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William the Drake

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Posts posted by William the Drake

  1. 1. Limit the number of beginning Pirate ports, historically Pirates only truely sailed from a very select few ports with in the carribean.


    Yes and no: while pirates would "operate" out of very few select ports, this did not mean they were restricted to them or the area around them. Pirates were known to simply operate out of shallow coves and inlets (usually shallow enough to ensure larger, deeper-draught ships couldn't pursue them) where they could perform (light) repairs and regroup. Basically, they set up wherever they could. A system of temporary and semi-permanent havens and camps could be a viable option to static pirate ports: Pirate Havens, etc.



    3. Create a "pirate hunting bounty system" in National Ports to promote Privateering, bounties should reputational based (I beleive this already happens in forums) and upon collecting a bounty it would give you an aproximate location and heading (e.g - Pirate Captain X wanted reward £100,000 last seen near Nassau heading NW) this would create an extra bit of added excitment and danger in the conduct of Pirate activities.


    Bounty systems are always tricky as they are prone to being abused or gamed (be it via x-teaming or what have you). We must tread lightly when/if trying to implement a bounty system.



    5. Captured ship conversion, in history a lot of Pirate ships were traditionally captured and repurposed merchant vessels and small warships. I believe the game should facilitate this as well it would add a level of personal customization unique to the Pirate faction. But still have the ability to build the available ships


    Pirates capturing "small warships" may be a bit of a stretch, but yes, customization of ship's purpose should be allowed, but it should not be exclusive to pirates. We are already seeing different variants of the same ship: Brig-> Regular, trader, and Navy variant. historically, many merchant vessels could have been re-purposed for combat during wartime. Similarly, navy vessels may have reduced their armaments during peacetime. As such, almost everyone should have the option to change the focus of their ship: Ship Variants



    6. Have Pirate Faction specific upgrades, Pirates were a unique society of people who had cut ties with the tradtional bonds of society to seek a criminal life among the seas. These people came from all walks of life and brought with them thier own attributes and personalities to which ever ship they called home.I think it would be awesome if Pirates had unique upgrades available within the Pirate faction similar to the new "charasmatic boatswain" e.g - you could have "Ruthless Buccaneer" which provide a morale and melee boost in boarding scenarios.


    I must disagree with this: there shouldn't be any class/nation specific fittings/skills/ships to affect combat capabilities. In the end each player should have equal opportunity when it comes to armament, and that when the chips are down, skill wins the day, not fittings or ships that are only accessible to one nation or class



    8. Allow for Pirate Privateering, traditionally Pirates were hired by nations (British especially ) to commerce raid and hunt particular warships of a certain nation. Nations could place "Privateering Contracts" into a server wide database of a specific ship or a certain number of merchant vessels in which when in a Pirate Port Pirates would be able to see contract lists and choose contracts as they please. Once completed The Pirate would return to port and collect thier reward. Additionally Pirates would be able to fly the flag of the contractor nation and then once in combat would "hoist the black" thus spreading thier reputation.


    Agreed, but again, I do not think it should be limited to just pirates. Privateering should be available to everyone. They should also serve as an avenue for pirates to join a nation (should they wish). Every now and then (or at the outset of a new war) Letters of Marque could be offered by the warring factions, but only a set number. After that, LoMs could be purchased by individuals or groups: Letters of Marque

  2. If i recall correctly. "Razee"ing a ship is the act of reducing the number of serviceable decks on a ship. For example, changing a 3 deck 3rd/2nd rate into a 2-deck frigate.


    Things like up-gunned indiamen or the Queen Anne's Revenge (originally a Dutch-rigged slaver) are refits, rather than razees.


    Being able to adjust one's ship is noteworthy however, but it should not be limited to only adding more guns or the like:

  3. Not a separate class/nation but specific mechanics for privateers under letters of marque and self employed freebooters. After all freelancer can sell its services as a mercenary during a war ;)


    Agreed, Privateers/privateering does not need to be  a class, rather one of many occupations that players can take part in. But here's the thing, privateering doesn't have to be just a one-person venture. Privateering can be a means for nationals to get in on harassing enemy trade while also benefiting from it. With admin talking about war and peace mechanics (especially the concept of "trade war") privateering may become more important.


    Most importantly, privateering and the instituting of letters of Marque should serve as a major avenue for pirates to return to Nations, as well as vica versa.

