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Posts posted by Jesters-Ink

  1. 51 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    That is what happens when you have no sink for your resources....as in if no one ever gets sunk you have no reason to be using any of your resources so you just stock pile them.  I'll be honest mine at one time looked very much like that  and I know a few clan mates that does.   Other than small ships I haven't been sunk in any ship that wasn't a captured SOL or some Note trash ship.

    Lets look at the real reason.

    Back in the day, when you could cap any ship and keep her, we used to take a lot of chances and have fun.
    We used to lose a few ships dicking around trying the impossible, hell we even went 4 cutters against a Santi. Then this was taken away. No keep, no point.

    So we picked different fights. Clan verses the OW fleets, man we had some fun and lost some ships.
    Back in those days, we had people joining us almost daily and we needed the resources not only to replenish, but to provide for new players.
    Back in those days, clans would hunt together, but then the group hunting was taken away.

    The resource gathering is habit, but I think it will now come in very useful for those of us who will most likely stay.

  2. It's like watching a small child playin with a loaded revolver.

    I can understand why when you see the numbers, it's not cost effective to have a server for 50 players.

    The whole idea of PvE is to explore without having to duel the massive clan hunter killer packs.

    Restrincting this style of play to a small area is just a massive contradiction and I think you've just put the final nail in the PvE communities coffin. 

    I don't know what the solution is, but I'm pretty sure it ain't this.

    • Like 7
  3. 14 minutes ago, Rickard said:

    well Sir he is still right......just saying



    Might be in your opinion, but I can tell you a fact.

    There are plenty of people who enjoy getting together on the PvE server and having a relaxing and enjoyable sail around.

    Most of um left when the ability to group attack AI fleets was removed.  20 odd from our clan and I suspect equil numbers from each of the other clans too. That's a lot of lost interest in a single update that did not get applied to the PvP server.

    He may very well might be right, but if you want players to stay, then give um what makes um happy.

    Youe have it on PvP, so give it to us on PvE.

    So that makes him wrong, in my opinion.

    plus, I am making a point for the PvE server, so why are PvP players bothered, it does not affect them?

    Just saying :D

    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, Wesreidau said:

    Bit of a joke, but really, I want your friends to enjoy the game. The PvP server rules were made for group play. I don't know if the PvE server will ever have rules crafted to support what you describe. Were I in your shoes, I'd take your friends over to the PvP server, teach them there (there's plenty of PvE targets just outside of capitals, we get sick of them), and then return to PvE once they've learned and if you dislike the PvP server.

    It was about 3 months ago on the PvE server we could group attack fleets, so this is my point.

    Why remove/change something that has driven 20 odd members of my clan to ground?

    It feels like all PvE play is being pushed into the PvP server and this isn't everyone's cup of tea.

    They have it on PvP, so why is it not the same rules for the PvE'ers?

    • Like 1
  5. When I first started playing Naval Action around a year ago, I could see its potential for being something really special.

    The game looks bloody gorgeous and the battle mechanics (on this day) are just amazingly good fun.

    The sad case of facts today is, the game isn't being played like a simulation, it is being played like an arcade shooter.

    It is a bunny hopping quake fest, with all the players looking for the quick cash in.

    Upgrades, power ups, what ever you want to call them, masses of ships magically being brought to battle, doesn't help.

    What happened to the sense of adventure, go which ever way the wind blows and explore?

    Take in a "one on one" or a "two on two". Nah, what we have is game exploits and mechanics manipulation.

    The reason why it isn't looking so good in the numbers playing is because a single gaming style is being forced on all.

    Some of us like a more relaxing experience rather than the lets kill anything that moves kinda mentality.

    The majority here are still here because they like this style of play, but those who don't, have already left.

    I hope there is some middle ground, where both styles can co exist, or all that will be left are those who are here now.

    • Like 7
  6. 15 minutes ago, Wesreidau said:

    PvE players trying to play with others? The PvE server is for playing by yourself. If you want multiplayer you should be in PvP. Transition them over now while they don't have a big investment, I'm sure people will donate some bootstrapping capital. I've got 1 dura captures galore.

    And the Devs ask why people are leaving . . . face palm!

    Talk about miss the point.

    • Like 2
  7. RCB recruited three new players last weekend, one a returning player the other two are brand new accounts.

    Mostly going to be doing PvE until they get the hang of things and level up a bit.

    To help us keep these players interested in the game, can you please consider letting us attack OW fleets together.

    As it stands on the PvE server, only one player at a time can take on an AI fleet unless the BR is stupidly stacked in the AI's favour.

    Training new guys up takes a lot of effort and it would be better for PvE clans if we could attack NPC fleets in groups.

    Missions are fine and all that, but some of the locations are just such a waste of time.

    A lot of our players have left since the group cant attack AI fleets, so how about it?

    It used to be a lot of fun, so can we have it back? 

