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Posts posted by fox2run

  1. 26 minutes ago, admin said:

    you are one of those people who only reserve the right for direct criticism for themselves. Such people are not welcome here as we don't tolerate double standards and demand forum members to treat everyone equally. You won't be missed.

    The thing is, Im a customer who bought a playable product that now is totally unplayable. You destroyed MY product. And now you blame US - the customers! Every suggestion down the line favoured PvP and easy playability. But every patch made it more and more impossible to find the fun factor in this game. Read suggestion, adapt. You are messing with the wrong guys here, mate. Blaming customers equal you own downfall.

  2. 9 minutes ago, admin said:

    Here is a guide to early access games. http://store.steampowered.com/earlyaccessfaq/

    You also probably read this warning from Valve itself
    Note: This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development. Learn more

    And you have probably read this

    Why Early Access?“Sea Trials is a long age of sail tradition. Captains of that time had a chance to test their vessel and provide feedback to the Admiralty on what needs to be changed to make the ship perform better. Extensive sea trials are required by the Admiralty to fully test if the ships in the game are seaworthy and ready for fighting.”

    You volunteered for this and were warned in advance.
    We promised experimentation as we need to search for the best nuclear materials in the complete unknown to find the right mixture. To do so we must have a lot of drastic changes and experiments. Such approach works best for the game and for our future games in this setting. Such approach might not work for you though and we understand that. But you should not have bought an early access version then. You knew what you were getting into.

    There are people who probably would never understand captains who sometimes sailed into a complete unknown without even knowing where they going. There people who won't understand scientists who tried crazy combinations without knowing what they will get to find most of the current chemicals and substances. They would prefer a safe trip on white star line to a trip on Santa Maria. Early access is not for them. They should stand aside and wait for release. 


    You are plain right very, very rude right now. Many of us have used considerably amount of time to come with feedback, solutions troubleshooting etc. If you do not cater more about your customers than this, you can take your lousy product and wipe you a...

    I'm so done with Game Labs.


    • Like 1
  3. I like PvP challenge and tactical fleet battles. But getting this I have to do too much work. Port battles are only for a minority of players with TS and a lot of sparetime and ROE favours pirates looking for a gank. Not big multiplayer battles. 

    The 3rd rates where my favourite ship, but in order to loose a fight I need months of trading and building everytime I need a new ship. Not that I had the time or economics to build ships as I had before patch.

    I gave it a try after wipe but I gave up.

    It's out of proportions.

    A shame as the game was a favorite of mine a year ago...

    • Like 2
  4. Many players gave up on the game. Me included. It takes far too long to have fun pvp. The focus changed from fun big battles to lonely pirates and trading.

    It has always been a bit grindy, but now it's a part time job to play.

    Only very, very hard core gamers can make anything out of this. And they are not many. Hence the empty world...

    The devs had scared most players away from patch to patch. They didn't listen and didn't see all the red lights down the road. Maybe they can make legends work. Maybe. But as a customer I have lost my faith and need to see a finished well reviwed game before using anymore precious time on a Game Lab product again.

  5. On Monday, August 28, 2017 at 4:41 AM, Slim Jimmerson said:

    Really any one of these solutions would fix the main issue of RVR. Putting all of them together would make RVR the kingpin of every PVP action in the game and probably a main seller for the game.

    I would log in every single day just to see the progress of all my nation's port wars.   And anytime I want I could x up, join a fleet and go help the cause.

    instead i'm logging in, seeing no RVR participation, hardly anyone PVPing because there is no natural funnel to bring two nations in the same area against each other, and logging off.

    If we could just implement this sort of war style RVR, you wouldn't see so many people leaving in between patches, waiting for the big "rvr fix"

    trying to work off what we have currently is polishing a turd, we'll never hit gold that way.


    If RvR = multiplayer, then I agree

    If RvR=clan controlled game, then I disagree.

  6. You guys are totally nuts. A battles is what attacts players to a Naval Action game. Not taxes or sailing around in a trader for hours. 

    Change the title or change the game, please.


    3 minutes ago, Quineloe said:

    What the hell are you talking about ? No one here is a teenager.  Do you know what teenagers actually do these days? They're on that latest social media thing with their phones, where you send each other images and they vibrate or something and we just have no idea at all what's going on or why anyone would waste their time on that. Or they're at the mall.

