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Posts posted by Cragger

  1. I've thought about it for a while and really the ability to wait in the battle screen is kinda important. It's silly to have the participates of a long and hard fought battle get insta ganked by a massive revenge fleet. The only solution I could come up with that retains the ability to wait out a gank fleet but removes the ability to hide a gank fleet indefinitely would be to have the battle screen make you aware if there are enemy players in a certain range (but not their numbers and composition). And that a countdown would start if your side had a BR advantage of a certain ratio or if no enemy players were present.

  2. The game is still in alpha, right now this is fine, I would leave it as is till much later in beta.  


    So if they leave the alpha tag on forever they don't have to fix major issues? Btw this game has been in 'alpha' for two years already.


    Alpha, beta, are terms that have no meaning anymore. Hell War Thunder still calls itself a 'Beta' They are just marketing terms and review blocks.

  3. Making officer bonuses for pirates without defining the ultimate role of pirates and just treating them as a nation is once again a fool's step. It means having to change and remake things and dealing with the windfall of such changes. First define the nations and the ultimate role of pirates before spending time on giving them their own 'flavor'.  The overall development of Naval Action at this point feels to me like someone building a house and is starting on the trim work before all the framing is even done. 


    "Magic" abilities are also getting a bit silly. Instead of giving abilities that give blanket bonuses that make neither historical nor physical sense give them abilities that do. For example instead of a blanket 1 knot increase make their knowledge and experience be about how to trim a ship at certain points of sail. Instead of giving blanket reload increase make it improve under specific criteria such as partial loading to improve synchronization or random fire setting etc.

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  4. Wind is always discussed in terms of where it is coming from and not where it going to. Just look at any wind gauge on a building and you will see it points where the wind is coming from and not were it is going. There is a simple reason for this, because that is the direction that weather will be coming from.


    Now did it confuse me? No, but that does not mean it won't be confusing to others. Some people can adapt to some things quicker to others. Mentally I just viewed the representation to be an indicator of the flow and not the origin. Someone else may not make that connection so intuitively.

  5. Well pirates never went to a ship dealer amd bought new ships with cash or credit either so we need to remove the abilty for pirates to buy ships amd make sure they can only use captured ships. Also as far as records that ive seen no ports gave free basic cutters to any pirates just for asking therefor that needs to be taken away as well.

    Pirates should only get captured ships , unless they get good at that then they should not be allowed to capture ships and should only be allowed to float on driftwood and have coconuts to use as cannons, well unless they get good with that then.......


    Possessing a ship in no way allows for having a ship in service. A SoL represents 700+ souls which for a pirate is a huge negative that's 700+ to divide any booty by. A SoL would make a poor ship to pursue commerce as merchantmen always gave such obvious warships a wide berth due to the fact they could be at war and not know it due to communication at the time. Plus where are you going to keep it, where are you going to provision it, where are you going to take it for fitting and rigging? How are you going to pay for all this?

  6. Since we're all on the 'remove pirate SoL' bandwagon, I believe the United States should also be added to that list. Given the time period, the US Navy never possessed a single Ship of the line. In fact the biggest and best ships the US Navy had are already in-game, the Essex and the Constitution.



    Since we're going to be all 'historically accurate' and such, I think this is an entirely reasonable request.


    U.S. Navy never possessed a single Ship of the Line you say? Perhaps you should research just a tad before making that statement.


    Game time frame is up to 1830


    United States Ships of the line constructed and commissioned:


    U.S.S. Independence (18-14) 90 - 32lb guns

    U.S.S. Washington (1814) 74-? guns

    U.S.S. Franklin (1815) 74 - 32lb long guns and carronades

    U.S.S. Columbus (1819) 74 - 32lb long guns and 42lb carronades

    U.S.S. Delaware (1820) 74 - 32lb long guns and carronades

    U.S.S. Ohio (1820) 74 - 32lb long guns and carronades

    U.S.S. North Carolina (1820) 74- 42lb and 32lb long guns


  7. What? The privateer on plate XXXIII certainly doesn´t have anything in common with af Chapman´s hemmemas or turumas.



    That transom on the plan by the model company is anything but british. There are other oddities as the wheel behind the mizzen mast and the steeve of the bow sprit that would disqualify her immediately as a british built frigate.


    Never said it was historically British. Just made to look like your typical 'frigate' which most layman see as British (captured French) designs. Chapman drew lines for a lot of ships that were never built. The base is one of these. 