    • Like 1
  4. The Brig




    The Brig is a two masted square-rigged vessel modeled after the Fair American. As far as the smaller vessels go, she is one of the largest in actual size, being quite larger than the snow and privateer, and being smaller than the Mercury, and barely so. She is rather wide as well as long, making her somewhat unwieldy and causing maneuvering to a bit more tricky than her smaller sisters.


    She does, however, carry a respectable complement of guns: 16 6-lb cannon ( or 12-lb carronades) as her main armament, making it a +4 gun increase from the Privateer/Cutter/Pickle, as well as 2 additional stern-chasers. As a brig she naturally has a shallow draft and sits rather low in the water, presenting a challenging target to hit from ling distances. However, her decks- and therefore her crew- are very much exposed, leaving them vulnerable to anti-personnel shot. Otherwise, the Brig serves as a general purpose vessel, and a decent upgrade from her smaller Fore-and-Aft predecessors.


    Her most notable feature is her square-rig setup, the Brig being the first vessel of this sort available to players. As such, the brig will serve as the training vessel upon which players can learn the "Manual Sails" mechanic for almost all future vessels. The brig will be the teacher for vital maneuvers which rely on manual sails. Her square rig means she sails best with the bind, most notably at 45° from the wind's direction (Broad reach). 


    All-in-all, the Brig is a superb stepping stone to the mores specialized vessels like the Snow or Navy Brig and Mercury.


    Navy Brig




    The Navy variant of the Brig adds additional guns to her broadside (18 in total) and improves her planking dramatically. The Navy Brig can take impressive amounts of damage and still performing. A Live-Oak Naval Brig will prove to be an impressive and daunting foe to even larger vessels. She also carries a few more crew than the standard Brig, meaning she is ready to fend off boarders and is capable of leading boarding actions herself.


    In shallow-water engagements and Port Battles, the Navy Brig is a superb vessel to have amongst either an attacking or defending fleet. 



    Both the Brig and Navy Brig serve valuable purposes as impressive vessels for their size as well as introducing the player to the square-rigged system. 


    Check out my other short ship synopses

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  5. Mine is both "Because of History of Nation/Historical/Fictional characters from books/movies/etc make me want to play it" and "My gaming community (not exclusive to NA) chose the play it"


    Let me preface with: Messengers of Death started on Pirates of the Burning Sea where we play pirate. We expanded to ArcheAge and now Naval Action. We intended to turn pirate on ArcheAge, but the choice seemed too detrimental to the soc's wellbeing (going pirate would have meant losing a lot of members and hard work). But pirate is still our main identifier. 


    However, I myself am not one of the original founders of MoD; I joined on PotBS and was later promoted to one of 3 leaders.

    On PotBS, I joined pirates because I study the age of sail (among other topics) and absolutely loved the actual history surrounding the pirates. Of course the fanciful/romantic version of pirates also had a little bit to do with it, but all-in-all it's the historical idea of the underdog that is the pirate that I like. 


    If Pirates weren't in NA, my second choice would be plit between Britain (rich naval history, plus having "Royal" in your name is always nice.) or the U.S. (of which I am a citizen and also has a decent amount of Naval history)

    • Like 1


    Gents, Lasses, Pirates, when it comes to rum, at this particular time in my life (a poor, broke college students) only one type of rum suites me: the cheapest. Alas, I must agree that Captain Morgan is a fine. However other, less seasoned rums I find better for mixing and for relaxing. Captain to me is the "Party Rum." Other rums such as Don Q and a local fair 'Old New Orleans" are better for those relaxing days when ye just want to sit back, sip, and have a calm cigar or pipe.

    If'n ye fancy yerself a rum enthusiast, then I highly recommend And a Bottle of Rum by Wayne Curtis. He tells the story of America's history as well as some Caribbean history through the glass of a rum bottle. 


    In concluding his book, he offers some suggestions for his favorite rums, prefacing with "I will not be listing any spiced rums here, for I assume you want to drink rum, not candied liquor."

  6. I sight the above documentary that this could really happen in the age of sail 


    Bloody brilliant.



    1st Suggestion:


    Harbour Master ship delivery system - Similar to how you can deliver goods atm. You pay a sum of money, in this case a large sum of money & you can have a ship sailed / delivered to one of your ports after a certain amount of time.

