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Posts posted by Forbin

  1. 14 hours ago, Conerieman said:

    Après quelques petites heures de jeu c'est très agréable d'avoir des modules et des skill books plus facilement, les BR par port semble être ce qui ce rapproche le plus des vrais batailles navale avec des navires de type plus varié ainsi qu'un vrai choix au niveau de stratégie, pour les PVP c'est toujours appréciable d'avoir une récompense en rapport avec cette partie du jeu, pour les PVP rewards les navires en note c'est très bien car les joueurs PVP sont amené a perdre plus souvent des navires et cela permet donc de compenser cette perte rapidement sans passé par un "crafteur" en revanche les skill book PVP représente un très gros bonus accessible uniquement pour les gros joueur PVP et donc cela créera, a mon avis, beaucoup d'avantage au joueur PVP comparé au joueur PVE et les marchants qui risque de ce faire ressentir également lors des batailles de port.

    Après ce n'est qu'un avis, sachant que la mise à jour vient d’être mis en place, les prochaines semaines nous le diront ^^

    C'est pourquoi je pense que les PvPmark devraient pouvoir être obtenues à partir de Combat Mark (même à un ratio élevé type 1 pour 10) comme cela pouvait se faire avec les Victory Mark. C'est prévu dans l'interface main non craftable pour le moment. Tout le monde ne s'éclate pas à faire du PvP toute la journée :)

    • Like 1
  2. Quote

    US players did not push for a server split.  Most of us then wanted pretty much the same as we want now.  One global server.

    EU players did push for the end of night flips, not necessarily for a server split. You can't trust human nature to respect rules/agreement, you have to set them by technical measures, that's what Devs have done with splitting servers and it's working. Plus, as I stated before, how will you solve PING issues with only one server ????? If there was an EU Server, that's probably because it was necessary, and look at the numbers between US and EU players....convinced ?



    The game is in alpha, who gives a shit about the ports.

    The "Alpha" excuse has been used for too long, this game is sold on steam for 20 months. Even if it's an early access, it's not a closed beta testing, people invest massive IRL time in it and want to have fun (it's a GAME !!!). So you probably don't give a shit of being wipe, loose ports and so on, but other peoples do care about that. We are not paid by Devs to test a game, we are not their employees, WE PAID for a game and want to enjoy it.

    It's not an AAA game, it's not a "Call of Duty" or a "Ghost Recon whatever", people interested in naval history are already playing the game and the famous legendary "release date" won't change a lot of things, you won't have 100000 players back, maybe 2 or 3000 if we are lucky. Will they stay ? Who knows......But what I know is that the perspective of others wipes is devastating in the long term for people that are not teenagers, unemployed, singles. The majority is not represented by the most actives forum members here....

  3. You feel alone on Global ? Join EU server then, we will be happy with more people.

    We (EU players) don't want to play with Global rules and nightflips, we walked this way once and our feet are still full of shit.

    So you can ask, beg, shout for a server merge but the only result will be more player leaving whit nightflip return.

    Plus you just forget PING reasons for 2 servers....

    • Like 1
  4. On ‎11‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 4:53 PM, Anolytic said:

    There's already 987654321 topics about this. Do we need another one?


      Reveal hidden contents


    btw: No.



    That depends, it's a good topic if you want to reach 987654322 topics on the same subject :D

    It's always a good idea to have more player, the problem is that game implementation were not satisfying in the past, doing again the sames mistakes won't solve the problems i'm afraid.

  5. Nice summarize Eléazar, wouldn't have answered the same (lot of misinformation in my point of view), but nice by the way.

    At least we don't make pact with BRITS....people that sail the wrong side of the waves and eat chicken with jelly mint .

    Honor safe :D 

    • Like 3
  6. 2 hours ago, Julien A-F said:

    ...Puisque les danois sont les alliés objectifs des suedois....

    « what else? »

    Ce qui prouve que tu es très mal renseigné. Ne pas être en guerre ne signifie pas qu'on soient alliés, il y a des accrochages tous les jours chez nous. 

    Mais les évènements récents provoqués par les EDR contre l'avis de plusieurs clans (Rien n'a changé de ce côté là, c'est toujours une monarchie déguisée...) et l'honneur de la France, risquent effectivement de changer la donne :) 


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  7. Well, I coudn't have imagined seeing this one day. EDR French Clan were bored, so they replied positively when Brits (eternal ennemy) asked them some help in Apalachicola for screening....and they tagged their former allies. Making some PvP in OW is fair, but helping in RvR is a War Declaration from EDR (*).

    EDR betrayed French Nation and Honor, they were sunk yesterday and they will be sunk at will.

    Others French Clans in Luisiana are safe unless they follow EDR infamy.


