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Posts posted by EL LOCO

  1. Was just thinking.  How stale it currently is.  For an example.  Bridgetown .  There has been 3 port battles so far and the British are strict and show up with a constant 25 Victories.   Hence.  This situation will go on forever unless there is some sort of procedure.   

    Have it so there is a 3 zone battle in the sectors.   2 circles are open to all ships   . 25 max on each side.  from cutter on up to 1st rate. 

    The goal is to advance for those who make it through into the actual port battle with hopefully the forts update installed.   


    Those whom make it through and win one or both initial port battle entrance will advance to the finals with that ship and with the damage installed. The defender will have the always advantage of Forts (when they will be implemented).  The ship will be locked and you will get a notice of upcoming port battle finale.

    This increase player participation and requires skill and putting the right ships in.   


    so.   Port battle commences on notice.   2 open port battles of 25 each with no forts.   The winner will be decided by the new upcoming zone winner.

    Those that win the zone will advance into the harbor and fight what ever remains  with the fortifications being the big advantage at this point.



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  2. Simple.  Keep Free Ports but only trader ships can be docked and undocked there  (historically accurate) .  This would prevent many things.   1. More pvp and more map strategic in steps. 2. no more dock ganking at free ports when traders come and go.  Gankers now have to travel to a free port.


    Then I can live with Las Tortugas as a free port for trading.   However...ganking traders near capitals will be more time consuming for travel but....historically accurate.    (I personally feel Pirates should be able to dock anything at freeports but not be able to conquer territories..only ports 1 at a time). 

  3. 1) Tumbado is not that much further away


    2) Spain has more ports than any other nation to trade from.


    3) My stance with this new patch has been to focus less on operating out of the Capital and use another port for most of my business. 


    4) it might be better to use shallow ships over large traders, I live on a traders brig with rattles for escorts. They are faster and can access more ports, even though they carry less. If I am caught it is less of a loss for me than to carry everything at one. Get capped on an Indiaman and you're gonna have a rough time. 


    *Disclaimer - this is my play style and my opinions. If you would rather move as much cargo as possible, that's your right. I prefer sailing further for a larger return, only then would I use something like an LGV. 

    Umm....Yeah.   Was transporting 1000 fine teak in a fast traders brig with 2 rattle escorts and got jumped by 2 super fast endymions .....I cannot trade out of Las Tortugas anymore.    It is the worst Port ever

  4. This patch really has me bummed out to be honest. Struggling to find almost any positives to draw from it. Don't like the dramatically increased crew damage, the new wood types, massive time sinks, regional ship bonuses, and many, many others. Perhaps the most demoralizing is that it seems we just re-invented the wheel again instead of making some minor tweaks that people were asking for. 1 step forward and 2 steps back.


    I agree.      And especially not warn us of any of these changes.   I lost a lot of great ships I had for sale but were there due to space for map reset.     This is definitely 2 steps back.    Not liking this at all.    

  5. well.   Since the devs are refusing to put protections zone in free ports ,   Entering and exiting Las Tortugas will be a nightmare and a huge bonus for those gankers sitting at port.


    So..This will eliminate all trading outside of Habana as it will be too easy to tag a trader coming into Las Tortugas while sitting at port.


    Either put a protection zone in free towns as they should be.   No Free town would allow ships to attack other ships and be able to return back to port.    Either eliminate warships from Free Towns , or put protection zones for free towns or ...eliminate them all.  



    Besides, there wasn't even a town there in Las Tortugas back in 1812. 

  6. Please do not move Key West.    There is no logic in this move at all.     Go look at history.  Go to the islands and you will see that this makes no sense at all.   If you make this move.  I am forced to quit this game forever as I do not see how SPAIN can survive let alone put up a duke fest with the British.  

    This is a wrong and bad move both historically and game wise.    I have been a beta tester for many games but if this is what you do to games near release then I will have no part in this game.

  7. May I remind you that when there is a port reset,  We (SPAIN) will have no allies but enemies as the only way to secure our port.  .  Spain will control most of the map for that first 12 hours.  

    I would think that in all best interest , would be to wage all out war on England by all nations.   Convincing USA will be easy but convincing the orange cloggers will be tougher.  



    Time to spin some Dutch windmills.

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