    Of course the gold cost as well as the time to have a ship delivered should be increased greatly from the resource delivery system we have in place right now.


    I don't think the HM has that type of jurisdiction or power. At most he can simply have a ship not chartered/logged towed away and/or scuttled. Maybe. Sending a captured ship to a port is already a stretch (it really should be personally towed), and I don't like the idea of a HM picking some random lubber of the docks to sail my lovely ship to me, only to abandon her at the first sight of trouble.




    2nd Suggestion:


    Harbour Master pay-off system / Obtain intel - Again costing a large sum of gold you can obtain intel from the Harbour Master. Ships that have docked & left port in the past 2-3 hours. Groups operating around the area. Maybe even last known positions of enemy players within a given radius of the port you are in- If they have recently docked there.



    I wouldn't think the HM as the person to go for gossip. Ship logs of who has recently visited the port yes, but not operating routes. That, I think, is something the Barkeep has more information on stuff like that. What with all the lips loosened by his lovely drinks.


    As for # 3, just have it exactly like is shown in the clip: pay extra and the HM puts down a fake name.

    • Like 1
  7. So really from your thread, the only difference I see vs what already is, is you want Pirate not to be a selectable faction at the start. Why not? If players desire to play a pirate, just let them, it's their game, their choice.


    As stated before, this was something that was only a preliminary mechanic that would eventually lead to a more fleshed out "Going Pirate" mechanic, such as the one in ArcheAge. Before Early Access (when I wrote this topic) simply turning off the pirates as a starting option would have been easier than trying to implement a completely new mechanic, however it would have started the ball rolling: pirates would have been, at least in some way, viewed as different from Nationals from the very outset of the game.


    Furthermore, I stand by my secondary reasoning: 


    You see, by having pirates in a list of Nations to start off as you 

    1. Begin to propagate the idea that Pirates are/should be a nation, which they shouldn't
    2. You make it seem as if the idea of starting/playing pirate has no sense of consequence.

    By making people go out of their way to become pirate, you add that sense of weight in decision. That concept that "Hey, I am doing something that is 'wrong/illegal' and there will be consequences for it," will actually make people stop and consider the decision of making a conscious jump from Nation to Pirate, especially if there is some sort of disclaimer that comes up before attacking a friendly; "You are about to attack an ally of the Crown! Doing so will brand you a PIRATE! Do you wish to proceed?" 


    The initial idea was to quell a huge influx of players into the pirate faction once the game hit EA. However the ultimate goal is to remove the concept of the "Pirate Nation". Other games have attempted to put pirates on the same playing field as other nations; having them compete for territory, duke it out in line-fights, and compete economically, with rather abysmal results (the main culprit here being Pirates of the Burning Sea). 


    Pirates need to be in a league of their own, and by having it where the only way to become a pirate is to commit an act of piracy enforces that idea, as opposed to having pirate listed among other nations looking like a nation itself. Making players consciously go out and effectively break the law adds weight to the idea of actually "becoming" a pirate. You get a message that drives this home: "You will become a pirate, you will be hunted down." 

    • Like 1
  8. It could be a bot more useful, showing instead trade routes and heavily trafficked channels. this of course would be focused mostly on NPC routes. 


    Player Routes could be a bit more tricky, but I guess kind like if enough people walk the same path in the grass long enough in makes an impression. The same could be done on a chart with player traffic.

  9. Trying to bribe one's way in should only be needed after other means have not been successful. This should, however, be an option for all players, not just pirates. For pirates this does seem like a rather common sense tactic, but for nationals it should carry more weight. 


    I think the first option should be an attempt to sneak into a port. If you are caught, you can attempt to bribe the guard/magistrate/whomever.


    Also, the size/importance of the town you are trying to sneak into should also have an effect on the price asked. If you are at war with the port you are trying to enter, bribery may not be an option, that or the price will be substantially increased.


    However I do believe everyone shoul at least first have the option to attempt to first sneak into ports. If they are caught, they can try a bribe. Both can carry significant ramifications, perhaps attempting a bribe from the get-go can save time and risk of sneaking in: Pirate Havens, Port Security, and Trade Regulations

  10. Ports are lost ONLY if the war is won. 

    Once war ends peace agreement is automatically signed for some time and ports change hands based on the war effort difference. Before that ports remain contested and available for both nations. 


