. 

    Intelligence Report: 28-33k Training: 37-42 Weapons: 8-13. Size at bull run 31988 men 47 guns.


    2) I face a modded 24056 men on Legendary. I kill 13772. Reinforcements are 11000 Veterans and 12100 recruits.

    Intelligence Report: 31-36k Training: 45-50 Weapons: 14-19. Size at bull run 36555 men 58 guns.


    3) I face a modded 23255 men on Legendary. I kill 12001. Reinforcements are supplies and 14400 recruits.

    Intelligence Report: 25-30k Training: 38-43 Weapons: 14-19. Size at bull run 33188 men 52 guns.


    4) I face a modded 23255 men on Legendary. I kill 13503. Reinforcements are a transfer of 21200 recruits.

    Intelligence Report: 30-35k Training: 40-45 Weapons: 6-11. Size at bull run 38789 men 62 guns.


    If it weren't for test case 3 I would have concluded that increasing the size at Phillipi directly increased the AI pool even though I killed more men. But when comparing 1 and 3 it's clear that these numbers are, at least at this point in the campaign fairly predetermined. A better test case would clearly be testing differing kill rates against the same total at a battle, but after more than a dozen playthroughs of Phillipi testing the mod I might go insane if I have to play it again anytime soon.

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