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Long Beard

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Posts posted by Long Beard

  1. It is, at the Moment, a Pirate game not a Naval Action Game and that's the main Problem here.

    The Dev's are only speaking about changes within the pirates fraction, and that's more a Background chatter while they are implementing unnecessary updates with the argument that this game is a alpha version and we should/must test those changes.


    where are all those needed changes for the game, which makes the game playable for all? I don't see any at the Moment, except those try and error updates again and again.

    and only promises that something will we happen in the near future with the pirates.


    Uh, wut?

    How is it a pirate game? Seems to me it's a game of nations, albeit with the pirates as a nation also and just so happens that pirate nation is strong at the moment. 

    Devs are making changes to gameplay that impacts the player base as a whole, not just to a single faction.  Would you rather they focused on one nation and put the other mechanics on the shelve till that's done?

  2. I think in the current game's situation it's the easiest way to handle pirates as a nation. This is, of course, neither historical nor reasonable. They have all benefits from a nation (ports, materials, buildings ... plus the advantage of attacking another pirate and hide in battle screen) -- this is a bit too much. But changings here cause difficult surgery work for the game mechanics. It makes no sense to forbid pirates sailing SOLS when they have to capture ports. They cannot gain materials without ports, and so on ...


    Maybe pirates should

    - have no ports at all, but they can build pirate outposts everywhere (not visible in maps) from where they can operate, but which can be attacked and destroyed by nations

    - have the ability to teleport between free towns

    - have the ability of trade in free towns (maybe get cheaper materials)

    - sail only captured ships (maybe get extra dura for capturing)

    - have limited crew (maybe never enough for first rates)


    so that the aspect of pirates' surprise attacks is strengthened, but otherwise their actions are rather limited comparing to real nations.

    Of course, these changes are quite drastic and have to be balanced carefully not to break pirate gameplay.

    What do you think?


    Why should all other players have 5 dura but pirates be restricted to 1 or two? Guess you don't want us having upgrades.

    Easywin vs Pirates

  3. Getting rid of the ability to teleport cargo in ships was a great step forward for us traditional pirates who spend a large % of the game hunting player traders.  Allowing people to magically bypass the open seas would be a step backwards again. 

    Now I know you would be saying obviously a Pirate is going to say that, but I have to take the same risks when I'm moving MY precious cargo around. Which I do. Often!

    • Like 1
  4. Join a clan if you are looking for someone to play and talk to, Most large clans usually supply their members with ships and im fairly certain they will give you pointers.


    Welcome to NA Windforce, and what Ledinis said is good advice.

  5. It does seem to me that the devs, although they are working on stuff for the future of Piracy can make simple easy changes which would make the game more "piratey" and a bit more like the "hard mode" the devs claimed piracy was meant to be. For example all NPC national war ships will aggro pirates if they have a sufficient BR rating (i.e same or more)?? That just seems like a very simple code switch?


    NPC ships? Yeah cool, cos that's what I want to spend my time doing on a PVP server, fighting AI ships.  Fantastic nerf suggestions coming from the non pirate community once again.  

  6. I dont have initial objection against pirates sailing 1st-rates. I do, however, have a problem with nearly all pirates sailing in 1's.

    So via crafting limits and lower crew for highest rank, this can be enforced.

    They will be able to buy them from others or cap them. And they will, all be it limited via the crew, still be able to use them in rare cases.


    Great idea, lets do this for all nations.

  7. So the problem is that when a nation gets backed into a corner, there is a temptation for some to switch to Pirate and since it's a one way street, it's harder to switch back when nation is back on its feet causing the pirate nation to slowly grow whilst others shrink.  Can't argue with this theory. It's a shame players look to abandon their nation when it's not going so well, but hey we're all gamers, not seamen so again it's understandable why some do.

    A change to this mechanic would see an end to the ability to attack another countryman. That would indeed be a shame. Perhaps the penalty for attacking another countryman shouldn't be an instant perma switch to pirate faction, but a temporary one.  No access to ANY port until sunk or a timer expires. Timer could be 6 hours before penalty expires and player is back with his nation flag. Life resumes as normal but his reputation takes a beating.


