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William the Drake

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Posts posted by William the Drake

  1. I dunno William did you check the BR totals on that Morgan's bluff battle - something like 900 Pirate to 600 US! I noted it when I entered in a Pickle. Only one or two US players in a Merc rest in smaller ships.

    I recall at the very least 2 Mercurys (Northernwolves and Red Hand if I remember correctly) and 2 Snows one I fought against and one I attempted to chase down (he got away), at the least, for the U.S. I myself was only in a Navy Brig, and counted a small smattering of Pirate snows and one Mercury.

  2. Carefull around these guys, they tend to run from one on one fights then chase you down with 3 or 4 ships.


    Interesting statement, seeing as how the only time the pirates and U.S. went up against one another in even numbers (Outside Morgan's Bluff) The U.S. was routed handily. Only afterwards when they had superiority in numbers did they decided to initiate combat with 5 and 6 on 2 and 3.

  3. Clans are fairly new and as such the management system is bare bones, which is completely understandable. However, clans are already a huge part of the game just a few days into EA. Large communities have sprung up and clan ranks are being filled. As such, I think the devs should take some time to begin fleshing out the clan system, specifically focusing in the tools that clan leaders can manage and run their clans. 

    I have played a number of MMOs and to this day, ironically it was Pirates of the Burning Sea that had the best clan management system (Don't even get me started on SWTOR and how you had to actually pay in order to access advance guild management.)


    Here are a few aspects that I found best from PotBS that I have yet to see most other MMOs. These are the biggest.

    1. Rank Creation  and Customization - Most MMOs allow you to customize the ranks that are already present in their system. Change the name, tweak permissions. But you are usually limited to just those provided. In PotBS, you could make a new rank completely from scratch, meaning a guild could have as little as 2 ranks (leader and member) or over 20 unique and customized ranks. 
    2. Clan History - Very simple; a history that shows the past administrative actions by all members. PotBS had this divided into Wallet actions (withdrawals and deposits into the society wallet), Recruitment info (who was invited or kicked and by whom), and General Admin (Description, rank permission, promotions and demotions and who did them). This is extremely helpeful when keeping track of the daily comings-and-goings of a guild, especially of someone has been offline for a few days.
    3. Clan Wallet and member salaries- Monkey Bullet suggested in another thread a Clan Tax. I like it, but before we can have a clan tax, there should be a clan wallet for into which the taxes go. This is nothing unique in MMOs. However, I would also like the ability to allow salaries for members, to be set by leaders or officers who have permissions to do so. In PotBS, my clan allotted a small parcel for our high ranking members and officers, but where this really helped was that our Ship builders and crafters were given large salaries to support their economy, which they would then in return use to support the society. This salary system meant that officers didn't have to be online to personally trade the gold themselves. The salary was at a daily base, and members could choose to not collect salary if they wished. And all of this was recorded in the Clan history.  

    Here are some other aspects that I found useful as a society leader in other games

    • Clan Warehouse- a warehouse for the entire society. Permissions could be changed to where members could only deposit, only look into, or not even see the warehouse in a port. 
    • Message of the Day (MotD)- Leaders could have a message that would automatically pop up when clan members logged in. This could be pertinent information for the day or simply friendly reminders. Permissions could restrict the editing of this to only the leader or officers as well
    • Member sort- currently, the clans list members simply by who recently joined (oldest members at the top, newest at the bottom) allow for sorting based on rank, name, etc. 


    • Like 12
  4. I like the idea, however I fear it could be easily abused. As Olav stated, what is to stop a leader from making off with the treasury? Although, to be fair, if they are providing the clan, then does he deserve it?


    I would like to see the ability for leaders to actually dictate how much tax is taken, from 0-50 or 75%. Is the clan currently at war? Then we need war funds! Taxes at 75%! Are we just relaxing and sailing around for a few weeks? 10% Taxes! Woo, we are celebrating something! 0% taxes! (Tax adjustment could be limited from being changed to weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly?)


    This would of course mean that a clan wallet is needed as well.

  5. Now that the game's population is split, it may be best to split the forums up as well so as to not have any cross confusion. If possible, I think there should be Forums or sub-forums dedicated to each server, this way all clan recruiting, National News, and all that much anticipated forum PvP can be isolated to the servers that they take place.

    This could also help as moderators and GM could be assigned to the forum of the server that they themselves are most active in, thus be able to handle any situation that may arise with more tact and understanding of the atmosphere.


    For Example:


    [Tentative PvP 1 Server Name] Forum

    • Recruiting
    • National News
    • General Discussion
    • Trade

    All of these would be specific for events, news, and clans solely operating in PvP 1. 

    • Like 10
  6. Manual vs Auto Skipper? Is there a benefit to manual skipper compared to auto or is auto good enough to handle most maneuvering?


