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Black Spawn

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Posts posted by Black Spawn

  1. Today I encountered a strange behavoir of the harbor fort.


    I was in battle with 3 enemy ships one of them a LGV. since the other 2 were dragged in pretty far away i could capture the LGV with the help of my 2-fleet ships pretty fast.

    Since the bow of the LGV was done i put some crew on it and later the fort sank it once it was in range, it wasnt by accident since no enemy was near.

    please look into this, i also F11ed it.

  2. Could someone please explain the effect that sail force has on the properties of the ship. Thanks


    as far as i understand it the variable effects the performance of the named sails depending on the point of sail.


    therefore the max-speed of the ship isn't influenced but the max-speed for the different points of sail (close-hauled, broad reach etc.)

    • Like 1

    Can anyone explain to me how to calculate the price that someone would recieve for lets say Iron ore in a consuming port which is currently empty, (i.e. the price does not show up in the shop data). I assume it will be in the item description, but none of the prices listed there make any sense to me...


    For starters there aren iron-consuming ports anymore :)


     And IMO you can't extract those numbers atm. same goes for shipspeed etc. the numbers from the spreadsheet just dont compare to the ingame ones.



    {"__type":"MegaChaka.Services.Items.ResourceTemplate, MegaChaka","Name":"Kurland Oak",









    What you could do is crosslink the different Templates:

    - ItemTemplates_*.json

    - Shops_*.json

    - Ports_*.json


    BUT it only shows the prices if something is in stock:










    - Ports_*.json:


    {"Name":"Marsh Harbour","Location":"Bahamas",[...]"Id":"9",[...]},


    Your best and probably only option is to hard-code those numbers i guess. Just extract them from the ingame trader tool.



  4. I agree that some of them look out of place or garish on certain ships (a Swedish blue Connie for example). However admin is keeping to generally historical ship colors based on period artwork or documentation.


    Look at this in perspective of players asking for total customization like being able to paint their ship like the Black Pearl or to paint their sails purple with skulls. The current paint mechanism is a good way to allow for some customization and potentially for micro-transactions down the road without having to actually put up with the fantasy pirate colors.


    I absolutely agree. Microtransactions will and have to come to keep the game alive in the long run. As all early access games the devs are probably looking for different income sources than the "single game buy". In my opinion skins would be the only legit way to achieve this. If we are looking at a trial for microtransactions the skins they have implemented are are good way to fulfill demand and still stay kind of historic accurate


    But IF they aren't even thinking about this, I would rather not have "Breast harbour" and "Rouge Noir" ingame. But thats just my 5 cents


    Nice. Thats a very rare one i think. Could you maybe take some like the vanilla screenshots (closer - side profile and slightly from behind)?  :)


    Also thx to Ethan.B for his beautiful Santisima Pinstripe!

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