  8. With gold lightweight rope and a simple optimized rudder frigate already gets an excellent maneuverability and turns against the wind without loosing much speed.


    The 6pd's top deck and the fast reload rate they have make them excellent to hit the sails and reduce your opponent maneuverability and speed quickly at the start of an engagement in complement to the chasers, once closer the 6pd's will not be totally ridiculous and with grape dealing nice damages on crews and able to get the back armor of the ship down easily and quickly and frigate is able to stay quite safe from other ships due to better maneuverability and sailing, carronades can be used on top deck some will say too but i don't base my judgment on those.



    The 12pd's on the top deck of the essex are nice yeah but this doesn't make a big enough difference between those 2 ships to make the essex a better option than a frigate right now for most situations.


    The essex seems slightly bigger than a frigate in lenght and width, yet it gets less HP on the rear and the front and gets same armor, seems to have slightly more sails surface too but they get the same sails hp's.


    Both close to each other :





    a frigate and essex in "inception" mode : 



    Full Sails more or less side by side : 





    Also my inclusion of the pirate frigate while it is not craftable was to compare both ships BR's while the pirate frigate will be superior to a Essex if made of the same woods or trim as it have also 12pd's on top deck + chasers and if it gets the same turn time and sailing profile a better overall ship with only 200 less hp on sides and sails and more hp on front and back ( if it gets the same turn rate and speed as regular frigate ).



    The essex won't be able to defeat a frigate easily in a singular combat while it used to have a big difference between frigate and the essex and trinc being on the top of those two ( for a good reason i guess ? ) , right now the frigate while having less firepower on top deck when using longs will still be able to do more than well as she will be able to stay safe from an essex due to better maneuverability and sailing performances it have.


    When it comes to costs, based on NPC default prices for materials and 100g/LH a essex gold live oak will be 406490 gold, a frigate live oak gold will be 392141 gold, not too far form each other, the frigate taking a bit less LH than the essex.


    Like i said i don't know how those 2 ships will compare in real life butt for what i heard before the essex was superior to it and not only by the firepower, seems weird to see both now getting the same side armor/hp  and the frigate getting more hp on stern and bow.


    I can tell you that i regret to have sold , broken or given away for free all the frigates done to get the ingerman BP before last patch, there is simply not much point to use an essex after last patch under many conditions, while in a group it's still nice yeah but main point is that in the end now we have ships almost all getting the same armor, trincomalee included and barely having any strongpoint when it comes to the essex when they should have more armor and hp variations than this i think.


    There is no real life comparison. The "Frigate" is a Chapman design for a small shallow draft warship designed like a ship of the line for the fjords of Sweden. Never utilized of course. A model making company took the design and slapped on a British style fan stern to make her a frigate kit. The tell tale signs of this are the fact that the stern windows don't line up with the gun deck which is quite low in ship to the waterline.


    Said modeling company provided the data for their creation to Game labs while this game was in its infancy so can't really fault them for taking the free hand up even if it is only quasi historical.

  9. Personally, I do not understand how a one time additional resource to the building of a ship is going to change anything at all in the long run that can't be changed just be changing the costs and availability of say.. frame parts. It honestly feels pointless and does nothing to influence the long term costs of operating larger and larger ships, once built it is said and done and does not become a maintenance burden for a clan or player.

  10. Santi



    Santi Vs vic means deadsanti and Vic 75% armour......inequality.   Connie Vs Inger similar issues.    One thing to have Armour adjustments to make it a long battle, another to create inequality.  just a call for it tobe adjusted to more sane levels.   No doubting a vic should be a santi in a broadside war but 75% is out of kilter


    I really do suspect something isn't working quite right in their current system because the 5cm of effective thickness difference shouldn't be making such a huge damage reduction that it currently is. So I'm not calling foul on the changes until it's stated that it's working properly.

  11. I think the real problem this patch created is that it makes it possible for any ship that is of lesser class (3rd vs 4th rate) to escape combat almost with ease. There is no more demasting, and its very hard to make them sink as well. In fact, if they turn to run and you are not within chain range or just have a bad tag, its pointless to give chase.


    Lesser ship needs to have some card to play. Isn't like it can beat a higher rate combat. In fact the current system drives towards using a mixed squadron instead of all one ball. Faster ships that can pursue and chain to slow them down. And if you are referring to the context of port battles well ships that escape are just another step towards victory in the end.

  12. 1) Current armor system is too high need to be tuned down by a good 50% , battle last 4 ever,  first rates cant even dmg other firsts at 250mt+

    2) Masts now demasting is almost impossible for same problems of point 1 and need ame tweak.

