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William the Drake

Naval Action Tester
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Posts posted by William the Drake

  1. I would like to bring to the attention of the developers an interesting incident that has recently occurred in the video game world and which is pertinent to the subject matter of This land is my land.

    Recently, Civilization  VI announced that the Cree Nation would be introduced in its upcoming expansion Rise and Fall and led by Pîhtokahanapiwiyin, more commonly known as Chief Poundmaker. Personally, I was excited to see the first Native American leader and civilization coming to the most recent Civ iteration, and to join the likes of other Native American tribes that have been a part of the series, such as Hiawatha of the Iroquois, Pocatello of the Shoshone, and Sitting Bull of the Lakota. But then I came across this article:

    Cree Nation Leader unhappy with Civilization 6 portrayal

    It was an interesting turn of events, and it will continue to be so as the situation evolves, i.e. if Firaxis releases an official response. Now taking the statement into account, as someone who plays Civ VI avidly and having seen the release video for the Cree, I would argue that the civilization is heavily geared to a more peaceful role around things like trade and culture. However the Cree representative may be commenting more on the grand aspect of the game, in which the Cree would be competing with other world powers for territory and general dominance.

    More to the point,  I believe this should be something that the developers of This land is my land for a number of reasons:

    1. It shows that you need to be aware of the peoples, cultures, and views you are representing in your game.

    It is essential to be aware that you are designing a game in which the characters represent a real population. Not only that, but it represents a peoples and time period that was tumultuous for them and for which many are still living with an in the bounds of the consequences of that time period. While this may be chalked up to mere "history" elsewhere, the peoples who are being represented may feel differently,

    I was lucky enough two years ago that, while attending the National Council For the Social Studies Conference, I was able to sit in on a general meeting of Native American teachers and educators. One of the biggest topics was how Native American history was being taught, as well as how it represented Native Americans, not only in a historical sense, but also in a contemporary one. One of the teachers commented that "The biggest challenge facing us is that many of these kids think that [Native Americans] are just a part of history and that we're gone to history and that we're just another chapter in the textbook. We're not. They need to know that [Native Americans] are still here and they could be anyone; they could be your neighbor, your lawyer, your teacher (room laughs) or whatever. We're not always wearing moccasins, we wear suits and shirts just like them."

    The key is keeping in mind that while the game may take place in a historical setting, it will be representing peoples that still very much identify separately from the general populace (in many cases technically being separate nations, but that gets into the confusing legal background concerning the Native American tribes and the U.S. Government)

    2. It shows that design decisions have repercussions.

    This means that the way a character is created, written, designed, etc are all incredibly important beyond the aspect of the parameters of the game. Especially for a game that is interested as being historically authentic and accurate, proper representation will be of paramount importance for both the authenticity and how it resonates with the peoples it represents.

    3. It shows that anyone can be criticized or called out for misrepresentation, intentional or not.

    Lastly, and arguably most importantly for the This land is my land team and Game-Labs as a whole, this incident shows that anyone, including game companies can, have, and will be called out for various misrepresentation. Remember, this isn't some indie developer that the Cree Nation is calling at fault, its Firaxis and 2K, heavy-hitting, big-time developers, and on top of that it's the Civilization Franchise, one of the most successful PC Franchises of all time.

    At the end of the day, the biggest concern regarding the Cree Nation-Civilization VI story is that Firaxis failed to meet with Cree leaders and elders when considering the prior to developing the in-game counterpart, something that could have easily been done, far easier than say meeting with top Russian or Chinese representatives (though who knows), especially considering the rather unique nature of the First Nations Tribes of the Americas. Considering the more specific topic of This land is my land, I would argue that this is an aspect that the developers could and should keep in serious consideration. Not only would working closely with the real-life counterparts of the planned in-game tribes be beneficial to avoiding similar incidents as the above, but would also be incredibly beneficial to lending to the authenticity and accuracy of the game (if it has not yet been considered of course).

    • Like 7
  2. Clearly looking like it takes place in the American Frontier west, so we will be playing as [one of?] the various plains tribes.

    One of the first things that came into mind I'm rather excited for is the soundtrack and voice acting. i hope you plan for a lot of on-the-ground support for these, as authentic sounds and music would go a long way. (see Kisima Innitchuna)

    As a single player game, will it be more of an open sandbox? Or story driven (or both?)