    • Like 5
  8. 40 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    By what I picked up it looks like there will be only three mod slots on ships and the rest will be picked when you build it instead of using perm mods.   We will just have to wait and find out though.  

    It feels like the game started off in the right place, then something changed.

    This is what I understand from what I read in the past--->
    A lot of "crafters" were not happy with NPC's building budget ships devaluing crafter builds.
    So the Devs addressed this by reducing NPC quality ships and increasing time and effort required to build quality end game ships. Not only has PvP suffered, so has PvE. 

    Low cost ships = everyone playing and enjoying the ability to fight and replace losses fairly quickly.

    High cost ships = people are now a lot more careful regarding when they fight and with what.

     Do we want to sail and fight, or has it all been made too expensive?

    I really enjoyed NA a few months ago, I couldn't get through a day without getting stuck into a fight.
    Now, its too much like hard work and there are a lot of other good games out there that are a lot more fun to play.
    I find myself doing some crafting, then playing something else. Like I said before, the "grind" is fine for people like me, I have plenty of time, but for those working 5 or more days a week and have families too, I don't think its going to hold their interests for long. NA is losing players to the likes of World of Warships. A game I will never play, but I know for a fact, well over half my clan are playing. Sad but true.

  9. Just now, The Spud said:

    I think it will not be a case of "all or nothing". Its my understanding you will have a "default" ship, with the stock perks where you can increase certain "specs" but at the cost of other specs, I think this will probably be done gradualy (like increase speed 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%,2%,... and at a simmilar ratio reduce armour HP with X%). So in general ships should be "balanced" apart from wood type and regional bonus.

    If they rework upgrades it'll probably be something simillar, I think that specificaly the "Marines" upgrade is something that will be reworked.

    Thanks for the info, that sounds reasonable.

    • Like 1
  10. Me, I have time to build and grind for all the nice stuff, so not a problem.

    The last patch killed my clan, (I've seen one member with two accounts over the holidays), not even the hard cores play any more.

    The plans sound good, but I think it will be the end of the game, I hope I'm wrong.

    I will play casually until we are live, then see whats what.

    Good luck.

    As for ---->" We will abandon the 5 color grades for upgrades and ships. Fine (blue), Mastercraft (purple), Common (green) are not used and thus are useless. Nobody makes them and nobody buys them."

    This is dumb, so gold marines or no marines, who wants half their ships crew to be marines unless they are going after Santi or Vic caps??? we need the grades.

    • Like 2
  11. ... cmon there like 3 people playing on the PVE server, they wont even notice it was offline :P

    Damn it, I have two accounts my Son has one, so you are telling me I'm alone with my Son in PvE?

    Says a lot:D

    Jokes aside, we've been trying to fight since last night. Last night, we were dropped from battles a few times, but today, out of about 30 battles, we've been lucky to get 5. Good luck with the fix guys, naval action is our staple diet.

  12. Interesting additions to test, but like a few, I'm a little worried about the new 1 shot 1 crew mechanic.

    I don't believe it is realistic (I might be wrong) I also don't know if it will enhance the game or hinder it.

    I am stuck away from game for another 4 weeks, so have no way of testing.

    Im betting there will be some overwhelming feedback one way or the other.

    I like the sound or the rest of the updates though, subject to testing of course.

    Good stuff.

  13. Personally I'm a little disappointed it is in the Spanish livery, even if it does carry more guns/crew (not fussed about that though). I'd much rather that the captured versions of ships were held as 'premiums' (if they're still looking to have premium ships to sell), especially as the Hermione served for 14 years in her British livery, and then for another 5 years in the Royal Navy after being recaptured, compared to just 2 years in Spanish service. I also have a personal preference for the ochre and black banding many nations used.


    However the model itself is beautiful and I can't fault the beauty and detail of the paintjob, even despite my above reservations, and I would not be surprised to find myself favouring it as my frigate of choice.


    Maybe the answer is to have paint/skin options so players can pick which colours she sails as?


    I think this could work for many of the ships, lets face it, most had sister ships, so maybe a skin for each name/nation?


    The name on the back of the ship would be part of the skin too, so quick swap job.


    I hate to say it, but I have paid for such add ons.

  14. I actually like the garden shed ;-;


    The rest of her is sooo damn sexy I spose I can live with it, maybe keep chickens in it or something, or grow some tomatoes.


    But more to the point, you are her creator Olav? If so, you've done a hell of a job there, so when do us mortals get to sail her?


    Just a hint as I'm away for 5 weeks ;-(

  15. Theyre doing it because there are already a million english ships in the game...giving it the spanish name is a way to throw spanish players a bone while still giving english fans their ship


    As a UK resident and nation player, I don't think this is the case.

    I'd love to see more of the other nations ships.


    So looking forward to sailing the Bucentaure.

    I own two Vics but I prefer to sail the Pavel.


    Bring on more of the other nations ships.


    And to Ragnar, what a lovely job you've done, another one I'm so looking forward to sailing.

    Thanks for taking the time to create her.

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