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Posts posted by EL LOCO

  1. Major trade routes already exist.    For British   its ill a vache to Port Royal.    For Spain.   it is Key west to La Habana.   For Sweden .  it is Plymouth to Gustavia.


    For France .  It is Carricou to Fort Royal.     For Dutch It is  ??  there are 2 freetowns..so  ??   For Danes/norge it is Vieques to Fredrickstad. 



    Good idea.   

  2. Neutral towns have a protection zone which makes sense as if you provoke a fight , regardless of nationality,  one would not be allowed back in to port.   That is how it worked back then.   Now..however.  We have freetowns.    Are they not neutral too?    Should they too have protection zones.


    This would eliminate the stupid teleport to freetown...wait at docks for incoming traders ships and tag.      Stupid.      With a protection zone...that hunter would have to sail outside of protection zone to attack traders which makes total sense in regards to history and gameplay.




    Please..enough of this .....everyone waits at freetown ports and tags sitting at docks with no risk involved.    



    Please Please.   A simple code as it is already in place.      

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  3. Hello Sorry Clan.


    I am Spanish and a smuggler and pirate though sanctioned by Spain.   Spanish territory is being squeezed again as well as most of your past port acquisitions.  I prey only on the British and occasionally the Dutch but I am getting attacked by pirates constantly and thus undermining Spain's need for arms, resources, intelligence, economic warfare, ships and most important time.

    Both of us are stuck in the middle against powerful enemies.  We share a common goal and a common cause yet we do not want an alliance.   What I want is for your pirate hunters to stop attacking El Loco and other traders with the smuggling flag on.   We are smuggling and it is hard enough let alone to face you pirates at our destination.   If I have to close all my bases and surround Mortimer and hunt pirates all day long... I WILL.    But I don't.  I leave your vulnerable pirate traders lynx's in my beefed up lynx.   Until you stole 15million from me.  That was supposed to buy stuff for our cause.


    Have a little heart for us Spanish or we will bite back hard.


    El LOCO

  4. Familiar to Trafalgar battle ....and I was 3rd Spanish last in line (victory).

    I saw the British veer right but was ordered to keep in line.  I wanted to veer right and get close to towers with the last 3 of us.   I got sandwiched between 1 santisimas and 1 victory and I was sunk in no time.     Good tactics and it worked.  

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  5. MAJOR MAJOR BUG.  Please fix.


    7-20-2016    3.34 pm PST  Puerto Escondido.  


    Port Battle british attack spain.    14 to zero.   I am  in my pavel ready to join when 4 british waiting outside tag me.   I re enter port.   Put some different mods on .....then enter OW.


    I see a battle outside that states 4 brits versus 1 spain at 600 dura.  hmmm..that looks like me.     But then I am tagged again by a Bellona but I also see friendly npcs in view.

    I get dragged into this battle and everything looks fair..a good fight.


    after 10 minutes.   I suddenly exit battle and end up in port and lose 1 dura on my pavel 800 men , an officer.     ???   How did that happen.  apparently ..I was AFK in that battle I mentioned before with out me knowing it.    Should I have logged off quickly and re logged in???  


    I reported bug .    British players should know this is a bug and not exploit it.  Just not right.      This needs to be FIXED ASAP!!!!

  6. Heat Map ..  a definite must in this game.   Resets every server reset.   The bigger the battles the bigger the red circumference.    Port Battles should be included as well.    Only when battle is over .

    This will give us a better idea of where the true action is.  I can understand this historically as all action was the hot topic in taverns in those days and sailors get around.  I spend too much time moving around my 8 outpost with my 20 ships without knowing what is really going.


    Heat Map is a must.  a must.

  7. 2 Minute timer is a complete joke.     I will state this again and again and again.


    I am in an Indiaman.  within 1/2 minute from capital and get ganked by 5 pirates.  4 friends are chasing pirates but cant get into 2 minute timer due to wind.  I get ganked and lose over 12million worth in gold.   Then..after realizing that they just ganked me and now have an exceptional Indiaman with over 50 high grade notes.  they logged off and wait for the coast is clear..(which was not as there was over 20 friendly players waiting).


    Boring ..Boring.   We lost 70% of players since this inception.       5 minute timers or I am quitting.  



    And....now I do the same to the enemy. I await outside a capital in an extremely fast ship ..I can run from anything.  I can now gank any trader without fear of reinfocements.     Therefore..I upset other players and they quit.   Endless cycle this game being ruined.



    Bring back the 5 minute timers...(I personally would like no Timers!)...   


    I will continue to gank any trader outside your stupid capital knowing that no one can rescue them in 2minute.


    I have seen many games being ruined by those who want the rules changed as they don't lie PVP.    Many games. 

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