    If sandbox, will we have a selection of tribes to choose from (apache, navajo, Lakota/Dakota, etc)

  3. 7 hours ago, DeRuyter said:

    @William the Drake Nice post. I was fortunately enough to see her on the voyage to the US in 2015. In fact that second photo in the OP looks like one I took as she was saluting coming in to the dock in Philadelphia. Am I remembering correctly that you were there as well?  She fired quite a nice salute at least three guns on each broadside. One of her 12 lb cannon is an original 18th century piece as well.


    You are correct, I did in fact travel to the Philadelphia-Camden festival, but I was not able to see either parades of sail in or out of the harbor. It was easily one of my favorite trips I have ever taken and most certainly solidified my love of sailing ships. I believe I ended up uploading a number of my own pictures here on the Naval Action website as well.

  4. 25 minutes ago, CSX4451 said:

    The other reasons are lost to history in most teachings. No doubt it was a reason and an important reason but not 'The" reason that is pushed in the educational system today.  If you teach differently and address all the issues that lead up to succession than I congratulate you on truly educating our youth but I feel you are in the minority.  Tip of my hat to you sir.

    It's not just me; its the curriculum. This "liberal education" conspiracy theory is nonsense. I once asked a senior teacher what she thought of some local legislation that would enforce the teaching of "only things that highlight American exceptionalism" her response: "We teach history, and we will continue teaching history" This was in central louisiana where a population of the schools had the more "country" students refereed to themselves as the "camo clan"

    In these places, and mostly in southern states, the view that is pushed is that slaver was a non-issue. That is just as farcical as stating it was the only issue. As teachers, we have to combat both, but not only teaching but also being brought up in the south, I has see far more of the former than the prior. And it doesn't help when there are local monuments openly celebrating the opposition to further that narrative. 

    Again, there is a difference between having something to remember past events vs something that is specifically design to celebrate it, where the local lore is that the monument is "defiantly looking his immortal enemy, the North." Does it deserve to come down. Yes. Does it deserve to be destroyed. No. It belongs in a museum. Otherwise people will make up their own history that teachers have to deal with. On both sides.

    • Like 2
  5. 4 hours ago, i64man said:

    And to add to your point CSX, today education pretty much point out that the single most important reason for the civil war was the end of slavery. The other issues have become more of a footnote.

    False. I teach history. In the south. We teach that the road to Civil War was in fact paved with numerous causes. However, what we must combat is the very nonsense that slavery was a non-issue in the culmination of war. Six confederate states mention slavery as a reason to secede in their articles of secession. Four say it is the MOST important reason. Three mention white supremacy:
    "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world." -2nd line of the Mississippi Deceleration of Secession. 

    • Like 4
  6. In celebration of our Independence this 4th of July, we should do well to remember our closest and staunchest allies, and the ship that helped us win our freedom:

    America owes quite a bit to the French, be it the Democratic ideals influenced by philosophers like Rousseau, or the shared concepts of liberty. But America may very well owe its very existence to France, and its all centered around a ship unofficially and aptly dubbed the "Frigate of Liberty," L'Hermione.

    The French Frigate L'Hermione was a light corvette style, Concorde-class ship built out of Rochefort, France. Her role was simple: a fast and maneuverable frigate that would ultimately be used as a courier. L'Hermione's claim to fame would be ferrying none other than the young French aristocrat and statesman, the Marquis de Lafayette, to America to assist in its raging Revolution.

    The assistance of Lafayette was the first open act of support by France to America during the Revolution (France had long been secretly smuggling supplies to America, but nothing official). This would be the act that helped foster and furnish the Franco-American romance that would secure America's Independence, as the young (aged only 19!) Lafayette would develop a steadfast friendship with none other than George Washington. Seeing his potential, Washington would place Lafayette in a place of authority in the new American Continental Army, making Lafayette a general. Lafayette would prove to be crafty and cunning, covering Washington's retreat from the battle of Brandywine, and would would help lead American troops to victory in the Battle of Barren Hill, Monmouth, and others.

    The deliverance of Lafayette by L'Hermione would secure the assistance of France on the American side that would later come officially and in full force after the battle of Saratoga. It would be this French support, mainly via the assistance of the powerful French Navy, that would ultimately ensure America's victory and independence, as it would be a French naval blockade that would trap Cornwallis at Yorktown, forcing him to surrender to the besieging American troops.