    Could/will there be an option for mitigating nations to offer different ports for peace? Example: England and France have been at war. Most of the fighting has been around Hispaniola. England Captures Port-de-Paix and Leogane. France sues for peace. France really wants paix and Leogane back. France offers to give England holdings in Louisiana (3 or 4 ports, and maybe some gold) in exchange for return control of Leogane and Paix. If no agreement can be made, England keeps Leo and Paix OR war continues?

    • Like 6
  11. Who can vote:

    • Voting system is based on the simplest and oldest mechanic of all. Owning land.
    • If you own land you can vote – you are the landlord – or simply lord
    • If you don’t own land you can exhibit heroic feats – then you can become a lord and get land by lets say winning a lot in PVP
    • If you don’t have heroic feats you can marry into the Lordship by buying a special item
    • To get land you have to capture a port. Thats why all ports start neutral (except for capitals)
    • Every port grants from 25 to X estates depending on port size
    • After you won the port battle you are allocated estates based on your rank
    • If there are less winners than 25 lord protector gets the difference
    • Lord protector is a person who earned most victory points in the port battle (port assault flag will be abandoned)

    Number of estates owned determines your court rank. Your court rank might give you additional points.

    • Person with most estates will become a ruler
    • Top 50 (or maybe more) estate owners become parliament
    • They get a separate parliament chat for private political discussions


    I like the historical premise, I really do, but I fear a system that is taken over by a zerg or similar power. Would it be possible to have a failsafe system where, if needed, certain actions could be overruled by the "Ruling Monarch" (i.e. devs/head moderator of a server)?



    National decisions are enforced by design.

    If captains don't like national policies - capture more ports and change the decision. Maybe a large guild in opposition to a government should get an option to become a rebel, starting a civil war allowing them to capture ports from existing owners getting votes to change national decision deposing a current ruler. Foreign nations can incite civil wars and pay rebels to weaken enemy nations


    This sounds very interesting; is this the ability of large/multiple guilds being able to create their own factions. Furthermore, will clans wishing to do this have to first win their independence in some way? (Capture a specific/x number of ports or sink x number of ships from their mother country?)



    Potential other states of national relationship

    • Trade war


    Would parliaments be able to insight things such as trade embargoes and taxes on goods from certain nations? Or perhaps tariffs to be implemented by Lord Protectors for their individual port?

  12. Spanish: [...]or: Gabriel Iglessias (staring as a panicky officer??)


    Don't just write him off as comedy relief. The man is hilarious as a comedian, but he also has a very impressive control of his voice, and I would not be surprised in the slightest if he could provide a more serious toned sound. 


    Also, I was looking at some Let's Plays for Blood and Gold: Caribbean (a Caribbean version of Mount & Blade) and came across ReformistTM and I rather enjoyed his voice. I think he would be suitable for the English. 


    Furthermore, Gideon Emery (Assassin's Creed 3) sounds like he could do America quite well. 

    • Like 1

    There is already a hidden section for people with the Tester tag were they discuss all their secret thingies.


    So here's the real question, what separates those players who have the game, are testing it (sending in bug reports) participating in the discussion (here on the forums or Steam), from those considered "Testers" who are, at the most basic, doing the same thing?


    Is it a time thing; only players who have been here since Sea trials or before or some such?


    Do those with the "Tester" tag get preference when posting in the suggestion forum? What does it all mean Basil?!

  14. In no way trying to be derisive here, but isn't that kind of what we do already here on the forums? I've seen a lot of suggestion posts make their rounds. Some extensively detailed and thought out, some less so. Some get picked up and discussed, some don't. Admin/devs reply to some, and don't on many. all of this regardless of length or thought (from what I've seen). This is the case for a lot of people who post suggestions here, including myself. In fact, it is probably the majority.


    You can'r expect the one guy to sift through every single solitary suggestion and reply immediately on it (due to what is and is not being worked on at the time) I figured it was just the nature of the beast. 

  15. If a captain believed he was in an unwinable situation and felt he could save his crew (and possibly cargo) surrender would be a viable option.

    This may be a little less the case with more headstrong naval captains, but civilian and trader vessels would rather surrender than fight to the death

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  16. You think there's way more pirates than you? you are wrong, there are not. Britain is the largest faction by far player wise.


