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Posts posted by Cragger

  1. We have disgruntled American's joining our ranks too. They need to get their shiz together fast.


    Had a situation last week were I (alone in surprise) attacked an LGV near Sunbury with a US player essex, trinc and connie sailing towards us when the battle started. Did they join to help their countryman? NOPE! I was gobsmacked. 

    It's that sort of attitude that is killing the US.


    Keyword there is Sunbury. Most of the few remaining U.S. players have learned of the stupidity of port jumping out of freeports this game allows. So naturally they didn't go for what is 99% of the time a rather obvious port jump tag.

  2. The reason that the Americans lose consistently to the SORRY clan is that they lack competent leadership.


    Rank requirement have been cut in half and the new fleet orders are more lucrative than any "reinforcement exploit"  ever was. After you got your ass kicked the first time you should have ranked up, built first rates and practiced fleet tactics. In stead you make excuses and rationalize defeat.  


    It seems that your current strategy is to curl up in a fetal position and hope we will stop beating you. 


    If you count towers are beating I suppose. The few of us on that actually do anything but fleet anymore are just having fun elsewhere.


    You  believe the British will save you.  It is time for you to man up and save yourselves.


    I'm pretty sure anyone in the U.S. that has been around and done the major defending over the months has no expectations of this. Reading nation chat on your alt might give you that impression though as there are quite a few out of touch with reality players in that.


    You have had more players than SORRY.


    Fixed that for you, U.S. player population is frankly abysmal and has been for a long while and scattered across far too much coast line spending their time doing fleets missions in the gulf


    You have had more resources than SORRY.


    Fixed for you as well. Practically all the Gulf resources are being bought up by PvEs and sold to NPCs for profit thanks to the fixed prices. I'd say at the moment everyone is on the same footing thanks to the compass wood production/euro trade cycle.


    You have more crafters than SORRY.


    This one is highly likely to be true and likely selling for self profit outside of a few more dedicated clans


    There is no excuse for the American Nation to be as weak and wimpy as they are.  


    Absolutely correct, which is why SORRY needs to hurry up and clear out the Gulf. Too many U.S. nation players hiding in the gulf away from all the scary PVP. Why aren't you in Penzacola yet?!?


    At some point SORRY is going to let you off the mat and you should use that opportunity to consolidate your best players under competent leadership and learn how to fight as a fleet. 


    Would have to be on the mat in the first place, U.S. nation had defeated itself before SORRY came back again. Those that actually play for the nation are just letting you do our laundry and cleanse us of too many ports and players that don't play for the nation. 


    In all sincerity thank you for your janitorial services  :)

  3. Quit feeding him guys.  All you're doing is providing popcorn scenes for the rest of the community.  Let them do as they will, say what they want.  Nitpicking on their clan page isn't the way to go.


    But I want to feed him. I want to motivate them to pick up the pace. They are only going to get uncontested ports so the only thing they can show off is how fast they can take them. And the U.S. nation in game needs a good clean sweeping and SORRY can do that.   

  4. Driven by hunger, a fox tried to reach some grapes hanging high on the vine but was unable to, although he leaped with all his strength. As he went away, the fox remarked 'Oh, you aren't even ripe yet! I don't need any sour grapes.' People who speak disparagingly of things that they cannot attain would do well to apply this story to themselves.[4]


    And grabbing random quotes off wikipedia and trying to pass them off as your own proves? I mean ffs, at least remove the footnote citation when you copy and paste them lol.



  5. Wasn't aware 15 bored people in a mix bag taking uncontested ports was considered an assault. Heck we had to go all the way down to de padre for anything to even happen ;p


    Btw, hurry up. There is way too much annoying green in the gulf harboring lone victory/santisma fleet runners. I thought You'd at least be to Penzacola by now.


    P.S. fixed my parapraxis

  6. so you basically buy into a game that is stated as early access/alpha and as soon as some not-yet finished game mechanic doesnt suit u and people using it dont get banned, you want your money back. Yeah, hello logic.


    Just wait for the alliance system patch as devs stated it will be adressed there. Thats why this game is early access and not yet finished...


    Alliance system doesn't include pirate overhaul. That's on the nebulous sometime in the far flung future list.

  7. Pff... You made your port timers for a reason, and now you cry because you are not able to defend them. I'm very SORRY for you.


    Look back a page and you'll see I'm not crying at all :) U.S. nation player population has fallen hard and is too spread out to be effective. All factions have no tools at hand to take over port stewardship from absent players. You are doing us (the U.S. faction) a huge favor which is why you don't see any resistance from the veteran players. We want you to take every U.S. port and force what's left of the population to congregate.


