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Everything posted by Alado

  1. Imperial empire???? Ouuuuaaaaau Where? Where? XD....We have an empire?, and i with this hairs! Looool
  2. The same laugh ou loud to me if that words coming to a portuguesse lover of brits, Mr cabra
  3. Dont worry Gringo. "Don mean Mr, in spanish" Captain Alado. S. C. Mi carro Me lo robaron Ande Estara mi carro Tu lo sabes?
  4. mr reeb Really we chose??? Usa chose the war agains japan in WWII??? you atack and we applause?? so, Japan neither?............... plz...... you atack, steal ports, like pirats, real pirates , only with stars and stripes ..... and dont be blamed???? What you want , a medal to steal us?? music and flowers? You only use that post to justify your aggression to world.
  5. My dear Jonny, you speak many and very well. but You can said to us all as you want, you can justificate all as you want, all your excuses, but you atack, its very simple.
  6. Oh my god, the spanish are barbarians, his wifes has beard and by night eat babys. And now atack to dutch , i cant belelive, any of this monster hurt your tulips? Please...............................
  7. If you no a US captain, what you want? Plz no help ti burn
  8. Mr cabra: Us atack now? yes or not????? We atack no??? a few months ago, when you take ours undefended ports, we atack or you?? plz remember before speak, We have the same honor or more than gringos. How many ports you steal us, undefended?, without timers? at earlys hours when all spain sleeping. This is US Honour?? Maybe you are more pirates than actual pirate nation. And how i said, you only option its atack a litle nation, because you do nothing against black flag.
  9. dear saint, your nation? the nation that you steal us? in my country its said :" who steals from a thief has 100 years of forgiveness" the reality is that the pirates have destroyed you , and the only form of revenge is to attack Spain , you have dozens of pirats ports on the east and you attack the weakest , with the excuse of the alliance with pirates. You cant attack pirats port?? have you got fear and attack a little nation like spain to save your pride and honour. Only excuse, how If we destroyed you. revenge, revenge, we no attack you, we no take yours ports. you use this post to legitimize a lie that neither you yourselves believe . This time pearl harbor change the name to habana harbor and his flag its no japan, its gringo land. And I said the same that i said to brits, Im waiting you surrender in Habana beach. :lol:
  10. He has only missed you , flag , anthem and a football stadium full of cheering gringos .
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oei2lB9MBo0
  12. easy, they need a offense to sow at his people, like Maine and lusitania, sometthing to allow them to go to war with the full support of his people , like a righteous crusade
  13. We took, nothnig. no more blind than who dont want see
  14. Poor gringos, any excuse to attack Spain . which is your new maine ?
  15. Ojito con las chain que hacen, a mi parecer, daño demás en las velas
  16. Cosas que he visto tras el parche: La metralla hace mucho daño, independientemente de si le bajais o no el blindaje. La velocidad de abordaje la han bajado, antes del parche se podía abordar a 3,6 y ahora hay que esperar a los 3.2
  17. a cuestión, in last update, board speed decrease?
  18. maybe like you, when take emptys spanish ports
  19. In many countrys of south América, gringo means foreing, and in other like México and Cuba are used to name at US people
  20. im spanish, and i Remember a few weeks ago, when spain was in same situation like US are now (thanks to Us and brits). But i dont like that, i would see US raise again.Please fight and never surrender. Good Luck. I still waiting that brits surrender in Habana beach XD. Sorry for my bad english.
  21. but i see ships others players on sale, which contract finish in 1 or 3 days..
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