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Posts posted by Landsman

  1. 6 hours ago, Sea Fox said:

    How is any rng drop "rare" for zerg nation's or clumps and or billionaires????

    ITS NOT!!!

    unlimited gold and unlimited resources means unlimited attempts at the "rare" ship

    I guess we just all need to buy another 5-10 alt accounts and spend more time hauling resources... problem solved. B)

    • Like 3
  2. 7 hours ago, admin said:

    With such high ping 

    Get as many defensive upgrades (like barricades and more) and don't play on counters.
    If you have equal or bigger crew and have high defensive stats you don't need to play the last click game in the majority of cases, and will control the engagement when you want it.
    We plan to fix the unlimited preparation (somewhat caused by the desire to increase the dynamism of boarding ) issue soon as we want to remove the desire for last second clicks lottery. 

    Thanks man, I appreciate it.

    • Like 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Flinch said:

    Out of four ships I've crafted I've gotten two with Agile or Very Agile. Those were Niagaras. I wonder if the ship rate has an effect on what types of bonus's it can get?

    I build 6 ships in Aves... Bellona, BP, Endymion; Trincomalee and 2x Prince.... they all were agile or very agile except for 1 prince that had no trim at all... might have to do with teak wood?

  4. On 1.2.2018 at 8:14 PM, TommyShelby said:

    So basically; We don't know. There are many variables that may, or may not, play a role in this. To get closer to the answer, we will need to gather enough data that we can start analyzing it. 

    I love how the devs won't just explain it in the patch notes... now that would really ruin all the fun people have with running resources to spam ships and find out the hard way, wouldn't it?

    • Like 3
  5. 14 minutes ago, Coraline Vodka said:

    but imo you got out played.

    Thanks for your opinion fam but I was there and you weren't.. also how can you outplay experienced players in this shitty rock paper scissors minigame? You either understand it or you don't and only noobs get baited. If both players understand the counters / hard counters it's more about luck than skill but apparently a better ping matters aswell or this dude was just like super lucky ( or "experienced" and "practiced" how you may call it ) and rolled perfect like 15 times in a row...

  6. 1 minute ago, Coraline Vodka said:

    He predicted what you would do. Do you have any other details about the fight? crew differential, marines?

    imo there is no trick just good guessing

    It's what I am saying... how could he predict / guess correct every round? We both had marines and about equal crew... don't know how it matters tho.

  7. 6 minutes ago, JobaSet said:

    1000 ping is 1 sec

    Well I never had this happen and didnt know the difference could be this big... seems retarded AF to be honest and would explain how he countered me hard every round. If this can't be fixed, they should probably come up with something else that this 1992 2D boarding "game" ...

  8. 3 hours ago, JobaSet said:

    he has better ping

    I still doubt this would be enough to matter here...

    3 hours ago, JobaSet said:

    And yes he already know what to do if you counter his move.

    Again I doubt it... when it is Musket Volley vs Musket Volley and in the very last moment I switch to Attack and he switched to Defend like automatically / instantly but with different commands multiple times it's just kinda bullshit...

  9. Is there any known boarding script or something? I just had a boarding fight with some dude and he directly countered every one of my moves in the last split second... like I switch to something in the last 0.1 second but he not only also changed his move after but also countered mine... how is this possible? It's not like I knew the guy and he could read me or I had some predictable pattern on it either. First time I ever call Bullshit on someone in NA. I won't give his name because I have no proof but has anyone experienced this aswell? Seems fishy AF. 

  10. I don't speak russian but yeah, it needs some serious buff... if its complete garbage turnrate is to stay it needs some serious buff to speed and maybe bounce / ricochet potentional. "Old ironsides" ? .... ?  more like "I can't really turn so put your iron into my sides... at a clean 90° "? Constitution thickness might seem decent on paper but it doesn't mean jackshit, if it turns like a hello kittyin 1st rate coupled with the remaining qualities of of a 4th rate....

    • Like 4
  11. 1 hour ago, Wraith said:

    No one wants ships that are too valuable to sail, or too valuable to not sail.  This crock falls in both categories depending on the type of player you are, with no middle ground to be had.

    @admin This is the problem with it. The few super rich or extremely lucky top pvp players will sail these top notch fantasy ships and wipe up the average joe captains that would be too afraid to sail it ( if they could get one at all ) because they can not afford to lose a ship like this / don't want to risk it. Just think about / consider this, please.

    • Like 4
  12. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    But if you get the 5 5 3 ship - it will be a ship to hold on to and spend 1 pt for fleet control for.

    Yeah but who would risk sailing this 5/5 perfect trim ship and losing it? They will only keep it in docks and use it as wanking material... And even if some top dog PvP players would use it and beat me with it, I would simply feel cheated since the gear advantage / difference is too big...

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Powderhorn said:

    If you tie it to resources

    It's already tied to recources, because you will probably need ungodly amounts of recources and especially the best woods to build ships in the dozen to get 1 or 2 with a good trim and maybe, yeah just maybe if RNGesus blessed you a bonus permanent slot and 4-5 over 3 permanent slots is everything but minor. 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Capn Rocko said:

    What happened to regional bonuses? Talk about a wasted opportunity to bring meaning to RvR...

    THIS is exactly what I am thinking.... "we need to make RvR important so the top zerg nations get 1-3 free firstrates per player each week hurrr durrr...... ohh yeah let's add RNG crafting instead of regional trims ~ "... I mean what the actual hello motherf***ing kitty. Must be some top notch Mary Jane going around in GameLabs HQ. I wish I had bought their weed instead of their game.

    • Like 2
  15. 3 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

    gg, we have random trim speeds. Just like old "stiffness" and "speed" RNG. Welcome back to 2016

    That's how you update games... take old mechanics and features that nobody wanted and hence were removed and bring them back... is it not?

    • Like 1
  16. 44 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

    I don't think people want to be carebears in the way you describe, I think the game is just so lacking in OW PVP objectives that in the choice between staying in your territory and having PVP come to you, or searching for potentially hours to find someone to 1v1/2v1 with, most people wanna just be able to log in, check the map, see where the major fights are and join them. We don't really have anything promoting big fights on OW.

    Well, if everyone was looking around for PvP instead of sitting in the zones, there would be more PvP but I get what you are saying... maybe they should bring the PvP event back.

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