    Hmm, thinking about it a mechanic that has ports that have a lack of national player presence go back to being neutral wouldn't be bad at all.

  8. Nation? is 1 clan vs a nation LOL   stop calling "pirates" snowballing,  IS OUR CLAN VS ENTIRE USA NATION and they are afraid to fight


    Hah, they'd have to be logged in first. 290ish pop when you santi ball and timers set by players who've not logged in for a week. The rest of us just happily go about doing raids out of freeports, missions, crafting, and trading while ignoring SORRY. No reason to feed the Santi ball easy undergunned kills to fatten their ego. 


    Heck if you even really wanted to fight you'd have pulled one flag at a time in the Bahamas instead of multiple. Then you'd have probably seen some action from the twenty or so U.S. players actually on then :P

    • Like 2
  9. All will be changed as the Devs have stated numerous times they just dont want to waste time fixing it now. This topic should be locked since it was settled in tribunal


    Nothing was settled just like last month when this was brought up and the month before and the month before that. Just put back on the ignore until big flashy post appears advertising it's not fixed still pile. 

  10. Why overcomplicate and put limit on all ?


    put a br limit and ppl chose their composition, less ship but big, more but medium/smaller, end of story




    Now i can sit in a port where only ingermanland are supposed to entere, when enemy pull flag i just undock and wait outside in a first rate fleet. and crash it before enters, did  you at list think before making such "features" ?


    And once you are in battle the way is clear for others. This isn't a problem infact before 1st rate death ball fleets and when ports actually could be contested there was more people fighting outside the port battle then in it, or did you forget three months ago already?

    • Like 1
  11. TF TDA & co  rammed each other in nuevitas over and over when we crashed their fleet, for avoid firsts and seconds to be captured , ?we did not a bitchy thread about becouse we are are not crybabies


    One Victory and one Constitution did. I like how two out of ~15 suddenly becomes the whole group with you. Also that's green on green same nation with player consent that's not even the point posted here. This is green on green cross nation deliberately to obstruct, someone getting annoyed people are wanting a loophole that directly benefits your nation closed?

  12. Excellent posts on why they should not go into gunnery if reducing sail freed up crew. But surely they could automatically go to boarding standby, correct?


    In the current arrangement of crew allocation it would be the most appropriate place. I'm sure some of the crew would also be trained and assigned to standby gun crews or replace those cut down if needed. But being able to fully manage both side armament was simply impossible. 


    The crew complement in the game also is not reduced from officers, ships boys, (Carpenter, cook, purser/quartermaster, doctor/surgeon and their mates which would be all down in the hold during battle), also powder monkeys would be passing the charges from the magazine in the hold and the shot from the shot lockers up through the hatches. Then you get into lookouts, swivel guns, etc. 

  13. Marines used to work on the quarter deck, the mizzen mast was part of their job as well, also if short handed they would be expected to work the guns. At least this is true in the RN.


    "More untrained and undisciplined crew wouldn't affect gun reload. A gun crew was the crew"

    They would, it takes quite some time to get a gun crew operating at maximum efficiency, the game should certainly penalise the ship thats always losing crew on reloading ability.


    A gun captain would not so politely to get lost if you tried to jump in to a crew that was fully manned is the point. Throwing at extra 6 men at a gun crew that had no need for them would only make things get in the way. And if undermanned if they weren't disciplined in the roles very bad things could and would happen. It the men are not pre arranged and thus organized and trained into a gun crew who is going to be the captain and the 2nd etc. Without being in a preorganized team they will just be fumbling around the gun in each other's way and prone to making mistakes. 


    Fail to properly swab the barrel and the charge would detonate in the crew's face and the gun would recoil over the tackle hands. Rammer fails to tamp the charge down the air gap could burst the gun. One of the most serious offenses was double loading the gun. If the men at the gun loose track of what each other is doing you could have the one man load a charge and another trying to 'help' load another charge on top of it not seeing that the charge has already been placed. This is why each man has their specific role and does his role on order from the gun captain. Cast iron guns would burst and send shrapnel raking through the gun crews all around. 


    Servicing a gun at combat rate is a matter of extreme discipline and training. Reenactments do not do this justice because safety is exercised utmost and thus the pace is slow. In real life these men did this task essentially blind. As nice as the smoke effect is in the game it doesn't even approach the realities of smoke from blackpowder and how it would hang in the air especially below decks. Coupled with the fact that almost all oil lights would be extinguished to prevent flash fire it comes down to disciplined muscle memory and routine. 