    (*) On French forum, a lot of French Clans were opposed to this alliance with Brits, it has to be taken into account.

    F0RBIN, ACN Diplomat.

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  8. Avant-hier pareil. Maculosa et Vonafred se balladent chez les Suédois (codrington) pour une partie de chasse et qui leur tombe dessus ? un groupe FR. Les ACN proposent leur aide et ils finissent par se faire courser pendant une demie heure....pour rien puisque personne n'a de bateau assez rapide.

    Du coup hier soir on est allé faire de la diplomatie et visiter la quasi totalité des ports FR par nostalgie.

    Nous n'avons croisé que 2 pauvres malheureux qui revenaient de mission. On en a taggué un histoire de lui coller une bonne frousse et sans meme essayer de riposter il s'est rendu, perdant ainsi son Indefatigable, pour rien puisque nous avions decide de le laisser vivre....Il faudra que ce môssieur se rappelle de ne pas se ballader en undercrew dans des eaux non protégées, sans hull repair, sans rig repair et san rhum...ça le fait pas :).

    Ensuite un groupe de FR dans d'impressionnants Prince de Neuchatel nous ont escorté jusqu'au Danemark avec Jeanne de Belleville sur sa frégate. La poursuite était perdue d'avance pour eux et ils essayaient de nous tagguer sans avoir le BR....il va falloir reviser les fondamentaux à FR je crois, à commencer par lire les Message Privés sur le CHAT :)

    • Like 1
  9. This !

    Sometimes we forget that it is just a game, it meant to be a fun moment, not something that can bother you IRL.

    I know (and understand) some peoples that are very bothered by this debate and think about leaving the game...Is this really what we want ? Loosing Danish players ?

    BF and RTS use game mechanics, we don't agree but we can't do nothing.....we better should accept and deal with the situation, so we can continue having fun TOGETHER in NA ;) 

  10. Well, I must admit the training ground is a very good Idea......but for now it only trains our enemies our slow down our ship production.

    Take a look at the map and tell me what other country opened a ganking area near his capital...none, and there must be a very logical reason don't you think ?

    ACN Clan will follow, help and die for RDNN, DNP, RTS, DANVE, BF and every other Danish Clan as long as the planned action is profitable for the Danish Nation.

    We should all gather in the tavern, drink our famous Danish Beer (captured an LGV full of it) and finish the party peeing in the snow, trying to write the names of our enemies :D

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  11. Not exactly :), it's more about ACN Clan Leadership (DANES, former FRENCH Clan). As we are for the most part of us very ugly and always drunk (Except @Cassard and @Emma, our 2 ladies....YES we have real ladies in ACN Clan :wub:), we try to choose the less drunk and ugly as a leader :lol:

    We will eventually come back to France in a futur full wipe, but for now, we are very well in Danish nation, people are so kind :P........and we are in war with perfid Brits, which is more than enough to be happy.


    Back to topic gentlemen, Pierrick is looking for captains to (re) join French Nation, it can be motivating for captains searching a real challenge as this nation is pretty tough to play.

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  12. C'est clair, mon cœur est en France, mais mes burnes resteront au Danemark pour l'instant, elles ont besoin de repos. On verra au prochain wipe total ce que l'on veut faire, pour le moment ça serait logistiquement ingérable de toutes façons.

    Quant aux chaises musicales ce n'est pas ça du tout petit poney. Chez les ACN on choisit toujours le moins moche ou le moins bourré pour être "chef" (en tout cas c'est ce qu'il croit), encore que ce mot prend un sens très différent chez nous :) 

    • Like 1
  13. Téméraire class, because of this:


     More than 100 ships of this class were built (Téméraire class), some fought for the Royal Navy, Spanish Navy, Dutch Navy and obviously, the French Navy. They were built in many famous cities like Toulon, Brest, Rochefort, Lorient, Cherbourg (France), Antwerp (Flanders), Vlissingen, Amsterdam (Netherlands), Genoa (Italy) and also Venice.
    This is the most numerous class of capital ship ever built, it SHOULD be in the game.

    @Fluffy Fishy : I totally agree with your analysis. There should be a poll for each class of ship and the Dev should balance the game with the class they need.

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  14. @Anolytic: Last night we set up a barbecue with 25 fellows and have waited the 50 brave captains of Sweden to join us, as they flipped road town so easily on satursday night.

    But you know what ? They didn't come, they just sent someone called Mortar Brigg (/joke on). Perhaps they weren't enough or ready to loose their precious flipping ships....

    @Troody: How do you call 25 Swedes tagging, heavily moking and sinking a lonely Constitution right in front the forts of Spanish town ? that was not spicy at this time ?

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