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Everything posted by CeltiberoCaesar

  1. Alright, I thought you have some actual numbers... that's fine then
  2. The big question, where/how do you get that info? I've being looking for it since I arrive to the game... How can we get the number of players in each faction?
  3. Who do you sent it to? Our ambassador CeltiberoFrog didn't receive it.
  4. Guys, Viciuos... please respect the commons sense internet not written rules about the letter fonts/size/color... it's quite uncomfortable having to read such text in big fonts, using cap letters, no-black letter... etc It's just something basic for forum/internet posting.
  5. I dont think so, they would do that for free.
  6. Can I borrow one of those 1st rates? Just for a week, please.
  7. I wish we were that rich, unfortunately wr were not the onea that sold +2.5M of compass wood just next to oue cappital. Those were the british, if pirates have been contractes is probably by them...
  8. Easy guys, no need to use insult or polite offensive words. Just kill the british and thats all. USA, we dont need to fight each other, send you diplomat and we will surely find the proper way to fight them and coexist in florida.
  9. Dear saintjacktar, Trust me, I'm an engineer. Regards Capitan Caesar Celtibero Celti Ibero Armada Norteña Navarro La bernarda Red flag Friend of english enemies England flag is a black flag Shahanshah Goku will reborn Spanish GL&HF
  10. Forgive my mate, he is too impulsive and intense. He just want to show you we dont need to be enemies, our common enemy is England and their pupets the Dutch
  11. You know they are not your "brothers" they are your owners. They have been using you to have a break on their seas. Their only aim is to "distract" us so they can recover some strengh before the last final battle against the pirates and danish. You, USA, are just a pupet of their interest. That kind of behaviour is what has lead us to the current situation, they treat their allies as pupets and now they only have Jamaica.... dont hesitate they will abandon you once they have no more interest on you. Capitan Caesar Celtibero Celti Ibero Armada Norteña Navarro La bernarda Red flag Friend of english enemies England flag is a black flag Shahanshah Goku will reborn Spanish GL&HF Pd: lets save our long titles and just write the message itself
  12. Dear you,England Regards Capitan Caesar Celtibero Celti Ibero Armada Norteña Navarro La bernarda Red flag Friend of english enemies England flag is a black flag Shahanshah Goku will reborn Spanish GL&HF
  13. Dude, this is a game... dont write such long texts, call me lazy but I cant read that much just to figure out who stabbed first. The answer is pretty obvious, London has always the knife in his hand, they are who should be blamed, stay on your side of Florida and join us in the fight against oue common enemy.
  14. Just a long text to say "I wanted to attack you and the better way to take advantages of the situation was to stab you".
  15. That's no true, if you read the declaration of war:
  16. PvP has been always accepted by both sides, that's not an excuse... you wanted to stab us, just that, recognized your lack of honor and manners and everything will be clear of the rest of the players. USA wasn't at war with Spain until you stabbed us, you start it, you are the japanese in this war.
  17. You knew Japan was allied with Germany, why did you need a declaration of war in the WW2? Its called, manners, honor and education.GG in cayo vizcaino, it was a pitty we didnt have time to finished the battle. We will see each other again.
  18. We could, not doubt. And "Spain" didn't took those ports, they were someone external from the council. Like FORGE attacked us before. That's a lie, we won't allied them while you where pushed there. We just did during the current week.
  19. That's not true. The council never accepted the conquer of pirates ports in the West Coast. You should have tried to contact us before attacking us.
  20. Such a war act without the proper declaration of war seems odd coming from the USA.... the karma always remember... Your ports will eventually be attacked by ships navigating the skies!
  21. Golbatorix, tienes toda la razón... peeeero... los jugadores que se van exparcen malas opiniones (los devs ya se han quejado de esto) y no vuelven... indudablemente esto está afectando al "exito" del juego y va a afectar a potenciales ventas/jugadores concurrentes.
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