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Posts posted by Jesters-Ink

  1. When I first started playing Naval Action around a year ago, I could see its potential for being something really special.

    The game looks bloody gorgeous and the battle mechanics (on this day) are just amazingly good fun.

    The sad case of facts today is, the game isn't being played like a simulation, it is being played like an arcade shooter.

    It is a bunny hopping quake fest, with all the players looking for the quick cash in.

    Upgrades, power ups, what ever you want to call them, masses of ships magically being brought to battle, doesn't help.

    What happened to the sense of adventure, go which ever way the wind blows and explore?

    Take in a "one on one" or a "two on two". Nah, what we have is game exploits and mechanics manipulation.

    The reason why it isn't looking so good in the numbers playing is because a single gaming style is being forced on all.

    Some of us like a more relaxing experience rather than the lets kill anything that moves kinda mentality.

    The majority here are still here because they like this style of play, but those who don't, have already left.

    I hope there is some middle ground, where both styles can co exist, or all that will be left are those who are here now.

    • Like 7
  2. 15 minutes ago, Wesreidau said:

    PvE players trying to play with others? The PvE server is for playing by yourself. If you want multiplayer you should be in PvP. Transition them over now while they don't have a big investment, I'm sure people will donate some bootstrapping capital. I've got 1 dura captures galore.

    And the Devs ask why people are leaving . . . face palm!

    Talk about miss the point.

    • Like 2
  3. RCB recruited three new players last weekend, one a returning player the other two are brand new accounts.

    Mostly going to be doing PvE until they get the hang of things and level up a bit.

    To help us keep these players interested in the game, can you please consider letting us attack OW fleets together.

    As it stands on the PvE server, only one player at a time can take on an AI fleet unless the BR is stupidly stacked in the AI's favour.

    Training new guys up takes a lot of effort and it would be better for PvE clans if we could attack NPC fleets in groups.

    Missions are fine and all that, but some of the locations are just such a waste of time.

    A lot of our players have left since the group cant attack AI fleets, so how about it?

    It used to be a lot of fun, so can we have it back? 

    • Like 5
  4. 5 hours ago, JazAero said:

    I have over 3600 hours playing this game, my brother the same, and my sister almost 1000 and I know many players who have just as much time Playing if not more and all say the same thing, "there's just nothing Left to do" . PVP is not the answer . I've never taken part in a port battle I have no reason to.  We have sunk every ship in the game that you can sink played All the challenges, even got on the leaderboard A couple Of times, I have run trade routes and visited every single port, so I reiterate what is left to do? Where Does the advancement go from here,? How can you retain your players when they can so quickly achieve max status and then lose interest.? Yes we can do silly things like taking on a Second rate in a gunboat just for amusement or taking on a fleet  with the mortar brig as I have done, and actually sink some ships ! But then what?

    At the risk of being repetitive these are the things that need to be addressed, not the minutia of the mechanics of the game but the overall goal of playing.


    This is a PvE dilemma, which has been made clear is not a priority development for Naval Action.

    Naval Action favours PvP, its what the Devs want you to be doing and I have to say, you are exactly right about PvE, there is no danger. Everything is easy enough to get without fear of being attacked, let alone sunk. Ships can be crafted quickly and the mats are very easy to come by. 

    PvP is a different story.

    Ships take far longer to gather mats for and even buying ships from stock is bad enough.
    The established players buy ships from the npc's stocks then place them back on the market at upwards of twice the price.
    The same can be said for basic materials. I've sailed into ports only to find even the most basic commodity on sale at least twice the going rate. This is fine for established players, but new players will be set back a lot from this sort of behaviour.

    You can't blame players for doing this, its a clever way of making a few extra gold, but it is a procedure that is hurting new players. With these actions, one is forced to join an established clan to even have a hope of acquiring those larger ships.
    The speed of progress is reduce otherwise beyond most people tolerances.

    How to fix this?