    Are you telling me that adults are sitting on hours on end with a mic and trying to rule over other guys with their self-proclaimed kingdom? OMG - say no more.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:


    In what way?

    PC games make players create their own freedom and reality and makes things possible that are impossible in real life. Thats whats fun. To make a system where a group of players rule over other group of players make the latter leave tha game. Thats one of the main reasons why NA are bleeding players. RvR are doomed to fail in all ways. Common players - how dedicated we can be - do not want to have a role of serfdom in our spare time. Forget it!

  8. I still don't get how a good game got totally wasted along the road.

    2000 online. A lot of stuff where going on all over the place. 

    Then all the fun stuff was replaced by boring stuff. Players left and more boring stuff got into the game.

    Boredom killed the game. Go back to Feb 2016 and progress from there down another road than this. 

    Kill relations to hard core RvR guys and make a good, solid, fun game where an average player can have fun in one night for a one-two hour period. 

    Scale the map, hot spots and economics after this. 

    New ships also needed. 


  9. 50 minutes ago, Thonys said:

    Here you have it ;

    rvr means realm vs realm (or parts of a nation like clans)

    and you as a solo player who wants to do  RVR on his own 

    you can do port battle , but you must make your own clan and accomplish hostility to trigger a battle

    you will soon discover doing battle on your own against 25 agas is a  monster operation, and if you survive that,  i will call you super-captain fox2run in capital letters.

    so yeah you can do it but that won't work,>  the rules on this on is that there will be maxed 25 people in the battle (and you will ... meet them :wacko: )

    and yes they are open for you, if you and yourself made clan>  joins the attacker group 

    so the answer is:  yes

    and sigle player are not limited to do battle , maybe futile , but not limited .....

    if you want to conquer the world on your own, that is a to big undertaking that will never happen..


    sorry mod:  did not see that one coming, my bad now, it is now a troll indeed

    but just to give an example of a PvE player (one of the few) 

    but no input on balance, just many questions  we have to solve first ,((one at the time (perhaps)





    Have made my own clan. But hard to make it stay alive as players leave all the time. Myself included. It dosnt work. What the game needs a mechanism open for everyone. Clans tends to organize themselves anyway. They dont need game mechanisms for that. Single players need mechanisms so they can easily go to a battle with other players regardless of clan-status. RvR as a backbone-mechanism in a game does not and will never work. 

  10. It's all too complicated. As a pc player I log in. See what options are ASAP. If none I log out playing something else.

    Players gets bored in no time. Thats why they give up on the game. 

    Port battles should be open for all and there should be port battles every night. Like a lobby in any wargame. If you like to go in one, you will see one.

    Port battles should be preset and not made up by players. It will never work that way.

  11. A thought on RvR...

    I hate the idea that some key elements of the game should be runned and controlled by clans. Or rather variable groups of players that act as a nobility or oligarchy. 

    Do you have any considerations on how to make RvR experience somewhat positive instead of those personal powermongering that lies in a clan system? 

    How come single players should be limited from port battles? 

    Shouldnt there rules on clan-behavior?

    A lot of single players like the idea of a nation but does not want to have the clan stuff. Isn't possible to make port battles open for all?

  12. 17 minutes ago, admin said:

    why don't pvp players pvp each other? We tell them where they are exactly for that. But they group up for some reason and gank missions. Asking to move them out of green zone :)

    I was a pvper. But the hours required to build ships was too much. And I disliked being in a clan full of teens. So I stopped playing the game. But that was back in the old days of course when a lot of players was online... I liked the multi dura system. If I lost a ship it wasnt the end of the world. Now it is. So if you make it cheaper and more forgivable to play, I might play again. 

    • Like 2
  13. You guys are so weird. What you are doing is making the game more and more boring for an average player. Then you shrink the map and cut down the nations. Maybe you should work on making the game FUN and ADDICTIVE instead?

    So many complains on the grinding. Make it easy to build ships, trade and fight instead of making it harder (meaning less time consuming). Some players didnt like first rates, and now the game is totally destroyed becourse of this wish. The duras made good sence. You could fight every night without being totally bancrupt when you lost a ship. Now its GG if your trader brig is captured. Weeks of grinding lay ahead. Its not a forgiving game and the absence of rewards make players leave. 

    Once PvP was the best way of making money. Maybe you should try this model once again? Several duras also worked pretty well. The qustion is what to do about them hard core guys once this game is popular again and we fill the OW with great Naval Action? 

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