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Posts posted by Cragger

  1. I understand you perfectly.... But problems with clans happened in all nations... Spain was reduced to 2 ports using RAE as excuse... Nothing new under the sun.... The excuse is not important. The thing is that your'e punishing all players of this nation not only Lord Vicious.


    Mistake was believing the pirates should have been and would continue being treated as a nation with benefits.

  2. Pirates would have positives if you simply look at them in proper perspective.


    Big Positive, Not having alliances means pirates can attack whomever they want whenever they want and have that not having a restriction placed on pirates because of a majority vote to ally with your favored target.


    Privateers are servants of their nation of marque. They can only attack enemies of that nation and must treat prisoners properly. All nationals are currently privateers in that they keep what they capture from players.


    Pirates do not deserve an asset safe 're-roll' more then any other player. Offering everyone the opportunity to change their nation and keep their assets is one thing. But pirates are not deserving of special disposition. Going pirate was easy. If you don't want to be a pirate anymore do what everyone else must do to join a nation. Transfer your assets, delete your character, and remake it in a nation accepting your blueprint losses. 

  3. it the majority decision in polls and historically correct

    im not worried about me.  im worried about the game and it not having pirates/privateers/hardmode........i have done nations and its a power creep.

    It not having 'hardmode' what do you honestly think hardmode is?


    Pirates have had dysfunctional mechanics for a long time and nothing about them has been hardmode. Infact what you are complaining about being implemented in the future IS actually making them finally hardmode. No friends, no alliances only themselves seeking to make personal profit by force and guile. 


    Why do you think pirates need the ability to make alliances to be pirates? Look at Black and pagan pete to see how to behave as a real pirate. 

    Why do you think pirates need the ability to capture ports to be pirates?  ^ See above.

    Why do you think pirates need SOL (Useless in pursuing laden tradeships) to be pirates? ^ See above.


    And btw, privateers are national thing and we are all pretty much privateers as we get to keep what we capture instead of turning it in to the admiralty.

  4. If you want to play as a nation, join a nation. If you want to play as an actual pirate then accept the hardships of being an outlaw.


    As far as your 'Stage 4'


    You have the same mechanic currently that every other nation has in changing to another. Delete and remake your character and accept your losses. You had it easy to leave a nation to become a so called 'pirate'.


    Now I'm not against a server wide ability to recreate your character with redeamables or whatever after they finally do a reset with new port battle mechanics but don't act like you are deserving of being treated any different then a British player going Swedish etc. Pirates aren't special snowflakes. 

  5. So basically your piling on with the others because when diplomacy comes out you don't want to be left on the other side.  How you get to this is by burning bridges with a nation you clearly think is doomed to dev-struction.


    Seems fair enough.  See you on the seas.


    Actually if you will notice the declaration is again a specific clan and not the whole of pirates. And this isn't the first... or second... or third.. incident created by Vicious, nor do I imagine it will be the last. He so enjoys creating drama and so many allow themselves to be lead into it by him. 


    He's behavior with Helgur on this matter is not shocking to me, there is a reason that the U.S. players from back when he was in the U.S. nicknamed him Angry Wario on teamspeak ;)

    • Like 5
  6. I still maintain....the in game diplomacy can NEVER be as good as the player created diplomacy.


    When I get back into my chair (having just fallen out of it) I shall watch this one with appropriate WTF just happened there then eyes !!


    And so another episode begins.


    Oh I wouldn't worry too much Jeheil. Remember alliances have to be voted every week and run for two weeks. Enough people vote against the status quo and alliances will fall simply because they must be maintained by a majority vote on both sides. 

  7. I actually spent yesterday tormenting AI LGVs just to see how many hits from 24lb long guns it took. Ultimately it didn't matter if I hit the topmast or the masthead in terms of number of shot and the entire mast always fell. It seems that shot damage always gets applied to the lowest section.


    I still think the chain boards need to get added to the masts hit box. A mast is very thick in comparison to the hull and it is rounded made of either one solid conifer or staved. It's pretty much the worst thing for a ball shot to even try to penetrate and not glance off. Add to this that even if it did cause splintering damage masts where made strong by the compressive load put on them by the shrouds and several warships where found to have rotten masts but still could press all their sail.  If the chain boards get torn up the shrouds become slack and then the masts can wobble putting them under high tensile load. 

    • Like 1
  8. Look closely at the models of the ships and you will notice a great many of them have modeled the extra masts and yards that were carried. In the time that the Constitution withdrew to effect minor repairs the HMS Java cleared her fallen masts and got a spare mid upper mast lashed to the stump of the mizzen. While in the game it is far quicker then such a jury rig could be performed so are gun loadings, handling to the wind, and speeds.


    Now the whole dissappearing act due to the lack of being damaged in the one minute of the coward perk and two minutes without... yeah I hate that.

    • Like 2
  9. Im honest and with the war against the British I reallyyyyy doubt any clan had gone so far looking for pvp (Sunbury, really?) when we had a war so close. I was in a major clan and we have never reached Jobe or Rio Seco. We always went to the South or to the West looking for british players.


    Yes Sunbury. so as you can see knowing what your own clan members are up to is already a huge task. Knowing what your nation players are up to is practically impossible and you can't do anything to stop them. Hence why the diplomacy/alliance was voted so high.