    Give those who enjoy PvE something to do, hunt treasure fleets, invest in real-estate, empire building, I dunno, give um something. Let um cap any size ship, lets face it, they can't hurt anyone in them. For PvP, all that is left is conquest. Most clan who have been around for any amount of time have more than enough of everything except Compass Wood. The have line ships stacked up ready to give out, if needed, which is why they are crying out for 1 dura. Then it becomes a war of attrition.

    We are seeing players flip flop from PvP to PvE and the other way around, both types of players are getting bored with what they are doing and swapping server looking for something new.

    The combat side of the game at the moment is spot on (I'm not talking about the test server, cuz that sux ass), but whats left after you gain all of you desires? This game has so much potential, but if not realised, will fall well short if not handled right.

    One dura??? thats a clan thing, there is no catering for the solo (cept for those who have been playing a long time).

    • Like 1
  5. 22 hours ago, Anne Wildcat said:

    Remember, not everyone is a PVP elite.  I applaud anyone that tries to fight even though they might be new to PVP. 1 dur is going to hurt these people the most. But let's test 1 dur & see. ?

    The point is this, numbers are falling and the devs are trying to solve this. It may be that dura has nothing to do with this at all and the problem lies elsewhere within the game. Part of the problem is those players don't give feedback on why they left, so their reasons are never realised. Maybe there are only so many broadsides a player can exchange before it gets old and there needs to be something else to do and strive to achieve for this game to survive.


    10 hours ago, Hethwill said:

    Quebec vs. Surveillante by Rossel de Cercy

    During the duel not a single rake pass was done, all shooting was broadside to broadside.

    One naval author writes "The gunnery duel continued until about one o'cIock when the Surveillante's masts went overboard together" Antoine Vanner, Duty and Daring in the Heyday of Empire[1] 

    On the test server, this happens far too quickly, it's no longer the slog it should be. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, Fargo said:

    Its less than a day for sure, ergo no problem at all.

    Of course you can get sunk every fight, but thats not the case. You cant balance stuff after extreme scenarios only happening in your mind, you need to look at average numbers. 

    Thats the problem, you dont care about anything else than beeing able to sail.

    Bloody hell, I almost spat my tequila on that last one. You got me.:D

    I love beeeing able to sail :D, Like a bit of fighting too.

    You are correct about not being sunk every fight, I said you can get sunk 3 times in one sitting easy.
    3 times is an average, (bring in one dura), sailing a fleet with your main trader ship + 2 x escorts and get pulled . . .  bosh, 3 ships gone in one sitting. 

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, Fargo said:

    Guess how long it would take to increase the dock space in case thats really a problem.

    I can just estimate how long it took me sinking 5 duras, i would guess about two weeks... Captured ships not taken into account. 

    Also if players are able to store 22 ships in each port, there is something seriously wrong with the market and inflation control.

    Point 1 for the devs to answer not me.

    Point 2, are you even playing, you can get sunk 3 times in one sitting easy, less you are hiding?
    Naval Action, not Naval Inaction.

    I dunno, I was making a point about why more dura is better as in more dura = more sailing/fighting.


  8. 1 hour ago, Hethwill said:

    Lots of time meaning what exactly ? I support a more sim-like version from combat to economics but lots of time can be compressed in playing non stop 16 hours a day ( like some streamers I've seen ) or doing the same 16 hours across two weeks. Is there any difference regarding the end result ?

    Question is regardless of Durabilities which personally I would like to see done in three steps:

    1. Change the exit battle to Teleport to nearest Outpost ( not friendly port ) so a player always has a ship at hand and not be forced to sail back to grab a ship

    2. Fuse Modules into ship crafting or Specialist crew / weaponry ( marines, extra muskets, swivels, etc ) and remove the "need, want" rare card in exchange for asking crafters for more specific builds.

    3. Wipe all assets. Test 1 durability over a clean world.

    1 does not work if you have 1 dura and get sunk, you have lost your ship remember.

