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Posts posted by znôrt

  1. 4 hours ago, Brolo said:

    Out of interest.. how are you playing? So assuming you're a lone brave doing all the wetwork and not relying on you tribesmen? Or do you free enough people from prison camps to fill your camps? For me, keeping karma high means having people to populate my territory, and looting gives me stuff to equip them, or trade with the traders.

    i reckon i'm a bit of a weirdo and play a bit (just a bit!) on the 'noble savage' trope. first of all my goal is to play the game, not necessarily win it. will see how that goes!

    so bows and arrows it is for me. guns are anyways too noisy. also whiskey, and in general almost anything from the white man is a no-go. notable exceptions may be my spyglass and the occasional canteen or such if in a plight, or using their own gunpowder against them (which is usually available on location). good part is that i always travel light, never have to worry about weight. and don't have to bother with crafting (sheesh! i really have come to hate crafting in games).

    buckbrush tea is my usual lifesaver, which is ubiquitous. if not, my tribesmen produce it in quantities. favorite bread&butter skills are 'throw stone', 'spyglass' and 'detect enemies'. and of course bow accuracy, and decent level of health and stamina. tactics are stealth, and hit and run when it gets hairy, and most of all i use the environment to my advantage: grass, shadows, rocks, buildings and my favorite: mountains. if you are followed it is usually possible to mislead them, make a detour and engage again from a different side. being surrounded is indeed nasty so i always avoid that at all costs. i never save (rest), if i die i die, but it doesn't happen often (anymore). if it happens it's no drama: i use to have an ancestor's bow ready at a camp (yes, a bit of a cheat), then it's just getting a horse, stocking on arrows and tea and i'm up again. if enemies get tougher then all the better, makes it more interesting.

    tribesmen ... it's a mixed bag atm. i don't really use them too much for now, but plan to. first thing in any camp is ensure they have hunter bows and arrows enough at the very least. lots of arrows! some of them make buckbrush tea for me to borrow when in need (some biomes don't have any). i do upgrade a couple of them, but they gather the stuff themselves. i have lost a few camps, but most are safe for now. yes, i always liberate my brothers, that's a priority. i have surplus population in about half my camps, dunno if that is working as intended. i was a bit paranoid about that at first, moving them around etc, but it really sustains itself. i don't give them much attention for now. some leave, now and then, but it's mostly stable, i guess they gather enough meat while going after pelts, sinew and such.

    in general i would like them to be more active, but for now they just gather and sit around, while i do all the resistance. i do want to send them to attack, more sooner than later, but want to assemble a big party first. will see how this goes, probably very bad! :D alas, that would be actually historical. if they get slaughtered too much with bows and arrows i might consider collecting guns for them but ... that collection process is really tedious gameplay i would like to avoid.

    oh, about karma, there's that skill to clean it, but you can use it only a few times. tribes use to join me anyway unless i'm full bad karma, although i haven't looked at that in detail, and i'm not sure if karma 'cools down' by itself. as you can see, i don't worry about it at all. maybe it's only relevant at start? i did start this resistance doing more intimidations while trying to figure stuff out. now i just ignore it. i guess when in need and skills are used up, i always build up good karma with some 'grind'. really stupid mechanic if you ask me, but ... other than that, i'm having a real blast. this game is awesome.


  2. 20 hours ago, Brolo said:

    Killing guards is kinda easy, at least compared to not killing them and intimidating them instead.

    intimidating is pretty much the same as stealth killing by knife. it's actually just 2 more keystrokes, you still have to single out the foe. i never intimidate, looks like a waste of time and gets tiresome fast. i slaughter them even before they have a chance to whine. i don't even bother looting them because they very rarely carry anything except guns i have no use for anyway.

    stealth killing with arrows to the head isn't that much easier, you still have to pick your targets carefully, but allows for more tactical variety and is much more effective, fun and satisfying. speed killing a small camp this way is actually one of the more exciting ways to deal with them, and you have always to be ready to dash away if something goes wrong.

    and karma be damned. it's kind of an artificial and one-dimensional balancing mechanic anyway.

