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Posts posted by Cragger

  1. The Dutch and British have said they will come to our aide.  The word of the Dutch is important to them and I doubt they will break it.  Stephen, Caroline Vodka, and I heard those words come out of Surathani's mouth.


    Non inclusion in the proposal still feels like appeasement towards the Spanish since they flat out refused to talk to the U.S. 


    And as far as verbal assurances go well... we both know the track record on those we've experienced so far in general. Hard to take a lot of stock in them from anyone.

  2. Stiffness from an extra deck? Eh?


    The theoretical disadvantage of an extra decks comes into play on the wind or any time leeway is an issue.


    More decks does increase longitudinal stiffness of a ship's hull. Not to be mistaken with stiffness in relation to the ship's response to the wind pressure. One of the main reasons more and more decks were added was the limitations of wood construction put a limit to how long a ship could be. New techniques like diagonal stringers allowed that to be pushed further later on which is what allowed the 4th rate 'not frigates' be replaced by 50 gun frigates for frigate duty. 

  3. All weekend British have been moving fleets into KeyWest and Cabo you say? Haven't seen a single British player myself all weekend and I spent most of it around the keys and Cabo running off Spanish. Sure they could have sent ships there by teleport if they already had outposts I suppose but not a single one to poke out and be curious is strange.


    Ironically in the two weeks I spent supporting the Dutch and British screening with other US players in their operations against the South of Cuba I lost more ship duras to attacks from British players then engaging the Spanish ;p

  4. I have I think come across a possibility. I was doing some unrelated reading and came across the French 'Grande Tartane' 




    And it got me to thinking. A barquentine is a three masted vessel with the foremast ship rigged and the main and mizzen fore and aft, usually gaff rigged.




    What if the barque latine (barquelatine) was like a later barquentine but the main and mizzen where rigged like the Tartane with lateen instead of gaff rigged. Lateen (Latine) rigging was very popular for  French mediterranean vessels it seems.

  5. I assume that your fellow countrymen in Key West are sent by the Red Cross or perhaps are protestant preachers.


    Never said it wasn't being returned in kind, not that I support it. Was just illustrating that there was pressure that prevented the Spanish players from being as active in Florida as they have been this week.


    Personally though I've always felt Havana was a poor choice of a capital and that Vera Cruz would have been far better. Given newer Spanish players some growing room and made the Gulf more relevant.

    • Like 2
  6. I suppose the idea is to stablish rules of engagement till new mechanics are implemented. There is no pressure at the moment because we refuse to fight. No fight = no fun for everyone, only towers can see how good you are.

    I have won millions in only days and I´m bored. Everytime I see someone in chat talking about fish, bottles and golden modules, I feel compeled to leave the game.


    Well that certainly isn't true because the moment the Dutch and British let up on Southern Cuba earlier this week Spanish gank fleets made quite the frequent showing from Key West to Cabo Carneval because they weren't needed to defend and thus spend their time in South Cuba. 


    And yes I will call them gank fleets because they ran every time even when pursued by a weaker force just to log off in battle screens. 

  7. Strategically it makes no sense. In a Rattlesnake you can attack perfectly from Havana. And do not forget that everyone has outpost in Key west.


    It makes perfect sense.


    Would you or other Spanish players be content with ceding Mantua and Corrintes to the U.S.? It's the same situation. The tip of a landmass we both have to deal with sailing around to go very short overland distances. 


    As it stands La Anguilla and Cayo de Sal given to the Spanish would equalize the assault times on each other. Asking for Tortugas and Cayo Vacas would give you an assaulting point to the west coast of Florida that is far shorter then the U.S. could assault the North of Cuba. 

  8. Goodness me,


    Can we have a moderator or admin lock or warn this thread.


    The last thing these talks need are the hot heads from each nation stirring trouble. While the treaty is in discussion all members of each nation should keep a civil tongue with one another. I know, being the internet this is difficult, however for the work being done here to actually benefit anyone we need to remain polite while those representing the nations clear this up.


    If the treaty doesn't go ahead, so be it, but let us not divide ourselves entirely before talks have even begun.