  8. To hell with realism. Games are not realistic. Thats why they are games. Dont misunderstand me. But you dont buy a game called "Naval Action" and then use hours and hours and hours with little or no action at all.


    Please make a world where it is EASY to engage in PVP. 


    If OW is used then make it EASY to join an ongoing battle in OW. 


    Now joining a battle is almost impossible. You need to chase plp for 30 min or more. Yesterday I used an hour in front of a harbour just waiting for enemies to come. Two came but they sailed faster... no action... just...boredom...


    One hour of wasted gameplay. Its not realistic. Its just a broken game. 


    However on the flip side if it was you who was being chased you'd be thankful.


    OW PVP has to give the ability to escape.  If you are solo, then you need to rethink your ship AND your prey.  It's always going to be harder to catch a ship if you are solo.  


    I disagree that joining a battle is impossible. I was out yesterday (solo) and managed to get myself into 5 encounters in around 1 hour of sailing. 3 got away (trader lynx - which I knew I'd never catch unless player was not experienced) and the other two I caught. In my case I try to balance the ability to catch with the ability to escape. If I set up for better chance to catch, I would lose the ability to escape so I just accept some people are going to get away, but that's fine. That's how it should be.

    If you want to guarantee always catching, then you need to make sure you are with some friends and set up your fleet to include a tackler.

    The OW shouldn't be about forcing your targets to fight. It should be about tactics. Cat and mouse were your ship and setup vs his ship and setup should matter. 

  9. That is Pirate Lite gameplay. Real pirating happens at center of map. :P


    Uhem... Real piracy happens in enemy waters raiding their player merchant ships :P What happens it the centre of the map is RVR :P

    • Like 3
  10. Sorry, much rum consumed, forgot to F11, but was recording so here be the video documentation.

    Short background. Sailing USA east coast. Night started fine attacking player trade ships, was able to pull them into battle, then something odd happened. Attacked by enemy players and whilst they entered the battle instance, I didn't. Ship stopped but when battle started, I got strange underwater animation then popped back into OW and was able to sail away. I could see the battle I was supposed to be in complete.  This happened every time, 5 or 6 times before I logged off for the night. Take a look.


    Finally tried Craken. £23 for 70cl  :wacko:


    Have to say... it's wonderful. Didn't realise it was spiced but straight, it's great!

  11. The campaign it was agreed with the coalition, Xemko etc, so any agreement we gonna do, it will be respected by the coalition also   as in past any agreement made by Xemko and the coalition etc were honored by SORRY also. since we all part of such coalition (see denmark) 


    I stand corrected. Word has obviously not filtered down. Heads will roll!

  12. It's probably worth pointing out that these demands are being administered by SORRY clan and not the Pirate Coalition or pirate nation as a whole. Giving in to these terms does not mean your ports will be safe from other Pirates. As far as I know, no formal agreement exists between SORRY and the rest of the coalition regarding this campaign. That said, I don't think anyone else in Pirate nation are interested in those ports anyhoo.  :P

  13. You haven't understood anything about my post. Don't care about your grand fleet, don't care about your strategy, don't care if you can win with your clan against the whole world.

    The way you guys are acting is not helping this game. Your "job" right now it's to help develop this game. If you don't understand that I will gladly try to explain again, because I care about the game. I you don't care and all you want to do its to "win" you chose the wrong game.

    Actually the way they are acting is fantastic, and I'm sure they're providing the devs with interesting stats.

    They've shown that it's possible to bring a nation to its knees, and I got to say, it amuses me to see the smart asses only a few weeks ago in global who were all bragging on about how they'd beat the pirate nation back and how good they were, now to hear them silenced in a most spectacular way! Tis amusing. On the stats side, it's really up to the devs to decide whether this should be possible, but I suspect since this is a sandbox they will say what they always say. You have the freedom to do something about it. Whether you do or not is your choice.


    All in all, it's unlikely to last forever. Motivations change in games like this.

    Then you also get to see your true patriots. Those who stay US and either try to ride out the storm or do something about it, or those who fleet to join Pirates.


    • Like 1
  14. We have disgruntled American's joining our ranks too. They need to get their shiz together fast.


