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Razgriz von Preussen

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Everything posted by Razgriz von Preussen

  1. This tells me that you indeed listened to your teachers...and are not applying practical reasoning here. My logic is based on logistical practicalities of long-term voyages across the vast areas of sea. Yes, the treaty drew an imaginary line on a map and said "you get this side, you get that side" in a sense...however, that does not mean that ships would not be in these areas as they went across from Iberia to the Americas and back. Although during most of the period of this game, Portugal and Spain weren't the best of friends, the early 19th century saw them allied against France when France attempted to take over both countries. Why do I bring this up? To get to my next point... Trade in the Caribbean wasn't exclusive to routes from the New to the Old world. Colonies often traded with each other for many reasons, including those of Spain and Portugal. It stands to reason that Portuguese trade ships (and pirates) would venture into NA's current waters. Treaties are nothing more than paper, and in reality many rules and demands of various treaties were ignored often, especially by civilians. The treaty of tordesillas is no exception to this.
  2. OR..at least be able to keep some of them. Either by winning player selecting which ones to keep, or by RNGesus deciding.
  3. Hmmm..what might I, the guy with Prussia in his name, have to say here I wonder..? I will never attempt to hide the fact that I think it would be amazing to raise the flag of Prussia or the German Reich from my ship as I let my cannon send some "aggressive diplomacy" towards the French...or anyone else in the way! That being said, I see more justification in Portugal being added before any other "left-out" nation. Do I even need to argue that at this point? However, there is also justification for some Germanic representation here, as proven by the evidence of earlier posts. Also of note, I do not see any merit to limiting the Russians to force picking a Scandinavian nation, or a Dutch nation, when Russia is contributing ships towards other national fleets...it makes no sense at all there. If we can represent the ships they built, we should be prepared to represent the nation that built them. Now, speaking on the "historical" aspect of these posts, allow me to add something that has yet to be said here...those of you wishing to fully immerse yourself in a historical reproduction, you will never get it in a MMO game. The very moment the game allows hundreds, thousands, or more to change the world around you, it no longer becomes historical anyway. If pirates can join together to claim half the ports of the Gulf of Mexico, why not imagine that Russia, Brandenburg/Prussia/Germany, or Italy sensed the grip of the current powers in the region start to weaken and attempted to send fleets to capture ports in the name of their respective empires? Each of these nations had the means and the motivation to set up colonies in the region, and had Britain, Spain, and France not been as strong here (and if Portugal were completely absent from the region), then history may very well have turned into Germanic caribbean, Russian NA, Italian SA, etc. Please respect this game for what it is. This is NOT a historical movie, to be played out on a grand scale that holds your hand through the age of sail...it is a fully player created and player influence video game set in a world roughly based on the age of sail. Keeping this in mind, I see no reason why Portugal, Russia, Brandenburg, or any other European expansionist empire couldn't appear here. TL;DR - Portugal should be in the game before any other nation. Germanic people (Brandenburg, Prussia, Germany) have legitimate reason for being in-game. Russia, Germany, Italy, and possibly others have a legit claim (imho) to be in-game based on the impact of piracy that is much worse than history leading to a "weakness" in the region that these other, "lesser" nations would have tried to capitalize on in order to gain a foothold in the New World.
  4. Razgriz is a myth and legend in the alt. world of Ace Combat V: The Unsung War...essentially a "Heroic-Demon", it is really dependent on an individual's personal beliefs and perceptions after learning the story to decide for yourself if Razgriz is a demon or a hero. Its all about perspective. I usually go by the gamertag of "Razgriz" or a similar variant in most of my games. von Preussen = "from Prussia" or "of Prussia"...I'm German. TA-DA! ...that's it...NEXT!
  5. Once I hit that point in other games, I find that the only motivation after a few days or weeks is usually dependent on whether or not I am a member of a guild/clan/team. If I am not, then my ADHD kicks in and I become bored and stop playing for a period of time. If I am a member of a guild/clan/team, then if I have achieved a rank and/or status of importance, with duties and responsibilities then I find that my motivation becomes doing my absolute best to fulfill my duties and aid my comrades. If I am just a bottom of the barrel recruit...50/50 chance I will stay and try to climb the guild ladder, or stop playing anyway. That being said, when I am thinking about leaving a fun game because I have "maxed out"...I may start anew, with a new character/profile/etc. to start from the beginning and enjoy the fun all over again, making different choices to see what happens, going different places, talking to different people, etc. So perhaps you may wish to engage in something akin to this grand "restart", eh?
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