    This is why L'Hermione is often called the "Frigate of Liberty" and why it is just a central a part of American Freedom as any other. So this 4th of July, don' forget to say "Vive la France, Vive la Liberte, et viva L'Hermione!"




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  7. 9 hours ago, Gmoney7447 said:

    I'm all for remembering our history but what I don't like is many southerners praising the CSA or thinking their actions were justified. Monuments are meant for praising someone. We should teach the civil war in the classroom not praise men who went against their own country, fought their own brothers for not a single good reason. But yes happy Fourth 

    Precisely my point: I am all for remembering those who fought on either side. Remembering that they were willing to fight for what they believed in, not the cause itself. It is an entirely different thing between having monuments, iconography, etc. in a museum or similar setting vs. having a monument dedicated in celebration (and erected long after the conclusion of the war) in which the local lore is that the statue is "defiantly facing the enemy, the north" There is a clear difference in purpose and meaning in both; one benign and one, in the sense of a country that holds personal liberty as paramount, malicious.

    and @A. P. Hill nice attempt at a red herring; close, but no cigar: what we are talking about here is specifically chattel slavery in America and that when the choice came up, half of the country openly decided it would rather leave than try to continue the democratic experiment that many of those same people would claim today to champion. Opinion regarding other forms in history, while not unimportant in the grand scheme, is not relevant here.

  8. 4 hours ago, A. P. Hill said:

    Today, there is a threat from some loonies here in the states, who have the notion that destroying any history of the civil war period is the right thing to do, in a case of revenge, or victimization politics.

    Get over yourself Hill; there's a major difference between observing the events and actions of the past and learning the lessons from them, and celebrating groups and individuals who would see the nation split on grounds of the subjugation of others.

    So yes, we should all do well to remember those that fought, and to observe that "War is Hell," and that it is good that it is so, "otherwise we should grow too fond of it"

    • Like 1
  9. As it stands, pirate is just another nation with a crafting cap, FFA mode, and a whole lotta salt in chat, due to said FFA mechanic.

    As it stands many pirates have in fact defected to the other Nations (mainly Britain) because of this. Pirate isn't necessarily hard, but rather annoying instead. With people like Vicious leading the pirate charge, and all manner of vitriol in the nation chat, Pirate does not endear a fun experience. 

    I'd personally wait for the next patch that claims to introduce raids to see if pirate is worth changing to. Hopefully we will see a movement to a more unique pirate play style that is actually worth going on the account.

    • Like 1
  10. Current fleet commands are respectable and get the job done, but now that we can use our fleet's cargo holds, some more options could be helpful

    • Plunder/Take Cargo: Ships are commanded to search derelict ships for cargo and take anything they may find and put it in their own hold. Should the enemy ship be holding more than the commanded fleet ship, the player can access a transfer screen through the map menu. This is especially important for those who are out privateering and need a ship to dump loot on. Otherwise the process is tediously going back and forth between the derelict and your cargo ship.
    • Follow/Protect Ally: Much as you would direct a fleet ship to sink or demast an enemy, you can command them to follow an ally or have them attack the ship that is targeting your ally.
    • Movement: Give your ships specific movement commands by selecting them and right clicking on the map. 

    Any other commands you would like to see to better control your fleets?

    • Like 2
  11. As it stands the pirate faction still very much operates like a nation, only with a FFA mode and a craft ceiling. If pirates are truly to be unique a lot of things must change. Raids are promised, and whether this will be a pirate-only mechanic or not will determine future direction. Otherwise, pirates will be condemned to be the same generic mirror of the nations like in other games

    However, as it stands, pirates are just as hamstrung on production and resources based on port ownership as any other nation. As such we will fight to conquer and defend ports, again, just like any other nation, with the added handicaps listed above. Removing pirate-owned ports and replacing them with unconquerable, possibly hidden (or initially undiscovered) pirate havens

    So indeed, +1 to pirate hideouts and havens

    • Like 1
  12. Drake Brackish





    Drake Brackish, the Dirty Water Dragon (Roberts)


    Our records of Drake Brackish are easily our most incomplete; much clouds the origins and life of one of the most notorious pirates of the northern Caribbean. Discerning what is fact and fiction is probably the hardest task when deciphering this particular character and not even William Drummond’s personal accounts can be considered factual. Indeed, Brackish was equally adept at manipulating the fears of men as Blackbeard himself; take what is presented here with a grain of salt.


