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Posts posted by EL LOCO

  1. Steps to improve player base and make it more historically immerses.

    Eliminate all nations except Great Britain , France, Spain and USA.    All others neutral.  Make everyone neutral .  Clans can decide to join a nation and thus do port battles.  All neutrals can go anywhere .  But if a neutral attacks another neutral or nation.. they can be flagged for piracy.  More piracy means bounty and a permanent pirate flag.   Pirates can only go to neutral ports and set up bases as well.  No more Mortimer.       USA may or may not be needed but they did have a small fleet.   Swedes , Dutch , Danes and all others should not be able to be a nation.  

    This will make the map much more interesting. More dynamic.  More interaction with players as there are only 3 strong nations and the rest neutral.  Benefits of being neutral are good.  They can go anywhere , make contracts..set up shipyards etc.    But not wage war.    More for the trader type.   

    • Like 3
  2. The developers did just the opposite of what they should have done to retain numbers.   Instead of limited nations to historical nations SPAIN FRANCE and ENGLAND...they expanded it to nations that never even saw the West Indies.  At the same time...limiting port battles to clans.   Wow.     Now..very few people interact.  Very few battles.  top player base is never above 500. 


    Way to kill a game 101.   Ukrainians.  When you done with this game.  We here in Seattle will buy it for you for 50k.. Seattle is the gaming capital of the world.      

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  3. 12 hours ago, mikawa said:

    I proposed this already earlier. Let new players start as neutral, not attackable by national players and let them sail trade and gain xp by missions. When they have settled in, and wanna have some outposts & shipyard then they must decicde for one specific nation where they stay. Beforehand they can easily scan the map, sail out to all capitals and then stay where they want to. National player can advertise their nation in neutral chat. "Hey newbie, wanna join the swedes? We are nice small nation around gustavia and we help all new players. Been to gustavia already? Just visit us and see ......." Very easy and very promising I think

    Good idea.  That will be the Danes , Swedes and Dutch.   All neutrals back then and should be now in game.  

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Peter Goldman said:

    Well, what difference does it make with French nation? They got beaten by Swedes. Now there is no French nation, just some ports. 

    So what you're saying is that Danes and Swedes will never fight each other in RvR and two superior factions will just control whole map. Sounds cool to me, really interesting conquest and RvR.

    Totally agree.   British are the most populated right now and will most likely secure a win.   2 runner ups are Danes/Swedes  (Spain can only defend).  Wild Cards that wont play (fight) each other.  So the British win.   

  5. 10 hours ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

    You mean you actually have to fight against equal ships now since brits had time to build 1st rates and you cant just roll over them anymore?

    Because I am unduly punished for being solo.    This game is DEAD .   almost every Spanish player has quit or changed nations.

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  6. On ‎6‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 5:07 AM, Clarion Call said:

    Or instead of trying to get the devs to review the conquest mechanics, you work on actively recruiting players away from other nations to yours? 

    What about getting new players to join your nation? or hiring pirates (Pagan Pete comes to mind as someone who could steer some pirates your way)?


    Work on increasing the player base, which will help us all out in the future.  I know that's what I do, and it seems to be working since the british nation is getting bigger....

    Dude.  There are Spanish whom play spain but there are also players like me whom want a tough challenge.    We are few and we take our losses.  We spend millions more then all the factions to build outposts and ships to defend.    Too easy to play other nations.. I just did and it was soooo easy ...boring.     SPAIN on a map reset is unduely punished and not rewarded.

  7. 3rd rate ship of the line.  always was and always will be.    Ingerman...   a ship that was outdated and a 3rd rate .   Consti a 4th rate.    BUC and Pavel 2nd rates.   Historically

    my point is to get rid of the requirements for deep water port battles.  Its completely stupid and controlling .   does not make sense to me.

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