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Posts posted by Jesters-Ink

  1. 4 hours ago, Intrepido said:

    Hi @admin

    Sir texas wants to know if he will be able to gift his best friend @Intrepido a patch (containing the christian VII too) for his birthday.

    Sir texas thinks intrepido deserves the patch however, in my honest opinion, both guys are very annoying.

    Thx in advance.

    Have a good birthday, it is also my birthday soon, for my birthday I want something worth playing, it very well may be:- hunt showdown :)

  2. 1 minute ago, Hethwill said:

    DayZ, the same way as NA, is a sandbox that relies heavily on a patch from experience to experience. Encounters are always different.

    In that regard, and also travel time, they are similar. Likewise, killing bot ships or killing zombies is... rinse and repeat. Fairly similar.

    It is the pvp interaction that provides the tension, that moment story. Same as with a air combat sim on a battlefield scenario rather than arena scenario.

    Quite right, but both suffer from the same lack rewards wouldn't you say for the loser? Both games not doing so well in numbers, what could be the reason :D ?


  3. 11 hours ago, seanjo said:

    It's a niche game, it's not going to appeal to COD players.

    Niche game or not, plenty of people bought the game who have left already.

    People don't buy a game because it's a niche game, they buy it because it appeals to them.

    Its up to the developers to get it right to keep them interested and playing, this is a basic customer satisfaction requirement.

    I want this game to succeed and I want it to be great, but it is being slowly bludgeoned to death by a selfish community who are at the top of the food chain and want to remain there. Whilst new players come into the game and either get killed in their spawn area or taunted out of the game. Congratulations you top 10%, soon you won't have a game to play.

    Developers need to consider these facts, you already have a customer base, so why not grow it, instead of pandering to those who are already at the end game and are just trolling the new players?

    Other games with a high PvP content based combat system almost always have a side balancing mechanic.

    There has to be a way to counter a nation rocking up with twice as many ships and clubbing the enemy before they even make port battles. If you don't think this is a problem, then the game is already over. Simple maths, you have to ask yourself, if you have the choice to fight against the odds every time you play, would you bother day in day out, or would you start to play less?

    Maybe points should be based on damage delivered, not on sinking or aiding sinking, so even the players getting sunk get something out of a fight?

    Food for thought gentlemen.

  4. What makes a good game, worthy of your time investment to play?
    This is the question each player answers subconsciously and every time they boot up their computer to play right before they click on the game of their choice.

    They ask themselves, is the grind worth it, is the time investment worth it, what can I achieve in the time I have available playing said game. and what will the game reward me with.

    What does NA have to offer me/you?

    There must be a purpose/reason/achievement. 

    As developers, you should ask yourselves, are you fulfilling the needs of your community? If the answer is yes, then your player base grows, if it is in decline, then the answer is no.

    There are many aspects of NA that appeal to a wide variety of player types. You can trade, you can craft, you can combat PvP/PvE and you can do all of these as a single player, a small group, or as a clan. So this sounds good and not bad right? So we have to ask, why is the game in constant conflict? Simple reason is this, balance. Time investment for the above mentioned activities potentially renders the loss of assets to be too great for the average player. This is one thing. The player base is toxic, win or lose, you will experience this. We play for rewards, so if these are low for the time investment, then your player base will be in constant flux. Devs:- you gave higher payouts for open world combat and this got some players back. So maybe more moves along these lines will help grow your player base. You delete a server because of diminishing numbers, this does not solve the problem, it hides it. Unless more of a balance is found, you should expect the same situation on the EU server.

    Bring out your popcorn, bring on the flame.  



  5. Question for the Devs:-

    Ive built a Le Ocean using live oak and white oak. It has Cartagena corking naval hull and one more permanent mod on it.

    It also has got 5 ship knowledge slots unlocked with a bunch of knowledge upgrades bought and looted.

    In what format as a redeemable will this be transferred? Will it be a single redeemable with all the upgrades and wood types, or will it be a set of separate redeemables?

  6. 2 hours ago, Vernon Merrill said:

    Its because the obvious answer is, well, obvious...  The original post tells you the answer, mate...  Everything from GLOBAL goes to EU...


    Yeah and they said this shit last time and it just didn't. So I will take the obvious when I see it with me own two mk1 eye balls.

    If i ask a question, well its because I want a clear answer from the Devs, not some guy who interprets the original post different to me.

    We got screwed last time this sort of thing was done  so forgive me if this time I'm a lil bit sceptical


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  7. I think after all the "crying" about almost not having a PvE server at all (me included) it would not be a good idea to start talking about mixing PvE and PvP just yet.

    That said, I do think there is potential for mixed "server" under the right conditions. 

    A condition such as "a player" attacks a fleet belonging to your nation, can be attacked by you, whilst in battle. Again, it all gets a bit complicated on the implication.

    There should not be port capture, as this would lead to unbalance with the most populated nations overrunning the lesser ones in no time.

    There could be some sort of consent option, so a player sees another player out on the OW and offer a duel, the player then has the click yes or no box to consent to the PvP challenge? I'm not sure any of these idea are any good or even worth considering, but I'll throw them out there.

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