    To the Dutch Council, before you dismiss this entirely out of hand, read its merits before engaging in sweeping statements. If anyone believes that Britain would leave the USA to fight the Pirates alone, they are gravely mistaken. Yes each nation has sacrificed in order to get the map to look as it is, however we have experienced this sort of stagnation before, players leave, the servers suffer, no one wins.


    This will not benefit every single Captain out there, but without the in built diplomacy, this is what we have. So the nations involved, get your representatives talking and clear this up. I would suggest quickly before talks of war start being insinuated and alliances broken....veiled or otherwise. 






    Words without writing are just words is the problem to many U.S. player. If I were to believe the sincerity of them I would see them included into this proposal and they are not. I will also notice it did not escape my attention that you stipulated against the pirates but made no mention of the Spanish in your comment. 


    One of the main reasons so many U.S. players volunteered to join in to the aiding the efforts of the coalition is because of previous hollow verbal promises by the Spanish in terms of negotiated boundaries.


    Myself and I'm sure many U.S. players are not against the spirit of the proposal but it does seem there is an attempt to exclude a partner of the coalition in this treaty just so Spanish players will sign on to it.

  9. Assaults at the four o´clock in the night. Hahahahahahaha. I need to be really angry for this things.


    Just like the 8am Eastern, 7am Central, and 6am Pacific timers U.S. players had to organize and overcome. A knife cuts both ways. 

    • Like 1
  10. Obviously this needs Dutch council seal, again though in general I tip my hat to player made content like this.


    All treaties piss everyone off a bit. I personally would have preferred ANYTHING West of Conil/Cuyo and North of Tombado (but not East) to be open for biffo too. Rather than just handed back.


    A point of clarification on the Haiti ports being set back to a more French friendly TZ, are the Dutch and Brits going to reset these between them and then return them to Brit ? or do Brits need to shut ports down there ?


    A  good treaty none of the parties are completely satisfied, you've said this yourself. However a bad treaty isolates and excludes a party which this does. It took a lot of very early hours coordination and effort for the U.S. players to push down the Bahamas and pressure the Pirates and to make legit pressure on the North of Cuba and not just hollow flag pulls. Yet here this treaty doesn't include them and I don't see that having a good outcome.

    • Like 1
  11. actually we are not screwing over the americans - PvP agains the spanish ships is still allowed - we merely cease the port attacks (outside of the gentlemen's zone) - you may tehrefore stills creen for the american ports or even their attacks


    Without pressure and a promise of not being pressured by the British and Dutch except for "Gentlemen" fights in specific areas guess where the Spanish are going to go, especially since the U.S. clans aren't represented in this treaty the British and Dutch are not beholden to assist against any Spanish aggression northward. In fact assisting outside these 'Gentlemen War' areas could be seen as a violation of the treaty.


    Quite a few U.S. clans and independents put in a lot of effort and expense assisting your operations during the 'coalition'. Being "left to hang in the wind" is not going to sit well with them.  

    • Like 2
  12. I'd prefer a system like Endless Space were each round you and your opponent pick offense and defense cards that the other can't see and then it becomes a game of strategy, intuition, and playing to your strengths.


    The advantages of such a system as well is that internet connection quality has no impact on the outcome.

    • Like 1
  13. I have been sailing the Bucentaure for a few days now and I'm having a pretty serious issue with it. My crew loss per mission is unbelievably high compared to my clan mates in ships of the same size. 200 + crew lost in each battle and not just from stern shots. Each broadside I take I see my crew drop by 5-10. What this makes for is an almost unplayable match and today i lost my Buce for the last time due to one point blank broadside from a Bellona which wiped out 330 crew. I know you history buffs will say "That's what happened at Trafalgar" and it is... The ship was rendered useless in one broad side. Yet i can put a full broadside into the back of a third rate or Bellona and only kill 30-40 crew. I'm now stuck with no big ship, no upgrades, and no money due to the fact i spent it on ships for my clan mates yesterday other than 1 last Buce which is (In my opinion) My least favorite ship in the game and practically useless for anyone who wants to do PVE fleet missions to level. I get the ship being a bit squishy, But the crew loss is too extreme when it takes more then the 160k-200k gold I'm getting from missions to recrew and repair the ship. Also for those of you getting ready to type away at how bad i am at the game and how you never lose anything save it. I'm excellent in anything other than this ship.