    Marines did crew the quarter deck guns on many ships but the bulk of their numbers were assigned to far more important tasks. Postings at the magazine and hatches to protect against sabotage and mutiny. Positions in the masts to sharp shoot. Issuing of small arms and grenades and last but not least being essentially a human shield for the officers against canister and enemy small arms fire.  

    • Like 1
  14. To force myself to put it short and blunt, which is difficult because I so want to go into detail on your responses admin, all I can say is that the stance on allowed such mechanics to be abused time and time again even under 'in development testing' for an early access has me not really wanting to log into Naval Action anymore. And if we aren't logging in then we aren't generating data to be collected to further your development process. 

  15. That would be a neat improvement to our current system now that I think about it. Shortening sail would free more men to help with guns, or if guns are full, they would stand ready to board or be available for plugging leaks.


    More untrained and undisciplined crew wouldn't affect gun reload. A gun crew was the crew. They knew their roles and the commands. Orders were short and clear. Throwing men untrained for such duties at the task massively increased the chance of a premature fire or burst gun from double loading.


    Let's take the U.S.S. Constitution for example because it is so well documented.


    Her complement was 450 which includes 55 marines and 30 boys.


    So that is now 365 sailors.


    Each 24 lb gun had a crew of 12 (13 including powder boy)




    Each 32 lb carronade had a crew of 8 ( 9 including powder boy)




    Now as the Constitution generally carried 30 24lb long guns and 20 32lb carronades as side armament you get a total gun crew size of 520 men if you tried to fully crew each and every individual gun, which is greater then her ships complement. Even with each crew split between two guns this is still 260 men. Leaving only 165 men to fulfill all the other duties outlaid in the diagrams minus carpenter and his mates, quartermaster, powder passers (The ships boys being part of this). etc.

    • Like 4
  16. Unless you're sailing a trader or one of the smaller ships, even with hammocks you will not have the ability to fully man both broadsides and your sails. If you could on every ship, the crew management system would lose all meaning. The ships we are sailing are, from what I've read, at their full historical complement on men assuming you have the rank to fully crew them. Being unable to fully man both broadsides was a fact of life for ships in this era, and in the event ships were engaged on both broadsides the gun crews would split to serve the guns with half crews.


    This is correct. Each gun crew was assigned two guns, one on each side of the ship. Since real sailing ships did not maneuver around like ships do in game since coordinating and handling the management of sail and yards was a laborious task as well as strength of wind determining motive power an entire battle may be fought on one side of the ship. 


    Ships fought at battle sails to avoid fires from the flash of guns and to reduce the sails to a point that few crew were needed to managed them and could do so from the weather deck. To manage and constantly change the entire sail plan of a warship while servicing the guns and nominal rates was simply impossible. 

    • Like 1
  17. It's obvious the best way to use a 25 ship limit is 25 first rates, as that provides most BR, most armor and most firepower, and maneuverability doesn't really matter because with that many first rates you can cover each other just too well. No thinking involved here.


    Now assuming the BR limit is 11k, please tell us the optimal  setup to use this BR limit.




    exactly, it will take a looooong time to figure out the ideal composition for this type of BR and it will constantly be challenged by different setups.

    The frigate was also expected to strike her colours without a fight if it couldn't get away.


    No he means in the line of battle. Frigates and other auxillary craft where vital to relaying signals, assisting ships that fell out of line and taking possession of ships that struck their colors. To facilitate this 'gentlemen' conduct both sides did not fire on ships not of the line unless fired on.


    On the open sea however engagement was unrestricted. Any intelligent frigate captain would surrender (or his crew if he didn't in some navies) if escape was impossible against such an overwhelming opponent. 

  18. The new thing to troll is just to stay in another faction's safe zone, the nation can't chase you off that way. 


    Allow us to target player ships inside our safe zones - or even better - give a short timer then automatically kill enemy ships inside the zone. Call it the port defense guns :D


    Only two solutions


    One is to make the safe zone an invisible wall to hostile ships. 


    The other is to have hostiles around the capital ports attacked by the large npc fleets that sail from them but don't drag in allied players unless they wish.


    Before when one could attack hostile ships inside the safe zone players where using alt accounts to drag in allies in the safe zone into fights with hostiles.  Therefore attacks from either side just can't be allowed to happen whenever a party is inside the safe zone.

