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Posts posted by znôrt

  1. 3 hours ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

    Im having trouble understanding this. Does it mean you dont care much what others do, so you like to do your own thing and are proud of being "rebellious"?

    it's just a cliché, like all clichés it has to do more with desire than with reality, that's how much i understand :)

  2. On 7/5/2018 at 8:53 PM, Alvar Fañez de Minaya said:

    Naaa, no te hagas pajas mentales, se llama Historia....... Nada importante........ ;) 

    ah, la Historia con mayúscula, ese simpático martinete santo de los vencedores ...  ;) 

    Gálvez was angered that Cagigal had not followed his orders to abandon the attack, and was also frustrated because the British naval victory at the Battle of the Saintes had forced him to abandon the planned Franco-Spanish invasion of Jamaica.[9] Gálvez arranged to have Cagigal arrested for his alleged mistreatment of a British General, John Campbell, following the Siege of Pensacola in 1781. Cagigal was imprisoned in Cadiz and his military career was ruined. One of his associates, Francisco de Miranda, was also charged with a similar offence–which may have motivated his later career as an advocate of independence for Spain's American colonies. Ultimately it was Gálvez who was to receive credit for the capture of The Bahamas despite the fact he had tried to cancel the project.

    In 1782, forces under Gálvez's overall command captured the British naval base at Nassau on New Providence Island in the Bahamas. He was angry that the operation had proceeded against his orders to cancel, and ordered the arrest and imprisonment of Francisco de Miranda, aide-de-camp of Juan Manuel Cajigal, the commander of the expedition. Miranda later ascribed this action on the part of Gálvez to jealousy of Cajigal's success.



  3. would be totally in favor of this. true (ymmv) sailing around. occasional encounters where you would have to gauge wind, the limited info given by your scope, to engage or evade ... (not that gamey ow tagging minigame and battle instance mechanics/exploits). 

    i would even pay extra for this. now, i understand that technical difficulties would be considerable and it even would not be very popular ...

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  4. 2 hours ago, Giselle Chastain said:

    Muchas gracias por la  ayuda de verdad. Han resuelto mis dudas, y tan solo me han dejado con un temor que es el de la comunicación. El juego me llama pero veo que estaré abocada a estar sola porque las plataformas de comunicación revientan mi ordenador en cuanto hay más de dos programas activos, aparte, por problemas derivados por los que evito usar "esos programas"  por sustos pasados, así que siendo sincera soy reacia a ellos. Pero intentaré solucionarlo para poder comunicarme, aún así ¿verían mal que lo  comprara para apoyar el desarrollo? Se que sería tan solo un usuario más, pero algo es algo. Y nuevamente gracias por todas las respuestas^^, parece que España es un buen lugar.

    discord o teamspeak son bastante obligados para participar en determinadas acciones de grupo (conquista de puertos). en flotas normales o improvisadas en mundo abierto siempre suele haber alguien sin ellos por la razón que sea, y no suele ser mucho problema. siempre queda el chat del juego. y por último, puedes jugar perfectamente a tu bola, no necesitas estar en ningún clan, ya sea como pirata o como simple capitán de cualquier nación.

    en cuanto a comunidades ... yo he jugado solo bastante tiempo. ahora ando con un grupejo de piratas de poca monta y diverso origen y pelaje y me lo paso en grande, gente muy maja. imagino que ya sabes lo que suele pasar en las comunidades de juegos online, pero por lo que he visto de la comunidad española en este foro es especialmente tóxica, como que no me ha apetecido acercarme a ellos en el juego. si no tienes problema con el inglés te sugeriría no cerrarte a otras opciones.

    es cierto que el juego ha perdido audiencia últimamente, pero personalmente admiro cómo lo está sacando adelante el pequño equipo de desarrollo que hay. van haciendo, sin prisa y sin pausa, y sin dejarse amedrentar. no es un juego de masas, pero yo personalmente lo adoro. siempre me han tirado los juegos de piratas y del 'age of sail', y esto es lo mejor que he visto con muchísima diferencia, no hay nada que se le parezca siquiera. seguiría jugando incluso si estuviera yo solo :D

    buen viento!! 


    1 hour ago, Norfolk nChance said:


    Hey read the post and I reply to your problem lol. You solved your problem by uninstalling GeForce Experience and the drivers. After re-install everything works fine if I’m correct? @Bach

    correct. i uninstalled everything and let windows fetch the drivers only on its own.

  6. 7 hours ago, Bach said:

    This is odd. I played the game last October 2017 just fine on high graphics mode. I recently logged back into the game this week to find FPS problems. I'm only getting 8-9 FPS on high mode. Even with everything turned to low I'm only getting 19-22 FPS. Its really ruined the game experience from what it was. I have tried updating the driver on the card but it does not seem to help. Any ideas?

    you might want to look at this thread, specially the last post. i had a similar problem a while ago and solved it reinstalling nvidia drivers and avoiding nvidia experience for good, never had the problem again since:



  7. just fyi: i was devil with about 50k xp. i today found an additional 52k xp redeemable. i did redeem it to see what happened and am now curse ... :blink:

    not that i mind (or curse of course!), but i'm wondering where those 52k came from. i don't remember if i had an account on global, but if i did, no way it could have that much xp. could be a residue from the wipe when we were advised to sync accounts, but even in that case 52k would be too much.