  3. true, but you can kill them and loot their stuff. don't know if it replenishes, though. gotta check.

    i have found iron arrows in forts and bivouacs and usually always carry some but never actually use them. 1 normal arrow in the head is all it takes to kill anything except bears, which require 2 (maybe 3?).

    i tend to avoid bears anyway. i like the rendering of the animals very much but the attack animations are actually quite bad (i'm guessing those are just palceholders?), both for bears and  wolves. the way they roam and the sudden encounters are very good, but as soon as fighting starts it breaks down. with volves it's particulary bad because of their erratic, unrealistic movement. with bears it's usually a bit better but not much.

    earlier today i accidentally lured a bear into a camp. i was laying low (x) just beside a guy on the ground i had just stunned, hoping the bear didn't spot me. that was an intense and fun moment for sure :D with the bear slowly approaching, menacingly scratching the ground and releasing steam (or dust?). seems it killed the guy in one blow (i didn't even notice at the moment, no blood, nothing, just realized afterwards that guy had died),  then it went immediately for the other guy left in the camp and all the magic broke down. they stood both side by side for a good while, not even looking at each other, the bear roaring and the guy just shooting (in some random direction) and repeating "there's a bear!!" non stop. i try to avoid those situations for now.

  4. my suggestion: keep a loyal fanbase ready to support the game with dlc. keep steadily improving the game. this seems to have been working well for them for now. i would even consider a subscription model (yeah, i know, that's heresy for many).

    honestly, this game has too much potential to exploit it like yet another f2p crap clone, there are enough of those around. 

    also, not everything is big media marketing and the goodamn "influencers". i expect honest work and word of mouth will slowly increase this community with more valuable players. throw it to the masses and they will just mob you on the forums and social network, and spoil the ow.

    my 2 cents, they're doing fine.

    • Like 1
  5. On 5/31/2019 at 4:00 AM, PaladinFX said:

    Great video! Some good learning points in there for NA devs!

    i honestly hope they don't. there are more than enough big companies churning out skinner boxes with efficient 'asset reuse' like poe. which is all fine and good for you if you like that, but it was always my impression that gamelabs was on a different slope, which is a rarity i truly appreciate. i wouldn't be here if they weren't. actually, they couldn't even start to compete on that league, and good so. if gamelabs is fine with it, i'm more than happy with 500-1000 players online on a niche, and quite unique, game. 

    to be clear: that talk sounds like a huge load of crap to me :D. do you realize that that guy is just talking about monetization, not game design? with all due respect to the initial poe developers, let tencent keep milking their horde of minions, i couldn't care less since i uninstalled poe 2h into the game, i didn't need yet another diablo clone a decade late... but, hey! with microtransactions! oh, kids ... (and i had been a huge diablo and diablo2 fan).

  6. The item list doesn't populate when i change the type. It only shows "resources" (the default type), but I can't select any item except the first in the list. However I can place contracts for the first item in the list, e.g.:
    - buy almeria salpeter or
    - sell whatever resource appears first from my warehouse (eg coal)

    I've tried the following:
    - emptying warehouse (one item at a time to see if one in particular was the cause)
    - check if it was a known issue
    - changing locale
    - verifying steam game files 
    - deleting "Naval Action" from the registry (just so)

    This happens since last weekend. F11'd it but just to add more information, and to see if anybody has the same issue. Not excessively bothered by this for now :)

    Another rather annoying effect that started at the same time (i think!), on most regular lists (like warehouse, pirate den, building and crafting, not the drop down lists): whenever you click on any element, the whole column sort of undergoes a mouse hover effect on each element one by one, from the bottom up, like a refresh. 

  7. Q: doesn't render in wide screen yet, i guess that's still in the pipeline?

    anyway, why didn't i know this was live already?? i've been waiting for this for over a year! :wub:

    downloaded it right away and had my first 10 ten minutes of first contact. this looks soooo good! 


  8. 1 hour ago, Havelock said:

    The current system has nothing to do with frontlines, everyone just tries to grab as many capitals as possible. I dont think all of this works without someone putting some thougts into the map and drawing some connections for hostility missions.

    maybe if county ports were somehow necessary to fortify the capitals, and important to keep them so?