    • Like 1
  19. I dont think you realize how many ex EVE players are playing this game. Yes I am very interested in map painting. Showing up with organized and unstoppable force that steam rolls your opponent because they are too scared to even undock is why I want to play this game. Nobody ever won a war by winning a close battle. You want to show your opponent that you have organizational skills to bring exactly 25 firsts in the battle, not one more or one less. You want to show them that you have industrial muscle to be able to replace those ships when they are lost. You dont just want to win and sink a few more ships than the opponent, you want to crush them until they dont even want to login the next day to defend. Thats how you win wars. 


    Also all this talk about these or any other changes the devs could make would make anything more accessible to casual players. Why should it be? Why does someone who only logs in on a weekend and can barely crew their ship feel entitled to participate in a battle that was planned for days and weeks by dedicated players, players who play together every day, practice their lines, their communications, their fire focusing just for a chance to be able to show off their skills against a equally well prepared opponent. Any additional limits placed by the devs on top of existing 25 player limit will only serve to alienate the casual players in the eyes of the organized clans even more. Line battles with 1sts are very easy even for unskilled player to be effective in. Sail in line, dont crash into the guy infront and fire every now and then. Winning a frigate battle is a completely different story, skill will come into play a lot more. Skill that the casual player just doesnt have. Why should this player get in the battle ahead of skilled captain? There are plenty of things that a casual player can do in this game, but I dont think participating in port battles should be on the top of that list.


    Have fun playing a game against no one then. And your eve comparison overlooks that when the big alliances no longer had anyone to fight they always fell apart.

    • Like 1
  20. It's a step in the right and the diversification of port battle allowances will help future ship additions to the game having a purpose such as the very famous HMS Leander 50 gun two decker etc. Further breakdowns are going to be necessary though or you will ultimately have the best of the best available only being used.


    Regional Deep Ports will still be dominated by who can bring the most first rates and that actually takes away from the content port battles provide from being used. For example coming from the perspective of a U.S. nation player right now SORRY on PVP 1 can field at the same time about 20 Santismas. Which given the current mechanics of the game more power to them, I don't fault them for being able to. But when you don't have the capability to field a viable counter due to simple lack of players on at that time we in the U.S. just let them cap uncontested. Doesn't really hurt us, it's boring as hell for them and ultimately it's an event that instead of drawing people to PvP is pushing people away from PvP.


    I really do think in the end you are going to need to implement a rate slotting system. Possibly allowing the Lord Protector's clan officers select who to put in those slots of a pool of joiners in the hour before it starts (Once the flag system is changed/removed).


    Deep Regional could be:


    5 1st rates with a BR maximal of say 4800 while raising the Santisma's BR to 1000. It is currently flat out better then the Victory and them both being the same BR makes no sense.

    10 2nd rates with an appropriate BR limiter. I can't really give numbers right now because we don't even have a 2nd rate by the RN standards the Pavel being only 84 guns.

    10 3rd rates unrestricted to fill any void above.


    Such a system would also allow the Niagara to be part of Shallow battles by making it a limited '1st rate' of it's bracket. etc. etc.


    I don't think anyone really enjoys 'map painting' uncontested battles for long but as long you are forced to bring your maximum force it is going to happen. For example SORRY could bring far less 1sts and more lower rates but that puts them at risk of an opponent showing up with all 1sts since there is no assurance they will be meet with a similar restricted force. 

  21. I don't think the Rattlesnake is a good comparison for brigs. Yes she is very small for a three masted ship but she's built like a frigate. Quarter deck, gangways over the gun deck, forecastle. Her beam to length ratio is high to improve speed as she was designed as a privateer to hunt down trade ships. While brigs in naval service or more general purpose ships and generally had fairly wide beams. They excelled at coming to and from smaller ports with tricky winds due to being able to handle a jibe to turn around in a cove far more able then a schooner.


    If you tried to brig rig the Rattlesnake the sail handling would become quite cumbersome due to the spanker interfering with the quarter deck which would likely need to be cut down, setting the main back would require extensive modifications.  Snow rig would be more efficient in putting the gaff on the snow mast behind the main but then she'd have been slower with the wind since the spanker would be shadowing the mainsail. Sometimes sail plan is simply determined by other features of the ship themselves.


    Ironically Rattlesnake was captured by the two decker HMS Leander 50 because her heavier rigging and spars could press more sail in the weather then Rattlesnake could. Changing to a brig rig would have made her even slower in such conditions due to larger sails and spars being required. 

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