    There are many accounts of the origins of Drake Brackish (if that even is his real name).  Some claim that he was a son-of-a-gun; the offspring of an English gunner and French woman, born upon the gundeck, thus lending to his nautical leanings. Others claim that he is part native, the blood of either the Maya or Zapotec savage running through his veins. Surely this would explain his infamous ferocity in combat and the ornately carved bone necklace around his neck. However, we have found that the most probable account is that of a romance between an English Privateer and a Spanish noblewoman (her exact rank is hard to place, though it is believed she was either a viscount’s daughter or similar) who met in the Mediterranean.  The date and place of Brackish’s birth has been lost to us, as well as any account of his early life. What we do know is this: even in youth he showed great aptitude in sailing and fighting, and he quickly found himself in the service of the Corsairs of the Mediterranean and, eventually, on his own in the Caribbean.


    Criminal records of Brackish pop up all over the Caribbean; there are accounts of him attacking shiping in English, Spanish, and French waters. It appears that he initially cruised around the Virgin Islands only to move to the Bahamas. It is most likely that his move from the Bahamas was due to the high level of competition, as records show more activity in northern Cuba and the Yucatan. The Spanish were much more ardent in their anti-pirate efforts, as there are a few accounts of Brackish’s activity in Spanish records, including one capture and subsequent harrowing escape. It is around this time that Brackish moves to his most famed of cruising waters: the bayous and French waters of the Northern Gulf of Mexico.


    Brackish’s exploits and near expert knowledge of the Southern American bayous would become infamous and would not me matched until the likes of Jean Lafitte. Brackish was so crafty and so deadly piloting and raiding these waters that he was given the nickname “the Dirty Water Dragon”. This is where we question the validity of the name ‘Drake Brackish’ as it seems to be a literal translation: “Drake” is an old-world form reference to Dragon, whereas “Brackish” is literally defined as water that is excessively murky or foul.


    Our picture of Drake Brackish only becomes somewhat clearer with his capture of William Drummond. For whatever reason, Drake Brackish was patrolling around the island of Antigua, very far from what had been his normal stomping grounds of southern Louisiana. Whatever the case, Brackish, commanding his flagship the Demon, came across a small English Merchantman. This would be the ship that held young William, and Brackish intended to seize it. And here is where two burgeoning destinies would cross, where we would begin to get a clearer picture of Brackish.


    Drummond describes Brackish as thus: “A most menacing devil that would grace the decks of a ship. His is a tall and sinister beast, with a constitution crossed with scars and covered by a thick and wild beard.  A patch covers his right eye, and his left stares with a deep, intense brown hue. He limps when he walks and is accompanied with a prevalent ‘thud’ of wood-on-wood as he has lost the luxury of two legs, instead propelled by a wooden peg. I have never seen such a man so equally intimidating and inspirational.”


    Drummond’s affinity for pirate tales and the Pirates’ life can be seen in this description. Brackish would see this as well and would take Drummond under his wing, teaching him how to maneuver in combat and navigate shallow reefs and eventually the bayous when they arrived in the Southern Swamps. By the time they reached Louisiana, Drummond had already proven himself in combat, so much so that Brackish decided to let him go, as a fellow pirate captain. And here is where our accounts fall off as well.


    Brackish appears to have fallen out of history as somewhat of a legend: he was never captured but instead seemed to just disappear. If there is any consolation, William Drummond notes numerous times in his own records that Brackish kept a journal, many volumes in fact. Unfortunately no one has come across them…yet. These volumes, if Drummond’s accounts are accurate, could hold untold stories of Brackish’s exploits; Drummond relays late-night tales that Brackish would tell of ancient Maya ruins, harrowing fort sieges, and cruises all across the Spanish Main.  One thing is for certain: the tale of Drake Brackish, the Dirty Water Dragon, is far from over. 

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  13. Nick Hodges of History Buffs takes a look at "Master and Commander: Far Side of the World" in his most recent episode. He looks at the inspiration for the film (and book) as well as pointing out both historical accuracies and inaccuracies, such as a glimpse at the U.S.S. Constitution and the English Captain Thomas Cochrane.

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