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Posts posted by EL LOCO

  1. 3 hours ago, Hodo said:

    The problem isnt just alt farming.  It is just the broken nature of this new combat mark system.  For those of us who had PVP marks and earned them fighting were just screwed.  That is what people are pissed at.  That and the other factor of WHY bother PVPing or trade hunting, which is FAR more historically accurate that the BS port battle screening or port battles that every has a hard-on for.   This is kind of the issue.  

    While I have a chance at capturing a trade ship that MIGHT have something valuable in it, there is a bigger chance of it being empty.  Then there is the factor of the ship itself not being worth much.   I think I can dump a trade brig for around 30-50k depending on the market.   I can make that doing a 6th rate fleet mission by myself in a navy brig in half the time and a 1/4 of the risk.   Not to mention get better loot, and more combat marks.  So why not do PVE missions?  Why bother doing PVP at all?


    Don't trade in your pvp marks.  A lot of us are upset.   I have 22 and earned them hard.  In fact. I sunk their ships (traders with cargo)  in order to get a pvp mark .   So I literally sent hundreds of thousands of gold worth to the bottom of the sea for a pvp mark.     ARGH!

    • Like 4
  2. 11 hours ago, Lordicious said:

    I like this idea. This can work very well. Unlock all slots and have access to paint use. So, captains with painted ships will be qualified as elites who grinded these boats all the way up. 

    Each ship paint tab should be similar to collectibles with locks over paints - Not found yet. 

    Want to repeat this.   I have a ship that most don't sail and I would like to stand out from the crowd.   

    As for PVP.  I was grinding PVP.  Hunting experienced players and sinking their trader brigs full of stuff just to get the PVP mark.    ARGH....    22 PVP marks..all traders and full of stuff I couldn't take home except some good crooked wood, refits, sealed bottles,etc.    Thanks Pirates!   Dutch are next.

  3. 18 hours ago, Xaturas said:

    It's freaking stupid. I was grinding because I knew the grind was retarded as hell, but at the same time i knew that I could have 5 slots and enemy in ow pvp or PB would have 2 cause he was a lazy ... Now everyone and their grandmother will have 5 slots on every ship.


    Then you guys change pvp marks into combat marks, and what pve ships will drop combat marks to? F.... the pvp guys then to.

    This game went from hard to Hello Kitty World. Just put a freaking 1st rates in shop for 1 mil for bots now...

    Yes.   Its a game changer.  Seems Carebears won the day yet again.   I Did every darn ship required and was complaining but I was doing work that most weren't.  Now they don't have to and I wasted my time.        These Care Bears need to be removed from the game.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, Bach said:

    If your having that much trouble then you are doing it wrong.   This isn't a simple game of checkers anymore. It's chess now. We have to think moves ahead.  If you grind in a cutter just enough money to buy a frigate and arm it and then go PvP you are likely going to be miserable.   Trader brigs are good haulers as long as no one is hunting that area and it will carry things as large as a 100-200k textile mill.  But a Trader Lynx can still carry 500k worth of Rum.  Ideally you grind out NPC traders till you get 100k starting capital.  Then you trade or farm more NPCs to get up to about 300-500k.  Then you put that money in your bank and never spend it on PvP. You use it to make more money. That more money you make is what you spend on PvP.  So when you take a loss you already have that starting capital so in a few hours you can replace all your PvP stuff.

    That's good advice.     Chess is my game.

  5. On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 1:46 AM, Yngvarr said:

    It's just that the combination of being a rather small nation, territory wise, and all important resources being in other nations regions causes us to be starved of the resources we need to be able to compete at any level in this game.


    This means that other nations are able to progress much more quickly, which causes them to be able to capture more regions, which gives them more Conquest Marks.

    Which means that they can more easily defend their regions.

    and you get situations like this:



    It's just a vicious circle.

    I find it hilarious that everyone is complaining about the Spanish.   Comon folks.   Spain ruled down here.   Cartagena was eventually sacked but it took 80k troops.  Cartagena was the stronghold of Spain in this region and so it should be in game.    

  6. 9 hours ago, Christendom said:

    why not x4


    Before you quit, give global a shot.  The french over there do currently hold Bridgeport (Bridgetown?) and there's plenty of british for you to hunt.  If I recall from previous conversations you're based in North America and our timers would be better suited for you.  Plus...VCO misses hunting the great EL LOCO!

    I play the game during European hours as I trade the stock market (actually just babysitting short term option contracts).  I have to do something else while I watch my 4 monitors or I might do something I should not have done.    I Avoid pvp during opening and closing hours as that can be disaster for real money and game money. .   

    Thanks for the infor anyways!  Cheers

  7. You cannot trade forged papers.  You use them.  So currently it is impossible.   However.  Admin stated that forged papers will either be craftable or bought in the near future. (which could mean years).  Before.  One could transfer stuff to another player and delete account.  Not now.   