    • Like 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, toblerone said:

    So, since Devs are talking about "massive" nerf, I guess this means that also the incredibly long and boring grind for books is gone with the wind.

    not necessarily. that would be just fine to me. many people love to grind, that's ok. being forced to grind because the mods are absolutely necessary, that's not (imo). so if there are to be mods, cosmetic or very light boosts (or ideally just variation with very subtle pros and cons) are definitely the way to go, the grind then isn't an issue at all, you can skip it.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, --Privateer-- said:

    I'll admit, most my dueling ships are 5/5, however I often sail a 3/5 no perk christian around as one of my favorite ships. That being said, it is almost necessary to have the extra slots if you're going to duel a Requin with a pickle, especially considering the new damage model. 32lb carros vs a tiny ship like a pickle leaves little room for error. Also, 250 crew vs 55, you try it with a blue ship. 😛

    no, i understand, and it makes perfect sense to do so ... once upgrades with such dramatic effects exist. my gripe is that this model has become so pervasive. anyway, this was a general reflection and a bit off topic, sorry :)

  11. 1 hour ago, --Privateer-- said:

    so now I am unable to do another 1v1 since it is nearly impossible to craft liveoak/whiteoak ships anymore, let alone enough get a 5/5 one.

    dunno ... does anybody else sense the tragedy in these words? there was a time where not every challenge and competition in games was about minimaxing gear. then, sadly, games became too popular ...

    • Like 3
  12. 16 hours ago, Socialism said:

    Yea it should be reverse.  All the small dots should be captured before the big dot.  That is the essence of island hopping.

    Make sure they have cannons

    this way it's interesting too as it turns capitals into choke points of regions, which is the whole point of fortification i guess. capitals will need to be strong because they're the first line of defense of the region and will be very disputed. 

    • Like 4
  13. 4 hours ago, Anne Wildcat said:

    Yeah, I’m curious. If you do play solo is resource collection going to be the same as it is now?

    i think this definitely pushes solo players away from the economy and the whole political aspect. you had it difficult before, now a solo player doesn't have even access to rare woods, not enough to sustain himself anyway. actually, the rattvisan comes in very handy here (and no, it's not at all op and yes, the price tag is an outrage but i want this game to go on). i'm not saying this is good or bad. as a solo player i've been long considering joining a clan and this might be just the factor  to push me over. not that life isn't possible without, it indeed is, and it's good, but to participate in all that stuff you definitely have to be in.

    the twist of clans having to decide on their level of selfishness is an interesting one. i'm very curious to see what happens.

    • Like 1
  14. 4 hours ago, qw569 said:

    Sadly. Conclusions are not correct.
    Producers who ignore the power of social networks will never succeed.

    if you want to be trending topic then yes. i don't think na wants to (or even should) play in that league. my guess is there is enough people in the world more interested in one of the best age of sail games ever than in the narcissistic ramblings of a youtube celebrity, to make an honest living from with this game, social herds and ratings be damned. 

  15. 3 hours ago, admin said:

    we indeed said it. But then we also added - expect the worst in the same post
    Keeping books = the best of all evils. 

    indeed, and very well put since keeping those is indeed an evil (imo they shouldn't even exist, but that's a different matter)

    first i had trouble understanding why we get to keep books and ship knowledge, but i think i understand what's going on here: we reset xp because that way we will be all in cutters for 48h (max?), so hopefully all early reviews won't see a too evident unbalance. this is just pr. the unbalance of course will be there, veterans will steamroll over new players in any case and scenario (they would even with a total wipe from day 1). 

    i support this decision if it helps to give the game some early notoriety, but i'm a bit skeptical that it will really work because it will unbalance quite fast. for that reason i recommend resetting everything including books and knowledge. if that miffes off the most recalcitrant players that are egoistic/infantile enough to value their past and precious pixel grind above everything else then ... no hard feelings but, honestly, good riddance!

    (looking forward for the cutter festival though!! most fun in ages!)

  16. 13 hours ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

    And yes, I want to be able to build the classic, same as Diana, and I am sure it is coming with EconomyTwo.

    At the moment our group strives to capture classics and dianas to satisfy the lack of crafting. We really like them. And we also put them in the line of fire, daily.

    Kudos to the guys using them without fear of loss. That's what War server is about.

    Crafting will come.

    the classic is indeed nice, i'm just now enjoying mine but ... as a pirate i feel it's not really the right ship to be sailing :D

    how many copper-platings would anybody pay for mine? it's as good as new!

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