    The benefits of manual sails are utilized best when sailing square-rigged vessels (brig and up), as opposed Fore-and-aft rigs. As I understand it, Auto skipper simply positions your yards to catch the most wind as possible and thus garner the best possible speed; not necessarily best for maneuvering. 



    Sinking a ship: It seems I pump a lot of cannon balls into a ship before sending it to the bottom. Does aiming for the water line improve chances to cause leaks or is damage per side pretty generic?


    Yes, aiming below the water-line produces more dangerous leaks, thus resulting in the ship taking on water faster.



    I saw mention of arcing your grape shot over the walls of a ship to damage the crew more. How is that possible for most ships? Is it using the swells and rolling your ship so that you can somehow gain height and angle on the other ship?


    The is true when firing at a ship that still has armor. If the ship has low armor, then you should be able to damage crew with grape fairly easily when firing through the hull itself. Otherwise, yes, utilize the swells and time your shot so that you angle your shot into the deck of the ship from above, as much as possible at least. This usually requires having a ship of taller or at least equal height.

    • Like 1
  7. What is a battle instance? aren't we allowed to engage the ships from the other nations in the free world? I haven't bought the game yet(i'm kinda on the fence right now) but from what I have heard, Nationals can invade the enemy ports whenever they want, so how can it be if players who are in naval combat are separated from the other players? im confused xD


    The Open world is a condensed, large scale map of the Caribbean. You can attack or 'tag" someone here. When you tag someone, it will bring you into a battle instance, which is a real-scale map separate from the open world. For a brief amount of time after the battle begins, others can enter your battle. After some time passes, the battle will be closed and no others will be allowed to enter. 

    Invasion of enemy ports happens the same way; Port Battles happen in the real-scale instances.

  8. The Messengers of Death are LIVE in Naval Action Early Access! We would like to welcome aboard the following officers and Members!

    Fellow Leaders (Caesars) of MoD, veterans of Pirates of the Burning Sea:

    • Lydia Fry (Current head of MoD-ArcheAge)
    • Morgan McKinnon (Warthunder Wing Commander, ArcheAge General)

    Old MoD Veterans from Pirates of the Burning Sea:

    • Bustybabe (Formerly Max gore) - Staff NCO
    • Rochelle Widow (Formerly Hawk MiHawk) - NCO
    • Jonesy  (Formerly Bartholomew Jones) - Member

    Veterans of Pirates of the Burning Sea but new members of MoD

    • Jack Shard (a.k.a. Tom) -Member
    • Kurzo Rips -Member

    New Members:

    • Dead Pirate Roberts (a.k.a. NATO) - Member
  9. It has come to my attention that my rather extensive extended family has been causing some trouble out in the Caribbean. While I cannot control my siblings' actions, and also, as a pirate myself, cannot completely condemn them, I would like to extend an advanced apology to any who may have or will be offended, affronted, or in any way injured by those of the Clan Drummond. Except Roger. He deserves what he gets. Mother always loved you the most! Now see where it gets ye!





    a1bSzOA.jpg   eOqvseS.jpg  qVIM6JZ.jpg

    Even more Drummonds acting badly.






    • Like 1
  10. Naval Action is turning heads and raising eyebrows with its immediate success just in Steam's Early Access, topping the charts at one point. And some Gaming media outlets are taking notice. I have no doubt that we will see more good things about Naval Action in Gaming news in the coming weeks and months. 

    Congratulations gentlemen, you've made one hell of a game.


    Kotaku: Turns Out PC Gamers Really Want To Play Games With Sailing Ships

    • "It’s got the most brutal navigation experience I’ve seen in a long time, in that it doesn’t really have one.[...]Want to get around? Use the compass and look for landmarks, like your great-great-great grandpappy did."

    Rock, Paper, Shotgun: Sandbox Seas: Naval Action Boards Steam Early Access


    Polygon: Naval Action and the Great Age of Sail

    • "In bigger battles, involving dozens of ships and lasting more than an hour, just surviving feels like a major triumph."
    • Like 1
  11. Here is a quick list of important things to know about Naval Action for all our new captains joining the fray.

    1. Four servers

    • PvP One- Europe
    • PvE One- North america - Can only attack NPCs
    • PvP Two- North America
    • PvP Three- Europe

    2. One character per account
    3. Character is shared across servers. Make a character on PvP one, and they will also be created on PvE and PvP Two
    4. XP is shared between servers. Gold and ships and crafting XP are not.

    • There have been some changes with these two. Not 100% how this is handle atm.

    5. Basic cutter is free to purchase and repair. Basic cannons are free, but can only be fitted on the basic cutter
    6. XP is gained by dealing damage in battles and completing missions
    7. Missions can be taken at any port. Mission location will be marked on your map.
    8. Others can enter your missions
    9. Rank dictates how much crew you have. If you want to have more crew you must level up.
    10. No in game tutorial (yet). Check out the guides in this forum.
    11. Sinking? Caught on fire? Press "8" to go into survival mode.