  10. It would have been greatly appreaciated at those times that your guys didnt attacked our ships around our own capital La Habana, even low level and noobs. We were at war with the biggest nation, losing ships, ports and guys every day, and you didnt mind cause it was fun to see how we lose even more ships. We end literally burn of reading all the complains about ganking usa squads.


    Your guys could be doing pvp somewhere else (I remember you, not friendly pirates at las bahamas) but you decided that toying with a nation at his weakest hour was cool.


    OW was allowed, yes I know, but that shouldnt have prevented some thinking. I dont know you mate, but If I want to be friendly with anyone I wont fuck him nearly every day. If you think we are very sensitive people, go to Kingston and begin to gank there, Im quite sure the british council will be delighed. 


    Let's be honest. Same could be said for the Spanish out of Sunbury at that time. Who started what will never be known and neither of us had any control of what our players do other then removing them from clans. 

  11. As much as I enjoy the continued pursuit of the immersion which is well done in this demonstration unless the commands are relevant to events they will just become a 'noise' that will be underappreciated and perhaps annoy some. I do hope these verbal commands will be keyed to events such as guns being at the ready etc.

    • Like 1
  12. Before a complete rewrite (if even needed) can be done, the community first need to get to grips with what Pirates mechanics really entail.

    Asking for damage farm fixes and Pirate demotions because they attack one-another leads to more broken mechanics.

    We can see this in the first Alliances patch. What is the Pirate role?

    And personally I don't blame the developers in any way, I put clear blame on the community.


    The blame lays directly at the feet of the pirate coalition that turned mechanics that the developers thought would cause a pirate faction full of groups fighting among themselves and disorganized into the most unified power at the time due to being able to enforce the will of the coalition in a way that the national powers could not.


    And seriously trying to defend the pirates that got demoted back then for abusing the ability to attack each other to damage farm.. that's a special kinda lunacy. They weren't attacking each other to attack each other they would allow the attacker to shoot them up to near sinking then leave the battle and repeat.

  13. And again, as i said before that.....why the possesion of Cayo Vacas and Las Tortugas "give the occupant a short range spring board against the separated half" IF the possible peace treaty negates those attacks?


    This is an endless game.


    First, the Treaty proposal does not prevent those attacks. I don't see any mention of the U.S. ports being off limits in this treaty do you? The U.S. clans would not have been against being part of the armistice but the Spanish clans absolutely refused to include the U.S. clans into it.


    Second, the Spanish clans have never kept their promises to the U.S. clans before. Their clans have promised one thing and then when one clan decided otherwise their only answer was "They aren't part of the Council anymore" all while their own clan members joined in on the attacks and then signed on into helping the pirates in their assault. The last time Tortugas was in Spanish possession and was agreed to be turned over to the U.S. it wasn't, and then it was used as a spring board to take all off western Florida while we were cut off by the pirates.


    Simply put the U.S. player base no longer has any trust in the word of Spanish clans.

    • Like 1

    Really demand Cayo Vacas and Las Tortugas is a "irrational" demand? 


    Because it is, again as I've said before would you accept another holding Mantua and Corrientes diving Cuba in half from your capital? Not only that but possessing those ports gives the occupant a short range spring board against the separated half. 


    And the argument of them being so close to the Spanish capital is not a very good argument either as it would be just as easy to strike from Islamadora. For Spain the possession of these two ports merely gives a place to pull flags to attack from and very little defensive value. 

  15. I just want pirates to be real outlaws. No perfectly safe havens, no direct threat to soverign powers territory but a real threat to their commerce and anti-piracy forces. I would love to see them have unique light craft and 'sixth' rates and the lower fifth rates.


    Characters like Pagan Pete are ones that made me smile even when they where being very annoying to others in U.S. nation chat because he played the role so well.


    But since 'pirates' were treated like any other nation it became a nation with some tools to enforce unity such as being able to attack each other. What was labeled as 'hardcore' was actually the easiest because the Coalition enforced unity (at the time) and you could game the mechanics to teleport your ships anywhere by attacking each other (which everyone can do now, provided smuggle tag is set).


    Ultimately pirates need a complete rewrite to make them a truly unique and different way to play the game. And it needs to be done without silly perks that give a 1 kt magical speed boost on all ships just because pirate (I'm against all these even the ship type speed boosts.)

    • Like 4
  16. What you are trying to say is that a 3rd rate cannot beat a Bellona....  and that is patently false.  There is no reason to "Nerf" or "buff" ships, especially as more examples of each class are introduced.  There is already too many "bordering on" gamey "perks" and mods that enable ships to be "tanky" or "DPS" machine guns...   


    The "Nerfing" or "Buffing" should be primarily between the captain's ears..


    It is more that the '3rd' is just a Bellona model, with less structure HP, less broadside weight, worse handling... somehow. It has no actual advantages or reasons to exist over the Bellona currently and really was only around as a weak SoL for the AI to use back when SoL were capturable. Now that the Ingermanland is here the '3rd' has no reason to exist at all. Plus the generic and confusing name is pointless.


    It's not a priority but it would be nice to see it changed to a 64, 70,  or some other 3rd rate. 

    • Like 2
  17. Those who swapped didnt lose blueprints. They knew what they were getting themselves in for. 


    Now the devs want to change things around I can see a few people interested in swapping nations.


    Going from one nation to another nation always required the loss of blueprints, Pirates where the exception and easy route. Why should they get another special rule for their case. They should get to have to delete their character like everyone else switching to another nation.

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