    2 Quite up for this idea.

    3 I think they should too, I recon they will halve the numbers playing, then we will know for sure right?

    • Like 1
  9. 8 minutes ago, Fargo said:

    Maybe give us some points in favour of multiple duras that cant be refuted instantly, instead of continuously posting meaningless opinions?!

    5 ships max per port. 1 dura for each = 5 ships. Sail and get sunk x 5 = no ships, = no sailing = no fighting  (and I know how much you love your PvP ) :D

    5 ships per port. 3 ships with 5 dura = 15 ships, 1 ship with 4 dura = 4 ships, 1 ship with with 3 dura = 3 (port gives you the chance to sail 22 times. 

    Lots and lots of sailing, there I did some math.:D


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  10. 1 hour ago, Grundgemunkey said:

    The people complaining about the multi dura lineships are those that want to play the whole  game .... the only reason i can see why anyone would want a multi dura is that they only have to build  once every 3 losses rather than after every loss ...therefore don't have to craft ..don't have to trade ,, don't have to gather mats ... .. multi dura ships = lazy  = no one sailing around open world ..in anything other than a lineship

    i would rather see all ships over 5th rate single dura but give the upgrades and paints dura instead ,,,, give 5th rate and lower multi dura to help new players

    First off I ain't complaining, the Devs have said "ships are going to have more dura", its the people who don't want the more dura who are complaining :D

    Second, you don't have a flying fig of a clue what I want to do in game :D If you do, you're too talented to be in here and should be on an island somewhere knocking back Tequila.:D

    Third of all, I bet you're in a clan with access to plenty of first rates, juss guessin :D

    • Like 1
  11. Why oh why are people so upset about first rates being so common?

    Make um common, then everyone sails and fights, make hard to get and the little guy spends his days endlessly scratching around for mats. Then eventually gets one and loses it on its first day out.

    TBH, the only people complaining about this are those who have too many of them already.

    • Like 4
  12. 10 minutes ago, TommyShelby said:

    I don't get this statement. I never had a problem sailing together with friends. 

    If you sail together your are close to each other. And then you get pulled into battles together. 
    I dont see the problem in this. 

    Nope, not in PvE, only the person who clicks attack gets in, I will re test today, but thats how it was the last time I was in PvE.

  13. Just now, Fargo said:

    We are trying to explain why 1 dura wont make anythin more expensive, and why its simply better than multiple duras. This has nothing to do with opinions, but looking at pros and cons.

    Btw. pure PVE isnt working, because you dont loose ships. But the game needs you to loose ships.

    I get that I really do. The problem with NA is its like a kaleidoscope. Making one change at a time won't fix anything because it impacts on other factors. Its one of those balancing acts the Devs have got to solve by adjusting many mechanics at the same time. I really don't envy them. As for PvE, well thats an opinion, a lot of players were happy on there doing their thing right up until the changes I posted. 20 plus players from my clan alone, gone in two months. The worst part is the not being able to sail together unless its a mission, just dumb for a multi player game.

    • Like 2
  14. Yes, the Vets are all on here calling for one dura and pretty soon there will only be vets playing.

    Keep shouting lads and you wont even have a game to play, because it won't be financially viable to publish.

    Stick with me, I'll get there eventually.

    I suspect a lot of players won't even come on here and voice their opinion due to the stigma about speaking out against such things.

    Why aren't people sticking around? Because the Vets have got the advantage and unless the noobs sign up right away with a good clan, they are going to get sunk over and over. There is no fun in that.

    Many of us used to enjoy PvE, yes I hear you cry out, "where's the fun in killing bots?" (even the Devs don't want us playing PvE). I'm making a point which I think helps explain the decline in player base. Some people enjoy a less aggressive playing style and more of a relaxing gaming experience. Go on, call us names, we have names for PvP'ers too :D. But back to my point. PvE has slowly but surely been killed off.
    The two main factors for this were:- you cant cap ships 3rd rate or above and you can no longer intercept enemy fleets as a group unless its a mission. So two or more players sailing around the map together, if one player "pulls" a fleet, no matter how close his mates are, he's in there on his own. Good one, a multi player game that you can't enjoy with your friends.