    so, well, i didn't intend to get to curse so soon, but thanks for the extra crew i guess! ^_^

  8. good and bad news. new findings so far:

    - it's not other apps running (i always obsessively close everything else when gaming, guess a habit from the past)
    - it's not geforce experience (broadcast is always off, overlay on though)
    - it's not alts (i don't have any :D)
    - it's not heat (thoroughly cleaned dissipators this morning (maintenance after summer was due anyway), no noticeable change. in instance gpu doesn't go over 70ºC (ultra) and cpu doesn't go over 60ºC). i still had the problem this morning after that.

    but this evening the issue has gotten considerably better. it still happens but is not nearly as frequent. perfectly playable. but i'm not wiser:

    - it could be network (i share fiber 300mbs symmetric with my son, good overall but does sometimes behave funny. i've been watching it but haven't seen a pattern yet, i've had the problem when being alone)
    - this evening geforce experience updated itself without warning, go figure
    - i found a way to reproduce it: just open any overlay menu (ship menu, esc, tag something). stuttering ensues and framerate drops to magic 22fps and stays that way for a few seconds. although this evening i only could reproduce it say 20% of the time.

    so, dunno what more to say. if it stays as it is now i can live with it. i'll keep an eye, thanks for the input!

  9. I'm having this problem with stuttering and fps dropping from 80-100 to 22. It happens also in OW but is very noticeable in instances. The problem worsens with playing time, so suggests some sort of memory problem.

    Started to happen a few weeks ago, coincidentally with upgrading nvidia driver to 388.13.
    I rolled back to previous (388.00) and the problem *seemed* to go away, but reappeared after a few days.
    Yesterday i upgraded to new version 388.31 and the problem persists.

    I only have this problem with NA, I run other games  (Overwatch, The Witcher III, Destiny 2, ...) fine on ultra.

    I run NA on "ultra" settings on a i7 6700K 4Ghz gtx1080ti, 3440x1440 true color gsync. (The game is fkin gorgeous when it works!).
    Lowering settings to "high" doesn't make a difference.

    Just posting this to see if someone else has this problem. Happy to upload more info or file a bug if this helps ...

  10. i doubt this has to do with your issue, but for what it's worth, i had a razer mamba tournament edition. nice mouse, apparently quality production. first shock was that the software *demands* you open an account on the cloud just to configure the thing. this means that that crap logs into their cloud every restart to fetch configuration. unbelieavable. fortunately you can also use the thing with factory config, so i soon uninstalled it. ok.

    nevertheless after a while i started to have problems with the mouse just stopping to track randomly. my son had the same mouse, bought elsewhere, and had the same problem. some googling revealed this may be an issue with the sensor and the mat (custom and specifically callibrated). thoroughly cleaning the sensor with alcohol seemed to alleviate the issue, but it was recurring and of course always striking at the worst moment: how about your mouse completely freezing in the middle of an ow match ...

    i ended up ditching the thing. that mouse is absolute horse shit. it ended in the dump because i don't even deem it good enough to give it away to someone else ...

    i could tell a similar story about a corsair strafe keyboard with keys randomly getting stuck. yeah, it has every imaginable gizmo and is really beautiful, but fails at the basic: let you type consistently. morale: never *ever* again buy any product labeled 'for gamer'. it's mostly absolute crap sold on nothing but hype.


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  11. 2 hours ago, Intrepido said:

    Juegas con mas españoles o conoces alguno en la nacion pirata?

    pues no. en general no conozco a mucha gente en el juego (tampoco es que haya demasiada!). no me importaría pero siempre he ido mucho a mi bola y así no es habitual hacer amigos :D 

    si eres pirata y te apetece salir de caza un día, por mi encantado!

  12. las naciones del juego no tienen mucho que ver con la procedencia de los jugadores, aunque hay barreras por franja horaria y, para algunos, idioma. y ser 'rolero' no significa reproducir y reafirmar tus perspectivas de la vida real sino todo lo contrario: buscar perspectivas distintas. es la gracia del rol y lo que tiene de enriquecedor.

    yo he sido pirata desde el principio, y muy gorda tendría que liarse para que dejara de serlo, así que no puedo ayudarte ;-). de hecho, suelo jugar solo. hace tres semanas me uní a un clan para probar y se disolvió a los 15 días. se fueron casi todos a la nación usa. espero que no fuera culpa mía! :D


  13. On 8/25/2017 at 3:15 PM, admin said:

    Tonnage wars will not work due to non attendance counter. 

    what about a mix of tonnage and presence?

    i would imagine the area in front of a port as a single big control point, backed by one single instance. attackers could choose to enter the instance any time from any point of the perimeter, defenders any time from anywhere in the area. all would be placed accordingly. number of players in the instance would have a cap for technical limitations, with a minimum of slots guarranteed for each side. maybe some queue system could be handy.

    end of the day, total attacker presence time along with tonnage sunk compute the winner. attacker presence could have a bonus if left unchallenged.

    yes, zergs would win but isn't it so in life? time for politics!

    also, fifth columnists. players would have to spot them and deal with them. they exist in real life too.

    but it could be also a massive long brawl :)



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