    Regardless.  They have the code for it now and the devs can just give you a forged papers redeemable to certain players.    I think they should have given us 2 forged papers each.  One to try ..and one to go back .  The devs did not explain this well enough.   Like having 2 passports.

  8. 3 hours ago, admin said:

    It all does not matter because you have to travel. You can have 1000 alts and all will have to sail with resources, being content for privateers.

    One of my in game friends have built a lvl 3 shipyard in a free town in enemy territory using resources robbed only from players.

    Teleporting back to capital with full cargo load is a problem.  Don't understand why players are even moving cargo in the open waters when they can just tp back home safe and sound.   So how did this player get resources?    smuggling?

  9. Population will reduce very soon if they do not implement my idea of forged papers x2 or craftable or able to buy...or earn.  Please listen to me devs.  I will literally delete this game soon if you do not address this critical issue. I have heard from hundreds of players.    Implement this now

    • Like 1
  10. 17 hours ago, Mrdoomed said:

    Well when people used to be able to swap at will it was a nightmare.  They might as well not even have factions because people used to swap to the winning side constantly.  You would literally be fighting a guy one day and then saving him two days later just to have use what he learned about your faction against you two days later when he swaped sides agian. Screw that.

    This is different.  Devs changed the whole concept in a hotfix.  not a mega patch.  That is the problem here. no warning. nothing.   

    We could change before the wipe albeit very hard.   And there are a lot whom made a mistake and want to switch back.   Earlier the better.

    what you are saying is that we made a mistake and we should live with it?   Devs made drastic changes to game after the mega patch which is completely unfair .

  11. 7 minutes ago, Jœrnson said:

    I remember the days when I first played NA and had to go to PvP3 Server as PvP1 Server was always full with 2000 Players online :)

    Yes.  I remember that.  Could not play for days on PVP1.   I have absolutely have no lag on PVP1 even in full 25 v 25 port battle line ships so I am enjoying that part.  Do the trading and grinding when EU goes to sleep.    So sticking to EURO

    • Like 1
  12. Patch is growing on me. Game has intensified which is a good thing.    Just wondering when the teleport with full cargo back to capital will be removed.  I think this was delayed to give players a chance to build up without getting ganked over and over.  It happens.   When they stop that, PVP trader hunting will commence.  Yikes.

    • Like 3
  13. 4 hours ago, Captain corn blower said:

    So what's the chance of reissuing faction papers again since a lot of people change factions because of wipe ,and now with major changes again they  would like to change back or possibly make them purchasable

    I thought I wasn't alone.   This hotfix literally killed my idea of having fun with FRANCE.   Now I am stuck.  And I am sure a lot of players are in the same boat.   Rather easy implementation if you ask me.  Or give everyone another forged redeemable as that hotfix was not a hotfix but a full blown patch.   I will wait.. but not playing.

    • Like 1
  14. I thought it would be pvp fun heaven as the British should have been determined to hold BRIDGEPORT and the FRENCH needed coal badly with the Swedes pressuring.

    But the darn hotfix ruined it and gave everyone coal which made my decision horrible so there was no need for anyone to do anything. .   I switched as the Antilles were fun pvp back in the day but not now.   


    Not playing the game now.   Developers of this game give no warning to these drastic changes.


  15. I have a problem of my own making but mainly due to the hotfix that was implemented.  I changed nation from SPAIN to FRANCE (using redeemable) but the recent hotfixes gave no reason for the British to hold Bridgeport, also NPCs were nerfed down making the Antilles no fun like it was before.  I was also under the assumption that we could change back by contacting someone to hold stuff while I delete my character.  

    Is there a way to get forged papers back or buy them on the market?   Otherwise I will have to either delete my character  (top rank and top crafter) and start new (which I really don't want to) or delete the game entirely (or wait for final release wipe).  

    Thank you in advance. 

    For now..I will get ready to change back by getting rid of outposts and just hanging out at a Freeport.

  16. I think it is imperative that you give free outpost to certain nations on the next map wipe.   

    SPAIN    5 outposts given at no charge.   

    BRITAIN 3 outpost

    FRANCE 3 outpost

    UNITED STATES 2 or maybe 3 outposts

    NETHERLANDS 1 outpost  

    SWEDEN 1 outpost

    DANES/DENMARK  1 outpost

    PIRATES     ?????


    This would create scenarios unlike what we have seen in this past.    This could solve a lot of problems here.    

  17. Ok. I see what you did in programming on the open water, especially with npcs.    Can you now give everyone another forged papers for them to switch back after the developers hugely changed this game in this hotfix.  There are many players who would like an easier way to either switch back or to switch too without deleting their character.

    Please address this problem.  

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