    Had a situation last week were I (alone in surprise) attacked an LGV near Sunbury with a US player essex, trinc and connie sailing towards us when the battle started. Did they join to help their countryman? NOPE! I was gobsmacked. 

    It's that sort of attitude that is killing the US.

    • Like 3
  15. 1. "The thing that gets me the most about these 'change pirates' posts is they are predominantly  posted by non pirates who have never played pirate." - is it such a surprise that those disadvantaged by the pirate's special rules and advantages should complain about it? 

    2. "I am all for changing the pirate mechanics, but mostly I see ideas and suggestions that focus on nerfing pirates to make them weak, and have a huge disadvantage over other players.  Restrict this, don't let them have that, prevent them from doing this, and so on." - agreed there should be a balance of changes. Or the pirate nation should have the same rules as all the other nations.

    3. "Fine and dandy if this was real life, but it's an entertainment platform, played for pvp fun" - 'fun' does not rule out 'fair'


    Other than the fact pirates can attack each other, what special advantages are you talking about? AND, there is a difference between 'complaining' about it, and calling for wide sweeping restrictions and nerfs. 


    The pirate faction is a hard nut to crack, and these complicated mechanics (although nice idea and well explained) will be the cause for exploits and griefing. The pirates can not share the same motif as a nation, they shouldn't be on the hunt to cap as many ports as they can. My sugestion:


    Make the pirate faction purely gold driven, no battle experience needed to rank up, just how much money you make in your "carreer". To prevent abuse (huge gold transactions from one pirate to the other) you need to transfer gold to your treasure, the treasure gold can not be used and can not be put back to useable gold, the treasure gold is the only gold that counts towards you "rank". On top of the usual rank, we could also give the top X amount of players a bonus of some kind. A redeemable SoL or something worth the effort of being the wealthiest pirate in the carribean, a little medal or something next to your name.


    This would have as a benefit to the nations that they are totaly uninvolved in the whole port capping business. We could have some fixed pirate ports across the map, uncapable, maybe on small islands. So they are not focussed on any region or nation. So the pirates would have no interest in who is owning what port, only how much money can be made from their traders and ships. They can attack eachother, to steal their stolen cargo. Clans could work together to put a player in the top X amount of players. Maybe give them some more pirate only ships, like the pirate frigate. We could or could not let them craft stuff, make trading only possible in free towns and pirate ports. It would make a nice bit of competition amongst pirates...


    The fact they are not involved in the national diplomacy, might open up the option for a nation to make a pirate a privateer for an amount of time.


    You are failing to consider one key factor. This is a game were + numbers = win. Trying to split pirates up will not work. We would simply coordinate and work together. Why? Because if we didn't we'd stand no chance in a game were nations field large fleets for PVP.    Pirates would not make much 'gold' if we had to consistently try to evade large fleets on enemy players. I know this because even when I go 'stealing' on my own, I get hunted by fleets.  This would in turn make rank progression much more difficult and imbalanced compared with nations.  What you suggest is an epic nerf.


    • Like 1


    Gents, Lasses, Pirates, when it comes to rum, at this particular time in my life (a poor, broke college students) only one type of rum suites me: the cheapest. Alas, I must agree that Captain Morgan is a fine. However other, less seasoned rums I find better for mixing and for relaxing. Captain to me is the "Party Rum." Other rums such as Don Q and a local fair 'Old New Orleans" are better for those relaxing days when ye just want to sit back, sip, and have a calm cigar or pipe.

    If'n ye fancy yerself a rum enthusiast, then I highly recommend And a Bottle of Rum by Wayne Curtis. He tells the story of America's history as well as some Caribbean history through the glass of a rum bottle. 


    In concluding his book, he offers some suggestions for his favorite rums, prefacing with "I will not be listing any spiced rums here, for I assume you want to drink rum, not candied liquor."


    Well to be fair to you laddy, I have tried the supermarket's own brand. It's almost have the price. Bought it because it was the only one they sold in a half bottle, and I knew if I bought the full 70cl, I'd tan it all in one night  :lol: 

    It wasn't bad! In fact, it's probably one of the more well known brands. Supermarkets do that a lot with their own brands.

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