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Dibbler (Retired)

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Posts posted by Dibbler (Retired)

  1. 28 minutes ago, Aster said:

    Just did a speed test with a indefatigable and it goes same speed with or without in battle.

     Odd Carlos from snow tried with an Endy and says is affected :D


    Will get others to check :).


    Maybe he had a brain fart :).


  2. 15 minutes ago, Capn Rocko said:

    I haven't really noticed any Endy's being OP fast. Teak Endy's have fairly low base speed and Spanish/Pirate Rig Refit didn't work that well (imo) when I tested it. I sail Endy from time to time and mine do about 13.3 knots. My ship of choice is the Belle Poule which has almost identical sailing profile:


    Are you saying they need to nerf the Belle Poule speed too? Because you can argue that same thing can be done to BP as whats being done to Endys.

    IMO, this has been the most balanced the ships have ever been. If I were to complain about OP speed mods, it would be the 15.5 knot 4th-2nd rates. 



     Thing is Endy used to be good  with wind and total garbage against wind,  the changes to sail profiles have made it one of best ship sail profiles and now is fast upwind also.  I guess though any changes to profiles will create a few Meta ships, the BP and it's amazing deflecting properties for instance.  Whatever changes to profiles will result in one ship or the other being used almost exclusively, would just be nice to see more variety out there being used (when you actually find someone). :)

    Totally agree though about Bigger ships being able to attain crazy speeds.

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  3. 35 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

    Short answer:  1/2 the people will complain and 1/2 the people will cheer.  Like EVERYTHING else in this game. There are basically 2 very distinct camps after 3+ years of development. 


     It's the same in any game when changes come, like they say can't please everyone all the time.

    Nothing wrong with voicing concerns though, at end of day answer is often somewhere in middle of extremes.

  4. 1 hour ago, Capn Rocko said:

    This is all Rax does. Either you are just now realizing it or US nation didn't care the 1st time that he left and farmed US players.  


     Well he paid for the DLC, so may as well use it every 30 days.

     Personally i wouldn't pay that much for an auto database change but hey :).

  5. 13 minutes ago, Capn Rocko said:

    I like the changes to chain tbh.

    Also, the speed meta is nothing like it used to be. I never build fast ships (except for my LGVR) and have no troubles. Keep sending fir ships with elite spanish my way 😎

    Otherwise, I can agree with the rest. Admin did say it best: 



     I can live with the chain changes, but it has become annoying as hell with all the super speed modded endy's about.


    • Like 1
  6. Determined defender, endy sail profile and speed meta has made the game boring as hell.

    Can't even slow down ships at distance with chain changes.

    Changes to rienforcements in capital area's was a big mistake i think also.

    Seeing Big ships flying around at 15knts is also a joke, max speed should be linked to ship rating; higher ship rating lower max speed attainable.

    Shallow PB's are a joke with super herc fleets, which means we don't even flip ports now - is pointless.

     But as Admin has said a few times they know what they want from game, leave them to it.

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  7. The suggestions you make Banished could also result in game falling under their min player limit and them pulling the plug.

    Not sure what the answers are though tbh,  but as far as RvR is concerned nobody can be bothered it seems in GB.  Most ports lose gold and so no point having them, and now the conquest leader board has no resulting benefit to gain position nobody cares it seems.

    As for PvP you could go out solo hunting in past, now all you see are fleets of 4+ ships sailing around like some kind of aggresive gay pride march. :D


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  8. 7 minutes ago, Archaos said:

    Was there not a thread that went through this all just the other day!!!!


    Problem is devs are stuck between extreme views each time, maybe time to totally ignore players and do as they want.  There is no player concensus on anything just extremes from either side of discussions shouting loudly and ones who are best connected get their way. The silent majority just see massive swings in play and eventually can't be bothered and playerbase declines over and over.

    Devs i think just need to do what they want and ignore forum tbh.

  9. Another discussion, another split in the player base, another 50-100 players lost when a drastic change is made.


    Carry on.


    Seems like things go from one extreme to the other whatever the change,  and as usual in life the truth is often somewhere in the middle.


    Admin said somewhere 120k copies sold,  and we have maybe 500 at peak players at wk-end.  Maybe devs should do what they want and stop listening to one extreme or the other.


  10. 2 hours ago, Gregory Rainsborough said:

    I think they thought he was doing it to be mean which wasn't the case.


    Totally it wasn't meant to be mean at all, and i think when i last saw thread there was only 1 mean post (not from me)!

    Us in SNOW clan do really enjoy watching Mo, reminds us all of our first few weeks in Naval Action. :)

    A very fun stream to watch if people haven't already.

    Also nice to see Mo on occasion getting a fleet to defend him :).



  11.  When you stream Mo a few of us port up and just watch the stream. :)

     Thanks for the best stream i've seen in ages, I admire how you keep trying man we've all been there getting hammered over and over.

      Keep going and everything starts to fall into place, first with the odd victory and then finding all that pain was kinda worth it.


     I did start a Mighty Mo fan club thread but they deleted it 😕 .



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