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Posts posted by Landsman

  1. Is there a fast frigate sized ship that could mount 6 bow chasers and had good speed? I would like to see a ship like this in game and it could be balanced by no stern chasers and abysmal turnrate coupled with mediocre broadside weight. If we have a "4th rate" with 6 bow chasers and 4 sternchasers and 12.00 base speed with very good profile, surely we can have a faster but slower turning frigate without sternchasers and like 9-12pd guns maximum?

  2. 24 minutes ago, William Death said:

    Do something for the Le Gros Ventre Refit. I paid 50 PvP marks for mine, and I feel like I've been cheated. I know the players who spent 150 for theirs must feel even more cheated by it now. It is absolutely horrible. The swivel guns are worthless for anything but stern-rakes. We should be able to load other types of ammunition in them, besides just ball.

    Pretty much this. Also heel and leeway seem over the top...

    24 minutes ago, William Death said:

    Please buff the sailing profile to make it better upwind, and allow us to unlock all 5 slots on it.

    Agreed. Since the rework I haven't seen any decent PvP player sail it... should be a hint? For almost the price of a Wasa, it should have at least 5 slots and a better profile. We have a broken 4th rate with the broadside weight of a 3rd but this raider LGV with 9pd cannons and a broadside weight of a niagara can't get some love? 

    • Like 1
  3. I find it funny how barely anyone ( except some carebears ) bothered to join prussia when they introduced it and now that they took some ports, kicked some ass and had some of the better PvP players join it, everyone is switching to prussia to be in the "winner" team.... people are pathetic.

    Anyways, nice job taking those ports XOXO. Kudos to the lads from the old ROVER clan, who have been there since day 1. Keep it up!

    • Like 3
  4. 5 hours ago, Kutai said:

    This is not what the Pirates are meant to be. Looking back on their past achievements and lamenting the future for there is little hope.

    This is exactly what pirates are meant to be and I say this playing as one... Pirates were hello kittying filthy thieves and savages. The life of a pirate was most likely the most miserable on sea, except for their freedom. People watch too many disney movies. Pirates were some of the freest people of their time and even had some sort of democracy going but they paid for it by being thieves and murderers that were hunted like animals and most likely lived as such too... 

    So when you have pirates in game almost ruined and hello kittyed by everyone, that's how you know it is how it is meant to be ( if by "meant to be" you mean historically accurate ).

    I still think pirates should get some special mechanics by the way... still waiting...

    • Like 2
  5. 3 hours ago, Bart Smith said:

    Here is my proposal about limiting usage of forged papers. I think this may prevent joining winning side so easy by whole clans and single players as well. We seen this few times already in the past. Since OW there was few big "zerg" nations already. 

    Limit usage of forged papers to once in a 3 months, or allow usage them like now but demote ranks.

    This may look like controversial proposal but in long term may profit in steady population balance. Now we are witness of easy nation swap. Few examples:

    - Half of prussians left for dutch - a exoduss of whole nation

    - A lot joining Russia for Victory Marks since they look like most active and strong RvR nation with strong population in every timezone.

    - Few brits joining other nation since they lost to superior russian fleet.

    This game need healthy population balance - sadly can`t be provided by own community so far and i think it`s time to limit somehow. And please don`t start with contre arguments - like: " you know what you done by pick impossible nation". It`s not about Commonwealth - it`s about whole game and community.

    Or we could simply stop rewarding the dominant nations even more and instead gives incentives to join the smaller nations? I agree with the 3 month cooldown on forged papers tho and I think they should be craftable aswell...

    • Like 3
  6. Can anyone explain to me what kind of sails are displayed in this painting, that are extending left and right of the main sails? Is this like some "racing" configuration?


  7. @admin Any chance we will see a buff on the LGV refit? Since it doesn't have nearly as much hold space as normal LGV ( someone said 1000? compared to 1900 of normal LGV ) why does it only have 3 slots like a trader? Please give it 5 slots at the bare minimum... I know it can use smuggler to hide in ports but this is what makes it a pirate ship imo and it isn't exactly broken or at the risk of breaking balance with its flimsy 10x 9p broadside and swivel guns that are more gimmicky than useful. With 25 PvP marks it costs almost as much as the end-all, broken queen of the seas Wasa. Please make it worth the marks, I wanna be a real pirate! :D

  8. 8 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    Moon rules the tides... oh yes... please.


    4 hours ago, Marques said:

    put the moon


    3 hours ago, jodgi said:


    Is there a reason they didn't put a moon into the game? That would make for some gorgeous sceneries at night...

    • Like 3
  9. 1 hour ago, _Alucard_ said:

    So you open a tribunal post with no evidence or proof and after seeing that it was a normal battle, nothing happens here.

    How can I have evidence without being there? Combat News feed was suspicious enough...

    1 hour ago, _Alucard_ said:

    I hope you get a warning.

    I hope you stop crying and people farm pvp marks even more so they are worthless soon.

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