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Long Beard

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Posts posted by Long Beard

  1. As long as it applies to all factions I don't see an issue.

    I could see the traders complaining about it, especially ones not in clans who could not get an escort.

    Also see a few saying it would kill the Econ of the game if traders are afraid to move items and trade.


    Aye all nations, no reason to restrict it to just pirates.


    I don't really see how this would be a problem for traders as they really wouldn't lose anything more than they lose now.  Do you mean you think it might encourage more players to go after them if there were more bonuses?

    Boarding XP & Sail damage XP would probably go along way to aiding with this, but this was apparently removed due to people sploiting it.  Again, the innocent being punished for the actions of a few scallywags! 

  2. Why shouldn't they be able to attack you? It's pvp, not too many limits please.


    The REAL question is... why shouldn't HE be able to attack them? He can't. The BR mechanics prevent him (limits) thus preventing him from defensive tagging. It's wrong. Designed to prevent basic cutters tagging fleets near port battles. A mechanic that punishes those who are in smaller ships having nothing to do with port battles.


    • Like 3
  3. Me got to thinking.


    I spend most of me game time in enemy waters plundering trader ships gaining next to no XP.  Some of me clannies who spend most of their game time farming fleets are gaining rank and XP at a crazy fast rate.


    I get my enjoyment from this game Pirating like a pirate should. 90% of the time I am playing cat and mouse with ye enemy players who try to capture or sink me whilst I try to do the same with their traders.


    I make OK gold from me plunder, but not even close to what some of me clannies make farming PVE fleets. Don't worry, I abuse them daily for their carebare ways!! YARR!   The temptation to give up me pirate ways and join em in their PVE adventures is high, some would chose this path vs real piracy.


    This got me thinking that there should perhaps be an XP gain for stealing player loot.  Say, a % of XP vs what was stolen given the current market average.


    Yes, I know this could be exploited with players working together, them sailing a fully laden trader with high value goods for the other to cap it, only to transfer the goods back at a free port, but I see this as no different to same players doing the whole damage trading nonsense. 


    Maybe there are some smarter people who could think of a better way? I don't think it should be the same XP rewards as generic PVP, but SOME XP would be nice.

    Anyway, thoughts.

    PS, try not to think of this as the victim of piracy. I know it can drum up bad feeling.

    • Like 4
  4. Is it nearly as difficult to control even when pirates are able to attack said players?


    Because frankly it looks far more appealing to have to deal with that. I'd rather be camped outside of a port because of following a different course of action than others, than having the current 'nation-but-not-nation' where you can't do anything if a couple of kids want to wreck havoc for everyone else.


    Sure we can attack them, but since we have no way to force them to dance to our tune we just verbally abuse them :D


    No we don't attack them, we just make it clear to those we have an agreement with that they are not part of it.


    I think the general stance is to only attack them if they attack us.  They are a major pain in our butts, but they are free to chose their own path no matter how annoying it is.

  5. We have the exact same thing in pirate coalition.  One or two clans decided to go it alone and do their own thing. Frustrating, yes, worthy of threats, abuse and crying? Sometimes. But...

    You simply can't force players to dance to your tune if they don't like the tune, and just because the tune sounds good to the majority, doesn't mean it sounds good to others.


    I do see the problem if there are people actively working to destabalise your agreements, and working against your nation within the nation, but so long as they aint exploiting to achieve their aims, it's just part of the political landscape and should be dealt with politically.  If they don't see reason, you can punish them by refusing to assist them in battle or help them in any way.  Clans on their own usually implode.  If I see a pirate vs other battle on the OW I usually join to assist. If it turns out to be someone in a clan that's against our coalition, I exit the battle.


    Lastly, posts like this will only encourage them further to act against you. As politics go, this is an own goal.

    • Like 2
  6. Do my eyes deceive me? This thread is just  :o


    A group of keyboard warriors form a coalition then demand everyone on their side join it and call those who don't griefers, reporting them in a tribunal. Wow, just wow. 

    If you have a non aggression pact with another nation, simply inform them that Rnon & Drunk aren't part of it and get on with your business.

    • Like 3
  7. Please, tell me more about how there is no escape when all it takes is ~15 guys out of 650+ to put down that fire.

    I'm not talking about the fire, I'm talking about when you're vastly out numbered, taking heavy damage and the only conceivable outcome is defeat.  Not many folks would try to put out a fire in that situation, especially if you can take some of them with you as a last ditch effort.

  8. It took me way too many small-battles to realise that that one bloke "Blood" was actually an AI player and not a human.


    And I was actually greeting him in every game I saw him saying things like "Hey Blood, nice seeing you again." He never replied back so I just thought he was a quietish type of guy, but also someone who would always just go straight at the enemy without caring whether he lost his ship. A Team Player - not a very good player, but someone you wouldn't mind having on your team.


    Once I accidentally crashed into him and said something along the lines of "oh crap sorry Blood," thinking he was going to start cursing me in game, but he just went on with his business. 


    Felt quite silly when I realised he was just a bot.


    Hey I wouldn't worry about that one. I did exactly the same since he had rank and all. After he kept popping up the same day I asked experienced clannies if AI were in small battles. They said no so I assumed it was a real player. I looked him up in chat but got no hits. Clannies said they thought small battles were cross server.  He started turning up in my missions again a few months later. Wasn't until he spawned in an identical ship that I started to really suspect. In that mission I even boarded him thinking he was a player with heart beating fast lol.  Penny dropped when it became too frequent to be a coincidence. This time though I blamed my clan :D

  9. I'd like to put a 40,000 Gold bounty on King of Crowns [uSA Player], He sails almost exclusively between Atwood and Mortimer town for anyone looking to collect. Additional 20k for each of his friends you sink with

    him. He usually is in a Trinc with 2 friends also in Trincs.


    Harr harr harr, I suspect this one will be a short bounty. He is sunk often in those waters :D

    • Like 1
  10. Nice loot but using random fire? Lol

    MMh yes lol. I was too drunk to notice.


    Anyone sailing a captured, basic trading vessel is asking to be captured. To do that without an escort, with a hold like that...?


    Indeed Sir. For the price of his booty he could have paid a small fee for a player escort. Only himself to blame but I still have a little twinge of sympathy :D TO be captured so close to port as well. Ouch!

  11. Edit : Battle description in respect of the rules :  Raising the tone of National News (Please Read Before Posting)

    Came across a lone trader snow very close to port XXXXX.  Attacked and began pursuit. Offered the chap 10% of sold loot if he surrendered, he offered me 75K and 10 gold coins to let him go . I'd most probably never have seen it had I complied. I would have at least honored my terms.

    Knew by his offer and the fact he put up a fight that he must have been carrying 'something' of value. Didn't expect THAT!

    • Like 2
  12. I started to play as pirate to get challenging gameplay full of PVP. What I get now? Coalition with nations to make supersphere of prosperity and no opportunities to fight within 1 hour sailing from Mortimer. 

    We are not pirates anymore, just proper Zergs.


    Did you? Do you really still want a challenge? Then go it alone. Attack fellow pirates. No one forces you to be part of any coalition.  Go against other pirates and you will have your challenging game play sir.

    Or simply move to a free port in either USA or British waters. Conduct your activities there. You will have your challenging game play sir.


    I suspect however you wont. 

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