    3) Port shifts too easly, imho block a port for 48h 72h? before it can be conquered again can be a good solution

    4) Port mechanics,   now firstrates are useless they can be used only on a small amount of ports and sinking each other with current armor is pointless

    5) pirate mechanics



    i have a solution for point 4 and 5.


    Make ports include capital and sw be based on BR.


    capital 20k br

    all other ports 15k



    If you limit pirates to only 3rds for example, they will be able to bring more guys in 3rds vs nations with firstrates and "escort"     balancing both the game and the pirate historical accuracy.


    In the sense that while nation can bring some firsts+escorts, pirates can bring 25 3rd balancing the fight even if pirates are limited to 3rd rate only.

    This system will not only adress the pirate mechanics, but also will make first rate useful again and not bind to only certain ports

    Will add to the game also more variety and strategy since ppl will try to find best combination of ships to bring in a battle,  few first? a mix? mono 3rd? etc leaving to devs ability to tweak + - br when players will discover the "imba" combination.




    This tweaks +future diplomacy and maybe  port buildings/evolution linked to clans ability to build ships will make the game perfect



    ps: warehouse need logs, who have taken stuff out and who put in, as well a clan tax.    Also gold retrieve-and deposit should be available everywhere, is a great tool for collecting gold for  flags


    1. I like long battles, hours spent sailing is better rewarded by a nice long battle then a few minutes. Damage model does need some adjustments though, especially up close (100-200 yard range).


    2. Not impossible just requires one to be close now, I'm still demasting ships with close rakes fairly well. I will say however the chainboards and the mast foots on and in the hull need to be modeled as part of the masts. Most masts were brought down by damage to the chain boards and shrouds, not hits to the masts themselves, which are round and far thicker (even if made of conifer woods) then planking.


    3. I agree, ports need a cooldown. 


    4. A BR limit and possibly a rate slot limit are needed. This will require proper adjustments of BR though. Example the Santisma is definitely under BR compared to the Victory. The current system definitely won't be a long term solution, but it does make things more dynamic.


    5. Definitely. 

  13. Again you not understand game mechanics  THERE IS ONLY 20 SEC OF INVU not enought for sail in a first faar enought for not make the circle spawn again on land


    also i am not supposed to sail anywere, tag is supposed to work as intended, with reinf circle available on sea not on Land. Or i want tanks


    20 seconds plus tag time sir.


    As far as the second part I don't see this as a bug at all. If you want to jump out of port then actually jump out and leave the port. The end of end of the dock port undock jump ganks is a beautiful thing to me and not a bug.

  14. So what? my friends undocked before me, so 20sec+20sec for tag +10-20 sec for preparation they got almost a 40-60sec  window for join :) if the circle not was in the land



    still not get eh? fact i tagged  matter 0, becouse my friends got 40-60 secs for join ANyway if the circle not was in land, since they undocked before me, plut my tag time+battle prep +1min and half of battle.   so is a ship lost to a bug, get over it,  we could have undock in 200 santi make no difference.  Is lost cause  a game bug.    and since DIUS got ship back for a similar mechanics. i am expecting same threatment from the devs.   And i bet Ellis got his santi too when he lost that to same bug of Dius in AYS.




    The motion was this:


    undock all,, then i undock 20sec later, i tag +20 sec,  battle timer prep 20 seconds, battle start 1,30 min.        at that point my guys where only 40 sec away from joining with a good 30-60 sec opportunity window. before battle closed.


    So your assumption of i tagged you bla bla, are completely WRONG.  That made no difference since i tagged in a timely manner that wll allow my mates to join since their timer was already going down  before i started tagging :)


    All you had to do while invulnerable was sail out from immediate dock up range from the port to put the circle not on land. That's your mistake not the game's.

  15. I've actually seen exactly what you saw before. If your connection to the server gets high packet loss this happens. My frigate and a Bellona in a small battle kept getting put in the exact same spot as my ping shot well up over 1k ms. We'd pop back in where we were suppose to be on my screen when the packet loss came down and then get stuck back inside each other when it went back up again.

  16. You cant , again another bad player who not understand new game mechanics


    the moment you undock, enemy outside tag you and your reinforcement circle get put into the LAND  got it? you not have time for get distance and fight in OW, so camping a city now make impossible for the ppl inside to undock and fight.


    Your friends not get pulled in also 


    Problem is you attacked, you weren't the one tagged.

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