    So what is PvE for?

    Is it a training ground for new players to learn how to fight and maybe learn the basic commands? If so, it might be a good idea to have some good players in there helping new players to do that.

    Lets look at other factors.

    You can now teleport to a friendly port after a fight. Why? I can see the point of this for PvE because you are not going to get intercepted by anything anyway and it saves your sailing time. But in PvP????? Got to be the biggest screwed up mechanic yet. So you are out in your trader (who wants to trade anyway in PvP?) and you get pulled and capped. You then don't get the chance to intercept the guys who have just capped you because they hit the warp drive and folded space back to port. Stupid!

    What do PvP'ers want to do and why do they play? They play to fight other players. The majority do not want to sail to trade or learn a crafting tree. They want to be able to pick a ship, sail out and fight. Fight Fight Fight . . . thats PvP.

    So why force players to do a lot of stuff they don't enjoy?

    I suspect the player base numbers flourished when PvP was just battles and no trading or crafting.

    I see two games here, but due to what ever the Devs are trying to do, the two playing styles don't mix.

    Give the PvE'ers a server to sail and trade together on and give the PvP'ers what they want and you just might see a turn around in numbers. Keep forcing game styles on players they don't enjoy and feck knows what will happen.

    Now crucify me I'm so far past it :D

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  15. 40 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    By what I picked up it looks like there will be only three mod slots on ships and the rest will be picked when you build it instead of using perm mods.   We will just have to wait and find out though.  

    It feels like the game started off in the right place, then something changed.

    This is what I understand from what I read in the past--->
    A lot of "crafters" were not happy with NPC's building budget ships devaluing crafter builds.
    So the Devs addressed this by reducing NPC quality ships and increasing time and effort required to build quality end game ships. Not only has PvP suffered, so has PvE. 

    Low cost ships = everyone playing and enjoying the ability to fight and replace losses fairly quickly.

    High cost ships = people are now a lot more careful regarding when they fight and with what.

     Do we want to sail and fight, or has it all been made too expensive?

    I really enjoyed NA a few months ago, I couldn't get through a day without getting stuck into a fight.
    Now, its too much like hard work and there are a lot of other good games out there that are a lot more fun to play.
    I find myself doing some crafting, then playing something else. Like I said before, the "grind" is fine for people like me, I have plenty of time, but for those working 5 or more days a week and have families too, I don't think its going to hold their interests for long. NA is losing players to the likes of World of Warships. A game I will never play, but I know for a fact, well over half my clan are playing. Sad but true.

  16. Just now, The Spud said:

    I think it will not be a case of "all or nothing". Its my understanding you will have a "default" ship, with the stock perks where you can increase certain "specs" but at the cost of other specs, I think this will probably be done gradualy (like increase speed 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%,2%,... and at a simmilar ratio reduce armour HP with X%). So in general ships should be "balanced" apart from wood type and regional bonus.

    If they rework upgrades it'll probably be something simillar, I think that specificaly the "Marines" upgrade is something that will be reworked.

    Thanks for the info, that sounds reasonable.

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  17. Me, I have time to build and grind for all the nice stuff, so not a problem.

    The last patch killed my clan, (I've seen one member with two accounts over the holidays), not even the hard cores play any more.

    The plans sound good, but I think it will be the end of the game, I hope I'm wrong.

    I will play casually until we are live, then see whats what.

    Good luck.

    As for ---->" We will abandon the 5 color grades for upgrades and ships. Fine (blue), Mastercraft (purple), Common (green) are not used and thus are useless. Nobody makes them and nobody buys them."

    This is dumb, so gold marines or no marines, who wants half their ships crew to be marines unless they are going after Santi or Vic caps??? we need the grades.

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