    12, You can only use 2 repair kits while in battle: one for hull, and one for sails

    13. You can carry out emergency repairs to repair any of the 3 modules (rudder, magazine, pump). This has a cooldown of 6 minutes.

    14. Everyone is at war. Just don't attack your Nation's fellow captains

    15. If you are a National and you attack an ally, you will turn pirate.

    16. If a ship is carrying contraband, it may be attacked, even if it is the same nation as you, with no consequences. 

    17. Nationals can enter their own Nation's ports, Neutral ports, and Free ports.

    18. Pirates can only enter Pirate and Free ports.

    19. Free ports cannot be captured.

    20. Pirate is free-for-all. Attack anyone you wish, if you dare.

    21. There is no GPS/Current Position Marker in game. Use your map, compass, and landmarks to discern your location

    22. Manual sails only work in Combat instances. 

    23. Trader ships cannot mount cannons, have smaller crews, but have larger cargo holds

    24. "bp" = BluePrint, this is a ship blueprint, allowing you to craft said ship

    25. Manual sails are best saved for square-rigged ships (brig and up)

    26. The numbers under a ships cannon slot correlate to cannon class,   NOT cannon size/poundage. The first number set designates what class cannons can be used, the second set designates what class carronades can be used

    • Example: [8-9]/[7-9] denotes that 8th and 9th class cannons can be mounted (i.e. 6 lb or 4 lb cannons) NOT 9 lb cannons! And that 7th, 8th, and 9th class carronades can be mounted (12 lb carronades). 


    I will continue to add points as time goes on and more common questions arise.

    • Like 9
  12. There also seems to be a bit of lag in the chat as well. At most I had about a 5 second delay between hitting enter and the chat showing up. In battle my chat simply didn't show up, in team or All

    • Like 2
  13. Well, by the looks of it every Pirate and his parrot have rushed in here to try and sway the vote. I should have added a question that asks which nation they play as, not that any of the scoundrels would have been honest about it  :P


    Too bad that regardless of what we pirates say that it is ultimately the Devs decision. Regardless, it doesn't matter who voted for what, we see what the community thinks. Personally think that pirates shouldn't craft anything over a snow. but that's just me.

    • Like 5
  14. If that is all you change, there is little point. People will just sail out of their capital, attack the first NPC that is convenient then head on over to Mortimer town, all you're doing at that point is temporarily inconveniencing those who want to play pirate.


    True, there should eventually be a more fleshed out mechanic for going pirate, but this is the first step. You'd be surprised at how putting even a small, and what some would say insignificant, barrier to doing something may actually deter them. 

    You see, by having pirates in a list of Nations to start off as you 

    1. Begin to propagate the idea that Pirates are/should be a nation, which they shouldn't
    2. You make it seem as if the idea of starting/playing pirate has no sense of consequence.

    By making people go out of their way to become pirate, you add that sense of weight in decision. That concept that "Hey, I am doing something that is 'wrong/illegal' and there will be consequences for it," will actually make people stop and consider the decision of making a conscious jump from Nation to Pirate, especially if there is some sort of disclaimer that comes up before attacking a friendly; "You are about to attack an ally of the Crown! Doing so will brand you a PIRATE! Do you wish to proceed?" 

    • Like 4
  15. I know, i know, it's Wikipedia, but it's actually correct:


    Because the sack of Panama violated the 1670 peace treaty between England and Spain, Morgan was arrested and conducted to the Kingdom of England in 1672. He proved he had no knowledge of the treaty. When Spanish and English relations deteriorated, Morgan was knighted in 1674 before returning to Jamaica the following year to take up the post of Lieutenant Governor.[


    I'm all for pirates actually conquering ports for gameplay reasons, but let's not pretend there is a shred of historical precedent (ofc Panama could be categorized as the very definition of "raiding", still, it wasn't done by a pirate.

    Yes, i wasn't arguing for the fact or lack thereof of raiding, but rather the politics surrounding the very thin line separating Pirates and Privateer. Technically Morgan was a Pirate regardless of whether he knew of the peace treaty or not. Technically he was supposed to return his plunder to Spain because of this, but didn't thus angering Spain. Had he been captured by Spain, at any point, he most certainly would have been tried as a pirate.

    Often politics had more of a hand in determining if one was a pirate or a privateer than did the Captains actual actions (i.e. William Kidd). However, the accounts of alleged cruelty on Morgan's part during the raid assert that he was no gentleman Privateer, but more of a cutthroat. 


    Just as the saying is that One man's Freedom Fighter is another man's Terrorist, so to that One man's privateer is another man's Pirate.

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