    800 crew in 2 gun decks and the weather deck. vs. 900 crew (Victory) in 3 gun decks and a weather deck. And even versus the Pavel the crew zones of the Bucentaure are more concentrated on the two gun decks due to the larger number of cannons on the middle deck.

  14. Speed is a tough one - very few ships of the period could really approach their hull speed, and there were certainly sailing benefits to the stiffness of an extra deck and fuller lines at the bow. Rainbow was comprehensively refitted in 1775, so she was in good condition when she chased Hancock and was freshly refitted again when she encountered L'Hebe. For Hancock, the 39-hour pursuit indicates only a marginal advantage, but even that could be attributed to weather or damage to Hancock rather than an overall advantage in sailing qualities or outright speed. Even though L'Hebe would have been in excellent condition, it isn't clear that the weather or the Channel itself would have permitted Hebe any avenue of escape, and even if there was an avenue of escape the ship and the crew may have been in need of shaking down. Actual sailing records, complete with information about weather and the condition of the ship (age, recent battles and repairs, time since last cleaned) aren't easy to come by.


    It's worth acknowledging the importance of balance and role dynamics as well - if an in-game Rainbow was tougher than a Frigate and had chase guns and a slight advantage in firepower, it should have disadvantage somewhere so as not to undermine the Frigate and a sailing or speed disadvantage would not seem unreasonable.


    New acceleration and momentum changes bring an advantage without needing to change anything. Larger more massive ships take a lot longer to respond to the wind now. 

  15. I've thought about it for a while and really the ability to wait in the battle screen is kinda important. It's silly to have the participates of a long and hard fought battle get insta ganked by a massive revenge fleet. The only solution I could come up with that retains the ability to wait out a gank fleet but removes the ability to hide a gank fleet indefinitely would be to have the battle screen make you aware if there are enemy players in a certain range (but not their numbers and composition). And that a countdown would start if your side had a BR advantage of a certain ratio or if no enemy players were present.

  16. The game is still in alpha, right now this is fine, I would leave it as is till much later in beta.  


    So if they leave the alpha tag on forever they don't have to fix major issues? Btw this game has been in 'alpha' for two years already.


    Alpha, beta, are terms that have no meaning anymore. Hell War Thunder still calls itself a 'Beta' They are just marketing terms and review blocks.

  17. Belle Poule doesn't have a lugsail mizzen. It's a lateen yard, which has (essentially) a loose-footed gaff on it.

    The term barque is highly ambiguous in the 1700s, and for non-English speaking countries that goes double.


    This is true, I'd forgotten that a lug sail is like a lateen in that the yard and sail is unevenly bisected by the mast but is four cornered instead of three. Barque definitely is not an exceptionaly well defined before the 1800s. I believe at one point in 1700s in Great Britain it simply referred to a particular hull lines and length to beam ratio. Still given the mast positions and angles I still believe this ship was fore and main square sail rigged and the latine references a completely lateen rigged mizzen like most fluyts were.

  18. Given the terminology of a barque being a three or more masted vessel with a fore and main mast that is ship rigged and a mizzen that is fore and aft coupled with the 'latine' which is a triangular sail reference as lateen rigged in English I would imagine it to be squared rigged on the fore and main and a large lateen sail on the mizzen. 


    Failing to find any image of any decent quality one can visual this by looking at the Renomee and removing the square sails from the mizzen over the lateen and the ship either having a shorter mizzen, a larger more heavily raked lateen or possibly even a top lateen like older carracks. 


    The advantages of such a rig is it would take less crew to manage then a gaff and square sails. Though the disadvantage would be that a lateen rig always has a direction where the wind pushes the sail into the mast causing interference and poor efficiency. The Bella Poule model in game still has the lateen yard but rigged with a lugger sail which wouldn't have such interference.

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