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John Jacob Astor

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Everything posted by John Jacob Astor

  1. I've thought about this as an actual new player, after posting the suggestion quoted above by Bobbit1. However the developers choose to set this up, here's what I need to know in order to pick a clan in-game, without having to refer to outside resources. It needs to have decent filters so I don't have to scroll through endless pages. As an usable interim alternative to in-game (IF this is easier to deploy) read live data from the servers and post it with daily refreshes either in a module accessible at the shards list/server signon, or on a page at the Naval Action website. What I need, as a new player. Active clan. Default display only Yes, based on last member logon, if inactive clans are displayed at all. Seeking new members. Default display only Yes, if closed clans are displayed at all. Active member count. Nation. Primary time zone. Language spoken Ports Primary clan focus (trade, raid, conquest, etc). Player focus sought (trade, raid, etc. Smaller clans might actually need new members with a different focus). AND what the participation exceptions are. Life outside the game may only allow for logging in a couple times a week. Which might not be suitable for a tight-knit clan attempting conquest half-way across the map. I do like the idea of doing the tutorial before being able to join a clan. It saves existing clan members from having to completely orient someone from the ground up. On that side of things, clan officers might want to know basic stats about prospective members, such as a permit count, first logon date, etc. This does not need to be exhaustive, just fodder for chat questions. And an observation about PvE (which is where I am currently learning the production mechanics). Improving clan access/visibility will not improve playability on PvE. The player population is currently too low. The trader tool needs to be improved so buyers and sellers have a better idea of where the contracts might be.
  2. I am assuming clan membership needs to be approved by an officer/founder? A prior member flag might address this.
  3. Mostly yes on this. Should display the primary timezone, which is the one this particular new player wants to know about. I'm wondering if displaying all of the active timezone might provide intel useable by rival clans.
  4. As an actual new player these would be very useful things to know. It is one thing to see the advertised listing. Quite another to see what they actually do. And inactive clans (zero logins for 30? days) shouldn't be visible at all.
  5. This is critical. It ALSO needs to not push big clans at new players so these need to be be standardized fields that can be sorted/filtered. AND, as long as there are only two servers, there needs to be a time zone field. This may not make a difference in trader clans but I am guessing clans focused primarily on combat will care. The expectations on how often someone is on and how they participate will be different.
  6. Does an in-game clan directory exist on either PvP or PvE? If it does, the game needs directions on how to access it. If not: Clans are the Isla de Muerta. Cannot be found, except by those who already know where it is. Rooting around in stale forum posts and sub-reddits is no help at all and increases the load on what already is a VERY steep learning curve for new players. Directory Features: listing optional. Visiblity options -- pick whether the directory listing is public or national. Limited to active clans. The directory listing would expire at some point past the date of the last member login. Listing Features: Clan name Nationality Seeking new members Y/N Seeking alliances Y/N Founder / officer and founder names (or the ability to message via the clan name with forwards to founder/officers) Primary objective (trade, raid, etc). Formatted field with fixed options so it can be sorted in the directory. Optional website URL (if any) Small plain-text description field
  7. And a follow-up question. Are seller contracts visible in (A)available? If they are not, they should be. And a follow-up comment from the viewpoint of a non-gaming new player. Improving the buyer-seller visibility will also improve playability. I am going to guess I am not the only new player to find myself rather adrift in the trading mechanics.
  8. New player on the PvE server here, with economy suggestions. I've hunted around for this and I apologize in advance if the issues have already been addressed somewhere. Improving communication between buyers and sellers in-game will boost the level of economic activity, particularly by newer players. I haven't played on the PvP server yet much but it seems like this might boost the number of targets for you all as well. Two suggestions, either of which might help. 1) Make contracts to buy visible on the trader tool. If I understand the codes it currently shows (A)vailable, (P)roduces and (C)onsumes. Add a column to display (B)uyers. 2) Provision outposts so owners can post notices and advertise their presence in a town. I am guessing free-format notes would probably overload the servers so this would need to be standardized. The content could be limited to nationality, clan, and commodities bought or sold. All optional elements as there might be situations were you would want to post products for sale but not advertise nationality or clan. The notices would need to expire, possibly five days after the player's last contract at that outpost. (And YES the new tutorial was extremely helpful to a new player trying to wrap my head around the cannon mechanics!)
  9. Playing as US, just as a place to start. Using PvE as training wheels for the PvP server so I can sort out game mechanics first. Complete neophyte with very little gaming background. Love the game but it is in dire need of basic documentation.
  10. That worked! The mechanics are described in the NA wiki http://www.navalactionwiki.com/index.php?title=Production_Buildings but it didn't explain where the resource cost came from. It is expensive. But the population on the PvE server appears to be low enough that nobody is reliably filling contracts.
  11. I am a new player on the PvE server and am attempting to buy a resource in a port that produces it. It is identified on the shop screen under "Allows production" but none currently appears. My understanding is that the production port will fill a contract immediately for 4 times the production value of 1 quantity of the resource. My question. Where do I find the production value? I've looked at at the trader tool on the map and it is not clear to me how this applies.
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