    Currently on PvP 1 EU, the most populous of the servers, the Pirates are very much one of the largest factions by numbers, the second largest faction on the server by my recollection. 



    Too many people on these forums talk rubbish about things they don't know anything about. They complain and moan about pirates as a way of justifying to themselves about how and why they lost their ships or failed to take/hold a port..


    I'm very curious to hear what you think of those who play pirates that advocate for pirate reform. There are quite a few of us as a matter of fact. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times: currently pirates are playing far too much like a nation, and that is a problem. Don't condemn pirate in Naval Action to the same fate of mediocrity as they were in PotBS; a laughably restricted and under-powered copy of the other Nations.

    Pirates need to be unique: have unique goals and unique mechanics. Otherwise, yes, you are simply "A [national], too proud to call yourself one" 

  17. Some factions would be pretty easy/obvious:

    Spain: San Juan + Havana

    Britain: Kingston + Barbados

    France: Fort Royal + Leogane (Or New Orleans?)


    After that I think it gets a bit iffy, only because the remaining nations are very isolated (historically speaking as well as from initial port assignments)


    For example, even for America which isn't the smallest faction, what would be a suitable 2nd Capitol if they only have the upper East coast of North America?

  18. It's definitely an interesting concept: play it patient and fight a war of attrition rather than gamble on full fledged Port battle on a heavily defended position. The direct affect of destroying player facilities may be a bit much. Having a port that has recently or constantly attacked in this way have higher costs to use these structures instead may be a better way about it. 


    But I think a raid should be much more, as should the security level of each port. Personally speaking, I would believe raiding was something mostly unique to Pirates: As a national, if you intend to capture a port yourself and use it, why would you destroy valuable industry? Destroying and raiding goods would directly affect you once the port came under your control, and thus lessen the payoff of capturing a port

    The idea that ports can affect and dictate their level of defense is definitely something that should be present, however it should also reflect the level of productivity of a port, not simply a well supplied Lord-protector who can throw money at defense spending.

  19. While sir patrick stewart would be good for the english, i think personally i would prefer Stephen Fry

    If we're speaking strictly of a "Royal Navy" voice, I think Stewart is more suited (although I wouldn't much object to Stephen Fry either) Now, if there was a separate voice for English companies/traders, Fry would definitely fit the bill there

    • Like 1
  20. A old clanmate and friend of mine posed a rather interesting and amusing question the other evening on TS:

    "Ok, so who would you pick to be the narrator for the English nation (for missions, tutorials, etc.?), Brian Blessed(narrated War of the Roses, among other things), or Sir Patrick Stewart?"

    Oh was I split. But I came up with a compromise: Why not both! Sir Patrick Stewart would definitely embody the Royal Navy, no question, but I feel that Brian Blessed would sound very good as the Pirate narrator! (If I had to pick one for just England it would probably Blessed, but when choosing one for pirate and one for England, Stewart definitely has a more authoritarian air about his sound.)

    So who would you pick as the voice of each respective nation? Here are my votes so far:

    England: Sir Patrick Stewart

    Pirate: Brian Blessed -more serious. David Wenham (300/Deadliest Warrior) -less serious/smuggler.

    U.S.A.: Gary Sinise (would have loved Edward Herrmann for this but, alas, he is no longer with us.)

    French: Tcheky Karyo

  21. Do you pvp? If so, you wouldn't put this. I recommend you try pvp. That is where the content is, that is where it isn't repetitive, and that is where you have to use your brain.  That is, if you attack larger ships and sail around in 5th rates or smaller.  Try solo or small group pvp.  The game shines in solo or small group pvp, and the organized Trafalgars.




    This is NOT a thread for questioning my game-play or posts like this.



    Prater in no manner attacked you or insulted you. In fact, it appears he genuinely was hoping to direct you to something that make the game more enjoyable for you. He gave you a recommendation, and then gave a reason as to why he thinks you should do so. No attacks, no insults, no flame. (Honestly this is very nice to see considering the National News just next door.)


    Furthermore he's right: half the fun I have had was engaging in PvP/RvR with fellow players. It's a whole new gaming experience beyond harassing NPCs. Coordinating with and having to adapt to a live, thinking enemy really is a thrill.

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